《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》14. Yar' Ley Appears


Jean messily wiped his tears as Ayanna rubbed his back.

He then took several deep breaths before he and Ayanna walked towards Pavo, who was speaking to one of Alex’s men.

“Yes, we’ll visit as soon as we can.” Pavo said.

Alex’s subordinate gave him a quick nod before walking towards his comrades.

“Can you spare a moment?” Jean asked with teary eyes.

Pavo turned around, revealing that he too was rather flustered.

Actually, everyone except Ayanna looked extremely depressed and teary eyed.

“What in the world happened back there?” Jean asked.

Pavo wiped away at the mixture of tears and snot that lingered beneath his nose.

“I’m not sure, but I think that woman somehow invaded our minds.” Pavo said.

“Mmm… come to think of it, this isn’t my first time experience something like this.” Jean said as Alex’s men prepared for departure.

“Oh? Do explain.”

Jean explained his experiences when he first arrived in Sùith and the illusion that that Oliver had created.

“Mmm… tis a strange night indeed. Anyway, all this will soon end. I suggest you gather your things and join us on our return trip to the Dubhar mountains.” Pavo said.

Jean looked at Fionn, who listlessly sat against the side of her carriage.

He then looked at Ayanna, who tilted her head, much to his relief.

Jean took a deep breath, allowing his thoughts to settle.

Well, that was the goal.

“Can you give us a moment?” He asked.

Pavo nodded before walking towards Fionn’s carriage.

“Well? What do you think? Should we follow Pavo and find an end to all this or live out the rest of our lives in this cursed night?” Jean asked, but just like before, Ayanna simply shrugged, however this time Jean wanted her to give her input.

“Ayanna.” He said firmly, prompting her to place her hand on her chin in thought.

Jean patiently waited.

He even drowned out the sounds of yelling coming from Fionn’s carriage.

“I think we should do what keeps us safest.” Ayanna whispered.

“So… we stay?”

Ayanna shrugged in response, causing Jean’s shoulders to fall.

“Ugh…” Jean sounded before walking over to Pavo.

“Sorry, but we won’t be able to follow you.” Jean said.

Pavo let out a sigh as his men tied up Fionn and her companions.

“Fine. Mr. Casey over there says that there’s plenty of people in his home town and they too are helping out others in need. We’ll relay what we’ve learnt to our elders before taking any further action." Pavo said.

“And Fionn?” Jean asked.

“She will be trialed by our elders soon.”

“Wait a minute. If the Crucibles want to bring about our collective awakening, what do your people want?” Jean asked.

“Mmm… I see no problem in summarizing our beliefs. We, the Awnings, have long since accepted the natural state of things. To us and the world, man in an animal. Doomed to exist momentarily and die, just like everything else. To search for higher purpose or meaning is a cursed endeavor that usually leads to suffering and chaos, as you can see. We believe that mankind and all other life, exists to fulfil a fleeting goal. To exist. Once all is said and done, we will perish. The same goes for the great ones. They may have witnessed many an eon, but surely they too will die when everything turns cold.” Pavo said.

“If that’s so, why are your people so adamant in your animosity towards the Crucibles? If it is as you say and whatever they do to themselves is meaningless, then why haven’t you let them?” Jean asked.


“Because what they seek represents the shattering of the natural process. If they were to have had their way, our world would have been plunged into this nightmare a lot sooner.” Pavo said.

Jean remained silent for a moment.

“I see. Farewell for now, then."

“Farewell.” Pavo said.

Jean and Ayanna slowly exited Dachaigh Gual.

Jean came to a stop a few meters from the dock.

His hands had began trembling something fierce and his eyes stung.

Ayanna gave him concerned look, but Jean waved his right hand dismissively before following her.

The two hopped onto Ayanna’s boat and made their way north.

They eventually arrived back home, to find everyone soundly sleeping. They also noticed that everyone looked rather clean.

Jean looked himself over before realizing that both he and Ayanna were rather dirty.

“Come on.” Jean said.

He and Ayanna then grabbed two buckets before filling them in the river below.

They then entered the little bathroom that was just behind the main house and there, Jean removed his dirty clothes and untied his now neck-long hair.

