《The Firefly Diary》S2E14: Other Half
Episode 14: Other Half
Mosor worked every day she possibly could in the ice cream shop, having almost never taken a shift off. The idea of her taking a week off never occurred to her, but the miasma of the ice cream shop weakened her, both in mind and spirit.
She gave everyone their hugs, and kisses, before she embarked on a journey. The train whistled, and she was gone.
The train trip lasted all day. All the meanwhile, passengers conversed, but Mosor with none of them, as she occupied herself with a sole window. From that window, she saw the entire world outside the train, and the entire world outside of Wysdom, and all the clouds, and all the flowers, and all other minutiae.
She almost didn't expect the train to roar to a halt.
But the lakes were those she once knew. As she stepped off the train, she saw a fox.
"Mosor, I'm glad to see you."
"I'm glad to see you too, Dad."
While the Ice Cream Pack was such a strong pack, where they always had family reunions, it was great to get back in touch with her fox self.
She was a wolf, she knew that, but she was also a fox. Yet, she almost never got to explore that part of her heritage, no, her identity because of the Ice Cream Pack. Would they always be expected to follow that part of their lineage? Or would someone break the mold and follow in their other half's lead?
Gyn, her father, walked with her down a lake. Mosor dwarfed him, having almost deer like legs. Kyofi said she walked on stilts.
"Beautiful lake today," Mosor said.
"You come home when you're unhappy," Gyn said.
Mosor raised an eyebrow, and said, "You shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth."
Her dad said, "Mosor, you've changed a lot. Your mother is rather worried about you, you haven't come up lately."
"I just... I've had a lot to do."
"Kyofi's been here."
Mosor frowned. Kyofi wasn't Gyn's daughter, but Gyn took care of her anyway - ever since Kyofi's dad left. "Kyofi takes more break days, and I have to do more because of it, so that's why I haven't been here. I promise I can be here more. Our business is actually picking up..." She gasped for air. They went down a winding path.
"Mosor, you misplaced your childhood," her dad said.
"Excuse me?" Mosor asked. She wasn't about to have her life invalidated now that she was out of home. Too bad next train to get out wouldn't be within twelve hours - how could he tell her something so harsh right now? She was so upset...
"You grew up too fast," her dad said. "Kyofi too."
"Kyofi's not grown up enough," Mosor said.
Her dad said, "Kyofi had to deal with a divorce when she was a young girl. You were always the mediator of the family, between the kids, and I knew you had a maturity beyond your years. You had an inner empathy others didn't."
Mosor thought about her quality. She wanted to tell him about how much empathy she actually had.
Her dad said, "Your childhood shouldn't have been spent taking care of others. You don't always have to take care of things."
Mosor shook her head. "No, I do."
"Very well." They paused in front of a familiar house, and Mosor stepped in.
Her dad had divorced their mom - a common theme. But upon this divorce, her dad never remarried, and instead lived with his brother and wife.
Three yapping runts came up to greet Mosor. "Aunt Mosor!"
Mosor embraced, and got embraced by her cousins, Merle, Grayp and Prun.
"It's great to see you three!"
"You never visit," Merle said.
Mosor frowned and said, "Why is everyone pointing that part of it out?" Her entire fox family had mostly brown coloring, but some had white or even red streaks. She sniffed them all.
Gyn said, "Your cousin Mosor hasn't been visiting us lately because she's been very busy at work. I want you all to wash up for supper."
"Yes Uncle Gyn," the three said as they ran off.
"Great to know you've still got the little brats," Mosor joked to the family.
Uncle Raysin said, "Unfortunately, the orphanage turned them down, so..."
It wasn't a big house, due to how small foxes were. Really little better than a hole in the ground, with only two bedrooms, and a living room with a kitchenette.
Still, it was the only house for miles, since foxes lived solitarily unlike most other canines.
Mosor secretly felt glad all these years Kyofi vacationed with her, and that dad got Summer custody of both of them, instead of Kyofi's father ever asking her to vacation with him. Just because, with how distant everything was, she needed a connection.
Mosor followed the kids out to the lake, and washed herself off in the water. No manipulating a faucet or anything, just pure face washing.
As they came back, Mosor mused how weird the idea of washing up was - after all, they walked on their paws, which they just washed.
Supper was ready, some rice in bowls along with various sauces. Mosor avoided the sauces. Instead, she grabbed the spoon and was about to dig in, when her dad said, "Don't eat yet."
"Oh, sorry," Mosor said.
"It's okay," Gyn said. The table barely had room for all of them. Luckily no one else was visiting.
Aunt Pluhm said, "We would like to make sure to ask how everyone's day was before we eat. So, kids, did you do anything interesting?"
Mosor realized one of her aunts was missing. Lymon.
Merle spoke first. "Well, we were playing near the well again..." Her ears flattened as the three adults gave disapproving looks. Mosor wasn't sure why the girl was being scolded. She had been allowed to play near the well when she was younger than them, and they were already in their twenties.
