《Miss Ophelia (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)》Chapter Six
Once again, Ophelia and Draco woke up next to one another on his bed. The night before, they had laughed and played many rounds of wizard chess and took turns eating Bertie Botts every flavored bean. After hours of having a good time, they fell asleep with one another and now it was a new day. Ophelia woke up first and stretched. She looked down at Draco, only to notice him still very much asleep and drooling a little. She giggled and then shook him lightly.
"Draco, come on you have to wake up." Draco groaned and while still asleep, grabbed her and brought her down to him to cuddle. Ophelia giggled and kissed his cheek softly.
"Come on love, time to get up," Ophelia stated while patting his stomach. He groaned and opened his eyes. He smiled at the beauty in front of him and pulled her on top of him once again.
"And what if I would not like to get up today?" Draco rubbed Ophelia's back and she sighed happily.
"Then I won't give you any attention today." Draco immediately sat up and stretched.
"Won't you look at that time! We need to get down to the Great Hall for breakfast." He started to get changed and Ophelia laughed. Draco got dressed in record time and by the time he was done, Ophelia had come back in from the bathroom, fixing her tie. Draco smiled as she was having trouble again. He went over to her and properly fixed the tie, kissing her forehead when he was finished. Ophelia blushed a crimson red, and grabbed his hand and started to walk out the door.
"What would you like to do after classes, Draco?" Ophelia asked him happily. She was always excited about what they were going to do next.
"Well, we could go flying again." Ophelia jumped up and down while clapping her hands. She loved flying and wanted to join the quidditch team. Draco expressed his worries to her, as the sport can be quite dangerous.
"Yay! That sounds wonderful Draco!" Ophelia giggled as they left the common room, oblivious to a glaring Pansy in the corner. She smiled, remembering her conversation with the love-sick redhead the night before.
"What is it? I don't want to be caught speaking with a Slytherin." Lavender gave a huff and she crossed her arms. Pansy gave her a sweet smile.
"Oh, well, in that case, if you aren't interested in getting Ronald back, then I'll just leave." Pansy started to walk away but Lavender grabbed her arm.
"No! Stay! You have an idea on how I can get Won-Won back?" Lavender pouted and Pinsy internally cringed. Pansy was already annoyed at this idea but had no other choice. She knew Lavender would be able to help her out with Draco if she helped with Ronald.
"Of course I do! I see how much you love him, and how that Mudblood stole him from you. But I have the most perfect plan."
"Brilliant, what is it?"
"I do have one condition before I tell you." Lavender gave an annoyed huff.
"Well, get along with it. I don't have all day." Pansy smiled a sickly-sweet smile.
"You need to help me get Draco back." Lavender gave a confused look.
"Back from who?" Pansy groaned.
"Ophelia! That Beauxbattons whore." Lavender made an 'o' shape with her mouth and nodded. She thought for a few moments and nodded her head.
"Alright. I'll do it. Now, what's your plan?" Pansy grinned.
"Love potion."
In the Great Hall, At the Gryffindor table sits Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ronald, Ophelia, and Draco. Draco had finally put aside his differences for the Gryffindor's and sat at their table with them. Many people were fine with Ophelia. However, Draco is a different story. Everyone gave him confusion filled stares, as well as anger filled glares. He rolled his eyes and ignored them, as he was willing to do anything to make his beautiful Ophelia happy.
"Alright, Draco. We should head to class now." Ophelia stated happily as she stood from her seat. Draco groaned and stood. After he was done stretching, he walked over toward Ophelia and looked back at the group.
"See you all later." He gave a nod of acknowledgment to the group and left. Ophelia was bouncing around Draco in excitement, happy that she is going to potions, her favorite subject. Draco just smiled along with her. His thoughts were that if she was happy, he was happy. Ophelia dragged Draco along to potions and was instructed to make Liquid Luck. The couple smiled at one another and brewed the potion. After that, they went to their DADA class and learned about Patronus'.
