《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》22. Home of the Numbers


Ayden locked the door before joining everyone near Jean’s grave.

Ayanna tightly gripped her claymore as she looked at the mound of dirt beneath her.

Fea hopped up to the front side of the mound before raising his hand and making a fist.

“Come now, Jean would not have wanted us to mourn forever. We must clutch his memory tight and move forward.” Fea said with his beak raised.

“So smile, my dears. Lift your heads and smile.” Fea said as Ayden walked up to him.

The boy lifted him before placing the crow on his head.

“Thank you, Feannag,” Àlainn said as she walked past Ayden.

Fea raised his beak even higher as everyone walked along the path.

Everyone then boarded Ayanna’s boat and they made their way down the river.

The night had become restless and the moon’s rays bathed the land with an almost blinding amount of light.

Ayanna and company eventually reached a certain dock and there, they moored their boat.

Ayanna helped everyone out of the boat before reaching for Ayden’s hand.

The boy accepted his mother's hand before noticing that Àlainn also wanted to hold hands. Ayanna gently smiled before taking Àlainn's hand.

The group then made their way towards Dòchas, which was several kilometres southeast.



Ayden narrowed his eyes as a certain town came into few in the distance.

Its old wooden buildings were well lit under the light of the moon and a large lake could be seen in thedistance.

Ayden stared at the moon's reflection on the water’s surface.

It was… perfect.

Almost as though no ripples dared spoil its image.

Ayden blinked a few times before spotting a few torch-wielding lookouts patrolling the town's perimeter.

Ayanna led her group downhill and they approached one of the lookouts.

He was of average height and was clad in thick leather clothing.

“You there, be ye man or beast?” The lookout asked as he raised his torch illuminating Ayanna and company.

“We’re normal. Relatively speaking.” Ayden said.

The lookout’s eyes widened as he spotted a perched crow on top of Ayanna’s head.

His face twisted into a scowl and he reached his hands down to his waist where a gigantic saw hung.

Ayden noticed this and clasped his hands dramatically.

“Umm… we’ve come from a town up north. It's overrun by all manner of beasts and I think we may have found what caused this dreaded night.” Ayden said, but the lookout’s eyes did not move from Fea.

“Oh? That sounds interesting and all, but I’m just a cog, any information you have should probably be given to the boss. My concern, however, is that.” The lookout said as he pointed at Fea, who stared back at the lookout.

“That’s… our pet,” Ayden said with am awkward smile.

The lookout's eyes narrowed for a moment before he placed his hands on his waist.

“That is one ugly bird, I tell you. Ah well, far be it from me to question nature’s designs.” The lookout said before pointing toward the town's northern gate.

“Ask to meet the boss. He’ll hear you out. Oh and welcome to Dòchas, home of the Bloody Numbers.” The lookout said with a smile that highlighted his blue eyes, which were sharp and focused like daggers in the night.


“Err… thanks?” Ayden said as he followed Ayanna further downhill.

They eventually arrived at the gate and there, their bags were checked before they were led into Dòchas.

The town itself was pretty normal.

It was much smaller than Sùith and its streets weren’t paved or even that clean, but it was home to dozens of people who looked happy, even as the night hung.

Unlike with the Awnings, where everything was hidden away, the town of Dòchas was open all the way down to the pier, where several ships could be seen.

Children ran about playfully as their parents worked away.

The heavy presence of Bloody Numbers probably helped with the secure air that filled Dòchas.

Ayden took note of how they all stared at Fea whenever they passed them.

They eventually arrived at a large hall, where countless other people awaited.

Countless bags and crates littered the building's perimeter.

“The hall has been divided into small, individual rooms. Look for one that’s free and boom, you’re in. Contact me or the other Numbers if you need help.” One of the Bloody Numbers said with a warm smile, although his posture said otherwise.

He looked like he was ready to kill anything that he viewed as a threat in an instant.

Ayanna nodded before leading everyone into the hall, where the sounds of friendly banter and chat filled the air.

The hall was indeed divided into cubicles that were about the size of average-sized bedrooms and they were separated by wooden walls and doors.

An old and scruffy man approached Ayanna before pointing his hand at a door that was on the second floor of the hall.

“That one is empty.” The old man said as his body quaked.

Ayanna nodded before leading her group to the room and to their complete surprise, it was empty and clean.

Ayanna and Àlainn set up some blankets to fend off the cold that had been sweeping the land.

Meanwhile, Ayden knelt in front of Fea with his head lowered.

“I know you did not mean it, but for you to think of it so quickly… that must mean that the thought crossed your mind at some point,” Fea said without a caw.

Ayden opened his mouth to speak, but he didn’t understand why Fea was so upset in the first place.

“Anyway, I will let it slide since it seems the Numbers have paranoid blood in their veins,” Fea said before hopping over to Àlainn, who had snuck into some blankets.

Fea hopped into her hands before closing his eyes to sleep.

Ayanna and Ayden, on the other hand, walked towards the door.

“We’ll be right back, ok?” Ayden said before he and Ayanna made their way out of the hall.

They then walked up to the Number that had guided them before.

