《Tale of Kaerus - Dropped》Prologue - Hell ain't a bad place to be


Prologue - Hell ain't a bad place to be

-*sigh* " and I thought that being ignored was harsh, but this ... is far worse" ... a phrase spoken for yourself, because no one is there to listen.

Darkness anywhere that look, so black, so cold...

One orb of flashy colored blue floats in complete darkness, with nothing around it. The orb can be called soul or mana's residual memory, but this is not something that someone knows... but something I'm telling you, spectator .

Who am I, you ask?


But not think that I'm one god, NO. I not have powers about the events that be happen, no, I just tell what will happen.

Gods are creatures of pure power that govern the laws of orden and chaos of universe and beyond, I only tell the tale.

But don't overlook me, because I know all the things that be or not in the time, beyond time and further time.

*cough cough* It seems to have lost me in small dillemmas about identities, sorry for this.

Like was telling, the orb floast in the darkness. How much time went? Days ? Weeks? Months? Years?

The orb not have ideia of this, without senses no have way to tell how many seconds passed, impossible even more tell the days, weeks or years.

In that dakness all that the orb can do is think and repent his life.

"Well, at least not have torture, if so, hell ain't a bad place to be.

Little know the orb, that this darkness is not hell. It is THE TUNNEL, one way for "souls" find Gods.

In one moment of eternal dark, one light rise, the orb be amazed for the light and in one second all darkness vanish and light is all. Astonished, orb-kyun, *cough* the orb not notices a man ahead. With white robe like the old greek of your world spectator, one old man with white hair and tanned skin, the face of this man, no, not man but god , is so incridible that until I, THE NARRATOR, can not describe such magnificence. And with one stronge voice, the god spoke:


"UHUM...I know that is wonderful exit that darkness, but could give me one moment of attention ?"- [???]

"Oh, sorry, OMG ONE PERSON, BUT, WHY? WHAT ? WHO ? WHY?"- [The Orb]

"*sigh* Please, shut up and I explain all your question, no need speak, I already know all your questions." -[???]

"So... speak."- Demand the orb in a inquiring tone.

"Lucky that need you, or I would destroy your soul. * sigh* First, my name is Iudex, god of reason and judgment. If you yet not realized, you're dead."- [Iudex]]

"WHAT ?" - scream orb with rage.

"SHUT UP. I not gave permission for you speak punny human soul."- [Iudex]

"You're dead. Accept it. One funny death must say, hit by truck, how like you mortals speak, so cliche."- [Iudex]- "Well, your life is not so interesting, birth in middle-class family, average note in school, formed in the course of biology at a avearage university, well, a good job as biologist, dating one good womam, 22 years old and one truck smash u and your girlfriend, u hate accident cars, don't hate ? heh, tragic, but this is life. Remember all now ?"

"Y-Yes, fuck fuck fuck, I really dead ..."- [Orb] -"But, and... and my girlfriend ?"

"Its dead like you, but she went to heaven, or whatever how call the good place where good persons go"- [Iudex] -"So, relax and listen, god need one show, and I have choose u for entertain gods. Don't be proud, is not only u, each god can choose one soul. As a reward for this job, I will make your Girlfriend reincarnate and have a good life, So,do you accept ?"

After one long time thinking, The orb finally spoke.

"*sigh* Its seems I don't have choose, I accept"- [Orb]


"Good, u will be reincarnated in one world of magic and power,, my chosen, to make it more fun, I will give u one gift."- [Iudex]

"Hum...instead of one power as gift, could gave me some important information? Five to be exact."- [Orb]

"hooh, so, what information u request for me ?"- [Iudex]

"I want know,_ how to get immortality_, _how to use that so great magic_, _the laws that govern the world, whether or not the same as the physical in my old world_, _information about the biological structure of species with the greatest number and the most powerful with intellect or not_ and _properties that can increase the power of my future body_."-[Orb}

"Hoho, It is not that you are a little cunning ? Or folly... hm hm hm, Ok, I will ensure your request, chosen of reason"- [Iudex]

Which worth one ability that not know how works, if can know how all ability works ? And how get them, i hope that Olivia be well, i really love her.. Thought the little orb before being wrapped for light and your conscience black out.


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