"Mr. Malfoy, do you know what your Patronus is?" Draco looked down and shook his head no.
"Pity. Miss Zabini, do you know what your Patronus is?" Ophelia nodded happily and stood.
"Expect Patronum!" Ophelia's Patronus flew around the room looking incredibly happy to see everyone. The Phoenix danced around Ophelia before disappearing.
"Wonderful, ten points to Slytherin." Ophelia smiled and sat back down. She looked toward Draco but frowned when he did not look as happy as she did. Ophelia then wondered what she had done wrong.
"Draco, what is it?" Draco shook his head, implying that nothing was wrong. He simply did not want her to know he can not create a Patronus. Ophelia then remembered what their professor asked, and gasped.
"Draco, darling it's alright. I'll teach you later." Ophelia gave him a smile and continued to pay attention to the lesson. Draco tried to pay attention, but all of his thoughts were focused on the beauty next to him.
"Alright, Draco! Let's begin!" Ophelia had dragged Draco and Harry outside near the lake to teach Draco. Once Harry was informed about the situation, he gladly decided to help his newfound acquaintance.
"Don't worry. I had a hard time making mine a few years ago. It takes practice and concentration." Harry reassured his friend while standing back. He cleared his throat and inhaled.
"Expecto Patronum!" The white light emanated out of Harry's wand, creating a stag. The stag ran around the trio and ran into the forest, disappearing at the tree line. Draco was amazed.
"Teach me, Potter. Please." Draco gave his head a firm nod, and the trio proceeded to take the rest of the afternoon to teach Draco.
"Alright, Draco. One last time. Think of the happiest memory you can muster. And don't give us that bloody excused again of your first time being on a broom. I did the same thing and I failed miserably. Now, seriously, think." Harry said as he backed away from Draco. Ophelia watched from the sidelines, hoping Draco would get it right this time.
Draco raked his mind for his happiest memory. He was happy when he first got on his broom, but it wasn't the happiest memory he has. Draco thought back to his childhood. The only thing that really made him happy was his friends, Pansy, Blaise, and Ophelia. More specifically Ophelia. He remembered he would pick her up and spin her around, and they would always play games. Draco specifically remembers when Ophelia was sad about some guy at Beauxbattons one year, that he cuddled Ophelia in her room. Ophelia refused to speak to anyone except for Draco, so the Zabini family knew better than to try and interrupt. Ophelia had poured her heart out about the situation, and Draco listened. He remembered how her brown eyes became red from the tears, how her cheeks flushed red, and how she was so upset that a boy from Beauxbattons had been bullying her. Draco swore to her that when he finds him he would hurt him beyond belief. And then Ophelia laughed at his jokes, and he felt happy and proud that he was able to calm her down when no one else was. While looking back on this memory, Draco smiled, but he knew it wasn't the proper one.
Then Draco thought back to a few days ago when he and Ophelia were at the Quidditch Pitch after their flying lesson. Draco had held her close and felt a strong flow of love and happiness. Draco smiled wider at this memory. He knew that it was perfect. Draco opened his eyes and looked at Ophelia and Harry.
"I got it." Ophelia smiled toward him, hoping it was about her. Whenever Ophelia casts her Patronus, she thinks about Draco and all of their happy moments. She goes back to the Quidditch Pitch and remembers the main feeling flowing through her. Love.
"Alright, now concentrate on that memory. And say 'Expecto Patronum.'" Harry told him as he backed away. He knows his happy memory is when he saved Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets. The look on her face, how happy she was when his arm was healed by Fox, was more than enough.
Draco took in a deep breath and focused on his feelings when he was holding Ophelia. He focused on the smile on her face whenever he is around. Draco then focused on her eyes. He loved her brown eyes more than anything in the world. He focused on his love for her.