Ayanna’s hair was extremely curly and similarly long, but she let it sit freely atop her head.

The two then cleaned themselves with the notably chilly water before slipping into some fresh clothes.

They returned inside the house and after grabbing a blanket, Jean slept next to Fea, who slept atop a little crate.

His small body covered in a small blanket.

Ayanna walked into the bedroom to find Ayden sleeping peacefully with Àlainn.

Ayanna pouted as she hopped into bed with them.

“Mmm?” Ayden sounded, but Ayanna shushed him back to sleep before she too followed him into the land of dreams.



Jean awoke in a garden.

Well, it seemed as though he was trapped inside of one.

He looked around at the gardens tall green walls that looked far too thick to forcibly traverse through.

Jean let out a defeated sigh before his eyes fell on an old marble fountain and sitting idly on the fountains rim was Àlainn.

She wore a white silky nightgown and had her hands crossed over her legs.

Jean walked up to her and she greeted him with a smile.

“What’s going on? Is this a dream?” Jean asked as he looked around to find four, terribly damaged wooden doors on each of the gardens walls.

Two were open and one was so damaged, it might as well have been open too. From within all of them came a blinding light that prevented Jean from seeing the side beyong the doors.

“Yes.” Àlainn said softly.

“Mmm… if that’s so, then what are you doing here?” Jean asked as he paced around.

He was anxious, yes, but he chose to keep calm and rationally maneuver though this bizarre situation.

“I am here to attend whatever desires you may have.” Àlainn said.

“Do you know anything about this place?” Jean asked with narrowed eyes.

“Yes. This is the garden of the mind. Those born with the shackles of ignorance are blessed with a sanctuary that serves as a bastion against the unknown that is the reverie plane.” Àlainn said.

“Is that so? If you knew this the whole time, why didn’t you say anything when we were analyzing the contents of the journal?” Jean asked.

“Because you did not ask.” Àlainn said, prompting Jean’s brows to furrow slightly.

“Ok, so tell me about the reverie plane. What’s out there?” Jean asked as he looked at one of the open doors.

The incredibly bright light prevented him from seeing anything on the other side and even then, he was too afraid of what possibly awaited him.


“The reverie plane is home to the secrets of everything. What was, is and might be resides in that place.” Àlainn said.

“Be more specific.” Jean said with a rather sharp tone, but Àlainn didn’t react.

“I know not more than that.”

Jean let out a scoff as he continued pacing about.

“According to what we know, Bruce and Gi tried forcibly awakening everyone. What does that mean when we factor in this garden?” Jean asked.

“The garden helps protect those with shackles of ignorance from forceful awakening.”


“I… do not know.” Àlainn said with a lowered head.

“Mmm… sorry.” Jean said as he came to a stop in front of Àlainn.

Silence followed as Jean digested what he had learnt.

He then heard a strange and deep stomping noise.

As if a large creature was stomping about nearby.

A freezing cold chill ran up his spine as another stomp filled the air.

Jean’s eyes trembled as he slowly looked up.

His eyes then met two ink black ones that belonged to a creature that dwarfed the largest of trees.

It had countless dark tentacles on its back that reached out into the darkness of the night.

Other tentacle like structures stuck out from it’s almost rock like head that housed it’s two ink black eyes, which were it’s only recognizable facial features.

The creature also stood on eight dark muscular legs that were the size of trees and within its ribcage, was a strange red pulsating organ.

It looked deep into Jean’s eyes before a strange noise filled the air.


A voice said.

Jean’s vision blurred and he fell backwards, hitting his head on the grass covered ground.



Jean awoke with a fright.

He opened his eyes and clutched his blanket as his eyes darted around the dark room.

A low stomping noise could be heard.

Jean took deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself, but that didn’t really work.

He checked and saw that Fea was still sleeping peacefully in his little blanket.

Another low stomp filled the air and Jean’s heart began beating its fastest.

He looked up to see the wooden roof belonging to Ayanna’s house, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was up there.

Beyond the wooden roof.

Jean slowly stood up, grabbed the key from the table and quietly left the house.

He then took a few steps forward before turning around as a deep low droning noise filled the air.

