《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》The Old King's Words


‘Twas on a silent night that I awoke.

Unable to sleep peacefully, I grabbed a certain gift that I had so mindlessly received from a rather religious friend of mine and for whatever reason, I was unable to stop thinking about it.

I grabbed the strange stone orb and fiddled with it as I made my way back to my room where my queen slept.

I silently crawled back into bed before looking at the orb as the moonlight eerily crept into the room.

I kept my eyes on the orb, even as they tired and their lids fell.

Something about the orb, the Cruinne, puzzled me so.

It felt like a beacon, yet it had an ugly dull green appearance.

It felt like a key and yet it was a ball with unreadable scribbles across its surface.

I felt that it hid an entire world of secrets and yet the harder I focused on it, the more convinced I was that those secrets were better left unlearned.



I opened my eyes to find myself hurtling across an ink-black void and the only source of light was a blindingly bright point of light in the distance.

I looked down and I could’ve sworn that I saw a gigantic woman floating in the void, but I couldn’t focus on that thought for long as something strange came into view.

I looked to my right and saw an enormous building floating in the void.

It defied all reason as some stairs were placed perpendicular to the ground and fountains could be seen spraying water sideways. To make things worse, the building’s design was so twisted and jagged that my mind ached whenever I focused on it for too long.

I eventually realized that I was being pulled towards the building.

I braced myself and closed my eyes, but the pain of impact never came.

I opened my eyes and found myself floating in what looked like a garden.

It was surrounded by waist-high brushes and was littered with countless exotic looking flowers.

My eyes then fell on the garden’s centre.

There, a woman could be seen sitting on the rim of a fountain.


A voice said from within my mind.

It was feminine and gentle, but it shook me to my core and I dared not move as the light of a crescent moon bathed me and my surroundings.

My feet eventually touched the dry grass beneath me and I realized that I was naked.

[Do not be afraid. Come to me]

The voice said and I found myself slowly walking towards the woman.

I eventually reached her to find that she had her eyes closed and her hands clasped.

She wore a rather beautiful peach dress and had thick blond hair.

“Hello.” The woman greeted. Her voice was so soft, so beautiful that it brought me to my knees. I then felt a surge of heat come over me and I almost choked as I dared not breath in the woman’s presence.

“Greetings, bana-phrionnsa!” I cried while desperately trying to hide my fluster.

“Stand, please.”

I did as the woman said to find her still sitting in the same position.

I don’t think her mouth moved when she spoke either.

“What do you think?” The woman asked and again, her mouth didn’t move.

“This garden. It resembles mother’s, no?” She asked, but I sealed my lips.

“Go on. Give me your honest impressions.” The woman said.

“My sincere apologies, but I know not what you speak of, m’lady,” I said as my knees trembled.


“Oh? Then I guess I made my decision too hastily. Ah well, you’re here, so let us make the most of this time. Come.” The woman said and after blinking, I found myself in a dimly lit room which had stacks upon stacks of books.

I looked at one of the room’s corners and found the woman sitting with a book in her hands.

I walked up to her and noticed that she was so still, I questioned if she was even alive.

“I am alive, but what does that truly mean?” The woman asked, almost as a direct response to my thoughts.

“I mean no offence by this but are you… a real person or a figment of my imagination?” I asked.

“I am neither. Although you can call me whatever you like.” The woman said.

“Don’t you have a name?”

“I do not.”

“Why don’t you give yourself one?”

“I could, but I wouldn’t mind if you gave me one.” The woman said.

“Mmm… how about Fìor?” I asked.

“That will do, I suppose,” Fìor said as the book in her hand's page flipped on its own.

“Tell me, do you know your father?” Fìor asked, but I was beginning to grow self-conscious of my naked self.

“Err… yes. My father was a king and a rather kind one, relatively speaking.” I said while covering my crotch with my hands.

“Is that so? Father is a king as well, I guess. Although he possesses an unrivalled apathy.” Fìor said.

“What do you mean?”