"Expecto Patronum!" Draco yelled as he held out his wand. All of a sudden the white light now emanates from his wand. Draco smiles and concentrates even more on his feelings and the spell. Then an animal starts to appear. It flies up above their heads and then comes on down to Draco's feet. Ophelia giggled and clapped her hands.
"A Ragdoll cat!" Draco looked at Ophelia's happiness and knew he wouldn't have a problem staying concentrated on the spell. Not while Ophelia is smiling. After a few moments when the cat should have disappeared, Harry noticed Draco looking at Ophelia lovingly. He gave a light chuckle and shook his head. Hermione was right.
"Well! I hope you are happy Draco. You can now produce a Patronus." Draco looked at Harry and the cat then disappeared. Harry smirked at Draco, knowing his little secret.
"I will see you both in the Great Hall for dinner. It's getting late." He smirked at Draco and gave a small nod to Ophelia.
"See you later Harry!" Ophelia giggled and ran up to Draco.
"I'm so proud of you Draco!" Ophelia jumped into Draco's arms and he twirled her around. He picked her up and just held her. What Ophelia didn't know was how happy she had just made Draco.
'I'm so proud of you Draco!'
No one has ever said that to him. Not even his father. Draco kissed the top of her head and they stared at one another lovingly.
From atop a hill close by, Pansy and Lavender watch the couple. They had been watching them for several hours and Pansy groaned.
"Look, I need you to help me get rid of that, and in return, I will help get rid of Granger for you." Lavender thought for a moment but nodded.
"Anything for my Won-Won." Lavender smiled and shook hands with the Slytherin. Pansy gave an evil grin and walked back to the prefect's bathroom, where she was secretly brewing Lavender's love potion.
The Zabini family ran through the castle to the Slytherin common room. Snape had given them the password and when they got to the door, Mister and Misses Zabini burst through the doors and saw Ophelia and Draco on the couch doing homework. All of the Slytherins turned to see who had barged in and looked away when Blaise and Ophelia yelled their parents' names. Ophelia ran up to her parents first and hugged them. Misses Zabini held her daughter as she cried.
"When we heard Beauxbattons had been attacked, we were terrified. All we had hoped was that our baby girl was okay!" The four people held one another and cried while Draco stood behind them. Misses Zabini looked up and when she saw the boy she called out to him.
"Draco, thank you, for taking care of my baby." Draco nodded and sighed as he moved the group to the couch so they could all talk. Pansy watched and when she tried to approach, Misses Zabini scoffed at the girl.
"Get out of my sight Parkinson, I know you're trying to screw over my baby girl." Everyone looked alarmed and turned to look at the situation.
"Excuse me?" Pansy grew angry. She couldn't risk anyone finding out her plan.
"Oh please, you weren't sitting there on the couch when we came in, and you've been glaring at her the entire time. I'm not as stupid as you perceive me to be, but you need to leave before I have you dealt with." Misses Zabini's eyes held rage, for she didn't want her baby hurt. Ophelia was shocked and stood.
"Is this true? You're trying to harm me in some way?" Ophelia was devastated. She knew Pansy didn't like her, but she didn't know it was to this extent.
"I have no idea what you're all talking about." She huffed and when she looked toward Draco, he was giving her a glare.
"Get out of my common room." Draco all but growled and that's when everyone returned to what they were doing, however, continuing to listen in of the conversation.
"Your common room? It's called a common room for a reason, I don't have to go anywhere! If anyone should leave it's Ophelia!" Blaise and Draco walked toward her.
"How dare you!" Draco screamed at her and Pansy flinched. She knew Draco's temper and she did not want to be at the receiving end of it.
"I suggest you leave our common room. Before I make you." Blaise muttered angrily toward Pansy. Pansy started to cry and ran out of the common room. Before she left, she turned around to say something.
