

Chapter 3


“What!” Resh ran his fingers through his hair wildly trying to sort out the information he was given. The first piece of information he had been given.

Caspian had gone silent again staring at the grassy ground, that still smelled of blood, “We should go.” he stated, “They can’t be far.”

“You mean the so called ‘Hunters’. No, I think we should leave you here let them take you.” Resh said looking the man up and down, “What are you.” it wasn’t a question this time.

He was angry and didn’t care what Caspian thought of him, “If you knew you’d probably want to kill me too.” he said bluntly.

“Well we know you’re a killer.” Kye said stepping in front of him, “You did that to them, I don’t know how but you killed them and, you need us to get you out of here.” he said looking him in the eye.

Caspian wasn’t the slightest bit intimidated. Kye didn’t seem to care though and held is ground in front of him, “You’ll find out eventually.” he quoted mockingly, dark eyes staring right back.

“Maybe.” Kye mumbled, giving up.

Resh grunted and started walking toward Elm once more deciding fighting with him was useless. The sun was over their heads as they walked through the thick forest. The birds were twittering happily at angry squirrels that they stole nuts from. Larger creatures roamed above them in the trees making sure to stay out of sight.

The going was slow, Caspian was limping and gripping trees for support. He made no sound or motion for them to help him. The brothers would look back at him now and again, making sure he was still there. He was, much to Resh’s dislike. Kye nudged his brother once, when Caspian almost fell over. Resh smirked, happy that he was in pain.

The birds became louder as the sun climbed higher and the smell of iron finally left their noses, it was replaced by dirt and wet grass. The mountains soon surrounded the travelers and the trees had dispersed. A waterfall fell down a cliffside beside them. Moss grew around its bank and the rocks beside it were green and slippery with algae.

The brothers decided to turn right once they passed it, they were relying on an internal compass to get to Elm. They didn’t exactly know how they knew where to go, it was just a trait that most firehounds had. It was more like a feeling, as if they’d walked the land before. Many of their kind believed they had just in a past life as a true wolf. When they were younger and traveled to the west they’d heard many different theories about their kind. Most of them were random profanities people shouted at them while they ran away from them their arms loaded with food.

Kye was always looking for more information. Even when they were stealing food to get by, he would sometimes just go listen to people's stories of the places they’d been. He was curious and looking for different things to learn about. His mind was a roller coaster of questions swirling about gleefully. He raised his head to look up to the top of the mountain.

The slope was increasing and he wondered what would happen when it snowed. Would that waterfall freeze over or form a seal around it in ice keeping its beauty locked away for winter. If they’d come a few weeks earlier they would’ve been able to see it but the spring had come early and there were only small patches of snow left. He frowned if they’d have come a few weeks earlier they never would’ve met the annoyance walking behind him.


Kye shook the pesky thoughts away and focused on climbing. The sloping ground had turned into a cliff and he had to get on his hands and knees for a moment to keep from tipping over. Caspian would look over his shoulder every few minutes after checking he had a good grip on the ground. Soon the brothers were doing it as well. They were alone on the mountains but still they felt someone, or something was watching them. A chill ran down Kye’s neck.

He felt a presence on the mountain. It wasn’t threatening but unsettling and powerful. Kye felt like eyes were boring into the back of his skull. Resh kept turning back to look at him, there was fear in his eyes that made Kye even more unsettled. He took a deep breath in. Clean air devoid of any living scents filled his lungs.

Suddenly paranoid about the amount of life on the ridge the brothers started walking faster. Caspian was right behind them, forgetting about the pain in his upper body. The faster they walked the louder their hearts beat in their chests. The brothers seemed to lose all rational thought and began to shift into their other forms without thinking. Kye dropped to all fours and a burst of blue flame enveloped his body. It was a power all of their race had, they could turn into flaming wolves.

Resh also burst into flame and emerged from it seconds later looking far different from before. He had a silky black coat that shimmered in the sunlight. Blue flames ran down his back more collecting at the tip of his tail. Smoke wafted out of his mouth and sparks flew off of his feet. As he stepped fully out of the flames, he began to run. Being twins Kye looked the same and followed after him dashing up the cliff.

