《The New Guild Master》Chapter 1 - The Fall
The New Guild Master [Chapter 1] - The Fall
A warm cloth dampened his fevered forehead. He let out a low moan.
“Y-you’re finally awake?”
He fought against the delirium that had captured his mind. His eyelids slowly, yet steadily tore open the darkness.
Wafts of silvery hair brushed against his face. And a pair of round, earnest eyes, dipped in summer green, inched away from his own.
“W-where am I?”
“Rest. You’re injured.”
He lifted his back, but long, soft fingers pressed against his shoulders and he resigned himself once again to sleep.
He woke with a start. Fingering the fresh cloth that clung to his chest and his legs, a quiet shame slowly took form. Save for a thin sheet, soaked through with his own sweat, he was otherwise naked.
“This isn’t a hospital.” A hoarse whisper made him shiver.
His own voice sounded unusual, almost alien. Looking about, he took note of a bowl of fresh water on a cupboard adjacent to his bed.
“Fuck. I need water.”
I know that’s for the linen. But damn it I don’t care.
He reached out, and felt a shock of pain knife it’s way up his abdomen. He trembled in agony but nonetheless clutched the bowl with his left hand.
It slid under his leaden fingers and crashed to the floor.
What the hell happened to me?! Am I crippled!?
Light footsteps echoed up unseen stairs. He craned his neck to one side just in time to see a door fly open.
“What are you doing?! Don’t get up. You haven’t yet healed!”
A blue, bulbous dress swam above a pair of small, bare feet. A corset was clasped tightly against her already slim waist, pushing up her chest, and exposing the little bumps that distinguished her sex.
“Who a-are you?” he choked.
The silver-haired girl rushed to his side. She felt his brow; concern etched across her face. He just barely clung to consciousness and so couldn’t feel the soft tremors of a child’s dainty hand.
“Why are you-”
“Be still. You’re still feverish.”
“I need to know-”
She lifted her arm, inches from his face and made a circular motion with her wrist, painting a wide spiral into the air.
“Slow the sands of time. Bathe in the glow of the crescent moon-”
“-W-wait…” he felt his strength evaporate and his vision faded.
“Ugh… uh… what?”
That’s a weird way to say ‘good morning’
Squinting painfully, he opened his eyes. The silver-haired girl was staring at him patiently. She seemed calm and unperturbed.
He glanced beneath his sheets. He was wearing a white, ill-fitting bathrobe.
D-did she clothe me?
He felt a knot tighten in his stomach.
Why would she go so far to help me? I can’t express enough of my gratitude in words to someone that would care for a perfect stranger… wait… am I a ‘stranger’ to her?
“Do I know you?” his voice was still hoarse. “I mean, I’m sorry. Actually I’m thankful. I don’t know what happened. But you’ve helped me. I don’t know what I did to earn such kindness. I’m clearly indebted to you.”
“Ahh… well… it’s nothing really. It’s the least I could do.” She blushed, and shook her head vigorously.
The ‘least’ you could do? What’s that supposed to mean?
“What happened?” He couldn’t hide his unbidden suspicion.
“I-I t-tried to… um…” her voice trailed off. She bowed her head. Straight hair fell forwards, obscuring her face. In a few moments she regained her composure but did not meet his eyes.
“I found you lying on a dirt road. You were injured, so I brought you here… to the guild.”
Her words are so obscure that they amount to little more than an obvious lie. But I’m in no rush to gain the truth.
“How was I injured.” He asked, tentatively.
“You fell.”
That much seems true.
“From what height?”
“About five floors.”
“Where did I fall?”
“On the northern trail between Bordna and the Agva Forest.”
“How did I fall?”
“Y-you umm… i-it was…” her voice had stuttered to a stop.
He sighed, and kept a curt tone to hide his frustration.
“Did you push me?”
“W-what!? N-no! I would never.” She clutched at her own hair in desperation.
“So if you didn’t push me how did I fall?”
“W-well… you fell from a portal.”
“Portal?” his mouth hung open.
“Y-yes. A portal from your world to this one.” she stated, as a matter of fact.
“What do you mean a portal? Is this some kind of joke? You know I almost died! Why do I have to wake up to this nonsense!?” his calm demeanor was shattered. “I-I am grateful. But this is not the time to mess around. You’re clearly a child. I want to speak to an adult. Right this moment.”
Her face lost all emotion, her dimpled cheeks turned pale.
