《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》4. Feannag McAllister


Ayden, Ayanna and Jean all looked at the crow intently.

“Well?” The crow asked as it adjusted the monocle over its right eye.

“Uh…” Ayden droned as the large black bird glided down to the ground in front of Jean.

It gracefully landed before placing what looked like a cane on the ground.

This revealed that it had a set of arms beneath its wings.

“I’m starting to think that we’d be better off going mad, just like everyone else,” Jean said.

"Ah... Madness. Tis true that the lands on this plane are in such a pitiful state, just like yourselves, but it is nothing to get ruffled over. After all, I am here! Feannag McAllister and I shall guide you along the dark path you travel.” Feannag said with a raised beak.

Ayden sighed before kneeling to face the bird.

“You’re an odd little one, aren’t you,” Ayden said with a gentle voice.

“What? Why are you talking like that?” Feannag asked as he slowly hopped backwards.

“Don’t worry. We’re just as confused as you are.” Ayden said.

“Confused? Me? My mind is completely unfamiliar with the state you speak of! Although I am pretty sure you have all succumbed to its effects.” Feannag said while dismissively waving his hands.

“Do you think that whatever happened is affecting animals too?” Jean asked, prompting Feannag to narrow his brown eyes to a slit.

“Yes, little Fea must have been affected too.” Ayden said as he stood up.

“Call me by my full name or do not call me at all,” Fea said with crossed arms.

“You seem to think that you’re something special, Fea. But I’ll tell you this, you’re not. Things are bound to get more bizarre and right now, a talking crow is about as normal as a dandelion in the grass.” Jean said as he stood up.

Fea didn’t respond as Ayden and Ayanna checked up on Jean’s.

“I am special,” Fea muttered.

“Oh? How?” Jean asked.

“I am partially aware,” Fea said before silence returned to the city centre.

Well, Ayden could still hear singing, but he chose to ignore it.

“What does that mean?” The boy asked.

The crescent moon gently lit Fea's pitch black feathers as he hopped along.

“To be aware is to have seen, felt or even heard a great one. The great one, in this case, is Gi' Kolarum.” Fea said.

“Who is this Gi person?” Jean asked.

“He is no person. He is an existence that lives, for the most part, in the Reverie plane. A place where dreams are made tangible.” Fea said as a cool wind blew by. Ayden would’ve felt it if it wasn’t for Fea's words.

“How do you know any of this?” The boy asked.

“Because, as I said, I am aware. I came into contact with lord Gi' Kolarum for a brief moment and he instilled within me a great wealth of wisdom.” Fea said.

“I see… so what does being aware imply?” Ayden asked.

“Ah-ha, I am only partially aware. It would seem as though my body changed to suit my new state of being. Those who are completely aware simply turn to ash while those who undergo partial enlightenment, but can’t fully maintain their sense of self go mad.” Fea explained.

“Is that why you said you were special?” Jean asked.

“Indeed,” Fea said with what looked like a smirk.

“Mmm…” Ayden droned as more winds blew by.

He looked around as he keenly inspected his surroundings.


“Hey, am I the only one hearing the sound of someone singing?” Jean asked.

“No. I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but seems like someone is singing somewhere.” Ayden said.

“Should we go looking for them?” Ayden asked Ayanna and she nodded, prompting that they head north, as that’s the direction the noises felt loudest.

“Umm… wouldn’t you like to know more about the current state of things?” Fea asked as he frantically hopped after Ayden and the others.

“If you wanna come along, just say so,” Jean said.

“Nonsense! I merely want to impart some of my knowledge on some potential students, is all.” Fea said as he hopped alongside his newfound human companions.

“Sure,” Jean scoffed as they walked down Sùith’s dark streets.

Nothing else was said as they approached the source of the singing.

They eventually arrived at what looked like an ordinary two-story house.

The lamp by the door was unlit and nothing seemed out of order, but Ayden and company raised their guards regardless.

Ayanna walked up to the closed wooden door and knocked once on its rough surface.

