《Miss Ophelia (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)》Chapter Twenty


Ophelia was more than devastated. She still loved Draco, but she couldn't believe that he had acted that way toward her. 'Was that was everyone was talking about? Was that how he acted before I came to Hogwarts?' Ophelia thought. Ophelia cried in her parent's arms and wondered where she went wrong. Why she would ever be treated that way by Draco. She didn't understand. However, one thing she knew for sure was that she still loved Draco and that she didn't want to leave him. It would definitely take some time to forgive him for what he did, but for now, Ophelia didn't want to be near him. Mrs. Zabini rubbed Ophelia's back and Mr. Zabini ran his fingers through her hair. As much as Ophelia appreciated their gestures, it would never compare to how Draco made her feel better. Blaise ran into the room after a few minutes after he heard what had happened. Blaise was going to deal with the situation by talking to Draco after he made sure Ophelia was okay. Ophelia looked up at her adoptive parents and spoke in a whisper.

"What is my name?" They looked confused.

"Honey, what do you mean? Your name is Ophelia." Ophelia shook her head.

"No, what shall my last name be now? Will it stay Zabini? Or will it be changed to what that monsters last name is?" Ophelia sobbed as she curled into a ball. Mrs. Zabini sighed.

"Honey, that is for you to decide. We won't force you to change your last name just because you found out you were his daughter. We won't force you to do anything that you don't want to." Ophelia nodded and was more than confused about the situation. She always wondered who her father was, and always wanted to take on his last name if she ever discovered who he was. But now that she has, she's not too sure if she wants to anymore. She is more than fine with Zabini, but it won't even matter in a few years. She planned on marrying Draco, but now she wasn't even too sure about that. She still loved him with all of her being, but she didn't understand why Draco would ever assume that she knew about the situation. He didn't even talk to her like a regular person. He screamed at her.

Blaise walked up to Ophelia and held her hand. Ophelia was still crying, but she wasn't sobbing anymore.

"Was that what you guys meant? Was that how he acted before I came around?" Ophelia's lip quivered again at the thought. Blaise shushed her and pulled her into a hug. Blaise sighed. He knew exactly what his sister meant. He knew Draco's temper, and no one liked being at the receiving end. He especially didn't like seeing his sister at that end when she did nothing wrong. She didn't know. Hell, Blaise didn't even know. Blaise sighed as he kissed Ophelia's forehead and stood up. He started walking to the door and Ophelia spoke up.


"Where are you going?" Blaise turned around to face Ophelia before he left the room.

"I'm going to talk to Draco." Ophelia nodded sadly and Blaise shut the door. Blaise was about to walk into Draco's room, but he heard voices talking.

"Draco, you really messed up. I mean, you have to think about it. Do you think Mister and Misses Zabini would really tell Ophelia that her father is the one and only you-know-who? She would be devastated and scared of every corner. I now see why they sent her away to Beauxbatton's because it makes sense. He would have searched Hogwarts first since everyone went there. Draco, you overreacted and didn't even give her a chance to explain her side of the story. You need to give her time to calm down before you talk to her." Draco sighed and rubbed his face. He sighed before casting his spell and spoke. Blaise had an idea and cast his Patronus outside the door and instructed him to listen from outside the door.

"I know. I fucked up big time and I don't know how to fix it. I just want to hold her and tell her how sorry I am. I don't know why I lashed out like that. This whole Voldemort being her father thing is stressful enough, not to mention we've all been in hiding for the past few months. I'm just so scared that the woman I've loved since I was six-years-old will leave me because I can't stop being stressed out. I mean, for fuck's sake Hermione, she was fucking tortured by my aunt and almost died in my arms. I was stressed out about her almost dying, and now I'm stressed out that she will leave me without a glance because of my temper. A temper that I have no idea how to control sometimes. Do you really think I should leave her alone for a while? What if I don't give her much attention because I took your advice and she thinks I'm still mad at her? I mean, she threatened Veritaserum and right then and there I knew she wasn't lying. And right after that, I felt terrible and tried to stop her from leaving the room so I could apologize, but her parents came in and so did my mother and they all left with her. I just don't want them telling her to leave me because I fucked up one time. The only other argument we've had was about my mark. And we fixed the problem the next day! This is completely different, and I have no idea how to make it better, let alone talk to her." Draco sighed and muttered to his cat to take the message to Hermione. Blaise whispered to his Patronus and told him to take it to Ophelia. The Patronus nodded and went on his way across the manor to take the message to Ophelia.


