《Miss Ophelia (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)》Chapter Fifteen
Everyone yelled surprise, and Ophelia was confused as to why. She thought this was supposed to be a Christmas party? Draco walked up to Ophelia and kissed the top of her head. People awed and he pulled for towards a table.
"What's going on? I thought this was a Christmas party?" Ophelia was sat down in a chair and a bowl of her favorite food was waiting to be served to her.
"Well, yes, it is a Christmas party, but it's also a surprise party for you." Ophelia looked at her family and friends and started to cry.
"I thought you all forgot about me!" Ophelia sobbed into Draco's shoulder and everyone felt bad that they made Ophelia feel forgotten about.
"Love, how could I ever forget about you? You are the most important person in my life besides my mother. Besides, she'd beat me if she ever found out I forgot about something." Everyone laughed as Narcissa patted Draco's back. Ophelia laughed a little and wiped her face.
"Merlin's beard, I've probably ruined my make-up." Molly walked over to her and snapped her fingers. Her make-up for the second time tonight went back to normal. Ophelia thanked Molly and everyone sat down at their tables to eat. Ophelia was served Beef Stroganoff with Rice and she squealed in excitement.
"My favorite!" Everyone laughed as they all ate. Everyone agreed it was quite delicious and complimented Molly on her cooking. At Ophelia's table, there was Draco, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Theo, Blaise, Fred, George, and Ginny. They all joked around during dinner and were laughing. The Weasley's never thought that their kids would be friends with Slytherins, let alone Draco and his friends. Everyone saw how Draco looked at Ophelia and you could just tell that the two of them were in love. Narcissa smiled as she watched her son be loving towards Ophelia. Narcissa frowned for a moment, wishing Lucius would do the same to her. She looked toward the Zabini's and realized that they also acted the same way toward one another. Molly noticed how Narcissa was looking around at all the couples and realized that she doesn't get the same treatment as the others. Molly sighed and decided not to bring it up, as it would only upset Narcissa. Narcissa thought back to a couple of days ago in her tea room, there was a flower bud blooming on the tree next to Draco's name. Narcissa smiled at the memory and realized that that flower bud was Ophelia. She was happy her son finally found someone he loved. Narcissa has known Ophelia since she was a child, and she knew she had always been a good kid. Narcissa is proud that Ophelia loves Draco for himself, and that she isn't afraid of her son being a death eater. Narcissa decided to speak to her son when he went to grab himself and Ophelia another drink.
"Well, I'm happy for you Draco. I'm glad you found someone who loves you for you, and that she isn't afraid of you being a you-know-what." Narcissa whispered that part. Draco froze and turned to his mother.
"No! She doesn't know. I haven't told her. Death eaters almost killed her, and she would leave me if she ever found out that I was one of them." Draco whispered to his mother. Narcissa sighed and put her hand on his shoulder.
"Draco, I see the way she looks at you. She does love you for who you are, but you need to come clean with her and explain yourself. I'm sure she will understand." Narcissa insisted. Draco sighed and grabbed the cups full of punch.
"Let's just worry about Ophelia's party going well. I don't want to bring this up with her right now. I don't want to ruin her birthday." Draco sighed and walked back over to his table. Ophelia could tell something was off after he had spoken to his mother, but decided that he might not want to talk about it here. Instead, she scooted closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. Draco smiled and kissed her head, sighing as he put his arm around her. Hermione noticed his dark mark and gasped. Draco looked up at her quickly and she pointed to her wrist, hoping he would get the hint. He quickly looked and saw you could see it. He coughed and brought his arm up to his face. Ophelia sat up and waited for him to stop so she could continue to cuddle. Draco was starting to sweat, looking at his friends in fear. Ginny stood up abruptly and took Ophelia's hand.
"Come on, dance with me!" Ophelia laughed and joined her friend. Draco was sending her his thanks as the two walk away. Draco groaned and rubbed his face with his hands. He knew the trio was going to mention this.
"Draco, she doesn't know, does she?" Harry questioned and Draco shook his head no. Hermione sighed.
"Draco, you need to tell her. If she finds out through someone else that would be even worse."
"Yes! Yes, I know I need to tell her. I just know as soon as I do she'll leave me." Ronald looked up.
"You don't know that man. I'm sure that if you explain why you have it she'll understand, or at least want some time to process it." Ronald spoke as Hermione leaned into him. He rubbed her back slowly and Hermione sighed.
"Draco, we know it's going to be hard. But you know sooner rather than later, she needs to be told." Harry spoke up. Ophelia had walked back over to the table as Harry finished his sentence.
"Who needs to know what?" Draco froze and started to stutter. His friends looked around worriedly, not knowing what to say. Fred and George had noticed this and quickly came over.
"That Draco wanted to tell you how much he wants to spend the rest of his life with you!" Fred spoke and Ophelia grew a wide smile.
"Really?" She looked at Draco and he chuckled and smiled.