When they first found out how to shift they decided that it would be better to only turn into their wolf forms when they needed to run or sleep in the wilds. Walking on two feet seemed to be more socially acceptable and decreased the risk of being shot or mistaken for a pet. They couldn’t talk as wolves which Resh didn’t mind but it drove Kye crazy. He would growl constantly before shifting back into what Resh had started to call their flameless form.

For a few weeks Resh had stayed as a firehound but eventually he started to get headaches and loose who he was. He began to growl at Kye and eventually forced himself to turn flameless after he bit him. He’d heard stories about people forgetting who they were and turning into dire wolves. He never believed them until he hurt his brother. After that Resh refused to become a hound for a while. Eventually he found out that if it was only for a while he would be okay.

They began running faster and Caspian struggled to keep up. They quickly made it to the peak and almost ran right off a cliff. A strong wind pushed them back onto sturdy ground. The brothers stopped fully and shook away their false fear. Resh growled and with a burst of flame turned back into a man and looked across the mountains. Caspian appeared beside them still running. There was no wind to stop him from falling but he managed to keep his footing and took a few steps away from the edge.

Resh waited until his brother was standing beside him before pointing directly across the mountains. They all stared in awe at what Resh had spotted. An enormous blue serpent-like creature crouched on the mountains across from them. Its scales glimmered in the sun making it look like flowing water. It wore a dark brown mask that seemed to be the same texture as wood with spots of red surrounding two dark holes. Two more red spots were placed where its nose would be. The eyes showed nothing but darkness, it was as if they consumed the sun itself.


It’s snake-like body wrapped around the mountain. A set of dark blue wings were stretched out, their leathery surfaces catching the light making strange delicate shadows appear beneath it. There were claws at the end of its wings gripping the mountain ridges. Sharp brown spines ran along it’s back ending just before the spade tip of its tail. It was beautifully serene while being breathtakingly terrifying.

“What is that?” Kye asked in awe.

“It’s an elder spirit.” Caspian answered, the brothers both looked over at him, “They’ve been here since the beginning of Eviet, watching over nature. It was just trying to get us out of here. They don’t like people on their lands.” all eyes were now on Caspian who still stared blankly ahead.

“Why does it wear the mask?” Resh asked.

“The mask contains the magic in it.” he explained simply, “We should probably leave before it makes us tear each other apart.” he said walking away to find a way down the mountain.

“It can do that?” Kye asked rushing to catch up with Caspian.

Resh followed just as quickly, looking back just as the spirit’s scales changed color to match the landscape. Within seconds it was gone.


They made it down the mountain within a few hours. They were all relatively quiet each consumed with their own thoughts. The sun scorched their backs but, they managed to find a game trail that they thought would lead to a road to Elm. Caspian was bleeding, but he didn’t seem to care, “How did you learn about that creature?” Kye asked glancing over his shoulder at Caspian.

“Yeah, I’m curious about that too.” Resh said slowing to walk beside him.

“You two ask a lot of questions.” he growled eyes locked on the trees ahead.

Resh sighed and joined his brother ahead, deciding it would be better to not annoy himself further, “How much longer do you think?” Kye asked.

“There can’t be that much more till we reach a road. I know one runs through here.” he responded.

“What are we going to do when we get to Elm?” he asked, lowering his voice.

“Get some food, find a comfortable bed, buy supplies, get a job.” he smiled at his brother, “In that order.” Kye smiled back, the thought of hot food and a comfortable bed the only thing on his mind.

“What kind of job?”

“I don’t know, Elm’s a big place I’m sure someone needs something.”


They made it to Elm by night fall. Blue jellyfish-like creatures hovered above the town. They glowed brightly swaying slightly in the breeze. The town had begun to call them lytors, meaning light giving. Cities found it easier to capture and feed them than to light their own streets. They cast a blue light across the city giving it the appearance of a ghost town. Red candle light brightened the streets even more. All the shops were closed, and all the bars were full.

They walked down an empty street taking in the sights, trying to find a tavern that wouldn’t make them pay too much. Two turns and a drunk man away they found Tiffany’s Tavern. It seemed decent enough, its brick walls and shingled roof were still standing. Its sign was a bit crooked and the door needed another coat of paint but it seemed alright.

It wasn’t packed like the rest of the places, but there were enough people there for them to slip inside unnoticed. A few couples mingled on the dance floor while drunks leaned heavily on barstools near a set of stairs in the corner. They found a table near the door and Resh left to talk to someone about getting a room. A young lonnie waitress came over to their table with a fake smile plastered onto her face. She was pretty like all lonnie, perfect skin and strawberry blond hair contrasted her bright blue eyes.