“I’ll tend to thee, while my heart gently weeps…” A voice sang in a manner that completely disarmed Ayanna and the others.

They all felt disoriented as they were overcome by an aching sense of longing.

“There’s definitely someone in there,” Jean commented as Ayanna knocked again.

“Perhaps the door isn’t locked,” Fea said.

Ayanna then cautiously grabbed the door handle and slowly pushed the door open.

“… On stormy nights I’ll sleep and mourn his stay at sea…” The voice sang, although with much greater effect now that the door was open.

Everyone slowly made their way inside the rather cosy looking house and found a set of stairs to the right.

The group made their way up the stairs and found themselves in a hallway with two doors on either side.

“… I’ll miss him endlessly till he returns to me…” The voice came from the door to the left and so the group slowly made their way to the door, which was ever so slightly open.

Ayanna slowly opened the door, revealing to everyone a rather serene sight.

A fairly young woman sat in front a window that allowed in just enough moonlight to illuminate her rather small frame.

In her hands was a small white piece of cloth and she looked like she was almost finished sewing onto it the final detail.

A small red flower.

Surrounding the woman was all sorts of equipment, presumably for sewing.

“… For now I’ll tend to thee, for you are here with me.” The woman sang, almost bringing Ayden to tears as her voice was softer and sweeter than any he’d ever heard.

“Umm… hello.” Ayden greeted with his youthful, yet comparatively rougher voice.

“Good evening, prionnsa." The woman greeted with a warm smile.

“What are you doing up here all alone? Don’t you know that there’s all sorts of strange things going on out there?” Ayden asked, but the woman sighed in response.

“What am I to do? I am but a simple seamstress. My legs are too weak to run and my arms are too small to fight. All I can do is make clothes as I wait.” The seamstress said as everyone gathered around her.

“Wait for what?” Ayden asked cautiously.

“My dear husband's return, of course. Let us shift our conversation, instead, to why you’re all here.” The woman said with a gentle smile.


“We’re on the run. The lands are stricken by a plague of madness and beasts. We thought that we’d be able to find sanctuary here, but alas, the city has fallen as well.” Jean said.

“Mmm… what is a sanctuary, if not a warm home in a fallen city. You can stay here for a while if you like. I’ve not much, but it should be enough for tired travellers, such as yourselves." The woman said before standing up and offering Ayden her white handkerchief.

Ayden accepted it and narrowed his eyes as he inspected the intricate flower that proudly took centre stage.

“Now, why don’t we have some tea?” The seamstress said before leading everyone out of the room.

Everyone placed their belongings down on various corners and they took care not to make a mess

Jean and Ayden sat on two of the three sofa’s while Fea and Ayanna remained standing.

The seamstress wistfully hummed away as she placed several pieces of wood into a large iron stove.

She then placed a pot on the stove before walking into the living room where she was greeted with silence.

The seamstress sat on the remaining sofa before looking at Ayden and bowing.

“Uh- thank you for letting us-"

“You needn't thank me. What else is an old maid such as myself to do in these times but offer a hand or two.” The seamstress said, but Ayden narrowed his eyes slightly.

The room was dark and so anything anyone could see of each other was a vague outline.

“Do you have any more wood?” Jean asked.

“Yes, there should be some in a crate next to the stove.” The seamstress said.

Jean nodded or appeared to nod, before standing up and walking into the kitchen.

“Fea, what is Gi' Kolarum like?” Ayden asked as Jean returned with firewood in hand.

“Well… I do not fully know. I know that at some point, my mind came into contact with him, but that is pretty much it. If I had become even a little bit more aware, it is reasonable to assume I would have lost my wits.” Fea said, his form hidden the sea of black that was the living room.

Jean carefully placed the firewood into the chimney before turning to the Seamstress.

“Have you any flint and iron?” Jean asked.

“They should be on the counter.” The Seamstress said, prompting Jean to return to the kitchen.

“What does the Reverie plane look like?” Ayden asked.

