《Psychic Evolved》Chapter 13: Rebirth
Boris was shaking his head in disbelief at what had happened. He'd seen the corpse of Alan, and yet he'd been told that he was alive, too Boris it was a bit much to believe staring at the mummy that was Alan.
Then there was the massively expensive operation to save not that they were paying. Alan already had the best health available, or though they may be reassigning Alan at a different premium to cover the extra danger, Alan was close to.
To Boris, it was a sensible conclusion considering the dangers in the tower. He'd seen the aftermath of Crystal's power on her pet. Then some other livestock they got for her to practice control, they found that she had managed to slow the life drain, but the only way she could stop it was to disengage from them. He was perhaps one of the few powers in the tower he was jealous of but sympathetic, and they gave him pause in finding his own abilities.
Either way, he was sitting in the crowded observation room, not as busy as it was in the surgery room. It took them hours to just get into a position of the optimal procedural system. They had Elvira lying down on a bed with several metres tubing coming out her and into Alan's body. A few of them had been left unattached for the live organ that they'd be putting in.
Then they had the telepath place at the edge of the room filling it with Ashley the closest, seated in her wheelchair beside Alan's head, as she looked around dazed. Then you had a dozen doctors and nurses all going to be working on one part of the body at a time. With the heart being first the lungs, the brain then the rest after Ashley had done her mind thing. All the while, Elvira will be supplying blood as soon as the heart is put in its place.
It's a massive operation, and Boris was wondering why he was even here. It wasn't like they had foreign agents in the building and in the room watching, he guessed even he wanted to watch a world-first live instead of the recording.
Then Dr Gerath, who was looking a lot worse for wear, stood up taking the mic. "Ok everyone we pretty sure that shits going to go side. Alans very powerful so expect some hindrances of the magical kind. Just keep work once he conscious he'll have control, or he'll blackout, and the power will fade hopefully. Now I wouldn't blame anyone for leaving. We've evacuated the building for the next day for a reason so if you don't potentially want to die you're free to go."
Boris smiled no one moved since they were warned earlier and they hadn't left so he doubted they would now but it's a good idea to check again. He just needed to make sure that they were all ok to die in potentially horrible ways.
"Right, Doctor in your own time."
Boris smirked as he watched Dr House stretch and do a breathing technique in the middle of the operation room being watched by everyone. The operation started with the opening of Alan's chest cutting through the hardened skin and muscle proved difficult the surgeon going through three scalpels. Eventual they going inside seeing the dust that is the remains of Alan's organs the hover them out and found a very some very stiff arteries for the heart.
Carefully they used some of Elvira blood which revitalised them. Before he could rejoin the hearts, outgoing arteries then attached several free tubes to the heart. They plugged them together, nodding to the nurses how removed the empty container with the ones with the lung in them. The nurse her started the flow of blood of Elvira's it was like a parched land finally given freshwater new life bloomed, and so did Alan's body.
Blood poured out of his body, happy that the first stage had gone well. They replaced the lungs, stitched the vein to the heart taking out Elvira substitute. They opened up the smaller IV's to keep up with the holes in Alan body a lot of were sealing as the skin repair they'd even had to keep cutting open the sides of Alan skin. Then House had to step out the exhaust after several hours of work and allow the brian surgeon in.
This was when Ashley stepped in, and Boris saw a change in her face informing of the change in mind the brain was brought forward Alan skull was cut open dust fell out. Boris's heart skipped a beat as he wondered how Alan could be considered alive. But the camera watched a black ball of something blinded them shaking the room, electric arced its way through the skull. The brain surgeon froze not understand what to do, but Ashley asked, "Bring brain forward, the closer the distance, the better."
The surgeon brought to the entrance of the brain, and the arcs of power died down as a black ball seemed to implode on itself disappearing. When Ashley said, "Ok quickly now do your job, he'll be breaking through soon, and he'll need a vessel to hold him you'd better be as quick as possible."
Nodding the surgeon placed the brain into the skull. It started attaching essential parts and the liberal use of Elvira blood broad thing back to life. That then seemed to search for the opposite partner connecting it all together, saving them of a couple of hours. Over that time, the telepaths had bleached white and were no longer standing nose bleeds were a constant worry as they all pushed themselves.
Thankfully the surgeons eventually gave the go-ahead, and they relaxed, the Doctor over Alan's head was blasted back against the wall knocking over equipment. The building started shaking the building as the black ball quickly consumed Alan's brain as it forced its way out of Alan's eyes and mouth spreading.
Something seemed to drag the black force, and it disappeared blinding everyone with multiple coloured arrays of lights. Alan then lungs started fighting against the pumping machines so they had to numb him so they could continue.
With the job of the telepaths over they were removed from the room. They were allowed to rest after nearly a full day of standing and working.
