

Chapter 13


The morning came to quickly for Kye he was shaken awake by an unamused Resh, “What is it?” he asked rolling over.

“Get up already.” he said walking to the side of the bed where Caspian was laying, “Oh you’re already wake.” Resh said seeing Capian’s eyes open.

Kye rolled off of the bed a stretched, “Why’ve you woken us up so early?” he questioned rubbing his eyes.

“It's not that early, look outside.” Kye did as he was told looking around the small room to a window above the dresser.

Light was streaming through the window and people were milling about the street below, “Oh.” he said sadly.

“We should sell the caravan.” a voice from the floor said.

They both looked down at Caspian he had his arms under his head and was staring blankly at the ceiling, “Why?” they both asked.

“The noble said his family lived here if they saw us with it they’d get us arrested also we have no need for it anymore and going through the streets with it is bound to be tiresome. We can keep some of the horses for us to ride but I think it would be best if we sold it.” he reasoned.

“Hmmm good point.” Resh said gazing out the window, “How much do you figure we’ll get for it?”

“At least ten gold.” Caspian said shrugging.

“That sounds about right.” Kye mumbled.

They cleared out of the room quickly and headed down a narrow set of stairs to the bottom floor. Kye was excited to get a breakfast of warm food and he sat down at the table closest to the stairs. Resh laughed and pulled him off the chair, “What are you doing?” he asked annoyed.

“You’ve been on the road for over a week and you smell like horse crap, there’s a bath house just across the street.” Kye realized his brother’s hair was lying flat against his head and his skin was pinker than normal.

“Oh,” he grumbled shrugging himself out of Resh’s grasp, “Fine.” Caspian stifled a laugh and went to sit down as well but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

“Caspian you go to. You have blood all over you.” Resh said glancing at his hair.

Caspian ran his hand through his hair and watched as his hand came back red, “Huh see you in a bit then.” he stood back up and walked toward the door.

Kye sighed and followed him outside. It was sunny and people hurried through the streets. The cobblestone was slippery with morning dew and Kye watched his step. The mages were gone from the streets thought to be useless in the morning light. Caspian was already across the street and pushing open a wooden door. Kye hurried across the street and entered the stone building.

The floor was tiled and the air was humid. Electric lights hung from the ceiling, glass bulbs burning brightly. A young wye sat at a desk by a door on the far side of the room. He had slitted eyes and nostrils, smooth gray scales coated his near bare body. A blue tunic loosely hung off his frail form. He was reading a small book and gazed up at Caspian when he approached, “The showers are the last door on the left.” he pointed to the door on his right, “Towels are in a stack by each stall. Although the showers are free the bathhouse is not. If you want to leave a donation there is a jar by the door.” he turned back to his book.


Caspian sighed and headed to the door. Kye followed him through. As the door closed behind them the air became even hotter and the lights became dim and tinted blue. The walls were slick with steam. Kye trailed behind Caspian attempting to read the plaque on each wooden door they passed. The letters were unfamiliar to him each one curling and twisting around the brass, “Can you read these?” he asked.

Caspian stopped by one of the doors to see the words, “Its dwarven they’re just numbers. This one is 27.” he said lightly tapping it.

“You know how to read dwarven?” Caspian shrugged and walked further down the hall.

“I guess, come on this is the door.” He threw it open and walked in.

The sound of running water filled Kye’s ears. Closed off stalls lined a large room and towels sat on a small table outside each door. Caspian grabbed one and headed into an empty stall. Kye did the same.


Back at the hotel Resh was enjoying a hot meal in the quiet. He leaned back in his chair and smiled warmly. The last few weeks had been a mess and he was overjoyed to have a little peace. Slouching over a little in his chair he thought about the demon he had come to befriend. If he hadn’t been so curious he wouldn’t have to be worried about Caspian and his brother. He trusted them and that scared Resh. He didn’t know if he would help Caspian if something happened. He didn’t know if he would go back for him if he got hurt. He shook his head, “Course I would.” he thought to himself a smile creeping further onto his face, “He’s just as crazy as Kye.”

The longer he sat alone though the more his smile fell. He thought more about what Caspian said about the world he knew. If what he said about the spirits and magic was real then when he died he would be going to the Void. He wondered what it would be like. When he and Kye had traveled to the west they had heard many different opinions on what happened after death. Strange theories with nothing to back them up were thrown out left and right.

None of them included the living proof of the spirit they saw in the mountains. Resh of course was only paying attention to them to distract them from Kye who would pick their pockets while they were focused on him. He sighed it was different back then. They only had to worry about themselves and staying alive. He now worried about Caspian’s volatile mood and stolen memories. Resh slouched forward in his chair and ran a hand through his damp hair, “Oh yeah.” he mumbled closing his eyes for a moment.

