《Star Wars: The Skies Are Ablaze》Chapter Five: Harbinger of Evil
Prolov's mind was like a bleak landscape amid a horrific battle. Acceptance struggled against denial as both adversaries fought to the death. He wanted to dismiss this as a dream and roll out of bed as he prepared to face another routine day serving his beloved Empire. But his conscience countered him in a duel of wits as he reached out for that comforting closure. He had to know for sure. It was his duty as Admiral to know. He narrowed his eyes as he turned to Commander Lorrs.
I must approach this with caution. We walk upon thin ice and if we do not tread carefully, we will fall into an endless abyss, he thought while staring down the First Oder officer in front of him."How am I to know you are telling the truth, Commander?" Prolov asked in a booming tone that echoed in the hangar bay. "How am I to know this isn't a trick of some kind?" He gestured towards the Ravage-class shuttle and the First Order Stormtroopers. "There is something you're not telling me about this situation. For starters, you only have five stormtroopers with you. The highest-ranking among them is a lieutenant. As a career military man, I know that a lieutenant typically leads a larger contingent than five men. How do you explain yourself?"
He is testing me. Death will be the only reward if I fail this, Lorrs thought. His eyes widened as he responded to Prolov. "It's a specialized mission, sir. We were ordered- "
"I know. I know." Prolov said, cutting Lorrs off mid-sentence. "You were ordered by Commander Jerek to investigate our sudden appearance. And that's another inconsistency. The name Jerek is synonymous with criminal activity. Sadistic. Ruthless and untrustworthy. Do you expect me to believe the so-called First Order would allow someone from a family with such a tainted reputation to command a star destroyer?"
That didn't go well. Pull yourself together, Commander, Lorrs silently scolded himself. He sighed as he kept his hands above his head. Prolov's stormtroopers had deprived him and his men of their weapons as soon as they landed. He watched as an Imperial officer in a black uniform grasped the handle of an E-11 blaster. The officer glared at Lorrs as he kept his finger on the trigger. Lorrs took the warning to heart, knowing what would occur if he didn't respond to Prolov's question.
"Sir, the First Order High Command saw him fit for such service. I have no control over who they place in command of a ship", Lorrs finally replied. He paused when he noticed his words hardened Prolov's features. I am not breaking through to him. Perhaps a change of course is in order, he thought before replying, "I can arrange a HoloNet meeting with Commander Jerek, if you wish, sir."
How arrogant can one possibly be? Offering a meeting with a Commander is degrading and foolish, Prolov thought. He huffed at Lorrs's response. "Don't insult my intelligence or my rank, Commander. I demand to speak with someone of equal stature as me."
"That can be done, sir," Lorrs said as he relaxed his posture. "Would a HoloNet meeting with General Hux suffice?"
Prolov's expression softened some when he heard the name. "Hux? You mean Brendol Hux?"
Ah, more familiarity. Perhaps I have found a weakness in him, Lorrs pondered silently. "No, sir," he answered. "General Armitage Hux, Bendol's son."
So, the son has equaled the father. I must see this for myself, Prolov though as his expression lightened further. "Commander, if you would be so kind to arrange this meeting for me, I might reward you and your men with your freedom.", Prolov said in a calm tone. He stepped up to Lorrs and pointed his index finger at Lorr's face. "But if you are lying to me, I'll prove to you why history has labeled me as the 'Butcher of the Outer Rim.' Understood?"
Lorrs shuddered as he listened to Prolov's words. He quickly snapped back into composure and looked Prolov in the eye. "Understood clearly, sir."
Prolov motioned towards the blast doors. "Commander, I invite you to join me in the holochamber." He turned towards an officer to his left. "Lieutenant, hold these men until we return."
Durnell and the five First Order Stormtroopers watched as Prolov escorted Lorrs out of the hangar bay. The six stormtroopers that had entered the bay with Prolov turned and marched behind the duo in a two-abreast formation. Durnell sighed as they stepped out of sight and thought, For our sake, please continuing to cooperate with him. We will not live through this if you do anything less.
Once in the corridor, Prolov turned to Lorrs. "Tell me, Commander. Why couldn't have Commander Jerek intercepted us himself?" Lorrs remained silent as Prolov's eyes narrowed. "Let me guess. It is classified. Correct?"
Lorrs sighed as he looked away for a moment. "No, sir. He is on a mission to Maruun III."