The brain surgeon was in no condition to continue work. Hence, they had someone else come in and close Alans braincase where they continued with the rest of Alan's organ. One by one seeing how everything reacted and redoing if something wasn't quite right. Another entire day before Alan could be closed up and sent off to be observed for forty-eight hours.
In Boris honest opinion the real MVP was an Elvira and her blood it had been astonishingly helpfully. He bet there were going to be problems with her as the other scientist had seen her drink something before she laid back down.
He was thankful that he had a reason to leave because the conversations inside the observation room were as much interesting as it was a pain to work out. They were talking about a biologically disconnect between the powers and humans for hours. Which got Dr Hew a lot of attention since he was a physic experiment guy, but they also wondered if it had something to do with Alan's powers.
Dr Gareth how must've gone without an excellent sleep for days. Must've taken something because he was going at a hundred miles an hour as he created ideas and thought and then spit them out for his assistant to take down.
Boris had disappeared for a few hours to get some sleep, and when he'd returned things hadn't changed if anything Gareth seemed ecstatic as he had piles of paper around him. I'd asked him, "Doctor figured it all out yet?"
He looked up with a smile, "Yeah, those extra quantum computers have cut down the work. I might even have something made by the end of the week that could remove their powers and give power if I just make the virus do the opposite."
"Cool, who have you told?"
"Ummm well everyone's working for me, so I imagine everyone knows by now. I know it's only been a few days that the power of quantum computers we've got is an excellent fabricator for virus adjustments.
Can we test it on the rats? If they go well we could see about getting rid of Ashley's powers as well as Crystals and anyone else who doesn't want them, and then I can sleep."
"Ah Doctor, I believe you should get some sleep before then I'm pretty sure that nothing good comes from staying awake for days. Head bed before I order my men to lock you in your room?"
Gareth stopped with his note-taking and looked some must've said something on his as the Doctor nodded and subduedly walked away to his bed.
Looking over at Alan and in the next bed was Elvira who'd fallen straight to sleep when the operation had ended she looked relatively defenceless looking like that. Still, he wouldn't want to be the one to awaken her.
Ashley couldn't sleep, she'd see beyond the veil that they had to push Alan through to get his mind to transfer to his new brain.
They then had to hold Alan under inorder to see the new brain attached as he'd tried to break through with everything he had. These emotions broke through during that time that Alan lost control he had seen something horrible. Alan was terrified of something, and he begged to be let out yet they held him under the bit was that they had asked him beforehand. When he had first contacted his mind, it had been hazy with a simple repeating order, "I can't die and will not."
Over and over again, She had to coax him out as he was stuck in survival mode. He must've simply copied his brain at the moment of his death. It was merely repeating the same process over and over again. So She tried to get around it. She went through the veil with her mind and touched his mind through his powers lines getting a connection.
Once she got his attention, she gave a quick explanation, and he agreed and dived whole into the dark light before him. They all then pulled the veil over the whole sealing him while the brain was replaced and attached to his body, once this was done he burst through creating a large hole that fed him more power overflowing his brain.
Ashley had pulled at Alan's mind getting him to control himself and power died right down as his emotions settled. No longer needing his powers to create the unusual artificial brain. He, with some external stimulants, fell asleep as his body was continued to be worked on.
She had so many questions while she thought of pushing down on Alan's mind to keep him in the veil. She even had a glimpse of the power he had. She was sure that he was far more powerful than he was before, she didn't know how since he was already powerful back but to get even more was absurd.
She'd wonder how it would affect him he was on the precipice of death continually for a few days. Then there were was being forced onto the veil, which she felt horrible for even with his permission, she still felt awful about it. Even though she knew she'd helped him live again, which made her happy so that he could visit. She could escape this split personality to make us whole again or at least less dangerous.
She'd have asked him when he woke up. She already knew from Alan's emotions that it was inescapable that they'd never be detached from the veil at least while they were alive. It was like an anchor they were attached to, and they were never going to be let go.
It was merely a feeling that she got it could be nothing. Still, she'd asked Julia if she could talk to Doctor Gareth, not that she had much hope in him anymore his mind had become cloudy, confused and weak. He was still a capable individual, and she hoped he wouldn't do anything while she was at his mercy.
Either way, the process had already started, and the end was coming, whatever that was.
Doctor Hew, was listening to the young lady called Julia, who after failing to get to Dr Gareth came to him. She assumed that as Gareth's friend, he'd be able to get a message to Gareth. As if he got a direct line to him at the moment with Commander Boris orders locking him in his room without paper or a computer.
Either way, he could make a note, but as he was listening, he realised that the scrap of paper he was holding wasn't big enough. Searching around the room, he eventually found a few clear pieces. He started writing his interest fully peck, and by the time Julia had finished thoroughly disturbed and worried.
