《Psychic Evolved》Chapter 11: Social Progress


Chapter 11: Progress

Alan soon understood what honey potting was when the diplomat came calling himself. Ling Lan gave a slight bow but instantly offered his hand, which Alan took with a smile, saying. "I hope your journey wasn't too rough?"

Alan watched as the strained smile grew on his face. "No no thank you for your assistance and concern, I believe the pilot said he lost a bit of power for some reason as we entered the city area. He was finding it difficult to increase the altitude. We might have needed to land in the courtyard if it wasn't for you."

"Well, I'm sure commander Boris could get one of his engineers to look into it or maybe we could get one of your own engineers over to take a look."

Boris nodded "Certainly I would, we don't want to see any sort of accident happen to your pilot of the helicopter."

"We'd be the most grateful commander, but I'd like to introduce you to Jiang Mei and Jiang Yang. They both saw your immense strength for those videos, and they wanted to meet you, I hope you'll take care of them while they're here." Ling Lan said while patting his forehead as he saw Mei and Yang glared at him.

Alan nodded towards the two of them receiving a polite nod. Alan realised that they really didn't want to be here, for someone so excited to be here they certainly didn't look like they wanted to be here but who knows they could be good actors.

They both gave a slight bow and offered their hands, giving him a smile. Which he returned, and thought that they were gorgeous.

Was that what honey trap meant? You had a piece of honey or something irresistible. Then the bee who wanted the said item but then find out that it actually was a fly trap, Ahah fly trap, honey equals honey trap he got it.

However, he wasn't the most powerful, someone who could create life was so much stronger than himself. Then there were dozens of people in the tower that either didn't have enough control, and they could have more powerful abilities.

"Pleasure to meet you both, I hope you have a pleasant stay."

When Boris and Harvey had finally managed to move the group on, they could eventually move off the roof. They weren't expecting anyone else, and Alan had found it quite exhausting. The day wasn't over; they still had a banquet to attend.

As they move down the lift, Alan noticed that as he reached the 40th floor, his headache returned. He sees that every one of the supers was clutching their heads and Boris, Harvey and his attendants all became quite concerned. As they passed floor, the pain faded, they then left the lift. They moved toward the canteen floor where the banquet was set thankfully it wasn't all that posh walked into the transformed canteen with a wall of food a few seats and tables dotted about. Some soothing music and as the range of food that would be pleased with everyone there.

Ignoring a large number of people in the room that included Gareth, Darl, John and Hew. He skipped to the line of food, ready to try everything. His stomach growling for something to eat he worked his way down the line picking things that he wasn't sure of and some Alan knew he liked when he arrived at the Chinese section. Mei appeared in front of him, smiling he apologised wanting to avoid everyone turning to leave.


Yang appeared on the other side of him and bumped into each other, He apologised again moving back in between them. They then closed off any other retreat he could make pinning him against the buffet table, trying not to drop his food on to the floor.

The two of them started by asking in their strong accent, "Are you interested in any of our foods?"

"I'm no thanks. I've got quite the full plate; Alan indicated the mountain of food that had already made it on his plate."

Mei then replied, "Well if you find yourself coming back up maybe we could tell you what's what."

Alan smiled, "Thank you, I'll come to you if I do."

They allowed him to escape holding his plate when he heard them speak in Chinese again. Again Alan looked at their body language one had slouched the other took a step forward saying something and dragged her by the arm. They were definitely following him to his table as he changed tables several times. He didn't need to look back Alan finally just sat down realising that they weren't going to give up.

They joined him also immediately as they tried talking to him even though he was stuffing his face, he conveniently couldn't speak. Sitting there with a piece of chicken in his mouth did make him feel a bit disrespectful, finishing his bite, he said, "Ok ok I got it what do you want?"

Mei smiled as her leg blurred up and down, "What is it like having a superpower, no one else in the world has?"

"I wouldn't say that since over two hundred other people have superpowers, all of them are pretty unique, so I wouldn't say I was the only one. What's it like hmph I guess annoying at the moment I've had hundreds of questions. A huge amount of responsibility thrust upon me within a few weeks and on a global level yeah not funny. Then there the continuous control required on my powers and thoughts?"

Mei tilted her head, "What do you mean continuous control is required?"

Alan went to reply and realise that English isn't their first language. They were doing a surprisingly good job of communicating in English. "I'll give you an example, there are these two annoying women and the person they interested simply wishes to be left alone. Now, imagine if that person needed one wrong thought and a bit of emotion to accidentally make those two women disappear into nothing just because he thought and felt."

They were both quite some Alan decide to ask a question himself. "If you had that power where an emotion and a thought could make someone maybe you love to disappear to never return because you couldn't control yourself, would you want it?"

They both smiled, and Mei spoke "Yeah, it would be awesome. We could do anything we wanted, and no one could stop us, we wouldn't have to put up with our father just make him disappear and take everything."