“Mmm… I am not sure. When I awoke, it was as though I had always been in this state. My mind knew not of the bizarreness that created it and so in some sense, I am as ignorant as you.” Fea said as Jean struck the flint against the iron, but to everyone’s surprise, deep purple sparks flew into the fireplace and a purple flame was born.

It bathed the room in its deep light and everyone looked at each other in wonder as the flame danced in its rectangular shelter.

“Wow.” Ayden gasped before turning to Ayanna, whose beauty seemed to have been enhanced by the flames.

Her silver eyes locked onto Ayden’s and at this moment, the darkness that loomed over the world seemingly disappeared.

“Oi, lady. Did you put something in your wood?” Jean asked as he inspected the fire.

“No.” The seamstress said as she stood up.

“I think the water’s ready.” She said as she walked into the kitchen, leaving everyone in a deep silence.

Ayden then realized that he’d been carrying a particular bag the whole time.

“Is there anything else you can tell us about this, Fea?” Ayden asked as he pulled out an old book from the bag.

“My name is Feannag and no. I do not know anything else. It would seem as though my body could only handle so much of the other plane's influence.” Fea said.

"I see. Jean, can you read?” Ayden asked as he offered Jean the book.

“What? You want me to read this?” Jean asked as he inspected the books cover.

“It’s a journal and it belonged to a Marianne Campbell. Where did you find it? Cause it looks really old.” Jean said as he flipped through some of the pages.

“We found it in a cave.”

“Is that so? Well, give me some time to finish it. I’ll tell you if I find anything interesting.” Jean said as the seamstress returned.

In her hands was a tray on top of which sat several cups of tea.

Everyone took theirs before the seamstress returned to her sofa, cup in hand.

“This night will be a long one.” She said as she took a sip from her cup.

“What makes you say that?” Jean asked.

“For on this will be the day of lengthy lamentation.” The seamstress said with an expressionless face.

Silence followed, only to be broken by the slurping of tea from everyone other than Fea.

Everyone eventually finished their tea and with a bow, Ayden thanked the seamstress.

“Oh, tis not a bother at all. Now, we have a spare room upstairs, if any of you would like to use it.” The seamstress said as she stood up.

“Please, you’ve done more than enough. We’ll sleep here.” Ayden said, but Fea raised his arm in objection.

“I shall take the private quarters.” He said loudly.

“Then follow me. Oh and goodnight, prionnsa.” The seamstress said before leading Fea upstairs.

Ayden exchanged glances with Jean, who held his spear close.

“I know she seems nice and all, but I’ll sleep with an open eye, just in case,” Jean said as he found a comfortable sitting position.

Ayanna sat on the seamstress's sofa before sending Ayden a warm smile.

She then slowly closed her eyes as sleep took hold of her.

Ayden sighed.

So much had happened in such little time, but for the first time since he and Ayanna left their home, he felt calm.

The purple light of the ethereal flame gently bathed him as his eyelids slowly met.



Jean opened his eyes and his ears perked up.

He slowly sat up and looked around the pitch-black room.

The purple flame within the fireplace had long since died out and, due to the dark nature of his surroundings, Jean wasn’t sure what the time actually was.

He then suddenly jerked his head towards the door as a certain sound called out to him.

He slowly stood up, spear in hand, before walking towards the door.

He made sure not to make too much noise as he slowly unlocked and opened the door.

The sound got louder and Jean’s heartbeat hastened as sweat lined his hands and anxiety gripped his heart.

The sounds got even louder as he walked down the streets of Sùith.

It sounded as though whatever was making the noise was to the east.

Jean eventually found himself near an alley and the sounds had reached their loudest.

His legs trembled as his eyes fell upon a nest of gross pig human infant creatures.

Their childlike cries were mixed with the loud chewing of meat and bone, but Jean didn’t move.

His throat tightlened as he reached out towards the nest of flesh and mud.

“Karisa?” Jean called out, attracting the attention of all the beasts, who revealed their countless eyes, even in the dark.

“What you doing here, sweetheart?” Jean asked as the child faced monsters slowly approached him.

“Papa said he’d be right back. You didn’t have to come all the way here.” Jean said as streams of tears fell from his eyes.

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