

Chapter 5


Caspian woke up feeling like his guts had been removed from his body and replaced with rocks. His limbs were too heavy to lift and his mind was too muddy to think. His head pounded and he could hear his heart beating. It was slow and sounded as if lava was rushing through him. He knew this sound well, it was of his blood. He kept his eyes closed, afraid if he opened them this lava that kept him alive would be flowing out of him.

Eventually his common sense convinced him he was still alive and wasn’t bleeding out just yet. He blinked his eyes open, his vision was fuzzy. The objects around him blurred together in warm reds and browns. He kept his eyes fixed on the ceiling hopeful that the dizziness in his mind would soon cease to exist. Slowly his vision cleared and he could see the world once more.

The ceiling he had been staring at was made of straw and wood. The rafters looked miles away to his cloudy brain. He tilted his head to see what his surroundings consisted of. He regretted it immediately as pain shot up his spine and filled his skull. Little daggers poked at his skin and he clenched his eyes shut, hoping to block off the torturous feeling.

The pain soon dissipated and he opened his eyes to see Kye glaring at him from across the room. He stood by a large barn door framed by red bricks. Sunlight streamed into the room behind him. He walked to a fire pit in the middle of the room. Red coals glowed in the bottom of it. As Kye walked past it they caught fire and sparks flew into the air.

A chill ran down Caspian’s spine. Kye wasn’t just angry, he was furious. He looked around attempting to find something to defend himself with. He froze when he saw the wall closest to the small cot he was laying on. Blood was splattered all over it and ran down the bricks like a waterfall. Small drips ran toward his bed. He looked back up at Kye stopping him in his tracks.

Caspian looked at his clothes. Kye’s boots and tunic were stained red with blood and his hands were clenched into fists. Caspian’s voice was stuck in his throat. He tried to sit up but only managed to pick up his head. His worry and confusion grew when he saw that bandages were wrapped tightly around his chest. Hoping the blood on Kye and the wall was his own he looked back over at the twin.

Kye stood there glaring at him. His heart beat faster in his chest. He took a deep breath to try and calm himself but what he smelled only startled him more. The scent of iron hung thick in the air. It was a scent Caspian had become accustomed to but this time it scared him. It was unfamiliar. It wasn’t his own.

Caspian tried to speak again but his throat was too dry to get any words out. Silently Kye left the room and came back seconds later with a glass of water. Caspian raised his heavy arms and clutched the cold glass in his hand. He drank it happily as Kye stood beside him. He cleared his throat and looked back up at Kye, “Did I hurt anyone?” he asked his voice still hoarse.


Kye grunted and slapped the glass out of his hand. It shattered sending shards around the room. He grabbed his shoulder and threw him upright. Caspian screamed as he was slammed against the wall. They locked eyes for a moment Kye’s rage reflecting in his burning eyes. Caspian’s dark blue ones staring fearfully back, “You don’t remember do you?” he asked searching Caspian’s eyes.

“Remember what?!” He asked frustrated

Kye let go of him and stepped back, confusion and anger running across his face, “You hurt him Caspian. He didn't hold it against you much, but I do. I can’t just forgive you after you nearly killed my brother.”


Two days earlier

Resh stood in the cold room a trail of blood running toward his feet. Caspian’s body lay still against the concrete wall his chest rose and fell with each uneasy breath. His twin stood beside him, silent. Resh took a step forward staining his boots with the liquid, “Com’on Kye he’s your charity subject help me carry him.” his voice was monotone and low.

Kye nodded and walked over to help. Resh’s mind was surprisingly calm. A simple plan was forming in his head. Made concrete by what he had seen in the city that day. He had a knack for staying disconnected in stressful situations. His childhood had taught him that there was no point in worrying. Getting scared was to be saved for later. He knew Kye wasn’t the same. Resh knew he tried to be, but as much as he wanted to stay strong for his twin Resh knew he couldn’t.

So Resh stayed strong for both of them. He gave the commands and tried to stay level headed. When his life wasn’t in danger he could never seem to focus and his emotions guided him. He let Kye take over then. They balanced each other and together had been able to stay alive. Resh thought about Caspian. He had no one to keep him stable. No one to turn to if he needed help, comfort, or just someone to talk to.

“No wonder he had been so suspicious of us when we first met.” he thought to himself. He wasn’t used to other people truly wanting to help him. They tried to get him to open up by asking him questions and constantly pestering him like they did to each other, “Maybe he’d open up if we just gave him the time to trust us. Show him we want to do him no harm.”

Resh sighed as he leaned over his motionless body. His curiosity was too overpowering to even have the thought of leaving him there. Quickly he pushed him off the wall and wrapped his arms around his torso. Kye grabbed his legs and they both stood, “Where should we take him?” Kye asked, his eyes frightfully watching as Caspian’s blood drained out of him.

“We should take him out of the city, bringing him to a doctor just to have him heal in front of them wouldn't be good.” Kye bobbed his head seemingly more focused on not getting his clothes bloodied, “Stay quiet we don’t want to get caught by the night watch.”

