《The Adventures of Hood: Part 1 - The Book of Portals》Chapter 48: A dramatic descent


“Why are you pointing over there?” asks an inquisitive and perhaps slightly judgemental Helmet.

“Look, Helmet, I appreciate your concern but I know what I’m doing,” replies Bembry.

“Then explain dear man, I love to learn.”

Bembry is peering carefully through the sights of his crossbow, currently aimed at the chimney of one of the office buildings. “The wind needs to be factored in, but more importantly is the weight and drag of the hook and line on the bolt. We need to use winched bows to generate more power and even then if it wasn’t for the height difference I don’t think we’d be able to make the shot. You’ll notice I’ve placed the rope on this side so as it spools out there’s a force being applied due to it’s resistance but also its weight which will pull the bolt back across in this direction, so if I take all that into consideration and…fire.” Bembry releases the bolt which races across the divide between the bell tower and the library straight through the opening of the balcony, apparently, for he tugs forcefully on the rope, slamming into something which holds it in place. “There you go.”

“Marvellous.” says Helmet, with genuine surprise and admiration “A shot to be sung of in legends! I place that up there with the tragedy of Aspartamane herself, shot by her sister the huntress Diometer.”

“You sure this will hold?” Madeleine asks Bembry, pointedly.

“There’s a grapple hook which should kick in if worst come to worst.”

“Okay then.” says Madeleine, lashing a leather strap over the line and stepping up onto the railing.

“I’ve greased the line as best I can,” says Dozer, standing behind her. “Good luck.”

“I’ll only need luck if you guys haven’t done this correctly.”


“True,” smiles Bembry. “I think you’ll be fine.”

“Okay then.” says Madeleine for a second time, clearly not one hundred percent confident in her colleagues.

“It’ll be okay. Hang on tight and let me give you a push.” says Dozer, as stepping forward, and not giving Madeleine a chance to agree, he shoves her off the balcony with a mighty push.

“Good job she was holding on tight,” says Bembry as he watches Madeleine shoot off down the line. “I bet you’re gonna get it whenever you meet again,” he chuckles to himself.

They watch as Madeleine sails out over the Oval Court, initially picking up speed on the greased line but slowing nearing the end where Dozer’s grease has run out. Regardless, Madeleine sails effortlessly and without incident into the shadows of the open balcony. A minute later, after the vibrations of the line have settled down, the line twangs - a message from Madeleine to say that all is good and the next passenger should disembark.

“Helmet you’re up next,” says Dozer.

“Oo I’d like to see this,” says Hy-Jinx before realising just exactly what she’s said. “I mean be there for the experience. Bembry why don’t you tell me what’s happening?”

“Well, Helmet is stepping up now…and he’s got a strap which he’s fed over the line and fed his hands through. All ready Helmet?”

“Indeed I am young man, born, ready for this moment, the dramatic descent across the Oval Court. Our mission to acquire a certain magical tome required by a young master hellbent in his pursuit of excellence and knowledge. A worthy escapade…”

“So Helmet is now rattling on and Dozer is just about to interrupt him with…yes, with a quite violent shove…aaannnnddd off he goes. Picking up speed now. He’s flashing in the morning sun there, the sun glinting off his armour but I don’t think anyone has noticed, he’s into the shadows now…err…but wait…oh that doesn’t look good, oh no! Dozer grab the line! DOZER GRAB THE LINE! I think he’s too heavy! The god’s how much must he weigh!”


Even though Hy-Jinx can’t see, she grips the rail in front of her and leans out slightly, the tension of Bembry’s commentary feeding her body language. Hood too moves forward to watch, as Dozer frantically grabs the line and heaves backward, his feet bracing against the stone beneath the railing.

“Twice in a day,” he mutters, “And it’s not even bread-call!”

Down, beneath them, as Helmet has moved further away from the bell tower, the sheer weight of him has caused leverage to bend and stretch the line so that the line length behind him is at a much steeper angle to that in front.The line momentarily goes slack - the bolt below having popped from its purchase - before snapping taut again as the grappling hook slides up and latches onto the masonry of the balcony’s balustrade.

“Unless we can come up with a distraction in about seven seconds I think we’re in real trouble!” says Bembry frantically.

Quick as a flash Hy-Jinx shouts for Hood. “Hood can you magnify my voice!”

“Yes,” rasps Hood.

“Then do so immediately! And include Dozer in with it too.” says Hy-Jinx

Hood wrinkles his face in confusion, but doesn’t question Hy-Jinx and starts to murmur and wave his hands, the spell taking little to no effort compared to the battle magic and healing that he was attempting to do previously.

“Dozer, whatever I do in the next two minutes with my mouth you continue to do d’you hear me? And when you get what’s happening, just go with it and improvise! Bembry, get a knife and start cutting the bell free!”

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