

Blood warning

Chapter 7


Resh leapt backward, his heart beating out of his chest. Caspian’s eyes bore into his own. They reminded him of magma, dangerous when neared. He had to run. Had to get away. As he dove backward Caspian lunged forward unnaturally. His arms stretched toward him, fingers gathering a black mist. His mouth hung open mildly pointed teeth forming a smile.

Resh landed awkwardly on his foot, causing him to lose balance. Cursing gravity he twisted in midair and put out his hands to stop his fall. As soon as he hit the ground he pulled his legs forward and began to run. He heard Caspian land seconds after. He didn’t turn around to see if he was following him and made a mad dash for the doorway. His heart was beating so quickly it drowned out the sound of footsteps from his right. His vision could only focus on the escape that he forgot the swiftness of the man chasing him.

The wilds outside seemed so close he could smell the forest and the fresh unbloodied air. A chaotic swirl of emotions ran through his fear stricken mind, “Where’s Kye? Can I fight Caspian? Will he chase me out of here? Do I have enough time to shift and run faster?” These thoughts were cut short by a shadow lingering on the edge of his vision. He hadn’t noticed Caspian had beaten him to the door.

Fear ran up his spine. He tried to stop but his momentum carried him into the figure. They smashed into the wall shaking the weakened timbers above them. Dirt and moss fell from the roof scattering onto the ground. Resh was thrown to the floor. His head smashed against a rock, making stars fill his vision. The world spun around him and a weight pushed on his stomach. Instinctively he put up his hands.

HIs eyes cleared just enough to see Caspian standing over him with a crude black knife in his hands. The clouds in his mind lifted and his thoughts went blank. His arms were getting torn apart by clawing fingers and the air in his lungs was being pushed forcefully out of him. He was going to be stabbed. Going to die. The flame within him ignited and without thinking he released the magic that he had been subconsciously building. It flowed through a circle at the base of his palm nearly getting trapped in his arm. Resh quickly expanded the circle and the fire surged out.

His hands erupted with such violence that the whole room became illuminated for a moment. The blood that stained the walls was immediately dried and the moss that had fallen was quickly burnt to ashes. Caspian’s screams were lost in a rush of popping and crackling flames. It sounded as if a thundercloud had been trapped inside the barn. Resh felt the weight on his chest lift and then, just as quickly as the flames came, they left. The room wasn’t terribly scorched and by some luck his fearing mind had managed to keep his clothes uncharred.


Caspian had not been so lucky. He had managed to keep most of his clothes but his already burnt torso now oozed out a sickly white slime. His skin was blackened and cracked like salt fields. Blood ran slowly out of his mouth and his previously glowing eyes were shut tight. Resh’s eyes widened and guilt racked his body, “No, no no.” he crawled toward the body, which didn’t look much like a a body anymore, “I’m sorry, I hadn’t meant to,” He reached out slowly, afraid he might still lash out at him, “It was an accident.” he whispered an invisible weight pushing on his chest again, “Com’on heal you b*stard.” he pleaded, sadness hanging heavy in his words.

He closed his hand into a fist and lowered it to the floor, “I’m sorry,” Guilt dropped him to the ground, his knees crawling up to his chest, “I’m sorry,” he mumbled again, lowering his head, the fear of the moment suddenly rushing in on him. It had been in self defense but, he hadn’t meant to hurt him. He wasn’t a killer and he knew it. He felt ashamed, angry, and sad all at the same time. The rush of emotions made his head hurt.

His hands shook and his body felt weak. He bit back tears, “I didn’t mean to.” he whispered, shakes rocking his body. He lifted his hand back up touching his arm lightly. It was rough and scaly almost like coal. A piece flaked off, “What the...” a small pink patch of skin had been revealed beneath the dead.

Resh blinked away the tears that had been growing in his eyes and forced the lump that was rising in his throat back down. Hesitantly he ran his hand down Caspian arm. The charred skin fell away revealing fresh skin beneath. Resh backed away running his hand through his unruly hair, forcing it back upright. His heart beat rapidly in his chest. Slowly he kneeled over Caspian and put two fingers against his neck.

Seconds past and Resh stayed still. An unsteady beat touched his fingers. It was weak but he was alive. Resh breathed out a sigh of relief a smile growing on his face. Caspian’s chest rose slowly up. Happiness and excitement washed away his fear and he fell to the ground. He gave up on holding back his emotions and now let the tears run down his face.