“He is an entity that cares not about the pains and struggles of his children. Although one could argue that we do need not divine intervention.” Fìor said.

“Just who is your father?”

“He is the prolegomenon and the conclusion to every story. He is Father of all things. He is Kthana Yaweh.”

“Is he a god?” I asked as my heart rate slowly decreased.

“Maybe,” Fìor said.

I nodded before looking around. The room we were in looked both familer and also completely alien to me.

The roof, floor and walls were made of wood, but no definite patterns could be seen on their surfaces. Instead, strange dark markings crawled across the entity of the room.

“What is this place?”

“This is the culmination of my convictions. My… library, so to speak.” Fìor explained.

“What are you doing here?”

“Searching for Father, although I feel as though my little brother may meet him before I get the chance,” Fìor said as the room was bathed in bright light. It seemed as though the building was rotating through space and I could see a certain gargantuan ball of fire off in the distance.

It was so bright that my eyes stung with a familiar pain.

“You spoke of a brother. Are there more beings like you out there?”

“Maybe. I only know of three- two others. My little brothers. I wonder when mother will finally lift a finger to raise her children.” Fìor said and I could almost hear resentment in her voice.

“Tell me, what is your purpose?” Fìor asked.

“To rule over my people and ensure that I have a relatively fruitful reign. Although that what is uttered is most often a mockery of the efforts needed to make those words into reality.”

“Spoken like a true king,” Fìor said.

“Do you suppose my purpose is different?” I asked.

“I don’t know and if I can be completely honest, I’m beginning to forget mine,” Fìor said.


“Well… you could always find a new purpose. Also, I don’t mean to be rude, but do you have any clothes to spare?” I asked only to find myself dressed in a fine silk robe.

“Err… thank you.”

“You said that I could always find a new purpose. I’ve always wanted to be a mother.” Fìor said and for some reason, my heart skipped a beat.

“Then, by all means, do it. I’ve heard that motherhood is the most wonderful thing. Although I have no children myself.”

“Oh? Do you really think I could nurture life?”

“I can’t say for sure but you never know until you try,” I said with a chuckle.

“Hehe, for a king, you have a wonderfully free spirit,” Fìor said with a beautiful laugh.

“I try. Anyway, when will I be returning to my home?” I asked.

‘Mmm… well, I could release you at any moment, but I think I may want something from you.” Fìor said and I could hear hints of hesitance in her voice.

“Mmm… what do you want?”

“I want a child.”

“Oh? Then I suspect you’ll be looking for a suitable partner-“

“I want you to give me a child,” Fìor said.

“I... I'm afraid I have to politely decline. I am betrothed and I have a duty to my kingdom. I cannot stay here and raise a child-“

“You won’t have to and I’m not asking for you to fall in love with me. All I want is the second half of the genetic ingredients necessary for the creation of a child-“

“Children are not things that can be created using a recipe or on a whim! You need to think really carefully about this-“

“I have and I have decided that you shall be the one I have a child with. What? Do you honestly think that you ended up in this place by accident?” Fìor asked and for the first time, her almost porcelain-like face moved.

She frowned at me as her golden eyes quivered.

“I am lost. I have been alone for eons. All I want is something to love, something to care for and you would dare question me? Need I remained you that I am his daughter?” Fìor asked. Her voice a silent yell.

Silence befell the room as Fìor and I stared at each other.

“I… I’m sorry.” Fìor whispered.

“I just don’t want to be alone anymore,” Fìor said as she tightly clasped her hands.

“I cannot imagine what you’ve been through, but there are possibly thousands of other men who’d all love to spend the rest of their lives with you and maybe even gift you with a child. Unfortunately, I am not one of them.” I said.

“I understand,” Fìor said, but she couldn’t fool me. I could hear her pain so clearly that my knees weakened, but I stood my ground.

“Say, may I ask of you a favour?”

“As long as it doesn’t involve being a father, yes,” I said with crossed arms.