His hair burst into flames evaporating the water quickly. The waitress that served him screamed and ran toward him a towel batting the air frantically. Resh smiled lopsidedly and forced the flames to disperse, “Its okay calm down.” he said holding his hands up to block bats from the towel.

The waitress lowered it and breathed out heavily, “N-no open flames in the restaurant please.” she said shakily.


Resh grinned sheepishly, “Sorry about that its just the best way to dry my hair.” he ran his hand through it again creasing all the hairs back down.

The waitress shook and her eyes gazed ahead fearful, “Hey are you okay, sorry if I scared you.” he reached toward her worriedly.

His hand touched her wrist and she snapped out of it, “Oh I’m sorry there was a fire here a few years ago the whole place burned down, we got electricity after that...just no more flames please.” he nodded apologetically.

“I’m sorry.” he said looking up at her.

She nodded absentmindedly and walked away. Resh sighed again and glanced toward the door, “They’re taking their own sweet time aren’t they. Maybe I should go see if they’re okay.” his eyes wandered back to the half eaten meal on his plate, “Nah they’re fine.” he said happily.

He sat at the table for another ten minutes before the door swung open and two familiar faces walked in. Kye was smiling from ear to ear and Caspian was glaring daggers at the back of his head, “What happened?” Resh asked as they sat down.

Caspian took the seat furthest from Kye, “He lit my hair on fire.” he grumbled.

Resh stifled a laugh, “Where?” he was staring at his head but couldn’t find any scorches or burnt parts.

“It healed.” he said in an empty monochrome voice.

“Your hair grows back when it heals?” Resh said gaining Kye’s grin.

Caspian sighed, “Yeah.” he rolled his eyes at the brother’s laughter but couldn’t help smiling with them, “Alright you two done?”

Resh chuckled one last time before calling the waitress over. She happily came and Caspian and Kye ordered breakfast, “When we’re done we should go see about the caravan.” the twins nodded in agreement.

Their meals came quickly and as the two ate Resh went to give back the key to the room. Luis as the waitress had referred to him the night before was still behind the bar chatting with a customer. His skin was dark and a greying beard hung down to his waist. As Resh approached his attention switched from the drunken man to him, “How was your stay?” he asked with a rosey grin.

“It was very nice.” he said handing over the key.

“That’s good to hear.” Resh nodded and walked back to the table.

He reached into his pocket and picked out a few coins for the meal, “You two ready?” he asked putting the coins in a neat stack on the table.

Their plates were empty and they both stood up. Resh headed to the door and stepped out in the sunlight. Two seven foot tall dark blue banis walked down the street in front of them. They wore the black and blue outfits of a police officer. There was a scaly faced scide walking slightly ahead of them he ducked into an alleyway and let the police walk by him. Resh watched curiously as the banis stopped and peeked their heads around the alleyway corner.

He moved down the steps to get a closer look. The banis weren’t moving into the alley but instead started shouting and cursing at the scide, “Get one of our town you inbred dragon!” one of them yelled.

The scide ran away quickly, leathery tail between his legs. The one who had spoken picked up a rock and threw it at him. He missed but they just started to laugh. The police pulled their heads out of the corridor and walked down the street laughing heartily with one another. Resh looked over at Kye, a disgusted look on his face. His brother was glaring at the back of their heads as they turned the corner and walked out of sight.

“Its awful aint it.” an unfamiliar accented voice said.

Resh turned to see a copper haired dwarf standing beside him. He looked a few years younger than Resh and was still trying to tame a scruffy beard. He wore a grey tunic with dark brown pants. Brownish gray eyes looked at the corner where the banis had left, “They’ve been trying to scare that poor race out of Luwas for years. Last winter they wouldn’t let them into any houses and made them freeze to death.”

“That’s horrible.” Kye said shocked.

“I know sadly the mayor doesn’t seem to care and lets the police force do whatever they want.” he shook his head, “It's just awful.”

“Why are they so aggressive toward the scides?” Resh asked.

“Dunno they just always have been.” he said shrugging, “Anyhow I’m working the stables today did you three need something?” Resh let the questions he had drop from his mind and focused on the present.

“Yeah we were just coming to get our caravan. The big black one with the four horses.” the dwarf clicked his tongue.

“Me and the boys were making bets on who was going to come and get that. I expected it to be owned by a noble or businessman. No offence of course.” he added quickly.

Resh chuckled, “None taken.”

“I’ll bring it right out.” the dwarf disappeared behind the building and came back seconds later leading the horses.

“Thank you.” Kye said giving him a coin from his pocket.

“My pleasure.” he said with a smile

Kye climbed into the seat, “Do you know where we could find someone to get some repairs?” Resh asked.

“Yeah right up the road that way, take a left then a right and just go straight and you’ll see the sign.”

“Thanks.” he nodded his head and Kye whipped the reins getting the horses moving forward at a trot.

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