Caspian spat blood, a shaking breath rattling his body. With each breath more of the dead skin was pushed off. His eyes remained closed and Resh remained wary. He shivered and more of the skin fell away. He looked nearly fine. The previously bubbled and browned skin on his torso was the only part of his body that still looked wounded. The skin was red and lumpy at his ribs.


Resh walked slowly toward his body afraid he might lunge up at him a knife pointed at his throat. He stopped a few feet from him still unsure if touching him was the right idea. He glanced up to the open door. Moonlight streamed through it caressing the charred ground, turning it blue. The chilly fresh air had snuck inside the room and forced goosebumps to crawl up his arms. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and a chill ran down his back, “I could leave him here. It would be easy, I doubt he’d come looking for us...Us. Kye.” Resh looked back down at Caspian, “He was adamant on helping you, I can’t leave you either. I still need to show you that you can trust us.”

He kneeled down still keeping his distance and whispered, “Caspian?” silence echoed back to him, “Hey you’re alive right?” He scooted slightly closer his boots touching the small pool of blood draining from Caspian, “I’m going to pick you up, please don’t attack me.” he whispered to no one in particular.

Slowly he shuffled forward on his knees. His pants absorbed the blood, turning the dirty brown red. He slid his arms under his torso, “Don’t,” a weak but rough voice said. Resh froze, it was choked up and hurt, “Stay back Resh, I’m still healing I don’t have control.” Caspian shook, “I’m sorry.” he mumbled, his back was toward Resh but he felt the pain in his words.

The lump in Resh’s throat came back, “You’re going to bleed out I have to pick you up.” He slid his arms further under him.

Caspian drew in a sharp breath, “Please don’t, you don’t understand.” he choked out shakes rocking his body.

Resh shut his eyes, “You’re right I don’t understand, but whatever you are you can’t become again. Not now. I have to get you off the floor so I can help you.” Resh started to stand Caspian’s body hanging limply in his arms.

“I’m sorry but I can’t.” he whispered looking up at Resh.

Their eyes met. Caspian’s teeth were grinding together as his eyes shifted chaotically from red to blue. He looked in pain, his eyes wet with restrained tears, “Don’t.” he pleaded as Resh took a step forward, “Stop.” He didn’t seem to be speaking to Resh anymore but instead to himself.

Resh walked forward again, his bruised limbs aching. The weight of the bleeding man seemed even more heavy than before. He sped up his pace stumbling around rocks and the uneven ground, “No,” Caspian whispered shutting his eyes. Resh stopped now at the foot of the cot, “Sorry.” Resh dropped to his knees, “I can’t.” he said a growl returning to his words.

Before Resh could set him down all the way Caspian whirled in his arms to stand. He grabbed his arm and pushed him to his feet. The monster from before was back. He threw him against the wall. The impact against the bricks sent the air out of his lungs. He fell to the ground his heart beating rapidly once more. He tried to stand and run but Caspian’s dim red eyes locked him in place. He was emotionally and physically drained, “Caspian don’t.” he pleaded holding his hands up, “I can’t fight anymore, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Caspian’s face was torn between anger and pain. Blood ran freely down his torso pooling at his feet. A mist gathered in his hands. He grabbed Resh by the cuff of his shirt and lifted him up, “Don’t.” Resh pleaded staring into his eyes.

Caspain‘s smile wasn’t there this time and frustration ran over his face. His fingers twitched uncontrollably, the mist flowing out of his palms like water. His hand shot up, a knife grasped in his palm. Resh’s nerves were shot he couldn’t move, couldn’t talk, he could barely even think. His hand came down and Resh screamed as a warm stinging sensation shot through his right shoulder. Hot blood trickled down his arm.

The knife was ripped out causing a chill to run through his body. The pain didn’t register until he raised his arm again. Cold air floated through the wound and pain rang through his shoulder. Resh tried to free himself from his grasp but it was useless his right arm felt numb and Caspian wasn’t budging. A tear ran down his face and he locked his jaw tight to keep from crying out again.

The knife swept toward his neck and he shut his eyes tight, “I’m sorry Kye.” But the blow never came. The hand holding him to the wall fell away and he opened his eyes to see Caspian’s arm next to his head a knife jutting out of it. Blood dripped onto his shirt mixing with his own. Caspian’s eyes were dim and he fell to the floor the knife nowhere to be seen.

Resh’s shoulder burned with such ferocity he couldn’t stand any longer. Dizziness rushed through his head and he fell to his knees. Caspian’s body seemed so small and blurry. The world spun around him and he collapsed to the blood stained floor.

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