"Yeah, he hasn't stopped talking about it. He really loves you." George chimed in and Ophelia smiled and kissed Draco's cheek.
"Well, I want to spend the rest of my life with you too, darling." Draco sent a thumbs up to the twins and they chuckled as they left to get more food. Draco couldn't stop thinking about how he was going to tell Ophelia. When would he do it? He knew that it was inevitable, that he was most likely going to lose Ophelia because his father forced him to become a death eater. He wanted nothing to do with this life, and he knew that if he wanted to be with Ophelia and have a future with her, he was going to have to get out of being a death eater. Ophelia could tell something was on his mind and whispered to him.
"Is everything alright Draco?" Draco looked at her quickly and shook his head.
"Nothing for you to be worried about right now. I can tell you later, okay?" Ophelia's brows had furrowed, but she nodded anyway. She knew that whatever this was, it truly was bothering him. Ophelia stood and grabbed his hand.
"Well, come dance with me to get your mind off of it." Draco smiled and took her hand. A slow song had started as they got to the dance floor. They started to dance with one another and Ophelia laid her head on his chest. Draco put his chin on the top of her head, kissing her every now and then. Everyone awed toward the couple. From outside the tent, people looked in through an opening. The people were watching the party, and how Draco was very friendly with a certain girl.
"That's her. That's Ophelia." One of them whispered.
"What do you wish to do, master?" Another asked.
"Surround them. They can't escape all of us." A woman laughed quietly, more of them appearing around the tent in a black cloud of smoke, their tall hats being the only thing telling you what they are.
"Harry is everything alright?" Hermione asked. Harry fell to the floor and everyone stopped what they were doing.
"Harry?" Ophelia called out but he kept holding his scar. Hermione and Ronald looked at everyone and saw the black shadows outside.
"Everyone get out! Now!" Harry yelled. However, it was too late. The death eaters stormed the tent and as people tried apparating away, the death eaters tried catching them. Narcissa ran to Draco and Ophelia to protect them. Harry, Hermione, and Ron joined the group. They all had their wands out as two people came up to the group. Narcissa scowled at one of them, knowing it was Lucius. The other was Bellatrix, as she didn't wear the attire as others did. Bellatrix's eyes went wide as she saw Ophelia. Blaise ran and stood in front of Ophelia.
"If you want her you'll have to kill me." Draco looked over at Bellatrix and became furious.
"You. You tried to kill her. I'll kill you Bellatrix!" Draco stepped out of the circle and pointed his wand at her.
"Oh, Draco, you wouldn't kill your poor aunt, would you?" Draco put his wand up against her throat.
"Yes, I would. To protect the one I love." Ophelia smiled for a split second before her smile turned into a look of fear.
"That's him, isn't it Harry?" Harry looked and stepped outside of the circle.
"Yes, stay back Ophelia." Harry pointed his wand toward Voldemort. He smiled and started to laugh.
"The one and only, Harry Potter. We meet again." Voldemort glanced toward Ophelia and his eyes softened. Ophelia started to cry out of fear. This was the man who wanted her alive for some reason. She didn't want to stay around to find out. Lucius took off his hat and Ophelia sobbed. Narcissa held Ophelia close to her to protect her from Lucius.
"Stay back. I don't know what you want with her, but you can't have her." Draco pointed his wand at his father. He knew when Lucius had the chance he'd grab Ophelia.
"Oh, Draco. I'm not going to kill Ophelia. I need her alive." Voldemort got closer and when Draco looked at him for that split second, Lucius grabbed Draco and put him into a headlock.
"Now now, Draco, we don't want to make a scene do we?" Draco struggled against his father. In the process, his sleeve had rolled up.
"Draco!" Hermione yelled but it was too late. Ophelia had looked over and had seen the dark mark.
"Draco?" Ophelia called out to him and when he saw her look back and forth between his eyes and wrist he looked down.
"Ophelia, I can explain. It isn't what it looks like!" Draco got out of his father's hold and tried to go to her. Ophelia stepped back, even away from Narcissa.
"You didn't tell me. Why Draco? Why would you keep this from me?" Hermione, Ronald, and Harry looked at Draco sympathetically. Ophelia looked at her friends and saw the looks in their eyes.
"You all knew? You all knew and didn't tell me!" Ophelia screamed and started to sob.
"Ophelia! It wasn't our secret to share with you. We weren't going to do that to Draco!" Hermione tried to reason with Ophelia and tried to approach her. Ophelia stepped away from her friends.
"No! You all knew! What did I do to deserve this? I didn't ask to be almost killed by Bellatrix, I don't even know why he wants me alive, but I'm not sticking around to find out." Ophelia was about to apparate but Draco hugged her and held her in place.
"Please, you need to let me explain! If I didn't do this then he would have killed me!" Ophelia sobbed. It broke her heart knowing he was forced into this life, but it broke her heart more knowing that Draco didn't ask her for help when he was going through this time. Blaise was standing near his parents, looking shameful. They were also death eaters and they purposefully left her out of the life they had, and Beauxbattons provided her that escape. Ophelia looked toward her parents and brother and saw the guilt in their eyes.