“What’s wrong?”
She stared at him helplessly.
“Tell me what’s wrong.” he urged.
“I-I can’t do that…”
What the hell!?
He let a few moments drift in silence before quietly asking “why not?”
“Because you’re not supposed to be here. I broke the rules… to help you. If you were to leave now I would be in trouble.”
Oi. Cuteness has its limits.
“Are you saying that you won’t let me leave?”
“I-I guess so.”
He let out a shrill laugh.
“Okay. I’ll humor you. I’m a nice guy. And I’m exhausted and don’t intend to leave right away…”
Why am I so chatty all of a sudden? Am I nervous?
“… so tell me, what’s your name?”
“I am called Solei.”
“And your family name?”
“I don’t have one.”
She doesn’t have a last name? She must be an orphan.
“I’m sad to hear that.”
Solei gave him a puzzled look in response. “W-what is your name?”
“My name?” his mind went blank.
I-I can’t remember! I must have lost my memory in the fall.
“I have… no name.” he mumbled.
He laughed in a self-deprecating way. “No, that’s not it. But I’ll go with that for now.”
“Nonemu. Forgive me for keeping you here. Please allow me some time to prepare for your departure.”
“Ah, yes. I’m fine with things as they are now. I won’t trouble you any further…”
Who could stay mad at such a cute face? And her words are clearly beyond her age. She must have been through quite a lot.
“… but I do have a lot of questions.”
She twirled her shoulder length hair and smiled warmly.
“Firstly…” he continued. “I like your style. The silver hair and green eyes. But why are you cosplaying?”
Strange. Her English seemed more than adequate up until this point. First ‘Nonemu’ and now ‘Kozu-plei’!? Maybe it’s her second language.
“I mean your appearance is unusual.”
Her eyes darted away as a faint blush overtook her visage.
“I-I am an elf. I was born in a small tribe in the South Agva forest, which is south of Bordna.”
Wow. She really is in character. Like a method actor. I hope this is just a performance and not a mental illness.
“But don’t Elves have pointed ears?”
“T-they do.” Her right hand brushed her side, revealing a pointed ear.
“Amazing! You must have a professional makeup artist! It’s so realistic.”
“I-I see.” She was equally surprised. “Y-you don’t have have Elves in your world?”
“Only in Comicon. Hehe.”
She seemed genuinely happy at this response. “I-I would like to visit this place, Comicon at least once.”
Her acting is a little too good.
“Where am I exactly?”
“Bordna. A small town in Rimor.”
Bordna? Rimor? Am I in Eastern Europe?"
“What country is this?”
“All the land south of the North Agva Forest is Frontier territory. We are freemen.” Her last few words were tinged with pride.
I’m getting tired of this.
“Seriously, where am I?”
Her face darkened. He sensed her fear and anxiousness.
“I don’t want trouble. I just want to go back home.”
“Your home?”
He rubbed his temples with his thumbs and let out a long, withering sigh.
“I-I can’t remember where ‘home’ is. I must have amnesia. No doubt from a concussion. I guess that’s normal considering the circumstances. I’m sure my memories will eventually return.”
This was said more to assuage his own concerns than to dispel Solei’s fears.
“W-what is the name of the land you hail from? Are you able to return freely?” She was curious, but evidently hesitant about further probing.
“I’m not sure of that either…”
What is with this girl and her formal speech?
As he searched within himself, he was seized by a wave of despair. “… I can’t remember anything. Friends, family; locations, dates. I don’t even know my own name.”
“I’m sure your mind will heal in time.” She gave him a reassuring smile.
When you’re older, I’m sure that smile will be able slay the hearts of even the greatest of men.
“Actually, I think I need to see a doctor. I might need my head examined. Haha.”
“I have applied several Rank C potions and Level 2 ‘Heal’”.
This was said with such confidence that Nonemu was taken aback.
“I have no words for you. Just call a doctor, or a nurse or anyone really, that can help.”
She nodded gravely. “I will call upon a healer. Although I’m confident in my own magic.”
“Ugh… whatever, could I have a glass of water? I’m parched.”
Solei stretched out her left hand and pulled a glass of water out of thin air.
“Aaah! What’s happening.”
Perplexed, she asked “What’s wrong?”
“I-is that some kind of illusion? A magic trick- right?”
“It is magic. Level 2 ‘Storage’. I learned it by myself.” as she spoke, her face lit up with pride.
I really do need to get my head checked.
