


Chapter 9

When daylight streamed over the trees announcing it was morning Caspian was still at the front of the caravan. His eyes would flicker back to dark blue at times, but they would always change back to red. He hadn’t slept a wink and had been left alone with his own thoughts. The brothers still slept in the back and the horses couldn’t take much more without food and rest.

He pulled at the reins slowing the horses. Under the seat there was food. He took out an apple for himself and some grain for the horses. They munched on the grass on the side of the road and when he neared their heads popped up. There was a brook to the side of the river and when they were done eating he unhitched them and let them have a drink.

The brothers opened the door just as he was putting the horses back. They walked over to him, “What are you doing?” Resh asked.

“The horses needed a break.” he said walking to the river.

The blood had dried to his skin and was flaking off. He washed his hands off, turning the river red for a moment. He splashed his face sending cold droplets down his neck. He washed his hair off, flattening it to his head. When the water cleared two red eyes stared up at him. They flickered for a moment but came back seconds later.

He sighed pushing wet hair out of his face. The brothers walked over and filled up water flasks, “When will they go back to normal?” Resh asked gesturing towards Caspian’s eyes.

“Whenever I can regain control.”

“What do you mean?” Kye took a step back.

“I can’t explain it. I have control of my limbs but...” he paused, “My mind is a mess.”

“Like, emotionally?” Kye asked raising an eyebrow.

“No, I can’t describe it.” he said shaking his head.

“Okay.” Resh said quickly, hoping not to anger the man.

“Well, since we’ve stopped we can eat breakfast.” Kye said walking over to the seat.

He opened it up pulling out the bread and cheese along with some fruit. He tossed some to Resh and left the rest on the seat for Caspian. Kye walked to the back of the caravan and sat down. Resh joined him taking a drink, “What are we going to do Kye?”

“I honestly don’t know, but I think helping him is the right thing.” he whispered.

“With what?”

“I don’t know he just seems…” Kye trailed off, unsure of what to say.

Resh rolled his eyes, “He's not helpless Kye.”

“I know. I’ve never seen anyone fight like that.” he said a cold chill running down his spine.

“Yeah.” Resh said, “The way he moved...” he paused, not knowing how to finish.

“I know.” they fell silent staring at the ground.

“I don’t know why but, I think you’re right.” Kye looked up at him an eyebrow raised, “We’ll stay with him.” he stood, offering a hand for his twin.

He smiled and let Resh pull him to his feet. They walked to the front of the caravan to find Caspian sitting on the ground leaning against the caravan. His eyes were flickering from red to blue, “Hi.” he mumbled standing up.

“Are you ready to go?” Kye asked.

He nodded. Eyes shifting red one more time before finally turning dark blue again.


They were on the road for an hour before they spoke to one another, “How long did Casey say it would take to get to Luwas?” Kye asked his brother, who walked beside the horses with Caspian.


“What day is it?”

“Mid weekish.”

“Then it will be about two more days.”

“We would travel faster if we ditched the caravan.” Caspian noted.

“I’m in no hurry and, we have enough food to last several days.” Resh said.

“Caspian?” Kye started nervously.


“What do you know about spirits? I’ve been curious to know more about them ever since we saw that one on the mountain.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Umm,” Kye scratched his head, “How did they get here?”

Caspian thought a moment before responding, “At the beginning of time there were three. The first was Nakiria, she had taken the shape of a large wolf with a feathered mane. The second was Kanivin, he was a snake that had fangs filled with poison that could kill gods. The last and most powerful was Strea, he was a dragon with scales as black as night.”

“The universe was empty then and they didn’t know the others existed. Alone they roamed the darkness for many years. It was Strea that first spotted Nakiria and Kanivin. The two spirits were miles from one another and he watched as they slowly made their way towards each other. When they eventually met Strea went down to join them.”

“They all told the same story of wandering in the darkness. They quickly became friends and spent several months together roaming the empty galaxy, hopeful they would find something together that they couldn’t alone. It was about half a year before Nakiria began to feel something between them. A power that could be channeled when they were together. She told the others this and after a while they were able to make a light.”

“This was the sun of the first galaxy ever made. Once they realised they could make worlds they started to fill the darkness with them. Nakiria made the land, Kanivin made the oceans, and Strea made the skies. All of them were content doing their jobs but, Strea felt that he could do more. The worlds were empty and devoid of life.”

“One day they had finished making a planet near a sun and Strea let his powers loose. From his claws flowed forests, animals, and people. He spread his wings and put breath in their lungs and with his fire he started their hearts. The spirits were amazed by his powers and, they named the planet Eviet meaning life. They stayed on our flourishing planet for sometime. They provided the people with food and drinkable water. They kept the peace, but something felt wrong.”

“When the lifeforms on Eviet died they had nowhere to go. Their souls roamed the lands and some became evil, possessing animals and other people. Kanivin saw one of these possessed people burn down a small town. He was horrified and told Strea and Nakiria. They observed the souls and monsters and, decided that they should be sent somewhere before they destroyed the world they had made.”

“Together they made a pit far away from and worlds and named it Oblivion. There they put the evil creatures that roamed their planet but, it was unfair to place uncorrupt souls there. So they made another hole in space and put souls there. It was named Void. They then returned to the planet and fixed what the monsters had done.”

“They stayed several years longer but, they had to move on eventually. They all wanted to test the limits of their powers. So they placed spirits to watch over the world. They were meant to protect the Wild and the people. These are elder spirits they can make omens and lesser spirits. They all protect the good on the planet to this day.” Caspian ended.


“What happened to Strea and the others?” Resh asked.

“Most believe they created other planets like our own, all filled with different life forms.”