Raysin said, "What have I been telling you about playing near that well?"
Merle said, "Just that, we heard something coming from inside the well. And we wanted to look into it-"
"There is no going near the well," Pluhm said. "None of that. You aren't going near that well again, okay now? A third well visit, and you are getting disciplined."
Ah yes, the golden rule Mosor remembered from all these years ago. She wasn't sure when her dad introduced it, but there was a three strikes and you're out policy.
"Let's just eat," Gyn said, and everyone ate in a weird silence.
That's when Mosor said, "Where's Aunt Lymon? Did she move out?"
Gyn frowned, and told Mosor, "Actually, Aunt Lymon left us because of issues with her mental health."
Mosor never remembered Aunt Lymon having mental health issues, and if Kyofi knew, she never brought it up. Still, it wasn't polite to talk about it at the table, and she ate at her rice in peace.
"Can Mosor sleep with us?" Merle asked, bouncing along after supper.
"No, she's an adult," Uncle Raysin said, "So she sleeps with us adults."
"I don't mind, really," Mosor told Uncle Raysin. "I'd love to be with the little brats some more!"
Merle stuck her tongue out, and Mosor slapped her on the head, but gentle enough it was really a pat.
Uncle Raysin said, "Well, Mosor, if that's really what you want to do, then you can sleep with them. Just a warning, it's pretty cramped, and they don't have enough space on the bunk bed-"
"-One of them can sleep on me," Mosor said.
While that initiated a fight on its own, Mosor got top bunk, and it was Merle who slept against her stomach. Apparently Merle was a lot stronger than her brothers.
"Mosor, I've been having problems sleeping because of what I've been hearing from the well."
Mosor's eyes broke open, as she stared down at Merle. "There's nothing wrong with the well. I was playing near that well before you were even born, and I can say there is nothing all that dangerous about the well."
"But why aren't we allowed to play near the well?" Merle asked.
"I was allowed to play near the well," Mosor said. Even weirder. Her dad always explained the rules. "What has your dad said when you asked?"
Merle said, "He only says it's because he's the adult and he said so."
"What about my dad?" Mosor asked.
"Uncle Gyn just tells us to listen to our father."
Mosor knew she'd have to get to the bottom of this matter- no, wait, she didn't. Suddenly, her shoulders dropped as she released tension she didn't know she had, and released air she kept stored. This wasn't her problem.
"I'm sure they have their reasons."
Merle said, "It's really creepy."
"Maybe that should be incentive to stay away from the well," Mosor said, as she patted Merle on the head. Was she always headstrong?
As the others fell asleep, Mosor overheard the creaking of a door, and that alarmed her. She stared out the window, and saw a silhouette pass over it. She frowned, and glared, while pressing Merle to her chest. The shadow receded...
After a few minutes, nothing, before the door opened again. She heard voices. If she got up to investigate, she'd interrupt Merle's slumber, when she overheard from the other room what was going on.
Gyn said, "You went to the well?"
Uncle Raysin said, "Yeah. Should be all good now."
Maybe it was just maintenance going on with the well, or maybe there was some kind of surprise with the well? Mosor relaxed her body, and fell asleep.
Next morning, Mosor awoke to a shocking sight. No kids in the house. Too bad the other adults were still asleep.
Mosor walked out of the house, and saw in the long sprawling fields, the area where the forest was darkest. And she knew the kids were playing there, not by their scent, but because that's where the accursed well had been.
Merle jumped up to the top of the bricks, and stared down in the depths. The infinite recesses provided an abyss of unimaginable horrors.
"Boo!" Grayp said.
Merle almost jumped in, and she shouted back at Pluhm, "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!"
Prun said, "Quiet, or else we'll get caught-"
"You just got caught."
All three turned to meet the tallest member of their family, Mosor. Merle jumped down, and Mosor said, "I don't know why your parents are enforcing this rule, but they're doing it for a reason."
Her vines glowed.
"What's with those purple vines on you?" Prun asked, and Mosor realized she had no idea why.
"This is my quality," Mosor said. "I have the ability of empathy."
Prun said, "That sounds so cool! Can we learn it?"
"You're about to learn how my paw feels," Mosor threatened, as she knew they broke the rules. "All of you, run off now."
"Are you going to tell our parents?" Merle asked, tail tucked.
"Yes," Mosor said. "Sorry Sweetie, but you need to learn, and if you refuse to cooperate, you'll get what you deserve."
As they ran off, Mosor went back into the house, and explained the situation. She hoped they won't be too hard on the kids, as they were just being kids, but she knew that ship had sailed when Uncle Raysin shouted, "KIDS!"
"What's going to happen?" Mosor asked.
"We'll figure it out eventually," Gyn said. "Just scare them a bit, Mosor. You'll know how."
Where did he think she lived these past few years, the bad side of Wysdom? Still, the kids came.
Mosor said, "We are very disappointed in your behavior."
Merle said, "It's just, kinda freaky what we hear at the well. And we want to check it out."