“Could you visit me every now and then?” Fìor asked.

“I… suppose I could, but how would I get here. I don’t really want to float in the void again.” I said as a chill ran up my spine.

“Mmm… come,” Fìor said and after blinking, I found myself in a large chamber made from dark, shiny stone.

Fìor and I stood atop a platform that sat at the exact centre of the chamber and at its center sat stood a pedestal.

She then grabbed a dark stone disc and offered it to me.

“Here, this is the Kleidí. Use this whenever you feel like visiting.” Fìor said as I took the Kleidí.

“I will visit as often as I can. Oh, how do I use it?”

“It’s simple. Just think of this place when you’d like to visit and here you will appear.” Fìor said.

“Understood,” I said as I looked around.

“What now?”

“I suppose you could return to your home. I have some… thinking to do.” Fìor said.

I nodded as my body started floating.

My vision slowly faded and I slowly closed my eyes.

The last image in my mind was Fìor in all her perfection although her eyes had lost a bit of their shine.



I awoke to find myself in my bed and my queen slept peacefully next to me.

I let out a deep sigh even as my heart continued to beat rapidly.

“Mmm? Why are you up so early?” My queen asked, but I shook my head in response.

“Worry not, dear. I merely had a strange dream.” I said before noticing that I had two items in my hands.

The Cruinne and the Kleidí.

I placed them on the bedside table before starting my day as king of Cridhe Iarainn.

My day went by as any other.

I met with various nobles and there were whispers in the air about the brewings of war, but my advisers assured me that all was well.

I’m not so naïve as to believe everything I’m told and so I questioned a certain religious friend of mine.

Teine Callaghan.

He confirmed that his order, the Crucibles, were at odds with a tribe up north, but he assured me that total war was not a possibility.

With this in mind, I returned to my throne room and there I pondered on many things, but no matter how hard I tried, the only thing I could think about was Fìor and her library.

I thought about the void, its contents and visions of a gargantuan woman came before instantly vanishing from my thoughts.

My day eventually came to an end and I found myself staring at the roof as the minutes crawled by.

I grew so restless that I eventually gave in and grabbed the Kleidí.

I fiddled with it intently as I sat up on my bed. The dark, cold stone disc was covered in markings just like the Cruinne, but they looked far too different. I couldn't tell whether they were written in the same language.

Nothing happened no matter how hard I focused and I eventually gave up and laid my head to sleep.



I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange garden.

It had four tall green walls and on each of those walls was a door with a strange rune floating above it.

At the garden’s centre was a fountain and next to it was a dark wooden door.

It just stood there, without hinges or a frame.

I slowly walked towards it and realized that I was naked, but at this point, I didn’t care.

I looked up and gazed in awe at the night sky.

I grabbed the door’s handle, opened it and right after blinking, I found myself in a dimly lit room filled with books.

In the room’s corner, sat Fìor, only something was different.

I slowly walked towards her as she flipped through several pages in her book.

She eventually noticed me and a smile slowly formed on her face, making my heart skip several beats.

“Oh? I didn’t expect you to visit me again.” Fìor said as her face gradually reddened.

“Ah, I… couldn’t stop thinking about you- this place. This world. Perhaps I’m simply losing my mind and all this is my minds way of showing me how far I've fallen into madness, hehe.”

“I am most certain that you still have most of your wits about you,” Fìor said with a chuckle.

“I’ll have to take your word for it,” I said with a smile.

I then felt something running down my face and I looked to see blood dripping all over the silky black robe I wore.

“What in the world…?” I gasped as I held my nose.

“What’s happening?” I asked as Fìor slowly stood up.

“Shh. Come here.” Fìor whispered as she spread her arms.

I nodded before falling into her bosom and almost instantly my mind went numb.

I felt Fìor’s hand as it gently rubbed my head, but not even that could take away the extreme numbness I felt.

“Shh,” Fìor sounded as she tightly wrapped her hands around me.

I then noticed that I had gotten blood all over her beautiful peach dress.