“Where’d you learn that?” Kye asked, genuinely interested.

Caspian knew if he thought about it the knives would return, “I don’t remember.”

“If you’re a demon how did you get here?" Resh questioned, moving on.

“Necromancers and people who use dark magic can sometimes call creatures from Oblivion or Void.” he said spitefully.

“Then how long were you in Oblivion?”

“Time was irrelevant there, all I can remember is darkness.” he said quickly.

Kye and Resh shared a look, he was hiding something from them. They didn’t push though, afraid they might anger him.

Clouds were forming overhead and a breeze was picking up. Caspian pulled up the hood of his new hoodie. His hair was drying off, “Winter just ended right?” he asked.

“Yeah, if we came here a week earlier the ground would’ve been coated in snow.” Resh responded.

Caspian nodded, he had lost track of time a while back. Where was he a month ago? A year ago? He shook the thoughts away, he remembered bits and pieces but they seemed like dreams. He thought he remembered running through a forest, an arrow stuck in his leg. He remembered tracking a dire wolf that had slaughtered a whole village. Yet, he couldn’t recall when these things happened. He sighed, they’d come back eventually.

Resh dropped to all fours suddenly and started walking as a wolf. Caspian glanced up at Kye who shrugged, “Probably got tired of walking.” then he turned to his twin who no longer looked quite like him and said, “You should go scout ahead.” the canine rolled his eyes and ran forward.

They walked in silence for a while. The horses kicking up dust and a light breeze pushing it further into the air. Caspian searched for things to get his mind off of missing memories. He decided that starting a conversation with the redhead beside him would be best.

Sadly, Caspian wasn’t the best at small talk and tended to treat things like they had no emotions, “Why did you lie to the noble?” Kye, who did have emotions was slightly shocked by the sudden question.

“What do you mean?” he asked slightly irritated.

“When you were telling him about yourself you said the orphanage closed down. You were lying.” Kye shook his head.

“I wasn’t really lying, just not telling the whole story. How could you tell?”

“I can hear your heartbeat and sense the temperature of your skin.”

“Interesting. Little creepy but interesting. We can do a similar thing just on a far smaller scale and it has more to do with emotions. Well anyways you’re right, the orphanage didn’t close down. Our mother did die giving birth to us though. But, it was to be expected, she was ill and starving. The fact she was having twins didn’t make it any better. Apparently our father was heartbroken over the loss and almost burnt down the midwifery. He gave us to an orphanage run by a crooked whik.”

“He took horrible care of the place and ran away anyone brave enough to come inside. We were practically slaves packaging and sorting whatever he threw at us. We lived like that until we were six. Our race start learning how to control fire when we are six. It took us a year to master and when we did it we could be happy. One day Resh found out how to make a fireball in the palm of his hand.”

"He immediately taught me how. I was so amazed I forgot how to make it go away. Next thing I know our bed is on fire. The owner burst in, furious. He put the fire out quickly and demanded to know who started it. Resh quickly stepped forward. And the owner immediately flipped out a pocket knife and grabbed his hand.”

“Resh freaked out and started fighting him. I tried as well, but we were both too little to have any effect on his fury. He cut Resh’s cheek wide open, giving him a lifelong scar and, a way to tell us apart. As the owner went to cut off a finger Resh summoned some fire and flung it at him. He caught flame and we ran as fast as we could for the exit.”

“But, he cut us off just as we got to the door. His hair was burnt and sizzling, he had obviously grown it out to cover his tiny curved horns. His clothes were burnt off and we could see the spines that ran down his grey back. Both of us were horrified by him and stopped dead in our tracks. He came for us hands in fists.”

“We both tried to send fireballs at him but we couldn’t aim and after a while the building caught fire. He got lost in the flames and we escaped through the back door. The building burnt down and we never saw him again.” Kye stopped and they fell silent for a little while.

Caspian went back to trying to avoid thinking about anything and Kye looked down at him slightly confused with his behavior. He had expected some sort of reaction, “What are you thinking about” Caspian glanced up at him an eyebrow raised.

“Nothing much.” he answered truthfully.

“Well then what are you trying not to think about.” Caspian remained silent, “You’re going to be traveling with us and taking your fair share of the money we make. I want to help but, you make it hard.” Caspian sighed.

“When you say you’re going to help me you have no idea what you’re helping me with. Honestly, I don’t know either. But, since I know that you’ll bug me all day if I don't, then I’ll tell you.” Caspian paused to make sure Kye was listening, he wasn’t going to repeat himself, “Ever since I woke up in that shack my memories have been choppy. I can remember bits and pieces but I feel like something’s missing.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know, it’s just a feeling. Something is missing.” Kye pursed his lips, this was not what he had expected.

“Think it’ll come back?” Caspian glanced up at him.

“Maybe.” he looked to the road ahead, Resh had rounded the corner and was running towards them.

Kye tugged the reins pulling the horses to a stop. He wasn’t far away and soon stood next to them, “There are some people off to the side of the road, and they don’t look friendly.” he said while dusting his hands off on his pants, that had thankfully shifted back with him.

“Hunters?” Kye questioned glancing down at Caspian.

“No, they wouldn't let themselves be seen.”

“Prolly just thugs then, waiting to take our money.” Resh growled.

“This is why Casey hired us I suppose.” Kye said frowning.

“Well, what should we do?” Resh asked.

“We should just try to pass maybe they won’t care about us.”

“I love you optimism bro but,” he looked at the caravan that obviously cost a large sum of money, ”I think they’ll care if we try to pass.”

“There’s no way to avoid them. I think we should just go and see who they are.” Caspian reasoned.

“I guess.” Kye said hesitantly.

He whipped the reins moving the horses forward at a trot.

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