《Hidden Adversary》Chapter 10 Remake


Chapter 10- “Villains”


“The Maniac Duo”

Side Takoshi(Tithi)

In the middle of the night, I woke up much earlier than I usually do and I got off from bed. I went downstairs only finding silence maybe because I woke up early (of course) still find myself half-awake I decide to take an early hot and cold shower to warm myself up after showering I wore my school uniform and waited at the kitchen.

I waited for 10 minutes still none of them woke up so I cooked for myself an egg mixed with sausage and top it off with plain bread. None of them wake up and I checked the clock using my phone it showed 5:20 am.

“Guess I wake up too early well I think Imouto and Hinari can walk their self to school without me” I cooked up another egg-sausage for Hitari,Hinari and Imouto. Quietly left the house, the sky is still dark and the streets were completely silence only dogs barking and cats meowing can be heard from here

Instead of walking to school I decide to stroll around the streets looking way ahead up to the sky, along the way I found a chair and sat on it opened up my phone and play a Moba game ‘Mobile Legends’. Minutes later on playing the game, sirens are heard nor far away from my location.

“Huh? Well now what is it? I am in the middle of my game” the sirens slowly approaching from the road I am in and red blinking lights seen clearly suddenly a small pack of needles are thrown straight at me. At fast pace I caught the tiny needles within seconds using my left hand while my other hand focused on my smartphone.

“Now who decide to throw this in the middle of the night? Glad It didn’t caught on my game” then a voice of a man can be heard beside my shoulder, its voice whispering

“Oho? I didn’t know a small pimp would be here” I looked beside my shoulder and find a man in a doctor uniform with needles all over his hands and other sharp accessories on his face.


“Who are you?” I asked

“Glad you asked… I am Doctor Mahjong! I-Hey!” I didn’t even bother listening and only had my eyes looking at my game.

“Oh Hold on I am trying to get Maniac from my kill, wait a bit (On Phone: SHUTDOWN!) Ah man… I got ended instead (On Phone: VICTORY!) Hmm at least I got a star on ranked game one more star to get Mythic Glory.... So what again and who again?” I sat down and the doctor pointed a large sharp needle at my eye again I didn’t flinch or terrified

“Listen here little punk! I am Doctor Mahjong, the famous doctor not too long ago until somebody sabotage one of my patient and the patient died I got my job fired for failing endlessly and I thought about it. why save someone but you could save them by sending them to the afterlife? In the end, I mercilessly killed the one that sabotaged my only job torturing that poor bastard hahahaha! After experience that wonderful gorgeous handsome face I wanted to see more! So I injected a serum that can bear any pain even death can’t even occur to me, no one ever survived my poisonous tiny cute needles but you!” It pointed a lot more needles than one and it showed a fearless merciless demonic face while I just stare at him point blank and confused,

“Oh okay so what are your business with me?” I asked the Doctor

“That face… will be mine!” The Doctor strike me with a small knife but I flicked it away causing a wall to broke by a small knife.

“Shit my bad,” The Doctor backed away and sweated,

“(Wha-What the hell was that?! That was just a small knife but that brat just flicked it and the wall broke! No this may be the effect of that serum so I must be hallucinating) heh! That knife was too weak for my using but now the real fight will begin!”


a large number of tiny needles were thrown at me and I dodged every single of it and caught some of it,

“You say its poisonous if someone got hit by it?”

The Doctor screamed and was anxious “No way! That was at least a thousand needles thrown at you but-“

The needles were flown in the air behind my back with purple aura on it,

“Did you know that it contained magnetic resources to the person that dodged it? Now dodge this!”

I dodged the needles again but again this time it kept following me, I keep a normal face while amazed by how amazing science is

The doctor keep throwing hundreds of needles in midair and finally shoot out a acid from an injection,

“Kid! Take your medicine…. ALWAYS!” The acid went straight at my direction and I dodged it again, the doctor shoots out the acid over and over,

“Does that Injection ever get emptied? Well enough playing, it’s almost daylight”

I vanished in front of the eyes of the Doctor and the needles were aiming at the doctor instead,

“(What the?! Don’t tell me…)”

I appeared at the back of the doctor and smiled at him,

“Science is amazing isn’t it?”

The Doctor backed away and before the needles almost hit the doctor, using the palm of my hand I swing my hand and the wind blew away all the needles, along the path the doctor was almost blew away from the wind, i caught the doctor on time before he flew away

“Whew good thing I didn’t use that much force or else the houses and other stuffs in this street would gotten to the next country, as for you doctor..”

The Doctor were shaking in terror and afraid “Hnggh! D-Don’t hurt me, I-I”

I gave the doctor a hand cloth “Hear take this wipe that tears of your face” the doctor took it and wipe his face clean after wiping it he started to hold his arm

“It’s not over yet you fool, I am not the only one you should be taking care of?”

I looked at the doctor questioned “Meaning?”

Suddenly I caught a knife that came out of nowhere and a women came out from the shadows,

The Doctor introduced “Welcome the queen of joker or should I say my wife!” the women wear a long black dress and hold a large knife and a bat with each on her two hands,

“I didn’t know a doctor with a face like that would get a women like her, oh wait-“I looked again at the women “Never mind you two got the same face, PERFECT MATCH!” I gave a thumbs up and the doctor carefully stood up with his legs shaking.

“Honey I think you need this” the women gave the doctor a serum and the doctor injected himself with it and his body became much more green and his eyes turning black,blue and red every second.

“Thanks wife now let’s settle this and continue our day shall we?”

The Wife giggled and gave the doctor the large knife “Hehe, killing with you is so much fun.”

Doctor then mentioned me “Now you will see what true terrors lies at our body and face as we the MANIAC DUO SLAY YOU IMPUDENT BASTARD!”

I was feeling bored and impatient “Guys this is ridiculous I have school and it is almost daylight look the sun is almost up”

Without any second both of them rushed at me and later they are found in front of the police station with a sign and a recorder

The police examined and carefully inspecting them both and from outside the police station I walked away from it and went into the nearest grocery stores to buy food for break time later.

“Monsters appearing now villains? Now this is getting exciting”

(End Chp 10)

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