I tried prying myself from her grasp, but she tightened her grip even further and so I gave in.

The bleeding eventually stopped and Fìor let me go.

“I am so sorry,” I said as I messily wiped my nose.

“No, it was my fault. I shouldn’t have shown myself to you so soon.” Fìor said with a pained expression.

“What do you mean? Haven’t you been here all along?” I asked and I wasn’t sure, but there was a rather sweet smell in the air.

“I… I’m sorry. Could we meet again some other time?” Fìor asked.

I sighed before nodding.

My vision slowly faded and I eventually closed my eyes.



I awoke to find my queen and a maid frantically wiping my face with damp cloths.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I sat up.

I was then told that my queen awoke and saw that I had bled rather profusely and so she called the maid for help.

I assured the two that I was fine and that they needn’t worry.

They eventually accepted my words and my day began in earnest.

I spoke to my advisor and various other nobles and they told me that the tribe to the north was attacking certain temples in the northern region of my kingdom.

This, I could not tolerate and so I told my generals to handle it.

Noon eventually arrived and I had lunch with Teine.

He told me that the northern tribe had a name. They called themselves Awnings and they were primitive, barbaric people.

I wondered if they were afraid of us due to our technological differences.

Or maybe it was our religious differences that caused them to attack us so.

Teine told me not to worry too deeply about it and so I didn’t.

Scaring them off wouldn’t be too much of a problem.

After finishing dinner, I handled a few other official matters before joining my queen in bed.

We then slept as the silence of the night engulfed the world.



I awoke in a certain garden, except all of four of its doors were open and from within all of them came a blindingly bright light.

The door next to the fountain was still there, but I decided to give Fìor some time alone.

I stood up and inspected the runes above the garden's four other doors.

I wasn’t the best of readers, but that seemingly didn’t matter because all of them were blurry.

I picked one at random and slowly walked towards it.

I cautiously crossed the threshold and felt an overwhelming sense of clarity.

My eyes widened as the blinding light faded to reveal that I was in my room.

I sat up and looked around to see that not much had changed.

I crawled out of bed before realizing that I was naked.

I looked back and saw my body peacefully sleeping next to my queen.

My eyes widened as I tried to piece it all together.

The answers I sought never came and so I sat next to my sleeping self as I continued to ponder, but just as I touched my body, I felt a strong force pulling me back into it.

My vision quickly darkened and my eyes closed as my consciousness slowly faded.



I awoke the next day feeling rather refreshed.

I finished most of my royal duties before noon and I quickly found myself getting bored.

I visited the library and there I poured over various historical documents in search of anything that could explain Fìor and the world she lived in.

A few hours passed, but all I learnt was that a lot of the early history of my kingdom was missing.

It’s almost as though it had been erased, but I couldn’t be sure.

The earliest document I could find spoke of King Lòchran and how he saved our people from an age of darkness and madness.

The book didn’t go too deep into the details, but a curse befell humanity in times long past and almost everyone turned to dust in an instant.

A chill ran up my spine as I wondered what force could have brought about such cataclysmic destruction.

What event set in motion the near extinction of our kind?

I hurriedly closed the book before making my way back to my quarters to find that my queen was nowhere to be found.

I deduced that she was having lunch with the ladies of the court and so crawled onto my bed and stared at the roof for a moment.

This didn’t last long and I eventually fell asleep.



Several days passed and my court had grown rather noisy as a certain report arrived.

“An entire battalion?” One of the nobles exclaimed as I read the report.

“It is clear that the generals are slacking in their duties to produce quality soldiers.” Another noble said with a scowl.

“How could we have predicted that they would send such large numbers to the northern forest? And do not, for a second, question my ability to train soldiers.” One of my generals yelled.

“Bite your tongues! You’re in the presence of the king.” My aid said and the room quickly became silent.

I turned to face one of the nobles, who had his face behind his hands as he sat on one of the many chairs that lined the court.

