《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》12. The Last Soldier pt. 1


“I don’t like this,” Jean muttered as he looked at a vast murky area that was beyond the edge of the forest to the north of Sùith.

“Why didn’t we take the western gate again?”

“Because you were afraid someone was gonna gouge out your eyes,” Ayden said as he inspected the fog blanketed land before him.

He wasn’t sure, but he could see strange things poking out of the ground.

Jean took a step forward and everyone followed.

Ayden then got a better look at the things that were sticking out of the ground.

He spotted what looked like extreme rusted and eroded shields, coupled with the occasional rusted sword.

A strange low groan then filled the air.

Jean and company continued moving, even as the groan grew louder.

They then spotted a figure in the distance.

It looked like an extremely tall man and he was on his knees for some reason.

Jean stopped in his muddy tracks, prompting everyone to stop as well.

The groan from before then turned into a strange choking noise as the man held himself up using what looked like a rusted great sword.

Jean took a deep breath.

“Hey!” He yelled into the fog, but the man didn’t move.

“Fea, fly over and see if he's alright,” Jean said.

Fea let out a faint scoff before flying towards the man.

Then, in an instant, the man swung his sword at the approaching Fea.

Fea did his best to avoid the attack, but it was far too late and his entire left wing was cleaved off.

“Ayanna!” Jean barked and the two quickly ran up to the man who pointed his sword at them.

Jean ran and grabbed a bleeding Fea as Ayanna glared at the man while raising her claymore.

The man kept his sword high, even as his chin touched his chest.

Ayanna’s eyes narrowed to a slit as she dashed towards the man.

He swung his sword, almost instinctively in an attempt to decapitate Ayanna, but she parried him skillfully before kicking him in the chest, sending him tumbling backwards.

Ayanna really didn’t want to kill him and by the looks of it, he wasn’t ready to die either.

Jean returned to Ayanna’s side after handing Fea to Àlainn and Ayden.

“Why do you attack us?” Jean asked, but the man kept his gaze low as he continued to choke.

Jean let out a grunt before running to the far left.

The giant man didn’t move even as Jean ran into his reach.

The man then swung his sword again with the same instinctive movements from before, but Jean carefully blocked the attack with his dagger while Ayanna ran towards the man.

She grabbed him and held his arms tightly as he violently resisted.

“Calm down-" Jean stopped upon seeing the man’s face, it was almost completely decomposed and only bits of flesh clung to his skull.

His eye sockets housed a pair of dim purple flames.

The man then let out a wail- no. It was more of a whimper.

“Ayanna. Let him go on three, then we finish this!”

Ayanna nodded.

“Alright. Three!” Jean yelled and Ayanna promptly let the man go.

Jean dashed forward in an attempt to stab the man in the chest, but the man kicked him away before rapidly dashing away from Ayanna, who was just about to behead him.

The man then let out a blood-curdling scream and the fog that blanketed the land seemingly disappeared, only for a strange black mist to replace it.


The mist gradually moved in towards the man and Jean was sure, but he could’ve sworn he saw hands in the mist.

Those hands made their way and touched the man as he wept.

He was eventually covered in dark hands that coated him evenly in black.

Ayanna dashed towards the man as she raised her claymore, but the man dashed backwards with an agility that far outmatched Ayanna’s.

Ayanna made sure to keep her movements in check.

One misstep and she could swing too hard and leave herself open.

She needed to be just as quick in mind as he was on foot.

The man violently swung his sword at Ayanna and from the edge of his blade, a wisp of black mist could be seen.

His wails had turned into angered grunts as he attacked.

Ayanna made sure to stay as mobile as possible, even if that meant soaking herself in mud.

The man then launched himself forward as he swung his sword toward Ayanna, but Jean tackled him to the ground before Ayanna chopped his head off.

Thick black goo poured out from his neck as the black mist dissipated.

Jean stabbed the man in his chest a few more times before getting up.

He looked Ayanna over to see if she was injured, but she waved her hands, indicating that she was ok.

Jean then turned to the two carts in the distance.

He made his way towards them with Ayanna in tow and there they found Àlainn tending to a bandaged Fea.

His eyes were closed and his breaths were frantic.

Jean bit his teeth.

“Let’s get to the other side. We’ll set up camp there.” He said in a low growl.