“C’mon, there’s no such thing as magic. Where did you learn that trick?”
“In this world magic is commonplace. Level 2 ‘Storage’ is nothing for a guild employee.” she admitted. “But it was hard learning it by myself since there are no resident mages in Bordna.”
No respectable business would employ a child! I should alert the authorities immediately.
“How old are you by the way?”
“Roughly twelve years old.”
She doesn’t know her exact age? She’s definitely an orphan!
“Can I use your cell phone? I’d like to call the police- not to complain or anything. I just want to see if I’ve been reported missing. Maybe my family is looking for me.”
Solei hung her head in shame.
“What is a ‘Cello-thone’?”
I’ve had enough of this bullshit.
“I’ll just borrow the neighbor’s cell.” he gave Solei a strained smile and slid to the side of his bed.
“Slow the sands of time.” she chanted. “Bathe in the glow of the crescent moon. For all who live must [Slumber].”
Nonemu felt his knees weaken. He grabbed the bed frame to steady himself.
“Rest for now. When you wake again, you will be fully restored. Then you can leave… but I do hope you choose to stay.”
“Ugh… what’s that noise?” Nonemu rubbed his eyes.
“Where are you LITTLE GIRL!? How long will you keep me waiting? SOLEI! SOLEI!”
He heard a loud, rhythmic ‘thumping’ sound.
Such a rowdy visitor. Is he banging a counter? Solei did mention something about a ‘guild’. This room must be one of their sleeping quarters. I guess Solei must not be around to serve the customers.
He got up and stretched.
“Oh ho! Looks like I’m fully recovered.” The soreness in his throat was gone. He was full of vim and vigor.
“SOLEI! I have errands to run. YOU HEAR ME! I can’t wait FOREVER!”
Fufufu… I hope you wait until the end of time you stupid bastard.
He glanced around the room. It was nothing fancy. Like an old, Celtic cottage. He was on the top floor, where the thatched roof smelt like dried hay.
There was another bed in one corner, next to the bolted door. A thin carpet led into the room, while a large chest lay opposite the bed he was nursed in.
“Could this be a war chest?” Roughly equal to his height in length, it was composed of some kind of hard wood, laced with leather straps that were wrung with copper rings. He couldn’t make out the meaning of the strange, painted glyphs that adorned the chest.
When he tried to observe the glyphs closely, they swam before his eyes.
An optical illusion? Well that’s to be expected from a performer’s guild.
He was overcome with curiosity. It was unlatched, but even with all his strength applied, he couldn’t pry it open.
“SOLEI! I’m so bored Solei. Can you PLEASE HURRY UP! SOLEI! SOLEI!”
Arg! He’s ruining my concentration. I guess I’ll sort this guy out first.
He straightened and headed to the door. As his hands were about to touch the doorknob they were repulsed by an invisible force.
“Aye? Have I gone crazy?”
He reached out again, with some gusto but his hands slid apart as if a reverse magnet was in effect.
Oi. I’m crazy. That’s the simple answer. I lost my mind and tried to jump off the roof of my school. I was nursed by a cute girl with long ears. Eventually when I recovered they realized I was a madman that thought the nurse was an elf. I’m probably locked in a padded cell right now. I wonder how long I’ve been pounding my head against the wall…?
“Ahh… I guess I’ll just sleep off the stress.” He shrugged his shoulders and started walking back to bed.
“SOLEI! SOLEI! Why are you being so MEAN Solei? All I want is some service OKAY! Don’t be shy. SOLEI! SOLEI! SOLEI!”
Nonemu braced himself, and ran towards the door, slamming his shoulder against it. The lock snapped, flinging the door open.
He dusted himself off the floor and walked down the corridor. There were two rooms at the end, and a stairway to his left, leading down to what he assumed was the Guild’s lobby.
“Alright, I’m coming hold on.”
I’m still wearing the bathrobe huh… but crazy people don’t care about their looks. Since I’ve recently joined their ranks, that’s one less thing to worry about."
He descended the stairs and stood behind a hardwood counter. Facing him was a lanky man, wearing plated mail on his arms and legs, and a vest of boiled leather.
“Can I help you?”
“Oooh and who might you be?” He had a singsong voice, a mischievous smile, and a mess of tousled, dirty-blond hair.
“I’m… new here. I’m called Nonemu. I’ll be helping out Solei for awhile. I’m also new in town, so please don’t expect too much of me.”