Mosor said, "You know what- That's a great point. Dad, Aunt Pluhm, Uncle Raysin - what's going on with the well?"
The three stared at Mosor, as if she were undermining them. Pluhm said, "Don't belittle us or our authority!"
"I don't have to try to belittle you," Mosor said, being a full two feet taller than them, or even two and a half. Being around a non-wolf pack was rare for her, but now she was tall. "So, explain the situation, they're owed that much."
"We're the parents," Raysin said.
Mosor said, "I've heard that line earlier this month from other family members, and let me just say, I'm not going down this route again. What's going on?"
Raysin, Pluhm, and Gyn exchanged glances, before Gyn told her, "We're going far enough Mosor-"
Mosor stormed out of the building.
Gyn said, "Mosor, where are you going?"
Her vines glowed, and she said, "Just going to uncover a dark family secret, I'm sure."
Mosor had been done with stress and saving the world. She faced worse than the well before.
"Mosor, no!" Gyn said.
Mosor sent a pink wave down into the well, and a being jumped out. A fox, mostly grayed in color, but not naturally, as she recognized her long lost Aunt Lymon.
Aunt Lymon sprawled out in front of her. Mosor's eyes widened, but she stared deep into the graying coat, and realized she was affected by magic. Mosor sent her purple waves into Lymon, and a sphere appeared around Mosor, as she learned all the knowledge of the incident.
Aunt Lymon had just left the house, it was middle of the night. Not unusual, most foxes were nocturnal. However, she saw a wolf. An almost pure white wolf, who seemed to be the colors of the moon itself, with random gray patches as well.
"Lhyna," Mosor muttered as she watched the vision. "Moon goddess, and possessor of the Fear Quality."
Aunt Lymon stared at the wolf, and asked, "Do I know you?"
"Test it," a voice said, a bird. A Twayt?
Aunt Lymon stared at Lhyna, before Lhyna unleashed black lines into Lymon. Lymon screamed, and fell to the ground. As her siblings came out, Lymon's color faded, and she yelled at her siblings.
Lhyna ran off along with the Twayt.
The family had no other choice but to keep Lymon hidden in the well as she was too afraid of everyone. They lowered food and water down to her with a bucket, making sure that she ate and had water, but she never wanted to be near them again.
As the vision faded, a burning hatred filled in Mosor. Never had she felt hatred. At least, not to this point.
Lymon scrambled back, frightened and shivering at the sight of Mosor, but Mosor's unleashed more purple waves. And... Lymon calmed down.
"What are you doing?" Gyn asked.
Mosor said, "I don't know."
Lymon's color slowly returned, before she was back to her usual wine colored self. "What's happened? I'm suddenly, fine with everything now."
Mosor grinned. Her plan worked, slightly. If Ahmond countered Baynana's quality, then logically Mosor must have been able to counter Lhyna's ability. "Sorry Aunt Lymon, but seems you were in trouble of being assaulted by something."
Lymon asked, "Mosor, what are you doing here? How did you heal me?"
Mosor said, "Alright, family, gather around." And they all did. "First of all, we don't put other family members down into well. Feel like I should mention that first and foremost. Ahem, secondly... Let's talk about what's been going on."
Mosor decided to regale with them a tale. "And so that wolf's name was Lhyna, and she had Vanos, Kyofi, Ahmond, and I all hold onto the Firefly Diary for her. Our goal was to find this little artifacts and make the sword of lightning. Lhyna's ability was over fear, and her goal was to render everyone afraid so they'd worship the moon again."
"How's making everyone afraid make them worship that moon?" Merle asked Mosor, "as wouldn't they just be afraid of the moon as well?"
"We all are linked to the moon," Mosor said. "All canines are linked to the moon. She was afraid that without worshippers, she'd be forgotten."
Gyn said, "The gods are arrogant-"
"Gyn!" Aunt Pluhm said.
"No, he's right," Mosor said. "We have a goddess empress in charge of Wysdom of all things, and she's not the greatest either."
Yeah, maybe Owlis was right to handle situations how she did, but still she should have known what Lhyna was up to.
Actually, Ahmond told her something before she left. Something about how Owlis made sure to keep the other darker qualities out of the kingdom. About how Owlis knew the dark qualities existed, and about the Forbidden Book, and her mishandling of it.
Owlis was behind the corruption of Lymon.
"Mosor?" Uncle Raysin asked her as she gazed into space.
"Sorry," Mosor said. "Just that I've got something on my mind. Turns out I'm heading home sooner than I realized. "
"Don't do anything rash," Gyn said.
"I'm going to be doing a lot of rash things, actually," Mosor said. "Gonna make myself a bit of a... Master plan."
She barely said goodbyes as she planned to board the train. The family made sure to wave her off.
Except for Merle.
Mosor figured she was still at home, not having snuck off or anything. It wasn't until she was there, sitting in the booth, as the train took off, that she felt something.
She opened her bag.
Merle released a gasp of air, and said, "Hi, Mosor! Uh, I know this seems random, but..."
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