《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》Key Descriptions 02


The Scent of Royalty

÷ There is a myth from ages past and it states that those who are of Royal blood are connected to the divine. This gives them a rather pleasant odour.

The Old Locket

÷ An old locket that holds a hand-drawn family portrait of Oliver, his wife and two children.

Although it would seem the artists left an accidental pencil smug next to Oliver’s head.

It’s almost as if there’s an incomplete face where one shouldn’t be.

The Crescent Moon

÷ A waxing crescent moon that is unusually bright, for even in the darkness brought about by the night, almost all is illuminated under its gaze.

The Reverie Plane

÷ This plane exists seemingly alongside that on which our fathomable reality sits. It a place where dreams take form and nightmaresish beings roam.

The Endless Night

÷ In the night, humanity once found comfort.

It had a set amount of time that varied between seasons. Its silence was calming and its darkness warranted a good sleep.

However, everything changed once after the evening of lamentation.

Now the night lingers.

Its darkness hides all manner of beasts and its silence is unnerving.

Humanity must now cling to temporary bastions of light, which it was once took for granted.

The Atharchians

÷ An ancient people who seemingly often communicated with the great ones.

According to the combined work found within Marion and Oscar’s journals, the Atharchians fell upon hard times where famine and disease threatened to drive them to extinction.

However, in a last-ditch effort, they begged a great one to end their suffering.

Not much is known about what happened after.

It’s almost as if the entire civilization vanished overnight.

The Bloody Numbers

÷ These are people who thrive in the night.

Their mission is simple, hunt beats to an end only known to them.

They carry heavy blood-soaked weapons and wear twisted smiles as they roam.

One of their members, Alexander, says that their base of operations, a town called Dòchas, is safe, but it is unclear. Which is to be feared most, the dreadful night, or the men who thrive in it.

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