《There's a Hero in the Kingdom》Update - Not a Chapter


Hello to my readers. I want to start off this update again with a thank you to all of you that have taken the time to read, comment, and so on for There's a Hero in the Kingdom. This experience has been great and I value it. It makes the next thing I have to say hard.

Unfortunately circumstances have been unkind to me as of late. This has caused a, likely unhealthy, amount of stress on me that has effected my ability to write both as efficiently and as thoroughly as I would like. And that's not to even starting to explore the stress I've felt at trying to make sure my content is good enough to post here, as frequently as I do post. I know that comparatively to some other writers on here, since I have read or am reading a few myself, that my posting rate is probably on the slower side. But these last several weeks my stress has been considerably worse than early on. If you feel there was a dip in my writing quality, which I somewhat felt was the case too, this is what I've felt the problem is.

Because of circumstances and the stress, I'm taking a step back to deal with things. I feel like it was just last week that I started There's a Hero's second arc, and I have taken two one-week breaks (or two-week, depending on how you look at it) in the last two months already. I'm sad that the situation has come to this, but reality is a cruel mistress.

That being said, There's a Hero is not ending right now. Obviously, we're really just getting started into what the story is truly about: Rebecca's effects on Quinn and the Kingdom. Updates will no longer be weekly, as I can't maintain the schedule in this challenging time, and will instead come as they are deemed 'ready.' Perhaps once things settle down I can resume writing at a pace that has a more standard schedule again, and when that comes I'll post a new update in a chapter note to inform those of you that follow of the resumption to that sort of thing. Obviously, this effects my side projects too, but if you're looking for something else by me, consider checking them out here on RoyalRoad.



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