


Chapter 8

Caspian nodded. He walked to the side of the caravan and sat down. Blood that wasn’t his own coated his hands. He could smell the brother’s fear. He could feel the heat of the bodies he had killed, could taste their blood. He hated it. He hated that he couldn’t control the color of his eyes. Hated that he had enjoyed killing people he didn’t even know.

“Caspian-” Resh started.

“Don’t. Please, just don’t.” he said taking a few uneasy breaths.

The brothers glanced at each other. Caspian ran a hand through his bloodied hair. A sharp stabbing pain pierced the back of his head. It would always happen when he killed someone with those swords. He rubbed the back of his head in small circles. Slowly the pain subsided. He took a deep breath and looked up at the twins.

They were staring at him with fear in their eyes. He could hear their heart beats. They feared him. He stood, and they took a step back, “I’m not going to hurt you.” He said but, their heart rates only sped up.

“You’re a demon.” Resh said again.

Caspian’s eyes dropped to the ground, “Yeah.”

Kye shook his head, “I thought demons were just something parents told their kids about so they would behave.”

“I wish that were true.” Caspian said, “But, it’s obviously not.” He said waving a hand at his eyes.

“And they are?” Resh pointed at the stack of bodies.

Caspian didn’t look over at the bloodshed, “Hunters.” He said walking over to Casey’s body.

“What are you doing?” Kye asked nervously.

He ignored him and knelt down by the noble. Casey’s body was face-down, warm blood running down his neck. Caspian flipped him over and closed his lifeless eyes. His pale skin was even lighter than normal, “Sorry.” He whispered sticking his hand into the dead man’s jacket.

He pulled it out holding a bag of coins. He tossed it to Resh, who looked at it confused for several seconds. Slowly he put the bag into his pocket. Caspian stood and walked over to the caravan. The horses stomped the ground as he opened the door and crawled inside. It was well organized. The small space had a cot off to one side and a desk on the other. A trunk was on the floor by the end of the bed.

Caspian went to the desk first. He threw open the drawers. Finding only sentimental items inside he moved to the trunk and threw it open. Clothes spilled out. Caspian pulled out a shirt and pants. He quickly changed and rummaged around in the bottom of the chest, “Didn’t take the noble to be the type for these.” he mumbled pulling out several hoodies. He picked out a black one and pulled it over his head.


Blood was drying to his skin and clumping his hair together. There was a mirror beside the door and when he turned around he saw himself. But it wasn’t really him, all he saw was a red eyed killer. The Hunters were right when they said he was a murderer he had killed more than he could count. He hoped the twins would be gone when he came out. They’d be safer without him.

He opened the door again to find the two redheads staring at him, “Caspian we still want to help you.” Kye said instantly.

Caspian froze, “Why?” he asked slowly.

“Because, you seem like you need it.” Resh said, looking at Caspian’s hand.

He gripped a dagger loosely it his right hand. His eyes narrowed, he didn’t remember calling it. He dropped it immediately. It vanished before the night black tip touched the ground. His head spun and he clung to the side of the caravan. The pain in his skull returned and he collapsed.

He hit the ground hard, smashing his head against a rock. His vision blurred and he felt hands flipping him over. His head was screaming in pain. His eyes cleared for a second to find Kye staring at him whispering something to Resh. Caspian reached up to his head. Warm blood flowed over his fingers.

He felt it healing already but, his whole skull still hurt. It felt like knives were being pushed into his brain. His thoughts mixed together, and his eyes lost all sight.


He wasn’t out long. The blood he had lost was still wet and he was lying on a cot. The room jostled around. He looked around with fuzzy eyes and realized he was in the caravan. It was different though, the desk and trunk were gone and a pile of clothes lay on the floor. His headache was almost gone, and he stood up.

The mirror on the door showed the same being as before. A red eyed demon. He opened the door almost taking out Resh who was walking behind it. He looked up at him, surprised, “It’s only been a few minutes.” he grumbled, “Never seem to get away for long.” It was night and the stars shone brightly in the sky.

Caspian jumped out of the moving vehicle, landing easily, “Kye, he’s awake.” Resh called.

“Already?” Kye answered back, surprised, “Come here.”