“Umm… hello?” Ayden called out and the Number turned to face the boy, although his stance was far more relaxed.


“We have some crucial information we’d like to share with your boss. Any idea where we could find him?” Ayden asked.


“Sure! Follow me.” The Number said before leading Ayanna and Ayden to a rather large and heavily fortified building.

It had all sorts of extra wooden boards nailed into it making it appear almost like a landlocked ship.

They arrived at the unguarded entrance and their guiding Number led them past several other numbers until they came across a middle-aged man whose leather clothing was completely bleached.

Apart from a few bits of dirt and blood here and there, he looked like a dandelion in the mud.

“Boss, these survivors say they have some info for ya.” The guiding Number said.

The middle-aged man leaned back into his old chair as he scratched his greying beard.

“Well? What do you know?” The “Boss” asked.

“We know what started this night and we know where he is,” Ayden said while trying not to pay too much attention to the large saws and cleavers that littered the building's interior.

Those “weapons” were wielded by men and women who looked a tad more ferocious than the beasts out there, but Ayden kept his focus on the man in front of him.

“He?” The Boss asked as he leaned forward.

“Yes. His name is Gi’ Kolarum and he is the great one that brought about this dreaded night. He’s in the Dubhar mountains right now.” Ayden said.

“Mmm… how did you come about this information- what a minute! Are you the people Alex spoke of?” The Boss asked, his eyes widened slightly.

“I think so. We met him a while ago in Sùith and again in Dachaigh Gual.” Ayden said.

The Boss nodded before pressing his scarred hands on his chin.

“I am willing to believe that whatever caused all the is in that cursed town of yours, but I can’t just send people there, as I’m sure you understand.” The Boss said as he stood up, revealing his slightly above average height.

He then crossed his arms as he stared at Ayden with his soft green eyes.

“I will, however, send a small team there. They’ll investigate the place and report their findings. Once that’s done and we attain concrete evidence that what you say is true, we’ll make our move. That’s if you aren’t lying, of course.” The Boss said with a faint smile.

“Of course,” Ayden said with a nod.

“Good. Now rest. I’m sure this night has taken more than its fair share from you.” The Boss said as he dismissively waved at Ayden.

Ayden nodded again before he led Ayanna back outside.

There, he lightly stretched before looking around.

Dòchas was indeed a haven of sorts.

Ayden tugged at Ayanna’s arm.

“Do you want to look around for a bit?” Ayden asked, but Ayanna shook her head.

“Ok. Let’s head back then-“ Ayden stopped as the sounds of commotion filled the air.

He and Ayanna wasted no time in running towards the hall where some of the lanterns slowly turned purple.

Ayanna bit her teeth before grabbing Ayden’s arm and rushing back to their chosen room, where Àlainn and Fea peacefully rested.

Ayanna closed the door before sitting cross-legged on the floor.

No one spoke as she closed her eyes.



Ayanna opened her eyes, stood up, walked through the door and down the stairs to find a certain creature looming over Dòchas.

“Could you please watch from afar?” Ayanna asked as she watched the panicked Dòchasians moving about.


“I know, just… please. For a little while.” Ayanna asked.

A high pitched shriek filled the air as the gigantic creature slowly turned around.

[I shall do as instructed, but only for a little while.]

Yar’ Ley said as he lumbered away.

Ayanna let out a deep sigh before turning around to leave, but her eyes widened upon realizing that all of the Numbers in the area were staring at her.

Their sharp eyes stared at her and one of them even walked through the crowd towards her.

The number stopped just in front of her before reaching out to touch her, but his hand passed through her, leaving him bewildered.

Ayanna wondered if the number could see her and so she slowly backed away and walked back to the room.

The Number kept his eyes on her as she slowly phased through the door.

She returned to her body and slowly closed her eyes.



Ayanna opened her eyes to find a concerned Àlainn and Ayden.

“What’s going on?” Ayden asked.

“It was Yar’ Ley. He followed us here. I asked that he keep his distance for the time being.” Ayanna said.

Ayden nodded before sitting next to his mother.

“I see.” He said before a knock on the door caught his attention.

Ayanna stood up and slowly opened the door to see the face of the Number from before.

“Greetings, My name's Calvin and I was wondering if any of you experienced anything strange recently. An extremely strange dream, for example.” Calvin asked with narrowed eyes.

“No. Although there’s not much we can do from keeping the terrors of the night from creeping into our thoughts as we sleep, hehe.” Ayden said with an awkward laugh as Ayanna shook her head.

The number looked at Ayanna for a bit before sighing.

“Ok, let me know if that changes. There’s a madness spreading about. It would be best for all if it was dealt with swiftly.” The Number said before leaving.

Ayanna closed the door before sighing deeply.

“These people aren’t kidding around, huh?” Ayden retorted.

“I wonder what makes them so alert. The lookout from before definitely knew I was special and now this.” Fea muttered.

“I’m sure we’ll find the answers to those questions in due time, but I suggest we rest for now,” Àlainn said.

Ayanna nodded before going back to her spot, where she cuddled with Ayden as her eyes slowly fell.

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