Alan eyebrows rose, "So you don't like your father, then?"

Mei went quiet, and Yang gave a sad smile but spoke, "We don't particularly like him.

We just want to be left alone and not have to be ordered to do anything unpleasant."

Alan was now interested in the conversation, "Like being sent here?"

They both nodded, and Yang again said, "Yeah, we can't do anything about it, but we wish we could've just stayed at home."

"So what did you get sent here to do?"


They both froze like rabbits in the headlights, It wasn't until Yang caught herself, "I think it would be best if we left you to your meal, Thank you, Alan, I hope we could talk again in the future."

Mei then nodded energetically, "Yeah, see you around, Alan."

They move off quickly without another comment. If Alan knew that getting them to talk about what they were doing here would get them away from him, he would've done so ages ago. He continued his meal, amused at how easy it was to get them to the point of confessing to an underhand tactic to gain an advantage.

He did wonder whether they were trained or not; otherwise, they wouldn't have been so easy. Maybe a bit too easy, it could've been a trick to get him to feel at ease around them knowing they were innocently so.

Ahah, he mind went round in circles wondering if they were really good or bad. Thankfully Gareth sat down at his table and spoke, gesturing to the crowd of people staring at him, "Hey Alan, looks like you're popular."

"Well, at least they're staying away. I'm most grateful for that, I've got enough headaches for today and would like to go back to bed."

"Yeah, Alan I heard that the supers got headaches as they moved up the building past the fortieth floor. I was wondering if you had any takes on it?"

Alan nodded, remembering the headaches, "It was weird as soon as the lift hit that floor we all got a headache, and yet I'm almost right under it and don't feel it. I've even looked into the floor at least as far as I can't see anything weird and I don't partially like the idea of entering the floor before you go and ask."

Gareth held up his hands, "No I wasn't going to at least not until I've exhausted all other possibilities but would you if we had nothing left to do? It was the level they had the physics test. I've asked Hew who was the lead about any sort of radiation and if they expect any sort of gamma-ray or whatnot?"

Alan looked at the scientist sure that he'd know but carried on with his words. "The people who made the nuclear bomb didn't know about radiation and once they found out it was already too late for them. As for my going onto that floor would be if it could help you to make a cure I'll do it."

Gareth's face had gone pale, "Do you think so?"

Alan smiled, "We won't know until someone gets very sick and uses them to find some way to see it. I think that's how scientists found out about radiation.

It would make sense from what you've told me about this virus that it's supposed to mimic and evolve to create other psychics since it hasn't done so.

Instead, it created people with superpowers that weren't exclusively psychics. Still, physic braking powers it would lead me to believe that something was added to the super serum.

We probably can't detect it's effects on genes and make us either sensitive to this "radiation" or it's doing something to us, which I don't want to find out about.

Although from what I've heard that it has difficulty passing through matter since it hasn't affected me sleeping underneath it unless it's merely a shorter range through matter."

Alan watched as Gareth digested the idea, Alan assumed that he'd already thought of it Gareth was smarter than him. Still, he probably didn't want to believe it.

"We could always be wrong. I'm no scientist. It's only what I've seen and felt I could be completely wrong."

Gareth eventually spoke, "We stayed on that floor for weeks if it was as bad as radiation then we would've died already. It could've had a completely different effect on the body than that. But I should at least make sure that something hasn't happened over the last week. I'll have everyone rounded up and tested again."

"Sure sounds good also you've got a hundred other people on the payslip you can get to volunteer to walk onto that floor to see what it does."

"That's very cold of you, but I might start with seeing how the maddened are affected by the radiation thanks for the information. Hopefully, it's nothing."

Alan smiled sadly, he assumed it wasn't going to be fair, but he replied, "Yeah hopefully, it's nothing."

Gareth got up to leave but stopped, waited and sighed before he turned back, "Just so you know Elvira perfectly fine, she has been asking for you all afternoon.

Her test came back rather interesting, she has high-speed regeneration, that we knew from observations. Still, she doesn't stop regenerating even when fully healed, which is why she loves pain.

Instead of someone having to break her body, one of my guys suggested poisons so at the moment we see if poison or toxins can slow the regen.

It'll take some fine-tuning, but we think we can make sure no one has to hurt, not that an average human could easily break her bones as they are solid."

Alan couldn't help but smile, knowing that he no longer needed to hurt but someone was going to have to inject her with a toxin that's more than likely can kill a human. It was mostly going to be me, but at least it was better than breaking her bones, the simple thought sent shivers down his back.

"That's good thank you and Doctor Gareth, you look horrible try and get some rest!"

Gareth stopped again as he seemed to think of something, "Alan, do you think it would be ok if they took Elvira up to the forty floors and see how she reacts?"