Resh rolled his eyes and walked forward with Caspian. Kye was sitting on the front of the caravan holding the reins. He scooted over on the seat and Caspian crawled up to sit next to him. Kye inspected his bloodied head, “That’s awemazing there’s not even a scar.” he said releasing him.


“Are all demons like you?” Resh asked.

“What do you mean?” Caspian responded, shifting uncomfortably in the seat.

“Umm,” Resh paused, “Do they all have swords?” he started.


“Ok, then why do you?” Kye asked, scooting further away from him.

Caspian sighed, “I’m a Bloodbane. We are able to call bloodblades from Oblivion.”

“I’m sorry, bloodblades?”.

“And Oblivion?” Kye questioned.

Caspian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, “You two really know nothing?” the twins glanced at each other.

“Not really.” Caspian sighed.

“All demons and monsters go to Oblivion when they die and all souls go to The Void.” he paused making sure the brothers understood, “Sometimes demons or souls escape. Souls get lost on planets and become what you call ghosts or harts.”

“When I use a bloodblade I become more demonic. Each time I draw blood I lose more control.” he explained staring at his hands.

“That’s why your eyes are still red?” Caspian nodded.

“Bloodbane usually try to refrain from using their swords because, if the swords taste blood, they will lose control.”

“Then why aren’t you…” Kye stopped.

“Killing you?” he nodded, “I don’t know.” knives pierced his skull, “I can’t explain that to you.”

“Ok, why do the Hunters want to kill you?”

“It’s not just me they want to kill, they’re on a mission to kill all creatures from Oblivion. Do you not know the story of the humans?” they shook their heads.

“We didn’t have the best education.” Resh admitted.

“I doubt they would teach it in schools. Humans came from the south on boats they were oblivious to the other races. There were hundreds of them. They colonized the rivers where the delir lived. The river giants weren’t going to let them take their home and tried to tell them to leave. The humans were afraid of the delir but, not willing to go. The peaceful giants didn’t want to start a war so they went to their brethren, the mountain giants.”

“The mountain giants refused to get involved though so the delir took their issue to Imreald, the capital of the mainland at the time. They agreed to help them in return for drinkable water. A small army of two hundred marched down to the river kingdom and convinced the humans to leave the delir’s land peacefully.”

“The humans wandered into the cities and began a new life there. Within a few years they were a common race and were accepted into society. No one knew where they came from and no one really felt like finding out. They had a strange hatred for other races and most were unfriendly.”

“They made a small city by the ocean and invited all humans to live there. They named it Primis, meaning first. They didn’t trade with other races and kept to themselves. One day a mortiem demon came to their town and killed half the population. When others offered to help rebuild it they turned them away, saying they sent the demon. The other races were offended by this and left them alone. They decided that day that all things they thought were evil should die.”

“I never thought about how different races would get here.” Kye said.

“I’ve met a lot of humans and they seem like an okay people.”

“Many of them have forgotten about Primis. Only Hunters remember.”

Caspian stared down at his hands. How did he know that? The knives dug deeper. He stopped thinking about it and moved on, “I have one more question,” Resh said, “Well I have a lot of questions but, I’ll settle for just one. Why would you take more of a poison that could kill you?” he didn’t respond for a little while.

“The bora acts as a paralytic for my healing. I only heal when I’m in pain and it couldn’t sense I was suffering.” he paused watching Resh think.

“So you put more inside of yourself to increase your pain, so you could heal.” he said looking up at him, he nodded, “Why didn’t you just break an arm or something?”

“When you do something enough times it becomes instinctive right?” Resh nodded, “Well I’ve broken my arms more times than I can count so my healing immediately knows how to fix it. That’s why the crossbow bolt in my leg healed as well. I figured if I got more of the poison in me my healing might be able to detect my pain and fix me.”

“How did you know it would work?”

“I didn’t.” he responded looking up at the sky.

They fell silent for a while, Resh yawned and Kye blinked away drowsiness, “You two should sleep.” he said taking away the reins, “Before you crash us into a tree.”

“You sure?” Resh asked, slightly skeptical.

“Yeah, can’t sleep anyways.”

“Alright.” they said nervously, walking into the back.

They couldn’t stop moving but the horses couldn’t keep going forever. Caspian sighed, it was going to be a long night.

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