Prolov's eyebrows raised as he crossed his arms. "Maruun III?"
"Does that mean something to you, sir?" Lorrs asked.
Prolov offered a tight-lipped smile as he responded. "It is classified."
In a forgotten corner of the Outer Rim, a large black shape moved against the stars glaring down upon the Maruun system. The form gracefully continued on its path until its shadow encompassed the planetoid of Maruun III, passing over it like a great eclipse stretching across a vast landscape. The shape, First Order Resurgence-class Star Destroyer Facilitator, slowed as a squad of TIEs descended from its hangar bay with four troop carriers trailing behind.
The ships moved towards Maruun III like an angry swarm of insects buzzing towards the surface lit with fires of a raging battle. Blaster fire emanated in the darkness of night as waves of First Order stormtroopers moved upon the only remaining outpost on Maruun III. The mass of white stormtrooper armor overwhelmed the outpost like a raging avalanche roaring down a mountain slope. The men in the outpost continued to blast at the advancing army, taking down several with their shots, but the First Order troops were undeterred as their comrades fell in battle. A squad of stormtroopers moved in closer and opened fire in unison on one of many towers that stood along the outpost perimeter.
A blaster bolt found its mark, striking one of the men dressed in everyday civilian clothing on the left side of his face. He tumbled, screaming down into the central courtyard of the castle-like structure. His corpse crashed to the ground near the feet of a wide-eyed soldier with a head full of greying hair seated above a slender face covered with weathered olive skin. He reached up and wiped the sweat from his grime-covered forehead. He dried his hand on his tattered tan military fatigues as he locked his gaze on the dead man in front of him. He exhaled and turned to a man to his right.
"This proves Senator Organa's assessment of the First Order was accurate!" Captain Daryn Jerek shouted over the roaring battle. "We can't last much longer against this assault, Lieutenant Morrin!"
Morrin, a tall, stocky human of twenty-two standard years of age, shook his head of auburn razor stubble as he looked over to Jerek. "I concur, Captain! What are your orders, sir?"
"We have to hold out until our runner can get off of the surface! The message must get to Senator Organa so she can take it to the Senate!", Captain Jerek replied. He pointed to a section of the wall's defenses that had taken the worst of the attacks. There a hand full of men and aliens stood fighting bravely, though hopelessly outnumbered, against rapidly advancing stormtroopers. "Take a platoon and reinforce that section of the wall, Lieutenant!"
Without uttering a word in response, Morrin rose and darted towards that part of the wall. In mid-stride, he paused and looked over to the main gate. Flashes of blaster fire glowed on the other side. A loud pounding noise echoed within the walls as a direct hit struck the durasteel doors.
With Captain Jerek watching, Morrin changed course and ran to the controls locking the gate. An explosion on the Eastern Wall erupted in a firestorm of debris and body parts of the soldiers stationed in that section. Jerek grimaced and turned his attention back to Morrin.
"I'll have you up for court-martial, lieutenant if you do not follow my orders!", Jerek hissed as he rose to his feet.
Before he rushed towards the insubordinate lieutenant, a trumpet suddenly blared out in the night. Along the walls and guard towers, men lowered their weapons and turned to face the gates.
Captain Jerek looked over to Morrin and watched in horror as he pressed a control. A snap echoed through the air as the internal locking mechanism released its grip on the gates. With a high-pitched metallic whine, the gates slid upward, allowing several squads of First Order Stormtroopers to enter the courtyard.
Captain Jerek raised his blaster threateningly towards Morrin. "I'll kill you for this betrayal-"
A blaster bolt pierced his abdomen, sending him to his knees. The traitorous Morrin stepped up to his fallen commanding officer and kicked his blaster away from him. He then turned his eyes up towards a shadowed figure making its way past ranks of stormtroopers. The figure's polished black armor reflected the glow of the fires in the courtyard. As he walked, an armor weave cape draping over his shoulders fluttered in the breeze like an ominous black flag. He paused as he approached Captain Jerek and faced Morrin.
"Well done," the black armor-clad stormtrooper said. "The First Order thanks you for your faithful service, Agent Morrin."