“My condolences, Socair was a good young man,” I said and several of the arguing nobles lowered their heads.

“We need to initiate dialogue with the Awnings. Hold the line for now. No advancements whatsoever. Create a specialized battalion that will try and reason with the Awnings.” I ordered.

“As you say, your highness.” The head general said.

The procession ended and my day went by with me spending most of my time with my generals.

This also led to me growing rather stressed.

My reign had been relatively peaceful until recently.

Yes, I had dealt with a handful of skirmishes with rebellious nobles and villages here and there, but it was never anything as big as the current situation.

I returned to my quarters to find that my queen wasn’t there.

I deduced that she was meeting with the other ladies of the court.

I sighed before crawling into bed.

I then stared at the roof for a while before my eyelids fell and I fell asleep.



"What does the letter read?" One of my generals asked a frightened messenger, whi stood by the hall's entrance.

"What does it read?"

"They were all slaughtered, sir." The messenger said as buckets of swear rolled down his face.

"Dammit!" The general cursed as he smalled his fist on the table.

"Calm yourself. Our line still holds strong. There's a fortified town further up north. I suggest we swnt a large force there before we launch a full frontal assault." One of the nobles said, but at this point, I was far to tired of thinking and so I temporarily blocked everyone's voices out.

Was it irresponsible of me? Yes, but I didn't care. This was was far too taxing for both me and my people.

What the generals and nobles had forgotten was that behind every shield was a person with hopes, dreams and ambitions.

"What are your thoughts, your majesty?" Someone asked.

"The situation does seem awfully bleak." I said without thinking.

I then stood up and stared at nothing in particular.

"We follow your plan. We send a large force to the town you spoke of and we defend our people!" I yelled as I squeezed my fists.

I then took a deep breath before relaxing my hands.

"That is all. You're all dismissed." I said before leaving the room.

I then returned to my quarters to find that they were empty.

I shrugged before carelessly falling onto my bed.

I was tired.

No speech I could give could turn the situation my men were facing around.

I was beginning to feel as though aside from wearing the crown that sat atop my head, I had no other use.

I closed my eyes as such thoughts haunted me.

Although there was a thought that brought me comfort.

One that I had pushed aside for the longest time.



I awoke in a certain garden and I had grown rather curious as to how Fìor was and so I walked up to the door next to the fountain.

I entered it and found myself in what looked like bedroom which was dimly lit.

I silently walked towards the large, exquisite bed to find Fìor sleeping underneath silky sheets.

Her hair messily covered her face and her breaths were almost too faint to hear.

I then felt a bit drowsy and blood began to drip from my nose.

In my panic, I backed away from the bed, but I made far too much noise and Fìor awoke as a result.

She opened her beautiful purple eyes and looked at me with a puzzled expression as she sat up.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know I would appear here,” I said as I squeezed my nose.

Fìor tilted her head for a moment before sighing.

She then crawled off of her bed, revealing her body, covered only in a silky robe.

She walked towards me and placed her small hand on my cheek.

“I thought you’d forgotten me.” She said as her voice trembled.

“I was only away a few a little while.”

“A little while for you is an aching eternity for me,” Fìor said as a single tear fell from her eye.

My heart trembled and in the heat of the moment, I pulled gently held her hand as she sobbed.

“Forgive me.”

“No, it’s not your fault,” Fìor said, but that didn’t shake away the burning guilt I felt.

The two of us slowly fell to the ground as Fìor continued to weep.

“It’s not fair. Brother gets to experience so much while I float in this vast emptiness.” She said.

“Why can’t you come to my world? My kingdom may be experiencing rather dour times, but I'm sure you'll find a place for yourself in to time at all.” I said.

“I do not exist in the physical world. I could channel small pieces of myself into that place, but it would only be a temporary solution.”

“Why not channel all of yourself into the physical world?” I asked, but Fìor flinched slightly as I let her go.

“That would come with certain risks.”

“Ah, that’s the thing about living. It comes with risks.” I said with a smile.