“Finally some service. But before that. I am Hakobo Mar. Everyone calls me Huck. So, are you single?” Would you like to grab a drink some time?"
Aye! Straight to the point. This sort of person would hunt fish with a grenade.
“Not interested. I don’t swing that way.”
“You prefer the feminine wiles of your own sex?”
“Um, yes… I mean no. I prefer the opposite sex. Women. With slim waists and big boobs…”
I just said something really embarrassing to a customer! Solei might be mad if she gets wind of this.
“…I mean um, can we keep that last part a secret?”
“H-how is it that…?” Huck was at a loss for words.
Is rejection such a hard thing? Ugh, what am I saying? I can’t recall my own past but somehow I get the feeling that I’d rather commit seppuku than receive a similarly cold response.
“Is there something I can help you with?”
“Um… yes. I’m here to receive a bounty.”
Oh, thank goodness Huck rebounds so fast. In a way it’s still upsetting. Am I not good enough for the chase?
Huck untied a bulging sack from his waist and placed it atop the counter.
“Fourteen pairs of goblin ears.”
“Thank you for your patronage.” Nonemu deposited the sack behind the counter.
“Aren’t you going to inspect the appendages?”
“Ah, yes of course…” Nonemu hefted the sack back onto the counter. His fingers trembled as he unwound the knotted rope.
“…ugh. W-what the f-fu…” The stench of crusted flesh assaulted his sense of smell. Nonemu spread open the sack, and nearly heaved at the sight of fourteen pairs of crudely cleaved, pale green ears. Bits of flesh and bone clung to most of the appendages, while the bag itself was weighed down by stale blood and gooey brain matter.
What’s with that smell?! It’s so real! He probably mixed in some animal blood. What an obvious ploy. This much can’t fool me… but the texture is so realistic! Ah but it’s such a weird color. Of course you can’t trick me with such a lame thing. It’s not real. But there’s hair and cartilage in there too! Ah but they could have thrown in a wig made of human hair. It’s expensive but not impossible. It’s definitely not real. Honestly what does he take me for?
“It was quite the battle you see.” Huck boasted. “I only had ‘Wind Rive’ in hand.” With a flourish he produced a dirk. “It was pre-dawn. The creatures lay in their sloven filth, having had their fill of a stolen calf. I used Level 2 [Sneak] and excised three goblins before the others awoke. I raced into the South Agva forest with the pack hot on my heels.” Huck leapt nimbly onto the counter. “From the cover of the thicket I slew them one at a time with Level 3 ‘Rive’.” His hand cut into the air with several short, swift thrusts. “Ah, you should have seen it…”.
The dirk Huck held vanished. He lowered himself down to sit atop the counter. “I was hoping to tell Solei all about it. Where is she?”
“She’s away at the moment…”
Could all this be real?
“Can I see your weapon?”
The dirk reappeared. Huck handed it over hilt first. Nonemu received it with a grunt and proceeded to trace a weightless line across the span of his left hand. He applied virtually no pressure, and yet the blade cut him cleanly.
Owaah! It’s razor sharp! That’s way too serious for a prop.
Nonemu nervously handed it back. “T-thanks…”
Huck smiled innocently.
Is he just looking for idle chit-chat?
“…s-so what’s it like working with the Guild?”
“Like a dream. I’ve always wanted to be an adventurer. As soon as I came of age I leapt at the chance to join the Moribus guild. I’m eighteen now. So I guess it’s been two years already huh. Well, it’s not like there were any other options. The only Guild represented in Bordna is the Moribus guild after all. Occasionally Alchemists and Mages pass through here, but despite the Council’s best efforts, there are no specialists in residency.”
So Huck isn’t a magician. I wonder what kind of performer he is? He must be good, since I’m already getting sucked into his world. I get the feeling that this might be my new reality haha.
Nonemu shivered, unable to shake off a sense of encroaching despair. Before he could collect his thoughts he heard a door creak open.
“Oh! You made it back already.” Huck was beaming.
“Ahh… I forgot to lock the front door-” Solei wore a tan hoodie, above a mostly hidden red corset with white frills that settled slightly above her knees. She pushed back the hood, revealing a long braid of silver hair nestled across her shoulders.
Damn her cosplay is cute. Ugh, what am I saying? She’s still just a kid… Looks like she hasn’t opened shop today. She doesn’t seem like the type to skimp on work though. Huck must have come in pretty early.