With that said, he raised his blaster and blew a hole in Morrin's chest. As his body fell, the trooper continued forward until he stood above the gravely wounded Captain Jerek. The trooper reached up and removed his helmet to reveal an olive-skinned face contorted with fury. His dark hair moved with the breeze as he gazed down at Captain Jerek with brilliant blue eyes aglow as if powered by kyber crystals. The visibly shocked Captain Jerek's expression revealed that he recognized the man before him.
"Sven!" Captain Jerek gasped in horror.
Sven's face twisted into a sinister smile. "I'm touched to see you haven't forgotten me, father. I told you I would return someday to claim what is rightfully mine."
"I'll never give anything over to a son who sold himself out those monsters in the First Order!" Captain Jerek shouted in defiance.
Sven's posture remained rigid as he cast a glare at his wounded father. "I have come to realize there are other monsters in the galaxy besides the First Order."
Captain Jerek squinted. "You have betrayed the First Order?"
"Betrayed them?" Sven asked with a sneer. "On the contrary, father, I have empowered them!"
Captain Jerek huffed and shook his head. "How can that be?"
"See for yourself," Sven replied with a grin. He turned to the stormtroopers standing behind him. "All of you remove your helmets."
Captain Jerek watched the troops pull their helmets off of their heads as ordered. He gasped as he peered upon the emotionless faces of young men and women staring back at him with solid black eyes.
"You took these men and women through the gates you built, Sven?" Captain Jerek screamed in a voice saturated with disgust. "How could you do such a thing to these people?"
Sven's stare remained cold. "The spirit realm has empowered them. It is the new face of the galaxy, father! And I invite you to become empowered like them! Join us in our cause! We could use a man of your talents within our ranks! Join us and serve on my council of elders!"
"I'll die before I do such a thing, Sven!" Captain Jerek blasted back with a rage-filled voice.
"As you wish, father," Sven replied blankly, motioning to a flame trooper to his left.
The trooper stepped forward and brought the flamethrower to bear upon Captain Jerek's helpless form. He squeezed the trigger. Flames shot forth to consume the terrified Captain whose screams echoed through the night. Commander Sven Jerek smiled as he watched his father wriggle in agony on the ground. He knew that the darkness would soon make its move to conquer the galaxy, and, as it had promised him, he would rule over it all.
Kylo Ren could feel the emotions emanating from his opponent as if they were a stiff breeze blowing in his face. Anger. Fear. They were like beacons calling out to a lost pilot. He glanced around the room to regain his bearings. A sudden flash came from his right. He spun around and brought up his shimmering red lightsaber to deflect the attack of a twirling weapon with metallic blades on opposite ends.
He stepped back, eyeing the red plastoid armor-clad Praetorian Guard standing before him. The armor plates on the guard's arms protruded upward like thick scales on a reptilian predator's skin. The guard tightly gripped the double-bladed weapon resembling a large scalpel. Purplish plasma energy surrounding the blades hissed when the guard rapidly rotated the weapon. The guard suddenly lurched forward with furious slashes as he twirled the weapon with almost perfect dexterity.
Ren held his stance, deflecting each blow with Force-guided precision. He shifted his feet and went on the offensive, slashing at the guard. His opponent skillfully deflected each strike before turning the tables on Ren a second time. Their weapons suddenly locked together in a sizzling power struggle of kyber crystal-powered lightsaber against the plasma shielded blades. Ren peered into the red plastoid mask obscuring the human features glaring back at him. Beneath the guard's mask, sweat tickled the man's skin as it ran along the lower half of his face. He drew in breath during his struggle to keep his mind on the mock duel.
In Ren's peripheral vision, a red shape moved against the red hue of the wall, almost as indistinguishable as a man with mirror skin moving in a room covered with mirrors. Ren reached out with the Force and sensed the presence of other guards methodically approaching him. Keeping those sensations in his mind, he remained locked in a stalemate with his opponent. Another movement just over the guard's right shoulder drew his attention. A dark shadowy form floated into view before quickly morphing into the face of an older gentleman staring at him with a saddened expression as if he were watching a loved one making a detrimental decision in his life.
Ren stared into the face of his estranged father, Han Solo. He reached out with the Force and sensed that the other guards drew closer. He pressed his lightsaber against the guard's weapon and maintained their tight lock. He glared at his father's image, knowing that it was just a personification of emotions trapped with his memories.
The Supreme Leader is using this test me, Ren thought to himself. I must not give in to emotional weakness.