"You all knew! What else have you been keeping from me?" Ophelia screamed at her family. Blaise sighed.
"Ophelia, we sent you to Beauxbattons to protect you, and keep you out of the life we were forced to go into. Mother, Father, and I are all death eaters as well." After Blaise spoke Ophelia dropped to the floor. She couldn't believe how everyone around her had kept something like this away from her. Ophelia thought that her friends would tell her Draco needed to talk to her about something important, she thought that her own brother would come to her for help, she thought that Draco would also come to her for help because that's what partners do. They help each other. Ophelia stood up and got ready to apparate once again.
"Before you go, there is something you must know." Voldemort walked forward and Ophelia stepped backward.
"There is no way in hell that I will ever do anything you tell me to do." Ophelia choked on her sobs. Voldemort paused for a moment before speaking. Lucius walked forward and grabbed her.
"You need to join us, Ophelia. We've been looking for you for ages and now that we have you, you aren't leaving!" Lucius pulled out his wand and pointed it at Ophelia. Draco ran in front of her and shielded her, forcing his father to lose his grip on her.
"No!" As Draco screamed, Ophelia saw this as her chance to leave. She apparated back to her manor to pack a few things and flee. When she got back she realized she had to tell Zinzsy she had to go somewhere safe. Voldemort screamed and looked toward Lucius and Bellatrix.
"Find her!" They turned into black smoke and floated away. Draco started to tear up.
"Blaise! Blaise where would she go?" Blaise thought for a moment before he answered.
"She'd go back to the manor. She would gather supplies she'd need before she left." As soon as Draco heard he grabbed Harry, Hermoine, and Ronald and apparated them all to the Zabini manor. They saw the black trails of smoke in the sky and ran inside.
"Zinzsy! Zinzsy where are you?" Ophelia screamed as she ran up the stairs, knowing Zinzsy would pop up wherever she was. Zinzsy popped up beside Ophelia on her bed. She saw Ophelia sobbing and immediately grew concerned.
"Miss Ophelia, what has happened?" Ophelia was still choking on her sobs as she spoke.
"They-They lied to me! I-I have to get out of here!" Ophelia had already finished packing a bag and ran into her closet. She had been stashing her savings away in her closet for safekeeping, and for emergencies.
"Miss Ophelia, I don't understand! What is this about?" Zinzsy was truly worried about Ophelia. She never acts up like this.
"They're death eaters! And everyone knew about it but me! And now Voldemort knows where to find me, I need to go!" Ophelia ran down the stairs only to run into her friends and boyfriend.
"Ophelia, we need to go, now. The death eaters are right behind us." Draco said as he went to grab her arm.
"You mean you are right behind me. Or in front of me now." Ophelia was still crying and was clutching her bag as if her life depended on it.
"O, please. I love you, please do not leave me like this. I didn't want any part of this life." Ophelia scoffed.
"You could have come to me! You could have asked me for help!" Draco rubbed his face.
"Honey, there is no asking for help with that situation. It was either I joined and lived or refused and died. Mother only joined as well because my father forced her to. And as for your parents and Blaise, it's the same situation there! They were forced into it, we all were!" Draco held her hands in his and sobbed with her. Ophelia saw the pain in his eyes and sobbed even harder. She was devastated that her beloved was in so much pain because of this.
"Ophelia, please don't leave me. You're the only reason I have ever stuck around for this long." Ophelia hugged him and sobbed into his chest. Draco held her close as he looked out the window.
"Baby, we need to go. They're here, and they won't be hesitating this time." Ophelia nodded and went up to her friends.
"Where do we go now?" Hermione thought before she spoke.
"Ronald, Harry and I will apparate around to try and find those Horcruxes. You and Draco will go back to Hogwarts and lay low there. Tell McGonagall about what is happening." Hermione grabbed Harry's and Ronald's hands before screaming to Draco and Ophelia as Death Eaters stormed the manor.
"Go!" And with that, they apparated to their destinations.
"You almost killed her, Bellatrix? I told you I needed her alive!" Voldemort screamed at Bellatrix as he walked around the Malfoy Manor.
"It's not like I knew what she looked like. All you told us was a name, and obviously she lied about hers!" Bellatrix was trying to make it seem like it wasn't her fault. Voldemort cast a spell at her and she ducked.
"I will not have your excuses! You nearly killed her! She is too important for the cause, and if she died, then I'd make sure you died as well. No matter how loyal you are." Bellatrix gave a huff as she left the room. Lucius was left alone with Voldemort and decided to speak up.
"My lord, if it helps clear things up, I did tell Bellatrix to calm down with the spells she was casting, and that we needed Ophelia alive." Voldemort cast a spell at him as well.
"Shut up, Malfoy. Find her!" With that Lucius ran into the other room and looked at his wife. He shook his head once and apparated with a group of death eaters.
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