Jean then slowly looked up to meet a pair of terrifying, yet familiar eyes.


A voice said.

Jean bit his teeth as he desperately clung to his rationality.

He squeezed his fists and took countless deep breaths as he peered into the darkness.

[Aren’t you going to say hello?]

The faint voice asked, seemingly coming from within Jean’s mind.

Jean swallowed nothing before opening his mouth to speak.


He thought to say, but before the words even left his mouth, the creature let out a high pitched sound.

[Nice to finally speak with you. You’ve taken good care of my wife and I’ve been wanting to say thanks.]

The voice said as Jean’s eyes continued to tremble.

“You’re welcome." Jean said, albeit softly.

The creature then let out a strange raspy noise.

[Our conversation must end here. Your mind is in a fragile state. I will continue to watch you though.]

The voice said and all Jean could do was nod.

[Good. Now, go back to sleep-]

I wonder what his name is. Jean wondered.

[It’s Yar' Ley. Now, go on.]

Yar' Ley said.

Jean nodded repeatedly as he slowly made his way back into the house.

He then wrapped himself in his blankets before staring at the ceiling.

He barely blinked as time seemingly slowed to a crawl.

Jean deduced that it was merely a trick his own mind was playing on him.

He needed to calm down and so he took several more deep breaths before closing his eyes and he eventually fell asleep, albeit with a frightened caution.



Jean awoke to find the house in a pretty busy state.

Ayanna was preparing breakfast, Fea was discussing various things with Àlainn and Ayden idly sat on one of the four chairs around the table near the kitchen.

Jean stood up.

His legs trembled as his eyes slowed turned towards Àlainn, who instantly noticed his gaze.

“Is something the matter?” She asked.

“I met him. Yar' Ley.” Jean said as his body jolted awkwardly.

Everyone gave Jean looks of concern.

“Are you ok?” Ayden asked and for some reason, Jean could see a purple glint in the boy's eyes.

A sparkle?

No. Jean needed to focus.

“It was in a dream-"

“I believe you.” Àlainn said as she stood up.

She then walked up to Jean and placed he hand on his cheek, which had an extremely calming effect on Jean.

“How is he?” Àlainn asked as everyone stared.

“He’s… ok, I guess. Did you know he was a beast?” Jean asked, but Àlainn shook her head.

“Charlie is no beast, but he always had a peculiar side to him.” Àlainn said with a giggle.

Jean smiled awkwardly before noticing something sticky on his chest.

He pulled up his jacket and shirt to find that his gills had bled.

“Mmm… wait a minute! You appeared in my dream. Are you aware of this?” Jean asked as he pulled his clothes into their normal positions.

“Yes.” Àlainn said.

“What are you two talking about?” Ayden asked and Jean gave a summary of what he had experienced.

“I’m amazed you didn’t awaken.” Fea said with a caw.

“Hehe, don’t even jest about that. Anyway, it would seem as though two and a half of my garden’s doors are broken. Does this mean I’m more susceptible to forceful awakening?” Jean asked.

“No and yes. No, the garden itself is a barrier for the mind, so we probably shouldn’t worry too much and yes, if you take even a single step beyond the garden, you’ll probably awaken, but I can’t say for sure.” Fea said and everyone let out understand hums.

Jean then grabbed an extra shirt before walking over to the door.

“I guess I’ll have to sleep extra carefully, yeah?” He retorted as he left the house.

He grabbed a bucket before making his way down the path and towards the river, but just as he reached the stream of water, he saw a strange man on the other side.

His body covered in a red and rather dirty robe. Although making out any other details would be hard under the light of the crescent moon.

“Oi! You over there! Are you friendly?” Jean asked.

“Yes! What brings you to these parts?” The man asked.

“Can’t say. Hey, why don’t we have a little chat, if you don’t mind?” Jean asked.

“Sure.” The man yelled.

Jean nodded to himself before taking Ayanna’s boat and rowing over to the man.

He quickly arrived at the river's other bank where his eyes met with those of his newly met acquaintance.

“Nice to meet you. The name’s Jean."

“The pleasure is mine. My name is Bruce.”

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