《Seukine》0. Vahnain's Lexicon


Asila: The Estate of the Lashir family. It’s prestige is known throughout the city but it remains second to Seukine. Only half the size of Seukine, Asila boast six courtyards and a beautiful garden. Home to the Grand General Ghain ‘dea Lashir, Asila is under strict rules implemented by the Estate Master. Speaking about anything, even the simplest of matter is punishable by being beaten to death. Attendant loyalties are stronger than those of the palace.

Impure Danu: Slaves that are tasked with all jobs considered impure. For example, cleaning livestock, burying the dead, caring for extremely contagious people. Impure Danus are fed foods that are not acceptable by society. The are also general shunned and treated as less than human.

Keulnine : the sister Estate to Seukine. It is home to the Keulnine Clan that are the relatives of the Seulnine.They are known for their Pristine servants that are requested for Royalty and Nobility.

Seukine: The Estate of the Seulnine Clan. Known as the largest estate in all of Vahnain only second to the Holy Palace. The beautiful of the estate is known through out the city. Seukine is protected by Seulnine Noble Guard. An elite force created by Seulnine ancestors. Authority over the Noble Guard is passed down from father to son. Seukine has five gates. Two outer gates and four inner gates.


Re: Only

Sa: First

De: Second

Ae: Third

Ui: Fourth

Ji: Fifth

Ro: Last


Estate Master: Family head and Estate Owner

Estate Mune: Wife of the head

Estate Mu'nei: Wife of former master, mother of the Estate Master

Mu'a: Daughter of the estate

Au'a : Secondary daughter of the estate

Sa'a: Son of the estate

Su'a: Secondary son of the estate

Nu: Highest ranking concubine

Ganu: Concubine

Fanu: A slave concubine, the lowest ranking in the harem.

Rini: Trusted right hand servant of the estate master (Male)

Lini: Trusted left hand servant of the estate master. (Rare Females only)

Nu Sevire: Highest ranking servant of the Nu concubine

Ga Sevi: Ganu servant

Sevi: Servant

Sha Sevi: female servant

Gha Sevi: male servant

Danu: A slave, the lowest ranking servant

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