They exited the bunker slowly, still fearful a Hunter might be lurking outside. Much to Resh’s liking there wasn’t, “Kye go check ahead for anyone.” he commanded nodding toward the alleyway in front of them, “See if you can find a way to the edge of town through the alleys.” he set Caspian down and started walking forward but Resh caught him by the arm, “Be careful okay? I’ll be waiting right there.” he said pointing toward a slightly cleaner alley.


“You don’t have to worry.” he said walking forward again.

Resh smirked as a plume of smoke burst off his brother’s shoulders and he dropped to all fours. Once he was a hound he ran ahead, the blue glow of his flames following behind him loyally. As soon his glow had faded Resh picked up Caspian bridal style and walked slowly into the passage, “For a guy with half his blood drained you’re pretty heavy.” he mumbled setting him back down on the cold ground.

He propped him up on the wall and examined the wounds. They were deep and didn’t seem to be healing like they were previously. Resh sighed and took off his coat, “What a waste.” he mumbled pulling off his shirt and wrapping it around the wounds.

The air was brisk and sent chills up his spine. He quickly pulled back on the coat and buttoned it up. Caspian’s skin was unnaturally pale and seemed almost green in the poor alley light, “Don’t die on me Caspian, we still have to figure out what you are.” he smirked, “We still have to show you that you can trust us.”

He stood up a light catching his eye. It was moving quickly through the alley only getting brighter as it got closer. The sound of running feet echoed around him. Suddenly the light disappeared leaving him standing in the dark, a dying man at his side, “Kye?” he called.

A figure appeared at the end of the alley. It was hunched over and seemed to be listening for something, “Kye?” he asked again, heart beginning to race.

“Shhh.” the figure moved forward slowly, “There’s someone coming from the left.” it whispered.

Resh breathed in. Past the smell of rotting food there was another scent. It was human and thick with iron. He heard footsteps coming from where they had entered, “Come and help me.” he commanded and quickly looped Caspian’s arm around his shoulder.

Kye jogged quietly toward him careful to not step on trash. He grabbed his other arm and they lifted him up. The footsteps grew louder, they were only a few yards away. Resh ran forward attempting to dodge piles of garbage. Caspian was a few inches taller than them and his feet drug along the ground, “Nice thinking turning back flameless but you scared the crap outta me.” Resh hissed quietly.

Kye grinned, “Sorry.” he said laughing.

They made it a few blocks and slowed down, “I don’t think they’re following us.” Resh whispered still wary.

“They will once they see the blood on the wall and their flowers all over the place.” Kye glanced worriedly down at limp man between them, “Will he be okay?”

“I don’t know,” he looked over at Kye, his normally messy hair lay flat on his head. He was biting his lip and hands were shaking. The sight of his brother in this state made Resh’s heart ache, “Just get us out of Elm and we’ll see what we can do.” he said shifting so more of Caspian’s weight lay on him.


Kye had managed to find a way through the alleys that was completely out of sight. When they made it out of the city they were met by grassy hills and a warm breeze. Night had come quickly and the shapes around them blurred together. They managed to find an abandoned barn about a half a mile away from Elm.

It wasn’t in the best of shape, its brick walls were coated in cracks which vines grew from. They climbed up its sides attempting to get closer to the sun they relied on. Its straw roof was supported by wooden trusses which seemed to buckle slightly under the weight. Its large double doors hung outward staying attached to the building only by one hinge each.

Resh pushed open the door the rest of the way knocking it down. It pulled several vines down with it, crushing them under its weight. He unconsciously avoided touching the other door and moved inside. There was a long cold fire pit in the middle of the dirt floor, small stones circled around the dusty coals. A hard cot was pushed against the far wall. A stool sat beside a table on the other side of the room.

Resh and Kye moved to the cot and set Caspian down on it. He was cold to the touch and Resh’s shirt had been soaked in blood. His eyes flickered restlessly in their sockets and his breathing was shallow and choppy. Resh carefully removed his shirt grimacing at the wounds. The cuts had seemingly grown and a blue ooze was leaking out of them.

His blood had mixed with it and made it tinted slightly purple. The stitches were holding, on most of the wounds but the ones Caspian had tugged at were snapped, “Kye start the fire.” an explosion sounded from behind him.

“Way ahead of you brother.” he said holding a flaming piece of wood.

He put it in the pit and hurried to get more. He ripped them off of the fallen door and added them to the blaze, “We’ll need bandages.” Resh said thinking out loud.

“I’ll go back into town and get them.” Kye responded startling Resh.

“All the shops are closed.”

“And?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

“Point taken.” Resh smirked, “Be careful if you’re not back in an hour I’ll come check for you.”

“I’ll be fine it’ll be just like when we were kids.” he said turning around and dashing out the door, “Be back in a bit.” he called.

“When we were kids...” Resh echoed distantly, touching the scar that ran along his cheek.

He sighed and snapped out his hand. Flames billowed up from his palm as he turned back to the dying man, “Sorry, but we don’t have the time to wait, I just didn’t want him to have to see this.”

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