《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》16. The Daughter of the Sun


Jean’s entirety shook as he stood right next to the door which had the Sealladh rune floating ominously above it.

He remembered that it had something to do with sight or a vision or something.

He wanted to know what awaited him beyond the peaceful garden, but at the same time, he was terrified by the possibility that he would encounter a terrifying truth, should he step beyond the boundary.

He also considered that his mind may be permanently altered or even broken by the experience.

Jean took deep and slow breaths before looking up to find Yar' Ley creepily watching over him.

Apparently, he could not converse with Yar' Ley as that would have certain effects on his mind.

Jean didn’t object to this.

He poured all of his focus on the door before stepping into the light.

In an instant, his mind was flooded with a sense of clarity.

He felt comfortable.

Incredibly so.

His eyes adjusted to the gradual dimming of the light, revealing that he was in Ayanna’s house.

Well, he was there, but on the floor, sleeping somewhat comfortably in a mass of blankets.

Jean looked at himself and saw the bloodstained bandages that covered his face.

He reached out to touch himself, but as he did so, he felt a strange tugging force that made him pull back his hand.

Jean then turned around to find Ayanna gently hugging-

His eyes shook as he saw a massive orb of red light within Ayanna’s arms and within that light was an infant with curly red hair.

Jean’s knees buckled, forcing him his knees.

His eyes continued to tremble as Ayanna let the infant go.

Fea then said something that Jean couldn’t hear and it seemed as though everyone was completely fine with the red glowing entity.

Jean crawled towards the being as tears welled up in his eyes.

He eventually came to a stop just in front of it.

The glowing infant slowly open its deep purple eyes and the world seemingly shook.

Ayanna said something that Jean couldn’t hear as she cautiously approached the floating infant.

Jean’s eyes then met with those of the infant and at that moment, Jean was convinced.

As he looked into the ethereal purple hue of the infant’s irises, a flood of questions tore through his mind.

Jean nodded to himself before grovelling away.

He reached out to touch his body and as he did, an incredible amount of pain assaulted his head.



Jean open his eye to find the house in disarray.

Everyone was staring at Ayden, whose hair was glowing dimly red.

Jean slowly stood up, even as his headache threatened to paralyze him.

“He’s one of them,” Jean said, his voice weak.

Everyone turned around to see him standing hunched in the corner, his eye wide open.

“Jean, you’re awake!” Fea said with a caw, but the excited look in his eyes disappeared as Jean pointed a trembling finger at Ayden, who hadn’t stopped glowing.

“Ayden is a great one,” Jean said.

Ayanna looked Ayden over, her hands tightly wrapped around him.

“Ayanna… who are you and why is your son a great one-"

Jean fell to his knees, prompting Àlainn to help him stand.

“Calm down, Mr. Jean. You need to rest.” She said, but Jean shook his head.

“Please… I want to know.” Jean said.

Ayanna looked at Ayden, who was relatively ok, considering his hair was glowing.

She then took a deep breath before sitting on a nearby chair and placing Ayden on her lap.


Jean bit his teeth as the purple flames of the candles gently lit Ayanna and Ayden as they sat.

“Wait!” He cried.

“If it proves too painful, I’d rather you tell me when your throat is better,” Jean said as Àlainn helped him sit.

Ayanna raised her right hand before dismissively waving it.

“It's fine. You shared your story with me so allow me to share mine.” Ayanna said

Everyone could hear the pain she felt with each word she uttered, but no one spoke up to interrupt her.

“My name is Ayanna Kosa and I come from a land far to the south called Maelewano. It’s a relatively peaceful place, with beautiful savannahs and golden sunsets. It's home to many tribes of people and I happened to be born in a rather prosperous family. I had seven siblings, but tradition dictated that my sisters and I he wedded to men from other tribes. I begged my father to spare me from such a boring fate, but he strongly denied. Stating that whatever I sought was not waiting for me beyond our tribe’s borders. My naivety overpowered my reasoning and I ended up running away from home. Pitiful, right?” Ayanna asked as she tightly clasped her hands.

“I chose to abandon my father, all in search of some sort of freedom, which in hindsight, I could’ve easily obtained had I gotten married. It’s not like I would have been imprisoned, right?” She asked as her eyes peered at nothing in particular.

“It wasn’t easy at first, I’ll tell you that and by some strange miracle, I didn’t die. I spent most of my time in the wilderness searching for things like water and food, all the while keeping my head high and my heading northward. I eventually found a band of travellers and that’s how I met Randall. With his help, I managed to survive a little longer. For years I lived by the day and I relished in every little experience. For years I tried quenching the thirst my heart was convinced it had.” Ayanna said as Àlainn handed her a cup of water.

Ayanna quickly downed the water before letting out a deep sigh.

“Our adventures eventually led us to Randall’s homeland, here and if I can be completely honest, Cridhe Iarainn was a boring kingdom, but at that point, I had lost the desire for adventure either way and so, with the help of Randall and some of our old companions, I built a home for myself and here I lived for the years that followed,” Ayanna said as she faced Ayden, who stared at her with his big brown eyes.

“My life then forever changed on one misty morning. I took the boat down the river and wandered into a cove in search of fish spawning nests, but to my surprise and dismay, I found a baby laying helplessly on the side of the river. Its body was covered in mud and vegetation and it looked as cold as ice. I spared no moment as I dove into the water to save you and after ensuring that you were ok, I brought you home with me.” Ayanna said as the lights from the purple flame brightened slightly.

“I didn’t know who birthed you, nor did I know why they abandoned you. All I did was love you and I’ve loved you ever since.” Ayanna said as tears welled up in her eyes.

Ayden dove into his mother's arms as he too began to weep.


