《Hidden Adversary》Chapter 7


Chapter 7- “Weekend”


+-Cafe and Friends-+

[On a bright sunny weekend]

Side Takoshi(Tithi)

Weekend is here and I promised Cheng,Paiz,Saher to have a weekend with them after a great battle yesterday with them today is where I hang out with them, I woke up and rolled on the side of the bed and saw Imouto at the side of my bed staring at me,

[Imouto staring]"stare~~~"

“Wha? AH!” I fell down at the side of my bed and Imouto stands up looking confused at me,

“Imouto the heck are you doing in my room?”

Imouto was startled “ah I umm…..” I glared at her “umm?......” Imouto was blushing red and replied,

“I just want to lie-down at your bed coz your body is warm” she grabbed my arm and hold it tightly using my right hand I slapped my face hard enough to remain serious,

“Nope! I am not going to prison!” I jumped out of the bed and grabbed my towel ran off to the bathroom soon as I reached it I locked the door from inside.

“Hah, well this day will be positive I am sure about it” I went into the bathtub to take a shower in a hot water, later the bathroom door was opened.

“Hey Occupied!” the door continued to opened and Hitari saw me in the bathtub

“Oh my, I uh… will let myself out hehe..” Hitari slowly back away and closed the door, I jumped out of the bathroom to lock the door and went to the bathtub again to shower.

After finish showering I wore my normal v shaped red and yellow striped jacket and went out,

“Alright im off with my friends Hitari”

“Okay don’t be late before dinner!” I went to downtown streets where I met Cheng and the rest with the other 4 students I haven’t recognized,

“Umm Cheng who are they?” Cheng told me that they are the classmates of our class and one girl in pink hair went to me,

“So you must be Takoshi! My name is Monik- I mean Kotora Harashi the president of the literature club” as I gazed into her looks she almost resemble as the main antagonist in the game Imouto told me about Doki Book Club is it? and she almost said the name of the antagonist instead of her real name.


“Your president of the literature club? You almost looked the same of that antagonist that one game my little sister told me”

Kotora looked confused “What game? I played a lot of games but I haven’t heard about that one hehe” That sinister fake laugh is a bit suspecting to me, I looked over at the other four students

“and this are?” The silver haired tall girl with glasses “My name is Atari, just Atari” Kotora then interrupted Atari “Hey that’s my line!” Atari then talked back “well get something else other than this!”

One boy who is almost the exact height as me but with blue hair, “Hey don’t bother those two they sometimes like nicknaming themselves, by the way my name is Luke Kenji” Then finally the last person to greet is a small girl in a school uniform and her whole hair dyed completely as the earth and her mouth is covered with a small surgical mask,

“It would be better if you open your mask” the girl uncovered her surgical mask and put it under her mouth,

“Well hello~ my name is Kouda Gouyon or people may called me Earth-chan” she smiled sweetly

“Earth chan? Eh?“ I whispered at Cheng,

“Cheng tell me if this girl is really ‘The Earth’ also the earth is kinda round so..” Kouda seemed to heard it and yelled at me,

“Hey I heard that! I am not flat![pouted]” Cheng then whispered back at me,

“Trust me Earth is not flat second she was born with that hair and she doesn’t want to dye it black or any color she likes to keep that hairstyle”

“Oh makes sense” I walked over at Kouda “Kouda..i am sorry for calling you flat” Kouda looked away and told me,

“Fine but just this once if you called me flat I will throw you to a volcano!” She rubbed her hands and glared at me with fiery eyes.

“Alright?...*if that’s possible*, nice to meet you all my name is Takoshi Kouno and you all are from the same class as we are?”


All of them answered “Yeah”

“Well I will be looking forward to have a great time with you all!”

Cheng then asked all of us to do their own time in the weekends and Cheng dragged me along with him,

“Hey Cheng where are we going? I want to go to a game store the new game of Pocket Monster Ultra is out!” I wanted to let go of my hand then Cheng used his lightning to speed up his way to the destination “Seriously Cheng? By all means using your ability…”

Soon we arrived at a café named Stile. “Fancy name and there is no other customers inside, looks like we both arrived a bit early”

Cheng proudly greeted the café to me “I hereby you the Stile café! The café I talked to you about it at school”

“Oh so this is the café you meant?” Cheng then gave me an expressional smile “Yeah! This is the place and the best part about it is that we are the only ones here” It is obvious we arrived a bit early than other people.

“Well let’s get in” I opened the door and we both have been greeted by a sadistic maid,

“Why are you punks here? Did I allowed you to be even here without my permission? Scums” Cheng was blushing as his nose bleeds. Meanwhile I asked the maid,

“Do you really gave that expression to other customers?”

The maid then turned red and replied “Uh-we uhm, we-“ then her face turned sadistic again when she was nervous at that point, “J-just take your seat or you won’t have any service” Cheng took me all the way to the table and sat at our chairs.

“Hey Cheng is this café really necessary?” Cheng wont reply to any of my question while he is in his world of fantasy, I looked around the café amused by their foreign style.

“I have to admit this place is amazing” Cheng then had been brought back to reality after hearing that “Isn’t it?! Plus, the maids are in characteristics that’s why this café is my favorite of all time!”

“Characteristics huh? Well we have to order to be here don’t we?”

Suddenly a small maid showed up,” Oni Chan~ what do you want to order for today?” the small maid asked so uniquely I questioned,

“Not meant to be rude but aren’t you too young to work here?” the maid suddenly changed and kept quiet.

“* Oh no! did I say something that upset her? * Uh I ah! 2 coffees please and 1 strawberry parfait!” she wrote it down and went away, “What was that all about?”

Cheng suddenly told me “Takoshi dude, never ever asked that maid about her age she is basically older than you!” I went blank and thinking how could that be a lady with that small size of a body? We both finished our coffee, parfaits and went out of the café one of the maids told us,

“Thank you never come back again!” it was the sadistic maid…

“So how was it Takoshi? Isn’t that place a riot? Ummm Takoshi” my mind went completely blank for the past 2 hours in the café dealing with each maids that came up to us.

“No I’m fine.” Cheng then told me to meet up with the others at the plaza while he ran off first, while in my mind formed a song quite catchy for that café,

“~Smile,~Sweet,~Sister,~Sadistic,~Surprise,~Service! We are stile? Quite catchy, I like the rhythm of that” I continued to hummed a melody while walking to the Plaza.

(End Chp.7)

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