“Would you boys like anything this evening?” she asked wiping her hands on her green dress.

“Three beers and,“ Kye glanced down at the small menu on the table, “The large roast chicken.”

“Ok, would you like anything else.” she asked glancing over at Caspian who only stared blankly back, “Alright then, we’ll have that out for you right away.” she said walking away.

Resh returned seconds later carrying a key in his hand, “We could only get one room.” he mumbled.

“Did they run out? This place doesn't seem that full.” Kye asked.

“No, you two are just broke, and now I’m wondering how you’re going to pay for food.” Caspian said getting glares from the brothers.

“Thanks for your input.” Resh growled.

The waitress came back with three beers in her hands. She set them on the table and quickly moved away, “Thank you.” Kye said only getting a nod in return.

Resh was already gulping down his drink, “Slow down you’re only getting one.” he frowned, setting the bottle down on the table.

Caspian took a sip and looked around the room. Kye smiled sitting back in his chair. Resh mumbled to himself tapping his fingers on the table, “When was the last time we had warm food?” Kye asked.

“I heated up that rat in Bakil, remember. Delicious.” Resh said sarcastically.

“Why’d you make me think about that.” he said frowning.

“Hehe, it was better than the pokola. You could slurp that one right down.” he joked smiling.

“I think I’ve lost my appetite.” Kye replied, causing Resh to burst out laughing.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that.”

“Me neither.” they both smiled again happy to be happy.

“Get a room.” Caspian growled.

“Why are you so cynical?” Kye asked glaring daggers.

“Why do you never stop asking questions.” he retorted.

“Because I never seem to know anything. Now answer my question!” he shouted drawing the attention of the tables around them for a second. But all was forgotten as something delicious filled their lungs.

The waitress was coming back with a glistening gold chicken. The three of them immediately turned their attention to her. Resh was salivating and Kye was almost purring. Caspian had turned to stare at the dull silverware in front of him. She set the steaming hen in front of them and hurried away. They tore off chunks and rapidly shoved them down their throats. Caspian went at a slower pace but, he was obviously hungry. It was gone within a few minutes.


When they finished their beers, they headed to their room. Resh stayed with Caspian while Kye went to look for bandages. Their room was small. One window was located above a rickety cot. A small nightstand sat in the corner wobbling on three legs. The carpet had been removed and a thick layer of dust lay on the floor. Resh sat on the bed while Caspian sat on a small chair pushed into the corner.

Caspian’s shirt had blood showing through once more. Resh kicked off his boots and laid back in the bed to wait for his twin. An awkward silence settled over the room. Resh breathed in but the only scents that he could smell through the dust was the blood seeping from Caspian and mildew on the carpet. Caspian coughed sending dust spiraling into the air. Resh sneezed and tried to blow it out of his face getting a weird look from the other man.

They shared an awkward moment of eye contact before Resh glanced away, “Soooo what’s your last name?” Resh asked.

Caspian smirked, “Nice try.”

Resh half heartedly smiled and the room fell back into silence for a while, “How about you?” Caspian asked.

Resh tilted his head up intrigued by his sudden interest, “Don’t have one.” Caspian nodded and dropped the conversation.

They sat there for around twenty minutes forced to wander through their own minds and just when they thought they might die from boredom there was a knock on the door. Resh hopped up practically running to the door. He opened it slowly to confirm it was Kye. The red haired hound stepped into the room with a small bag of medical supplies, “I spent the last of our money on this stuff.” he said slightly irritated.

“Take off your shirt.” Resh commanded looking over at Caspian.

He did as he was told removing the blood stained t. The bandages beneath were soaked through and falling off. Resh took the bag from Kye and moved over to the wounded man, “You shouldn’t be bleeding this much.” Resh mumbled unwrapping the bandages.

Caspian looked down at his own chest. He cursed, causing Resh to take a step back, “It’s poison.”

“What!” Kye shouted, starting pacing around the small room worriedly.

“Hang on.” Resh said standing up, “Are you sure, what kind?”

“I’ve been hit by it before. This explains why I wasn’t healing.” he said moderately annoyed, “Its called bora.”

“Is it lethal?” Kye asked.


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