Had he done something he shouldn't have. Did his experiment backfire so much that it's causing trouble for everyone, he hoped that this is just a simple side effect of Alan's transfer? The mind can easily play tricks on itself, and being trapped wouldn't help any of that.
Julia finished with, "So that it, we hope it helps, Dr Hew, you look terrible, so maybe you should get some sleep."
Hew smiled sadly, "Unfortunately I've tried to sleep but I'm just not feeling like it, and I just stay up all night tossing and turning, and I don't think this news is going to help me sleep."
Julia had a look of concern "That's really weird, I've heard quite a few people have been complaining about lack of sleep and have disturbed nights heard maybe the wrong word, but that's what they thought. Maybe someone's powers had a nightmare effect."
Hew asked, "What about yourself?"
She shook her head, wistfully, "No, I've sleepy fine, but I'm a telepath, hard for people to manipulate my mind at least without me knowing."
"Thank you, Julia, I'll see you around, and I'll make sure to tell Gareth when I can get to him."
Hew then returned, blank again and again in his head, so that Julia would know about his worries and pass them on to others.
She nodded, took a step to leave but turned her head and smiled, "Dr Hew that's a good trick, but I could bury past it eventually, but it's perfect for passing by us."
"Thank you, Julia, for reminding me not to be on the wrong side of you."
She smiled and walked away, once she'd left and a few minutes after that to make sure. Hew also grabbed his phone and started calling some of his colleagues and checking to see if they too had trouble sleeping. When he got confirmation from everyone, even people who'd left the tower, he stopped and pondered upon the answer.
They checked with a friend how it was in the building but not in the experiment room. And he said he was sleeping nominally. Then he called the Commander, who seemed annoyed at the beginning. Still, as Hew talked more about everything he started calm, he relaxed logical mind shined through. "Surely you could remedy it with some pill?"
Hew sighed, "I'm not a biologist, but induced sleep is a healthy long term possibility. Even then it doesn't solve the cause of the problem."
The Commander sounded a little fed up and said, "There's nothing you can do tonight, can't you just ask Gareth tomorrow morning?"
"Commander I don't think Gareth is in a position to make sound decisions after tomorrow. I'm not nearly as stressed as Gareth, and I'm barely fit enough to run one team, let alone an entire department all focusing on one objective.
While he's hyper-focused on it, you must have seen him, the only time I've seen him that tired was us finishing our final assignments, and then he slept the next day away. He was young then, and that was the worst assignment he'd done all year.
And it's been about a week of severely limited sleep for him and me humans can only go on for so long before they find themselves making more and more mistakes.
I can't see myself making excellent judgement calls right now let alone Gareth who's got hundreds of thousands of lives on his shoulders."
Sighing the Commander was silent for a while, before replying, "So you want me to take him off the project? He won't like that."
Hew gave a sad smile, "I know we're friends, and he'll understand and can still have a say, just no decision-making abilities. I also want everyone who was there at the accident of any project, including myself and another biologist to come in and take over the project and set up a new project for us. Looks like we're going to return to being lab rats, hooray."
"Ok Dr Hew you've got my vote, but you'll still need the upper management to agree so good luck with that."
"Yeah, I've got a few more calls to go to persuade the others so have a good day commander."
"Goodnight, Dr Hew."
- In Serial23 Chapters
The Painter: A fantasy psych thriller and epic
*** June 21th Update ***- New chapters are being posted! I haven't figured out a schedule yet, but stay tuned!- Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed, I'm happy to say The Painter is in the top 200 best-rated fictions. - Readers of The Painter have suggested reading through Chapter 6 before making a decision on this book.- The story takes place in the Lootverse, but you don't need a canonical understanding to appreciate the storyFinally, a warning or reader beware: This is not an action novel (despite the coming fight scene) but a slow-burn psychological thriller of sorts. For a time, the Painter's life was simple. He lived in the small town of Kinon (called Kinney by locals) with his wife, Kahriah and his son, Thesdon. The story begins with him alone and unable to travel more than a few hundred miles from his home. For 5 years he tried to chart his prison until one day a letter appears with a mysterious commission that will see him test his condition and his boundary. Set roughly 50 years before the impending end of days (from Loot canon), The Painter is a story about loss, grit, and exploration of a seemingly normal man in a world of magic and monsters. The Painter will follow the man on his adventure to restore his family, uncover his commissioners and discover the nature of his condition. Loot is the decentralized, global, community built fantasy world based on Dom Hoffman's art/tech experiment: Loot. Fun fact: The cover of our book is painted by the artist, who the MC is loosely based on and the same person painting the Banners (digitally) IRL for an art/worldbuilding project.
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