Ren closed his eyes for a moment and reached out with the Force again, hoping to purge this image from his mind. He gasped when he opened his eyes. The room with the guards quickly faded into a dark and deep chasm spanned by a bridge. He stood on this bridge now, face to face with his father.
"I will destroy you," Ren hissed as he glared at Han Solo. "For the sake of the darkness and to please my master!"
Han drew closer to him "You only think you are doing it for him, Ben. You know he will destroy you if you fail him. He cares nothing for you or the First Order. He only wants to conquer the galaxy. Why can't you see that, son?"
Ren trembled as tears formed in his eyes. "Stop calling me that. Your son is dead. I killed him, and I will prove it to you."
"You'll only be proving that you are confused, Ben.", Han said as he reached out to his son. "Go back to your mother. She will forgive you for leaving us and for what you did to your Uncle's Jedi Temple."
"Go back and be torn from my destiny?" Ren asked as tears flowed down his face. "Go back to be controlled and conformed to the image of a slave? To be robbed of greatness?"
"That is Snoke talking, Ben.", Han replied in a soothing tone.
Ren's lips twisted in agony. He ignited his lightsaber and drove it into his father's chest. Something suddenly struck Ren's left side like an invisible fist. Screaming in pain, he fell to his knees and watched as the bridge spanning the chasm suddenly morphed into his quarters aboard the Finalizer.
He looked up to see the melted mask of his grandfather, Darth Vader, lying on a bed of ashes. He reached out to it as he gasped for breath. The mask quickly sank into the ashes and erupted like a volcano, filling the room with a grayish cloud. Rhythmic breathing began to pulse from the ash cloud. A dark figure within the ash cloud moved towards him.
"She will proclaim that you will never be like me!" the deep voice of Darth Vader said as his form stepped out of the cloud. "And she will be correct in her assessment of you!" He raised his red lightsaber before slashing downward towards his stunned grandson.
"You're wrong, grandfather!" Ren shouted before blocking his grandfather's attack. "I will be even greater than you! And I will finish what you started!"
Another hard blow to his left side sent him slamming into the ground, writhing in pain. A sudden presence in the Force pulled his attention away from his injury. He grabbed his lightsaber with a Force pull and rolled out of the way as a trio of weapons wielded by the Praetorian Guards harmlessly struck the deck plates.
Anger rose within Ren like the flood of a bursting dam. He shoved the three guards away with a Force push. A sudden movement to his right compelled him to bring his lightsaber up. The double-bladed weapon of the guard he had dueled previously collided with his lightsaber. Ren reached out with the Force and choked the guard as he lifted him off the ground. He tightened his Force grip on the guard's throat. Raged raced within Ren like a raging wildfire and began to burn away the last remaining shreds of his humanity.
"Release him," a low voice boomed in the chamber. "And approach my throne."
Ren quickly obeyed, dropping the nearly strangled guard to the floor. The man caressed his throat and gasped for breath. Ren retracted his blade and knelt before the throne of the dark-robed form of Snoke sitting comfortably in front of his apprentice.
"Rise, Ren," Snoke ordered calmly. Ren grimaced when a spasm of pain shot through his form. Snoke's scarred features remained neutral as he locked his eyes on Kylo. "Tell me, have you felt him? Have you detected his presence?"
Ren trembled at the question. He hesitated for a few seconds before replying. "I saw my…my father, Master. He distracted me in the duel… And I saw my grandfather..."
Snoke's features twisted in disgust as he stared at Ren. "Your fears have become a crutch, Kylo Ren. If you are to continue as Master of the Knights of Ren, then you must forge those fears into a weapon. You must let them turn to anger, and you must learn to control it."
"When I see his face, Master, I lose control of myself," Ren replied while looking away. "But I will do what you ask to rid myself of this pain."
Snoke's expression suddenly morphed into a mask of anger. "Your father, and your grandfather, are the least of your concern. They cloud your judgment and prevent you from answering my question. So, I ask again. Have you felt him? Have you sensed the disturbance he has brought to the Force?"
"I don't understand, Master," Ren stated as he turned his eyes back to Snoke. "To whom are you referring?"
Snoke offered the closest thing his disfigured visage could lend to a grin. "Your grandfather and his Master, Darth Sidious, knew him. We have a new ally in our quest for galactic domination. And he is known as Imperial Admiral Garren Prolov…"
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