“Actually, you did lock the door. I picked the lock. Uh… sorry about that. Force of habit!” he said unabashedly. “You should have used [Weak Lock] or higher, ya’ know. A young lady like yourself needs to be cautious.”
What kind of person can call ‘breaking and entering’ a habit?"
“Y-yes. I’m sorry.” Solei gave a slight bow. “I’ll be more cautious from now on… a-and I’m sorry for being late-” she bowed even lower this time.
She’s so sweet. I think this scene will melt my heart.
“I had to wait for quite awhile, but I guess it’s not a problem since you apologized.” Huck’s smile was endearing.
These two must be close.
“So who’s this guy?” He jerked a thumb towards Nonemu. “Could this be your new boyfriend? I didn’t know you were into the Fem types?”
Bloody bastard. Just because God gifted you with the face of an idol doesn’t give you the right to look down on others! I’ll admit I have a somewhat androgynous appearance. But that just means I’m appealing both ways!
“A-ah t-that’s… h-he is… we just… you know…” she stuttered her way into silence without answering his question.
Oi what’s with that response? Now we both look guilty. I’d rather not be accused of being a lolicon. And why is she so flustered anyway? Could this have something to do with the ‘rules’ she mentioned?
“We’re merely friends- acquaintances actually. I recently suffered a serious injury. And she nursed me back to health… so I’m indebted to her.” Nonemu smiled wanly.
Hopefully that will score her a few points. It’s also the truth.
“I-I’m so sorry. I promised never to lie to you! I should have said something sooner…” Solei was on the verge of tears.
Is this what they call an own goal?
“… y-you see…” her voice was shrill and faint. “… h-he’s my betrothed.”
No. I don’t see it.
“…a binding spell?” Huck quietly asked.
He’s so calm. I guess that’s an idol for you.
“Y-yes!” Solei fell on her knees and broke into tears.
I’m not very good with improv. So I’ll just stand right here and pretend to be invisible.
Huck stared into the distance as if his mind just left the room. His fists were clamped so tight his knuckles turned a glistening white. He bit his lower lip. Hard. A spool of blood rolled down his cheek and dripped off his chin. He was clearly shaken.
What a performance! I’ll definitely attend at least one of your shows! The Moribus guild has some real pros. I’m already a fan actually. I might even consider joining your troupe. You know I can play both male and female roles.
Huck suddenly eased his shoulders, his posture now relaxed.
“I guess that makes things simple-”
“WAIT!” Solei screamed.
What’s going on? The show suddenly went off-kilter.
Nonemu froze. The dagger at his throat had just barely nicked him, but a thin stream of blood flowed freely, staining his white bathrobe.
“If he dies. So will I…” Solei balled her hands together, silently pleading for Nonemu’s life.
Oi! Huck needs to learn how to read the mood. This particular audience member does not want to get involved. And he cut me! You know this is what they call ‘reckless endangerment’. It doesn’t really hurt, but I’ll be demanding suitable reparations from the guild. Hmm… you guys are probably loaded. I’ll definitely sue… ah, so it seems like a long life of comfort awaits!
“… please don’t kill him Mister Mar. I’ll show you my ‘Status’ so you can see the details for yourself. You too Nonemu. You deserve to know.”
A transparent screen appeared, floating before them. Huck gently eased the dagger’s edge away from Nonemu’s throat.
STATUS ------ Name Ariana Solei Race Elf Age 12 Years Old Title Lost Princess Level 3 Job Guild Receptionist Class Holy Princess Rank G -> ( Moribus Guild ) XP 32 / 58 HP 12 / 12 MP 80 / 80 SP 20 / 20 Intelligence 19 Strength 4 Dexterity 6 Speed 8
STATUS EFFECTS --- Binding [Princess Bride Lvl. MAX]
-> The user must maintain their chastity until consummation with their betrothed. Fornication will result in the immediate death of the user. Adultery after consummation will not have any effect. The user’s lifespan is also tied to their betrothed. If the betrothed perishes, the user will experience immediate death. While the user is alive, the betrothed may use any of her ‘Active Skills’, including ‘Job Skills’, ‘Race Skills’ and ‘Unique Skills’.
– None –
ACTIVE SKILLS --- Heal Lvl. 2
-> Heals serious wounds, including internal injury. Cannot regrow or reattach limbs. (MP COST: 20)
Storage Lvl. 2 (120 KG)
-> Allows the user to store and retrieve items from a pocket universe. The amount of items that can be stored is determined by weight. Gases and liquids must be stored in an airtight container. Base value (12 KG). For each additional level attained, base value is multiplied by (10x). (MP COST: 5).
