《Miss Ophelia (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)》Chapter Twenty-Five


Ophelia, Draco, and Blaise apparated in front of a giant. Ophelia screamed as she tucked and rolled behind a rock. She put her hand over her heart to try and calm herself down. Draco quickly grabbed her free hand and pulled her to her feet in an attempt to get her out of the way. The three of them ran around the castle casting spells at death eaters. A death eater noticed her and they stopped in their tracks.

"Look, it's The Dark Lord's d-"

"Stupify!" Ophelia screamed frantically. The last thing she needed was someone spilling the secret of whose daughter she was. Ophelia let out a sigh and ran around and saw Fred on the ground cornered by a death eater. Ophelia screamed in anger and pointed her wand at the death eater.

"Exspulso!" Ophelia was feeling her anger come forward again, and she didn't know if she wanted to keep it in anymore. The death eater dodged her spell and Ophelia groaned in frustration. Ophelia was going to cast another spell when they all heard her father. He said his spiel about how people had an hour to bring Harry Potter to him in the forbidden forest, as well as how his people are retreating. The death eater scowled at Ophelia and left with a black trail following behind. Ophelia ran to Fred and helped him up. Fred groaned and leaned on Ophelia's shoulder.

"Thank you, Ophelia." Draco, Blaise, and Ophelia led Fred back to the castle to where he can be treated for his slight injuries. They then saw Neville come up to them, covered in small cuts and what looked like soot from an explosion.

"Neville? What happened to you?" Ophelia called out and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I blew up the bridge," Neville chuckled as he walked away, while Ophelia was standing there mouth agape.


"That's what that sound was," Ophelia mumbled to herself and then saw Hermione.

"Hermione!" She looked over to Ophelia and let out a cry as the girls ran up to one another and embraced each other in a hug.

"Where have you been? Are you okay? Did you-know-who hurt you?" Hermione whispered the last part, as she knew Ophelia would rather die than let anyone know where she was and who she was with the past few months.

"I'm fine. No, surprisingly he didn't hurt me. We've been stuck at the Malfoy Manor for the past few months. However, my parents were able to visit so I'm grateful for that." Hermione smiled and looked around.

"Where's Pansy? I heard after she got out of the hospital wing she went to the Manor." Ophelia rubbed the back of her neck and shifted from foot to foot. Hermione then looked at Draco and Blaise, who had walked over while the girls were talking.

"He killed her." Hermione's eyes bugged out of her head as she stared at the trio in shock.

"You mean, he killed her?" Draco nodded.

"Yes, right after she tried to kill me. But Ophelia stepped in front of me before Pansy could do anything, and they had a battle. After Ophelia got pretty shaken up and weak from the fight, he went up and had Nagini bite her about ten times, before he used the killing curse." Hermione covered her mouth as she gasped. Ophelia rubbed her arms and sighed.

"I mean, I considered that the only good thing he ever did. Hermione, do you know where Knott is?" Hermione let out a dry, airy chuckle.

"In the dungeon. One person acted out in front of McGonagall toward Harry, and it caused all of Slytherin to be put down there." Draco groaned.


"The one time I am glad to not be down there." Draco sighed as he guided Ophelia into the castle. They saw Harry and Ron and called out to them.

"Harry! Ron!" The boys looked down the staircase and walked up to their friends.

"Merlin's beard, are you guys alright?" Ron asked and the trio nodded.

"Yeah, we're fine." Harry nodded and walked past them.

"Harry? Where are you going!" Ophelia called out to him, and Blaise, Draco, Ronald, Hermione, and Ginny followed him outside.

"I'm going to the forbidden forest. I'm going to face him," Ophelia looked at Harry like he was mad.

"Are you insane? He will kill you if you go, Harry!" Hermoine stepped in and Harry sighed.

"Mione, he won't stop. He will ruin all we know and love, and if I can stop that, then I'm going to stop it." Hermoine and Ophelia started to cry. Ginny was trying her best not to.

"Do you have to?" Ginny asked as her tears finally fell. Harry sighed and kissed Ginny softly. Ginny's lip trembled as Harry walked away to the forest. Leaving his friends behind, wondering if they will ever see him again.

Meanwhile, in the forest, Narcissa, Voldemort, Bellatrix, and a few more death eater's held Hagrid captive. Harry arrives a little after an hour, Voldemort had killed him and asked Narcissa if he was dead. After she had asked if Draco was okay, and after Harry nodded, she told Voldemort he was dead. Hagrid carried Harry back to the castle as he cried silently, and to say Ophelia was angry, was a very big understatement.

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