Alan thought about it since it was certainly an interesting question. Do the things we make have an effect, "So long as it's a passing test."

Gareth nodded, "Thank you, I'll make sure she just goes up in the lift, Alan sees you around I'll try to get some sleep."

Gareth had finally left, but Alan could only think of Elvira again since he'd mentioned her. Those few moments flashed in his mind, I think I need some air, and maybe I'll see her later. His mind moves onto wonder who these scientists will think about Elvira and how she's created from someone's power and whether Mei and Yang's attention will be focused on Michael. Not that he probably cared about them; he could make more beautiful, intelligent people.

Maybe he'd be left alone, and he could enjoy his billion in peace and quiet. Right now at least he was scared enough for people to avoid, but he imagined that it would fade sometime soon as they'd get used to him like everyone else has.

Managing to excuse himself from several brave individuals, Alan managed to make it to the lift and reach the bottom of the tower. Staring at his footprint as he walked through, remembering just a bit ago, he had no control. Now he barely noticed his guards following him around.

He'd seemly came out here to catch a breath but in front of him were two other super George and Uptight who were both talking. They weren't distracted enough to not notice him and his escorts.

"Hey Alan, come to get some air." George boomed across space, making Uptight flinch how then glared at him as if it was his fault.

"Hey, George and Uptight, you too then?"

"Oh, don't call me that I have a name!" the Uptight said her hands went to her hips.

"Hey, George, just wondering if you play football?"

Georges grin broadened and boomed "Yeah, of course, What a stupid question what idiot doesn't, New Manchester all the way!"

"Cool wondering if you wanted to make a game. And play a bit, it would be good training for us."

George grinned and shrugged, "Sure, I don't mind, but I don't know if others would like it. We could make a super team and take the title for ourselves."

"I don't think FIFA would let us in the premier it would be too easy, and they complain at every touch of a shin how they'd react to being obliterated. I imagine a supers league where supers play against each other. It would be more alluring whether we could do it, without killing each other is the real question."

"Haha, true I guess no one could take it seriously then!"

Alan nodded "We'd need to find people with a good attitude, and a willingness to get since we're so using our superpowers in a game of football. Ouch, Uptight no need to be so angry I'll have you on my team if that's what you want no need abuse me."

"Damnit Alan, it's not Uptight my name Crystal."

"Oh I didn't know we were taking on our super names, I'm Reality pleased to meet you."

"No that's really my name, the one my mother gave so don't mock me. My powers are necromancy. I disgustingly can reanimate dead things."

Alan's mouth had dropped open, "Seriously?"

Crystal nodded sadly, "It's so gross, After a few days, anything I've brought back starts to rot and fall apart, leaving a rancid pile of meat."

Alan could only slight empathise with her power be he felt that she might not be exploring her abilities. "Pray do tell, can you control the bones afterwards, does it need a new body? Because you could always try a mummy or skeleton body, maybe try and reanimate a suit of Armour?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you say you're a necromancer at least in video games as you move bones and create skeleton soldiers. So what abilities do you have?"

She looked sad for a moment as she played with her hair. "I've got this field around me that you must have seen, it slows things down and slightly drains them of vitality. If I wanted to speed it up, I could touch them. The life is drained into a pool I have inside me, and when I wish to create a zombie I have to use some of whatever's inside to reanimate them I get it back once the zombie dies at least most of it. I can't turn the touch off so no matter when I touch someone, their life is drained."

Alan spoke without thinking, "Vampiric Touch, no control that horrible, I guess that's why you didn't take my hand earlier, you could have said something I thought you just didn't like me."

She shrugged a tear form in her, "It's a bit hard to talk about, imaging starting a conversation. Oh hey, yeah I'm not going to take your hand because I'm likely going to take your life if we did, honestly not the greatest of starts, So I just ignored that part for simplicity."

Alan nodded, deciding to change the topic he asked, "Hey, George, what about yourself what powers do you have?"

"Hmph, I'm sorry I was thinking about the game. My powers are dust or fine powders, watch."

George pointed towards an empty stop, after a few seconds, Alan could see a ball of dust forming in the middle of the spot. Having created a defined ball in the air, it started moving around quickly smoothly, passing through or around obstructions.

Alan nodded and looked cool, "That's not all I can do, I can give some dust certain properties. Like multi colours, tiny stingers or solidification ."

Instead of being surprised, he was now shocked it was kind of disgusting being able to produce a small amount of dust. Then turn it into a miniature missile and make it go through the ear of eyes into the brain, he'd make an excellent assassin.

Not that he was going to mention the idea to anybody, "Neat power that could be really useful have you tried to make it a solid and surf on it?"

George looked at his dust ball, "No, I haven't given that a try?"

"I'd suggest a nice big surfboard with plenty of space to move about, you could even take other people with you."