Appraisal Lvl. 2
-> Allows the user to view the status of an object (animate or inanimate). If the user attempts to appraise an object of a higher level than oneself, appraisal is then more likely to fail in proportion to the difference in levels between the user and the appraised object. (MP COST: 50).
Princess Bride Lvl. MAX [Single Cast: USED]
-> Allows the user to bind themselves to an individual. ‘Princess Bride’ was inherited as a result of the user’s royal bloodline. ‘Princess Bride’ was used to summon an otherworldly being to be the user’s “knight in shining armor”.
Eye of Sauron Lvl. MAX
-> Allows the user to scry any member of their party. ‘Eye of Sauron’ was inherited as a result of the user’s royal bloodline. (MP COST: 40).
I-I really am in a new world!? I was summoned by Solei. To be her ‘knight in shining armor’? And she’s a princess. She’s also jail-bait. And I’m crazy. How did I manage to break the door to my padded cell?
“Y-your name is Ariana?” Huck was dumbfounded.
Uwah! Is this your first time hearing this Huck? You know that look is really unbecoming of an idol.
“Solei is the name of the village I was born in. I adopted Solei as my first name to serve as a constant reminder of where I came from… and who I am.”
“A-and this creature is from another world?” Huck gawked at Nonemu.
“Ah you know this ‘creature’ has feelings too.” He sprinkled light laughter between his words to lighten the mood. But instead it just made him sound hysterical.
“I-is there no way to negate the effects of the spell?”
Maybe there’s an ‘UNDO’ feature on the menu?
“The [Princess Bride] spell is ranked as ‘7th Tier’ magic. An appropriate spell of equivalent power could undo it. But such a thing is… unheard of.” she hung her head in defeat.
“Let’s not give up just yet, I’d like to find my way home… wherever that might be.”
I’m pretty sure I come from Earth. I don’t know where or when, but I have knowledge of the modern era… so hold on… could I be a ‘summoned being’ in the traditional sense? Having no background or history is awfully suspicious. Could the moment I fell out of the portal be the moment I was born? Eh!? Does that mean the portal is my mommy? Does that make Ariana my-
“W-what?” Huck & Solei cried in unison.
“Um… never mind. Is there some way for me to return to my world?”
“A reverse summons? It would have to be at a fairly high level in order to counteract the summoning. But it should be possible…” Solei was lost in thought.
“Perhaps a [Banishment] spell?” Huck suggested.
I think that might actually send me to hell… I’ll pass.
“Y-you don’t seem upset Nonemu. Does t-that mean you would be comfortable staying here…?”
How should I respond? It’s hard to miss something or someone you can’t remember. Would a homeless person feel homesick? Not unless there was a particular alleyway or street corner they favored. Maybe a warm vent could provide some comfort at night or during winter-"
“…will you stay with me? I-I mean us. Stay with us. Wait no, um… stay here in town!”
That last part ended up sounding like a command. It’s not like I have anywhere else to go… and I’d rather not be homeless… not until I find a warm vent.
“Yeah it looks like I’ll be staying in Bordna for awhile.”
Solei seemed pleased.
“The Guild Master is away on an adventure… Solei serves as the guild receptionist. There are no other staff. She lives here alone.” Huck had emphasized the last word ‘alone’.
What a chilled guy. To run off on an adventure and leave his business in the hands of a child. She does seem capable though.
“Ah Huck. Mister Mar I mean. You know my preferences right?”
Relief spread across Huck’s face. “Y-yes. I guess there won’t be any problems.”
This short exchange left Solei confused. “So you don’t have a problem with Nonemu staying here Mister Mar?”
“Ah, there’s no problem. If he tries anything, I’ll just cut off a few of his toes.”
Uwah! To speak of such violence so casually is scary. I’ll tread carefully. Pun intended. I really like my toes. But I hear the average person can do without the pinkies and still move about normally. It’s a special characteristic of humans thanks to evolution. Hmm… if something happens I’ll definitely sacrifice the pinkies. They’re useless anyway. Absolutely useless, haha. If only I had a vestigial tail. I’d sacrifice that too. But nothing will happen to my toes because I’m not going to do anything to Solei. She’s a loli after all. Not my type. The corset helps. But there’s no chest-.