Fea’s beak hung open and Àlainn smiled gently as Ayanna and Ayden held each other tightly.

Jean rested his head against the wall.

He cursed himself for forcing Ayanna to speak as it was so obvious that they weren’t guilty of anything.

In his search for answers, he abandoned his sensitivity and his chest ached upon coming to the realization.

“I’m sorry,” Jean said as he lowered his head.

“It's fine,” Ayanna said as she raised her head.

She then extended her right arm towards Jean, who trembled at the sight.

Àlainn helped him stand and helped Jean walk towards Ayanna before he joined her in the hug.

Jean pulled Àlainn as well and Fea hopped onto Jean’s head.

Everything in the world- no, everything in the universe disappeared as their hearts beat, not in synchrony, but harmony.



Jean and everyone eventually broke free from the warmth of the hug after hearing a strange growl coming from Ayden’s stomach.

“I guess it’s time for dinner,” Àlainn said as she eyed the rabbit in the kitchen.

Jean nodded before returning into his blankets and for some reason, the pain from before felt… better. It wasn’t lessened to the degree that he could forget about it, but thanks to a single moment, he felt as though he could bear it forever.

Ayanna and Àlainn prepared dinner as Fea pecked at Ayden’s glowing hair.

“So, what are we going to do about Ayden?” Fea asked.

“Mmm… boy, how are you feeling?” Jean asked.

Ayden looked himself over.

“I don’t feel any different,” Ayden said.

“Mmm… Let’s see what we know. Ayanna found you when you were a child and she’s raised you ever since. Ayanna, did you ever notice anything strange?” Jean asked, prompting Ayanna to place her fingers on her chin.


“I see. I have a theory. Ayden may be an infant great one.” Jean said and almost immediately after, the room fell completely silent.

“The garden… I walked out of it and saw Ayden, but he was different. He was far younger than he is now. He was a baby, actually.” Jean said.

“What do you think this means?” Fea asked.

“I don't know. I could try asking Yar' Ley about it, but he says that if he and I communicate for too long, I could get hurt or something.” Jean said prompting everyone to let out hums of understanding.

“Mmm… let’s run down what we know great ones are capable of so that we keep an eye out, just in case Ayden accidentally does anything,” Jean said and everyone nodded as the smell of stewed rabbit filled the house.

“Gi's influence is capable of altering our world to such a degree that he froze the world in a single night. Mmm... is possible that we’ve all awakened and this is the reverie plane?” Jean asked.

“No. This world makes far too much sense. You see, although I have never been, I can say for certain that the reverie plane is far more chaotic than anything we have encountered thus far.” Fea said.

“That’s the thing, I stepped out of the garden and that led me here.”

“Mmm… that doesn’t make sense,” Fea said.

“Hehe, what does at this point?” Jean retorted as he sighed.

Ayanna and Àlainn eventually finished cooking and after eating, everyone assumed their sleeping positions.

Jean, however, couldn’t sleep.

Yes, the left side of his head was throbbing painfully, but it wasn’t just that which kept him up.

He was exhausted.

Mentally so.

“Hey, Jean,” Fea called out as he slept on his little crate.


“Umm… this is something that I’m sure is gnawing at the others right now. What is the point of all this? Life. Death. Existence.” Fea asked.

“Mmm… I think that life, although a fleeting thing, has meaning in itself. We are here and that’s pretty much all that matters. That’s the way I see it, at least.” Jean said.


“Yes. What we see, hear and touch although sometimes painful and tragic is inherently beautiful. So although the point may not present itself so clearly, I think that it exists regardless of our acknowledgement.” Jean said as drowsiness finally crept over him.

“That… makes sense, I guess. But what will any of that beauty mean if in an aeon or two, we are gone and the beauty of our existence is forgotten?” Fea asked.

“That’s just it. I don’t care. What matters to me is what I do and feel now and how that affects those around me. Because we are at the mercy of the hands of time and resisting is, well… pointless.” Jean said.

“Hehe, When did you become so philosophically inclined?” Fea asked with q chuckle.

“I don’t know. Anyway, let’s get some sleep.”




Jean awoke in a certain garden.

Strangely enough, he had both of his eyes in this place.

He let out a faint sigh before walking up to Àlainn, who peacefully sat on the rim of the fountain at the garden’s centre.

“So… do you come to this place every time you dream or…?”

“I am here whenever you need me,” Àlainn said.

Jean raised an eyebrow as he walked over to the door beneath the Sealladh rune.

He took a deep breath before turning to Àlainn once more.

“What truly awaits me out there?” Jean asked.

“I don’t know,” Àlainn said.

“Mmm…” Jean droned before stepping into the light

Like before, his mind felt completely freed from all the cloudiness that once blurred his thoughts.

All was clear.

He stood up, leaving his body behind, before walking over to the bedroom where Ayden, Ayanna and Àlainn slept. Well, Ayden was in the form of an infant.

Jean took a deep breath before walking over to where he’d be closest to Ayden.

“Ayden,” Jean called out to the sleeping infant, whose entire body was engulfed in a deep red aura that swirled around him gently, like the petals of a flower.


The infant slowly open its big purple eyes and for a moment, Jean’s mind froze.

He shook his head before spreading his arms.

“Come on,” Jean called out and the infantile Ayden slowly floated towards him, leaving behind him a faint outline that resembled a human child.

The infant floated into Jean’s arms and the two stood in complete silence as they stared at each other.

“There’s so much I want you to tell me,” Jean whispered as he tickled the child’s plump cheeks.

“Who knows. You may be the one to end all this.” Jean said as Ayden clutched his index finger.

Jean gently smiled as he tightened his hold on Ayden.

His heart determined and his mind prepared.

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