A smile that came from a place that I had begun to forget.

A place so sweet, so calm and true.

Fìor looked into my eyes for a moment before looking down, almost as though she were in pain.

“You could stay here… with me.” She suggested.

My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to speak, but I struggled to find the words.

“I… can’t.” I eventually said.

“Oh?” Fìor whimpered.

“I cannot stay because my kingdom needs me, but I can give something instead and it will not be the consequence of a whim. No, I genuinely want to leave you with something to cherish.” I said as Fìor’s eyes slowly widened.

“You mean…”


More tears fell from her eyes before she took a deep and determined breath.

“Thank you. In return, I shall impart unto you some knowledge. My brothers are in your world. One may have already fallen and another is doomed to meet a similar fate. The last one, however... I need you to ensure that the gateway to cause is left untouched.” Fìor said as she stood up.

“Sounds... simple enough. What about you?” I asked as Fìor crawled back onto her bed.

“I shall remain here and do what my mother seems Incapable of,” Fìor said as her skin started to glow.

“Come.” She said. Her voice thundered throughout the world that was the void as her skin brightened.

I squeeze my fists and steeled my nerves before walking into Fìor’s light.

A light that was so bright and yet gentle and welcoming.



I awoke the next day with a strange feeling welling up within me.

I crawled out of my bed and watched as the sun steadily rose in the clear eatsern sky, a rare occurrence.

I then fulfilled my kingly duties and partook in several meetings with various people and in all that time, I felt nothing but pure joy.

"We managed to hold the town, your highness. Although the coming winter could lead to food shortages in the war torn regions." A nobleman said.

"Understood. Have the northern farmers complete their last harvest. We'll use their yields to feed our men and they'll receive their food from the more southern based farmers." I said while subconsciously grinning.

"Err... yes." The nobleman said while giving me a puzzled glance.

"Is my plan lacking in some way?" I asked.

"Feel free to give me your opinion on the matter."

"No, your highness. Your orders were most suitable for our current situation." The noble said.

I nodded before dismissing the noble.

I let out a deep sigh as my queen approached with several servants in tow.

"You seem pleased." She said.

"Mmm? Pleased? No. I am feeling rather positive though." I said as my queen peered out into the greying sky via one of the many tall windows.

"Our northern border is under constant attack, a cold winter is coming and the nobles are stressed, yet you are feeling positive." My queen said before taking the seat next to mine.

"I... a pessimistic attitude won't change anything." I said as I rested my head on my throne.

"True, but blind optimism often supercedes ruin."

"Mmm... those words aren't yours." I said with narrowed eyes.

"As keen as always. I've been speaking to the advisor and he says that we must call upon the gods for help."

"You never struck me as the overly religious one."

"I never said I was an atheist." My queen said.

Silence befell the hall and my eyes darted from wall to wall as I thought.

"I will speak to Teine and see what he thinks." I said while resting my head on my hand.

"Good." My queen said as she stood to leave.

I nodded to myself before making my way towards the eastern wing of the castle.

There, in a dark and dusty room, I found Taine as he sat nosedeep in one of his books.

"Greetigs, Taine. It would seem as though you're rubbing off on my queen. She's begun to mimic some of you more... quirky aspects." I said, prompting the advisor to look at me.

"Oh? I can only apologize. As of recently, the queen has displayed a keen interest in the nature of things and once she found out that we were currently in a war that had yet to choose its victor... well, she became very interested." Teine said.

"Is that so? She said something about seeking divine intervention. What are your thoughts on this?"

"The gods will surely come to our aid, should we ask. However, in your case, you've never had to commune with them as your reign was fairly peaceful. But the time has come for you to beckon their Oh so glorious names." Teine suggested.

"Mmm... allow me to think more on the matter." I said as I turned to leave.

"I assure you, you majesty, we have no other choice." Teine said.

I eventually returned to my room where I pondered on the state of things.

My eyelids quickly grew heavy and I eventually asleep.