“How will you earn a living? Surely you don’t intend to scrounge off Solei’s kindness?” Huck spoke without anger.
He’s trying to figure out what kind of person I am. Ooh! My toes are tingling.
“I-I’ll definitely contribute. If it’s not too much I can also pay rent. I don’t remember my past. I believe I have amnesia. I don’t know what my skills are, so please don’t expect too much from me.”
“[Amnesia]…” Huck mused. “That’s quite a rare curse.”
“What’s a ‘Curse’?”
“It’s a way of labeling ‘Status Effects’.” Solei explained. “If an ‘Effect’ produces only positive results, it’s considered a ‘Blessing’. But if an effect produces only negative effects it’s considered a ‘Curse’.”
Well aren’t ‘Curses’ and ‘Blessings’ subject to interpretation? In my case Amnesia has the positive results of being [Immune to Homesickness], [Immune to Past Regret], [Uninhibited due to a lack of Past Rejection], [Good at finding Warm Vents]. In fact there are numerous positives and no negatives, so it’s certainly a blessing-
“Why don’t you try [Appraisal] on Nonemu?”
Solei glanced at Nonemu.
“I don’t see why not. Haha.”
There are so many reasons why! I can’t reveal my hidden hand. What if my Job Class is something unsavory? Like [Demon King] or [Perverted Hero]?
“Go ahead and start your chant Solei-”
“I don’t need a chant for this spell. Normally…” She spoke while addressing Nonemu, so that he would know her explanation was for his benefit. “… spells cost around ten times more mana when invoking without a chant, but certain very low level or very high level spells don’t have such a penalty. ‘Storage’ and ‘Appraisal’ are examples of low level spells that don’t have a chantless penalties.”
“Ah, I see.” Nonemu nodded vigorously.
You lost me at ‘Spell’.
“But Appraisal doesn’t work on Nonemu. I received an alert that simply says [Appraisal Failed].” Solei pouted.
“I guess it can’t be helped.” Huck shrugged his shoulders. “You must be at a fairly high level to cause Solei’s [Appraisal] to fail like that. And you can also take advantage of all the skills she’s learned. You know that’s a great starting point for an adventurer. You’ll do well for yourself in Bordna. Ah, but I wish I had [Storage]. That would surely have come in handy when hunting goblins… so, why couldn’t I be your betrothed, Solei?” in those last few words, his voice had taken on an air of disappointment.
Grenade! Take cover!
“I-I um… you see… it was like… and so…” She stuttered her way into an awkward silence.
“Do I have to register to become an Adventurer?”
“A-ah yes! I’ll register you now Nonemu. The fee will be two silver.”
“But I don’t have any money. Can I pay you in installments?”
The first installment will be ‘Zero’ though. I hope she’s okay with that.
“I’ll cover your costs. But it’s a loan, so you have to pay me back, okay?” Huck sighed. He dug into the inner pockets of his vestment and produced a leather pouch. He took out two silver coins. His hand quivered for a moment, before he set the pair down on the counter.
He makes it seem so painful. Is two silver a lot?
“You’ll pay me back right?” In the seconds it took to pay Nonemu’s adventurer fee, Huck had aged considerably.
“Of course! I will definitely repay my senior’s kindness!”
I’ll definitely repay my debt. If I can. It will probably work itself out anyway… yosh! I’ll do my best. But I won’t try too hard. My life is worth more than two silver after all.
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2068 The earth has changed. Global warming Already passes the 50% stage. United Nation (UN) makes a statement that they will release the virtual reality game that already been developed. The UN hopes the second earth inside the game will slowly reduce the earth destruction by reducing the activity in the real world. ---- Jonny Darker is an average university student that studying Psychology. When then UN release the news, his best friend Aska asks him to play the game. But on the contrary, he refuses because he is doesn't know much about game expect a classic game like Tetris. Until Aska bring all of Jonny Circle of best friend to persuade him. At last Jonny agree to play the game with one condition they can't leave him alone. This is the story of a newbie player to become a famous virtual gamer. ****** This story is new, not like my other novel that already done in another language except translating into English. Warning !!! English is not my Native Need a lot of data and idea so if you have an interesting data and idea message me I will gladly put them to the story. A lot of error especially grammar. Try to be patient with me. Slow release and maybe slow pace story. P.S : My Art Hand Is Still At Kindergarten Level So Please Don't Laugh ^^ Thank you
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