The group then made their way across the damp clearing and eventually found themselves on dryer grounds.

They then set up a campfire and placed Fea just close enough to feel its heat.

Àlainn and Ayden cooked up some stew using some meat Jean had dried a few days before.

Speaking of Jean, he had his arms crossed as he sat against a tree.

Ayanna sat next to him and were it not for the light of the small fire, the darkness of the forest would have surely enveloped them.

Jean let out a deep sigh.

“I am still the failure I was before.” He said.

“If I hadn’t sent Fea out so carelessly, he would still have both his wings.”

Ayanna remained quiet.

She just looked at Jean as he stared at nothing.

“We should have gone with Fionn.”

“We should have taken the western gate.”


Jean’s mouth hung open as Ayden walked over with two bowls in his small hands.

“He’s looking a lot better now. His wound actually closed up rather quickly, so we should be thankful.” Ayden said as he handed Jean and Ayanna their meals.

Jean accepted his bowl before letting out another sigh.

Ayden opened his mouth to speak, but when he found no words, he simply sat beside Ayanna as the flames of the little campfire flickered away.

Àlainn eventually joined them, with Fea carefully placed on a crate which was lined with a blanket.

Everyone huddled together before slowly succumbing to sleep's allure one by one.



“Ouch!” Jean awoke to a sharp pain at the top of his head.

He opened his eyes to find Fea poking at his head with narrowed eyes.

“Where are my things?” Fea asked as he stood atop Jean’s head.

“What things?” Jean cried.

“My Monocle and cane!” Fea said with a loud caw, waking everyone else up.


“I have them,” Ayden said as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

“Hand them over,” Fea demanded.

Ayden retrieved Fea's things from a certain leather bag and handed them to Fea, who then hopped off of Jean’s head.

“Are you sure it’s on for you to be so energetic so early?” Ayden asked with a yawn.

“But of course. I may have lost a limb, but fear not. My spirit remains unbroken, for I am Feannag McAllister!” Fea said, bringing bittersweet smiles to everyone’s faces.

Jean stood up before walking up to Fea.

“Listen… I’m sorry-"

“As long as my sacrifice played some part in our grand victory, it was worth it,” Fea said with a raised beak.

Jean made a slightly pained expression.

“Of course. Let’s pack up and move out. Our presence may have awakened a beast or something similar to that man from before, so keep an eye out.” Jean said and it wasn’t long before they were back on the move.

Fea proudly stood on a crate that was on the cart that Jean pulled.

His beak was high and the energetic winds rustled his pitch-black feathers to glorious effect.



“And there it is… the bog of a town,” Jean said as they moved along.

His legs had begun aching from all the pulling and walking, but he complained not as they trekked.

“Let’s hope Fionn and her people made it here safe,” Jean muttered as they arrived at a certain peer that was a few hundred meters west of Dachaigh Gual.

Jean spotted a few familiar buildings as they made their way towards the dock.

There, they spotted a few medium-sized ships and a few small boats.

Jean’s eyes narrowed as they settled on a boat to the far right.

“Alright, this might take several trips. Ayanna, you and Àlainn will take some supplies upstream and drop them by the house. Then, only you shall return as Àlainn packs everything up. We rinse and repeat this until everything’s packed away. Sound good?” Jean asked.

Ayanna nodded before walking up to her cart.

She then grabbed two lanterns and handed one to Àlainn.

Ayanna lit hers to find that its flames burnt purple.

Everyone let out hums of suspicion before Ayanna and Àlainn made their way upstream with the first batch of supplies, leaving Jean with Ayden and Fea.

Jean found himself feeling rather anxious.

He kept sneaking glances at Fea, even though he tried so desperately not to.

“Hey, I just realized that there are a ton of houses in Dachaigh Gual. We should see if they might have things we might need.” Ayden said, breaking the silence.

“Agreed,” Jean said.

More silence followed until a certain boat came into view.

Ayanna casually paddled towards the pier using her lantern's yellow flames.

Jean’s eyes narrowed as Ayanna hopped onto the dock.

Everyone then helped her pack some things into the boat.

This process was repeated until the last of the supplies was in Ayanna’s home.

Jean walked up the path and towards the humble home and for some reason, his heart rate was rather high.

He stopped at the entrance as everyone passed him.

Ayanna turned around and saw his hesitancy.