"Watch your back, Zabini." With that, Pansy left the common room and everyone turned back to Ophelia. Blaise started to make his way over to his sister but was stopped when Draco got there first. Draco held her close and rubbed her back as she cried into his shoulder. Blaise took the moment to watch the scene unfold. Ophelia was starting to calm down from Draco's touch and presence. Blaise smiled softly, finally realizing how much his best friend and sister were on love. He also, however, realized why Pansy was acting like a lunatic. After Ophelia had calmed down, Blaise pulled Draco aside.
"Look, mate. Pansy is mad because you're more interested in my sister rather than her."
"What? That's ridiculous! Who said I was interested in-"
"You don't have to hide it. It's very obvious. I'm also not mad about it. Just don't hurt my little sister or else I will hurt you." Blaise's serious stare turning into a smile. Draco smiled and hugged his best friend.
"Thank you. So much. You have no idea how hard this has been. Not being able to tell you I have feelings for Ophelia." Draco rubbed his neck and chuckled.
"I haven't seen her as happy as she is with you in a long time. Keep it that way." Blaise patted his back and went upstairs to go to bed. The Zabini's left and Ophelia and Draco went back to his room and were laying with one another.
"Yes, love?" Ophelia smiled and hugged him tighter.
"Please don't let Pansy do anything to me." Draco tightened his grip on her this time.
"Never in a million years."
"Everyone apparently knows I hate Ophelia. But that isn't stopping my plan. It just means everything has to go by quicker." Pansy said as she paced in the courtyard, Lavender watching from a bench a few feet away.
"Well, I'm working on the Polyjuice Potion, but it's going to take a month to brew." Pansy groaned in frustration and Lavender flinched. They had decided not to use a love potion, except for a final resort.
"Is there any way to speed up the process?"
"No... I'm sorry." Lavender gathered her things and went back to her common room, where she saw a certain couple sitting together and laughing. She grinned evilly, knowing her plan would work, and Hermoine would be gone.
"We need an inside man, someone who would know of anything and everything in Hogwarts," Bellatrix stated while walking around the room. She looked at Lucius and gave a smile.
"How about Draco?" Lucius gave a quick smile.
"Of course. He'll do it." Narcissa looked at her husband and grew worried.
"Will there be any harm done to Draco?" Narcissa expressed her concerns and Bellatrix smiled at her sister.
"No, dear sister. No harm will come to your precious son." Narcissa nodded, but still decided to write to Draco and tell him what his aunt and father are planning. Narcissa at this point only wanted the Dark Lord to leave them all alone, and to move on to a different family. Perhaps the Zabini's or the Parkinson's. Narcissa sighed, as she walked to her tea room to begin the letter.
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ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴇ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ɪꜱ-"ᴛʀᴜꜱᴛ ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇ"Surround me like the air, not every love is fair♡"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐈𝐑 " ~ 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐝."Dying is easy, I lived for you- "**********************Love and Hate, two intense feelings, two opposite emotions, two base factors that decide the fate of everything around us, but there is a thin line between love and hate.When hatred turns into love, everything becomes beautiful, the world becomes cheerful, and everything appears to become brighter and happier. However, when love turns into hatred, something much more intense occurs. Every single ray of light turns into complete darkness, each and every happiness in your life seems to be engulfed by a black hole, your body feels like it is trapped in a whirlpool of emotions, and every single breath seems to be so difficult to take, you just want to die, but your autonomic nervous system won't set you free from the storm of emotions.**********************************"Isn't she adorable? You find her beautiful right? Don't you just love when she is all cute and submissive?""Yes-?" She answered in all honesty. "Disgusting.. stay away from her, I don't want you near that two faced leech ."She smirked and pushed her against the wall and took out the 'thing' from pocket."D-Did y-you just leashed me?""You were being a bitch" she leaned and bit her earlobe-"Now you are looking like one-"***********************The feeling when someone you know stabbed you on the back,You want to reverse the time and mourn over the lack...The feeling when you thought your friendship was like Potter, Weasley, and Granger,The lonely feeling when someone you care about became a stranger.They have started, but I will end it.It has begun. The game of death♡**************Cover by- @thecloudedpages***********,****
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