My mind shook as I heart two heartbeats.

I opened my eyes to find myself in Fìor’s arms.

I looked around and saw that i was in her bedroom and she smiled as soon as my eyes met hers.

I sat up to see that her belly had grown substantially.

"Hello." Fìor greeted sweetly.

"Hello." I greeted, my eyes glued to her belly, which was covered I a silky peach gown that had a slit that parted in the middle, allowing me to see Fìor’s stretched skin.

"Is that-?"

"Yes. It is. It's life. Growing within me. Feeding off of me. Feels almost parasitic, but every time it suckles, I am filled with a joy that brings me to tears." Fìor said.

"Is that so? Well, I'm happy for you."

"Are you not happy as well?" Fìor asked with a saddned expression.

"I'm beyond happy, it's just that my kingdom is facing a certain crisis. That may be what's dampening my enjoyment of this moment."

"Is there anything I can do to help-?"

"Please, no. Stay here. Rest. Raise this child-"

I stopped as I saw Fìor’s expression darken.

"Raise our child. I will take care of the matters in the corporeal plane." I said with a sigh.

Fìor gently ran her hands through my long hair.

"You humans are far less durable than you know. When the time comes, walk through the door beneath the Dia rune." Fìor said as I rested my head on her shoulder.

"You sometimes speak as though you can see the future."

"I... can see glimpses. It's as though someone is purposefully hiding the truth in its entirety from me. I assume this is Father's doing." Fìor said.

"Mmm... what will happen when I enter the door?"

"You will shed your tethers and soar. Come now. Rest." Fìor instructed.

I nodded before resting my head on Fìor’s lap.

I wondered who her father was.

My eyes caught a glimpse of the bright light in the void as I peered out of the window.

I wondered if maybe Fìor was the daughter of the sun...



I rested my eyes and brushed aside such thoughts.



My court was in disarray.

People were shouting at each other while various pieces of furniture flew across the room.

Several nobles were absent and my advisor was nowhere to be seen.

I raised a tired hand, silencing the hall.

"The barbarians are at our borders. Our people are hungry and cold. Their revolt is anything but unexpected." I said with a sigh that sounded more like a groan.

"Many nobles are fleeing as we speak. I suggest we take assist them in their retreat. Actually, I suggest we do a recall of our forces in the north-"

"Madness!" Someone exclaimed, but I ignored them.

"I shall stay here, along with any soldiers who still have the will to fight and we will defend this city." I muttered.

The sounds of chaos and anarchy filled the distance air. I could hear the screams of my people. I could hear their pain.

I then watched as each of remaining nobles left the hall.

Two of my three generals left, leaving me and with head general Ston.

I stood up and met his eyes as he approached.

He then stared at me for moment before bowing.

"It will be an honor to die your side." He said.

I gave him a pat on the shoulder before looking at the hall's open doors.

"Come. Let us see what we can make of out last moments. For before these walls crumble and our cold bodies fall, we will use our very bones to defend this place if we must." I said.

General Ston nodded before accompanying me out of the hall.

We then met with the few nobles who hadn't fled and we planned various things including the full withdrawal of our northern forces.



After bidding Ston goodbye, I walked through countless empty hall's before arriving at my room to find that it was empty.

I had been informed that my queen had fled along with the other nobles, but I made sure that none of what she and the others did would be seen as treason.

I fell onto my bed and winced as the sounds of chaos persisted, even in my quarters, which were in the castle deep.

My eyes eventually fell and I didn't resist sleeps call for what awaited me in that other place was worth the blisters on my feet and the dirt that covered my hands.



I awoke by Fìor’s side and she watched with a faint smile as I stretched my arms.

The me in Fìor’s world didn't have hollowed cheeks or thin arms.

I appeared as I did the very first time I met her.

"You look tired." She said.

"I am, but I'm worry not about this old fool. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Tired. She has stopped suckling. I wonder when she'll decide to come. This is a first for me, so I don't exactly know how it's going to happen or how it's going to feel. I'm still excited though." Fìor said with a yawn.