"That'd be nice. I could take my kid on holiday somewhere hot and nice to do together."

"I'm sure they'd love it! Best to give it a bit practise first though."

George's grin reached ear to ear, "Yeah!"

He brought the ball of dust toward him, stopping it in front of him, and he picked up his feet and pushed down on the dust that had formed a semi-solid sphere. His foot went straight through it, but the furrowed brow and intense stare informed Alan that he didn't think George was going to give up anytime soon. Turning to look at Crystal, wondering how she could avoid touching someone for a minimum month, let alone think about the rest of her life.

"Crystal shake my hand."

A surprised Crystal stared at him and then his pre-offered hand, looking back up at his "Don't be ridiculous there's no way I'm hurting you."

"Puff as if I'm going to ever be hurt by a handshake, I think you overestimate yourself, Crystal." He said a grin, wiggling his hand.

"Come on what's the worst that could happen I get slightly drain of life, and you let go."

She looked back and fore, head to his hand "You're nuts, just remember you asked for this."

She touched his hand, and beyond feeling cold there and soft, there was nothing. She obviously expected some other reaction as he shrugged, "Your hands are a little cold, you should get some gloves."

She applied two hands for some reason, "That hand's cold too, you should really invest in some gloves."

He was watching George as he managed to put most of his weight onto the disk before he fell through. Now there was a definite smile on his face as he must have realised that it was possible, his dreams were coming true. The dust reformed and created an elongated disk, confident that he was getting closer to his goal.

Alan's attention returned to Crystal as he felt drops of water land on his hand. Turning back he found that Csystel was hovering over his hand, stroking his hand along her face, it was a bit much for Alan so pulled back a little letting her keep the hand within her grasp.

She looked up as he moved his tears were falling down her face and onto his hand, she whispered "You feel so warm and alive. I can't believe it how?"

"My super name is Reality, within a certain distance from me. I can change and do stuff which in and of itself is a continuous task of figuring it out as I go along. In this case, there is a fragile barrier over my hand.

Warmth can get through, and you can feel the texture of my hand, but you don't have direct contact. It took a while to form, small things are difficult for me."

"It's amazing, but if you can control reality, can't you remove my powers?"

He hadn't thought about that possibility, the first thing he thought of much like the scientists. He didn't know what gave him the power the scientists believe that he requires the knowledge to do something. They had Alan studying up on physics, biology basically everything humanity knows, and then he was tried to replicate it. Still, if society knew of it, then he knew, of course, there was the simple thing like controlling the pressure within his bubble or removing the oxygen. They could be done on the fly hell even a certain amount of control over his body since he knew it intricately.

"Unfortunately, I'm still only human. I've no idea what to remove to make your power disappear. Otherwise, you're perfectly normal, just like the rest of us. I imagine you can still learn to control it, just like the rest of us."

"That could be years in the waiting, my boyfriend might not wait that long, and there's still the possibility that I could make a mistake and take his life all too easily."

"Will tuff that's shit and all but everyone's got problems. If your boyfriend can't wait until your in control then he wasn't the right one for you. Don't blame him if he does though he's probably terrified, he could die in an accident or not. He's missing his family, and you've long gone on a different path, and then there's everything else it wouldn't surprise me if he left."

The thing about women, sometimes they don't like the truth, as he felt his hand being increasingly crushed in Crystal's hands. Hence, he added, "It might not happen; he's probably a good guy that'll stick around no matter what."

Alan spoke in his head, "Well, you're a bloody necromancer, you deal with dead bodies, and then there is the super-status.

There's no guarantee that everyone can get superpowers hell it might only ever be us. Do you think anyone could handle that life geez be a bit realistic.

Hell, I don't even know how I'm going to survive this new world, let alone anyone else. I don't even know if we're going to be fighting each other soon or going onto the frontlines. For the sake of the people."

At least Crystal had calmed down and was no longer crushing his hand. "I think it's time to let go."

She looked up like a puppy that's had its favourite toy taken away, "You can always come to me if you need a hand to hold."

Her face brightened in elation and jumped forward to hug him, Alan realised what she was about without thinking and said, "Oh shit."

As she made contact realising what she'd done, she jumped away. Still, the damage was already done as Alan felt the icy pick thrust into his chest. Alan skin immediately felt like it would tear if he moved, sweated, his heart pounded like it was about to burst. His lung shrivelled up and no longer allowed air into them. The blackness formed area the edge of his consciousness.

The last thing Alan was was Crystal had gone deathly pale and was balling her eyes out, everyone was rushing to him. George managed to catch him lying him onto the warm ground.

He thought about as he was dying, "haha at least I don't have to go back to the party." The last thought he wondered at whether he could change his own Reality so use every ounce of will he said, "I will never die, this is my reality, and you do what I want!"

He saw the black hole inside his mind quiver before he died.

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