She smiled briefly before nodding that Jean follow her inside the little home.

Jean took a deep breath before entering the cold and yet comforting house.

He then noticed that the two lanterns were turning purple again.

“Mmm…” Jean droned as he grabbed the lanterns.

“Ayden, come with me for a moment,” Jean said as he walked outside.

He then handed Ayden one of the lanterns and pointed at a spot just down the path.

“Go there,” Jean instructed and the boy complied.

Jean and Ayden let out subtle gasps as Ayden’s lantern’s flame slowly turned yellow.

“Ok, now come back a little.”

Ayden did as he was told and the flame within his lantern returned to its previous purple state.

“Ok, that’s enough,” Jean said, prompting Ayden to get back inside.

“What do you think is causing the colour to change?” Ayden asked.

“I’m not sure, but I think it has something to do with Àlainn.”

“Pardon?” Àlainn asked.

“Have flames always been purple around you?” Jean asked.

“No. This only started after the evening of lamentation.” Àlainn said.

“Ok, but that doesn’t prove that you’re the one who’s causing this. Mmm… anyway, let’s get some rest.” Jean said before realizing that there was only one other room.

“Mmm…” He droned.

“Mom and Àlainn can sleep in the bedroom, while we lounge here,” Ayden suggested.

“Good call,” Jean said only to see Ayanna making a pained expression.

“Do you have a suggestion?” Jean asked, but Ayanna simply shook her head before walking toward the bedroom.

Ayden walked up to her and tugged on her sleeve before kissing her on the cheek.

The room seemingly got a little warmer as everyone settled down.

The flames within the lantern slowly died, but the darkness that enveloped the room was pleasant.



Jean was awoken by the sounds of heavy footsteps.

He opened his eyes to see Ayanna walking about in the kitchen area while wearing an apron, a pleasant scene enhanced by the purple flames of a nearby lantern.

He would have gotten up to assist her, but he was far too comfortable in his blankets and so he didn’t.

“Good morning.” He said with a yawn.

He looked up at a certain table and saw a soundly sleeping Fea.

His chest ached a little, but he took several deep breaths before finally standing up.

He then noticed that Ayanna was wearing nothing, but pants and an apron.

“Hey, what happened to your shirt and jacket?” Jean asked as he lightly stretched.

“They got dirty during the fight yesterday,” Ayanna whispered.

Jean looked at himself to find that he was covered in dry mud.

“Dammit.” He cursed.

“Looks like it's bath time for all of us,” Jean said.

Ayden then awoke, seemingly after hearing Jean saying a specific set of words.

“Good morning,” Ayden said with a yawn.

“Morning. Oh yes, before we bath. Let’s search Dachaigh Gual for supplies-"

“Aww, but I’m exhausted,” Ayden whined as he sat by one of the four chairs around a certain table.

“I don’t care. There’s no point in getting clean just to get dirty again, right Ayanna?” Jean asked, but Ayanna ignored him as she cleaned the kitchen area.

“Well, I’m sure she agrees. Also, I think it would be best if you stayed here with Fea and Àlainn.” Jean said before turning to Ayanna.

“As for you, grab your jacket, we’re leaving. Let Ayden clean up or something.” Jean said, but Ayanna turned around with a strange expression on her face.

“What?” Jean asked.

“I’m fine like this,” Ayanna whispered.

“No, you’re not. Grab your coat- wait a minute! Don’t you have another jacket somewhere?” Jean asked, his eyes wide.

“I do, but I’m more comfortable-"

“Go get it,” Jean said as he pointed at the serval crates and bags in a certain corner.

Ayanna’s eyes then narrowed to a slit, along with Ayden’s.

“You’re being real bossy, aren’t you,” Ayden said, his voice laden with malice.

“Come on, you can’t possibly accept your mother's current attire-"

Ayden crossed his arms before looking away.

Jean turned to Ayanna to find that she had the same expression.

“Really?” Jean asked, perplexed by this bizarre situation.

“Hehe, fine. Do what you want.” Jean said before unlocking the door.

Ayanna grabbed her claymore before reluctantly following Jean outside.

A gust of rather chilly air blew by and Ayanna ran back into the house before grabbing a shirt, slipping it on and returning to Jean’s side.

Jean opened his mouth to speak, but he let out a chuckle as he and Ayanna made their way down the path.

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