I nodded as a tremor shook the world of the void.

These tremors had become rather common and Fìor informed me that it was our child.

It was squirming about in its mother.

I chuckled before gently rubbing Fìor’s enlarged belly.

"What do you want to name her?" I asked.

"I think we should wait until she arrives. We'll see what she thinks of the matter."

"You speak as though she will be able to provide any meaningly input in her naming." I said with a chuckle.

"Who knows. She might." Fìor said.

A moment passed.

Then another.

I then thought about my kingdom.

I thought about the cold winter that pelted the farmers as they ate whatever parts of thei harvest which hadn't rotted.

I thought about-

The world shook, but I brushed it off.

"Ah!" Fìor cried as she sat back onto her pile of pillows.

I then watched as her belly bulged and contlused.

My vision darkened as the tremors intensified.

"Hold my hand!" Fìor screamed as copious amounts of blood fell from my nose.

I did as she instructed before being violently ejected from the room.

I crashed through several walls before finding myself hurtling away from the floating library.

"Fìor!" I screamed as my body flew across the void.

I then spotted something.

An enormous woman.

She slept serenely in the void as countless gardens floated above her head. Each of them bound to her by countless vines that were attached to her long black hair.

I watched as they flew past me in my descent before eventually crashing into something.



"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I opened my eyes to find that I was on my bed in the royal chamber, except at the centre of my bed, was a pool of what I assumed was my own blood.

An intense pain then assault my mind.

I quickly realized that there was something in the blood pool.

I cautiously sunk my hands into the warm blood and slowly raised them receiving the corpse of a newborn.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as the pain in my mind ached.

It felt as though something was repeatedly stabbing my skull, but I didn't care.

I lowered my head to check if the child was breathing.

I then checked for any signs for a pulse.

I did this for who knows how long before finally coming to a certain realization.

I hunched over as more pain assaulted my body.

I slowly stood up before walking towards the chamber's largest window.

I looked out of it to find that an enormous golden moon hung in the sky.

It's light screamed into me forcing tears to fall from my eyes, but it mattered not as I had long since begun crying.

I looked down and saw an army approaching my city.

I tightly clutched the still warm corpse before looking up at the moon.

I fell on my knees and begged it to save my people.

I begged that some higher power save my daughter, but nothing happened.

I then remembered something Fìor had told me all that time ago.

I closed my eyes as I gently rocked the still warm corpse.



I awoke in a certain garden to find that it was in ruin.

The grass was completely dried up and all four doors looked like they'd been torn apart by some terrible force.

My eyes then fell onto child in my hands.

It gleefully smiled as it suckled its own thumb. Even as tears continuously fell down my face.

I then slowly stood up before walking towards the door beneath the Dia rune.

My eyes widened as my thoughts suddenly cleared.

A bright flash assaulted my eyes.

Several images of a battlefield came and went.

I watched as several grey clad soldiers died.

Their bodies were viciously crushed by an unseen force.

It was as though some titanic monstrosity had stampeded across the battlefield.

Everything darkened again and I blinked several times before realizing that I was seated atop hill that overlooked the city of Anvil.

Cold winds and snow pelted my body as I sat.

I noticed that I still held in my hands the corpse of a child, but my hands had changed.

My skin had darkened and had a strange texture that I couldn't make out clearly because I was covered in blood.

I also noticed that I was covered in countless scars and so after sighing, I slowly crawled towards a nearby bunch of shady trees.

I rested against one of them as more cold winds blew by.


"Mmm?" I sounded.

[My voice! Can you hear it?]

Fìor asked from somewhere I couldn't see.

"I can hear you."

[Come to me!]

Fìor cried.

"I don't think I can." I said weakly.

My vision had darkened almost completely and my body had long since gotten cold.

Fìor's voice quickly faded in my mind, but somewhere in the murkiness I could hear them.

The cries of a child.

I had to keep living.

For her.

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