At that point, Ophelia was alone as she had asked her family to let her be for a while. She was laying on the bed, wishing she was back in Draco's room. She desperately wanted to forgive him if he were to talk to her, but she was honestly scared of him now. Knowing that the love of your life could snap on you at any moment is a scary thing. Ophelia sat up and rubbed her eyes as a blur of light came into the room. She knew it was a Patronus of some sort, but didn't know whose.

After the Patronus relayed everything that Draco said, she heard the mumbled voice of who to take it to. She smiled lightly as she knew it was her brother. She was a little worried for Draco at this point. She wanted to run back into his arms, but she knew she couldn't. Not yet, anyway. She wanted to forgive him, but she was going to force herself not to until she felt like he deserved it. She knew how sorry he was, but she agreed. They needed space from one another to calm down entirely. She sighed as she cast her Patronus. Her phoenix flew around her before it sat down in front of her. She gave a small smile and whispered.

"Send this to Draco," The phoenix nodded and stayed still. It took in the message and went off to Draco's room. It flew in front of Draco and let the message flow.

"I love you, Draco. No matter what you do." It was short and sweet, and it was a message that told Draco she would not be leaving him today. He sighed and sent his Patronus with a message as well. When it got to Ophelia, it rubbed up against her and she giggled.

"I love you more than anything, Ophelia. You have been and always will be my mea lux." Ophelia teared up and held her heart. She still loved Draco immensely, and nothing would be able to change that.

Downstairs, everyone was discussing what to do with the newfound information. Bellatrix felt guilty for almost killing her lord's child twice. Not because she cared for the child, but because she didn't want to lose her life. The Zabini's were worried about Ophelia's safety. The Parkinson's were also there and were furious. They were going to kill Ophelia for what she did to Pansy, but now they can't. As long as the dark lord lived, no harm could come to Ophelia.

"My lord, Ophelia needs to be punished in some way. She turned my daughter into a rat!" Mr. Parkinson was furious and demanded that he punishes his own daughter. Blaise scoffed and everyone turned to him.

"Oh please, the bitch Pansy was trying to impersonate Ophelia so she could break up with Draco and take him for herself. We all found out and to be honest with you Parkinson," Blaise paused and let out a breathy laugh.

"It was the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen." Mr. Parkinson tried to charge at Blaise but he was held back by his wife.

"She had no right to do such a thing. Pansy and Draco will marry someday because they are both purebloods." Narcissa glared at the parents before she let out a chuckle. Everyone turned their attention toward her.

"You can't, it's too late." Narcissa gave a smirk as she walked over to the tea on the wall.

"In my tea room upstairs, there is our family tree on a wall. Next to Draco's name is a flower bud with the name "Ophelia Riddle" underneath it. It is too late now to try and make him fall in love with Pansy. He has found the love of his life, and no one can change that. Not even you." Narcissa sighed happily as she sipped her tea. Lucius pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't know what to think of the situation. He was more than pleased to know that Ophelia was his lord's daughter, but he didn't like how Ophelia made Draco soft. Lucius would be fine if Draco and Ophelia did marry at any point in time. Ophelia and Draco being together meant that the Malfoy family wouldn't be targeted, and that made Lucius happy.

"Nothing will happen to my daughter, Parkinson. If anything, your child got what was coming for her." Blaise had to stifle a laugh. He cleared his throat and decided to leave the room. All of a sudden, Ophelia came into the room. Ophelia's eyes were bloodshot and she became very shy around everyone. Everyone heard a pop in the room and Ophelia had become overjoyed.

"Zinzsy!" Ophelia ran to her house-elf and hugged her. Lucius scoffed and Voldemort was observing his daughter.

"Zinzsy heard what had happened to Miss Ophelia, and Zinzsy just had to check up on her." Zinzsy smiled and they sat together.

"I'm glad you're here Zinzsy." Ophelia smiled and Lucius groaned and started to walk toward the elf and Ophelia. Ophelia stood and grabbed her wand.

"Get that thing out of here!" Lucius was only two feet away when Ophelia screamed.

"Flippendo!" Lucius screamed as he was flown across the room. Blaise chuckled and patted his sisters back. Voldemort watched as his daughter stuck up for herself and he couldn't have felt more proud. He decided he would deal with Lucius when he woke up, and would just enjoy seeing the woman his daughter has become.

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