《The Prime》Chapter 12: The Mock Battle part 2


Miss Asmodeus makes a gesture to silence the crowd before saying:

'' The second match was rather interesting. The winner is Luxor Memphis Luxon he passes this round. The next fight is number 9 VS number 15, Oh! Interestingly we will see a fight between siblings, please get on ring''.

Number 9 and number 15 are already on the ring, interestingly it is the twins from Huxia Empire, Qin Faotian, and Qin Feixue. Miss Asmodeus announced the start of the fight. Qin Feixue said to her brother.

'' Faotian gege who would have thought that we will be facing each other on ring this early on, after our last battle last week. '' She takes a rather deep breath before announcing

'' I surrender '' She was immediately ejected from the stage, the crowd was disappointed once again but the concerned parties are both smiling, Especially Faotian he is proud of his little sister decision because she knew that she will be the one to lose at the end, all mock battles that they had until now ended with her losing at the end. Miss Asmodeus sighed as she announced the next fighters.

''The third match ends in Qin Faotian victory by forfeit, next fight number 17 vs number 18 on ring ''.

Marc and Marcus Morningstar went up on the battle ring ending in Marc surrendering before the start of the fight. The crowd is becoming more and more infuriated because this would be the third fight since the start resulting in surrender even before the contestants truly fight.

Marc explained himself saying that he and his twin brother possess the same power as Huxia Empire twin, and he didn't want to fight his brother it is why he chose to surrender.

'' Again another match ending without a proper fight, Match number 4 ends in Marcus Morningstar victory by forfeit. Next fight number 7 vs number 12 get into the battle ring and please fight We don't want another surrender without fight '' said Miss Asmodeus with serious expression.



Immediately, crown princess, Kaguya Mio Sakura went up on the ring followed by the previous demon generation royal family Luna Morningstar, they looked at each other bowing before start fighting on Miss Asmodeus signal.

It Kaguya who attacked first she created dozens of ice arrows sending them toward Luna, Luna on the other side has already created dozens of dark orb, she sent them crashing towards the incoming ice arrows there is *Boom* sound as the two attacks offset each other.

Luna holds her hand up muttering [Dark World] immediately everything went dark on the stage, it was like a night without moon, even those on spectators seat had a hard time seeing what is happening on the stage (the weaker one) only miss Asmodeus, these upper-class students and some from first-year S class who continued to see what happens on the stage(The twin goddess because there are not normal mortal, same thing with Nui and the twin demons, Leon and Luxor it because of their eyes which are special and Luna twins brother because they are also darkness users).

Back on the stage after executing her move Luna has already equipped with her weapon it is a whip( 2 meters long) dark color with thorns around it the head divided in two, like a forked snake tongue, She executes a slash saying [Shadow Dance] immediately many whip slash comes crashing towards Kaguya, the attack gave the onlookers the illusion of hundreds of snakes coming to bite Kaguya. She, on the other hand, seems not bothered by the sudden darkness nor the whip attack, you could see her eyes shining icy blue than usual, she slightly tapped her left leg on the floor executing [Ice Wave Emission] immediately sending out a wave of ice that repels the of incoming whip slash.

Immediately adding another attack this time by stepping her right leg hard on the floor muttering [Ice Spike], ice spike was projected from the ground almost catching Luna off guard as she rapidly executed [Shadow Leap] using the dark as cover she appeared behind Kaguya sending her whip slash towards her back. Like she had anticipated, Kaguya already executed a defensive move called [Reflective Ice Shield] it's a beautiful blue shield that repels the incoming attacks, she distanced herself from Luna before she turned around bending a little she performs [Quick Draw] sending Sword Beam with her blue Katana, cold blasts were released from the blue Katana towards Luna, this time she managed to evade but at the cost of her right arm who suffered from the attack, frost started to appear on the injured arm she partially created [Darkness Armor] on the injured right arm before glaring at Kaguya, her expression turned serious she said [Shadow Clones] three identical Luna appears from her shadow all wielding a whip, the difference between them and Luna is that they were entirely black made of shadow.


The three shadow clones attacked Kaguya from the front, left and right with [Shadow Dance] leaving her only escaping route the back to Luna, she also attacks with same moves, but she added dozens of dark orbs making almost impossible for Kaguya to escape unscathed from their joints attack, it's one of her Trump cards.

Having been sandwiched from all side with no way out, Kaguya sighed her expression turning from the smiling one she had since the start to serious one, Kaguya Mio Sakura became serious as she closed her eyes, but upon opening them again it's became ice-cold, the air around started to freeze, the temperature plummeted to almost freezing degree on the stage, ice start to appear from her body freezing all things around her even the ground of ring became entirely frozen, she coldly muttered [Ice Storm] powerful ice storm composed entirely of spiked ice fragments engulfed the three shadow clones shredding them in pieces, Luna hastily performed full-body [Darkness Armor] her body is clad in dark armor protecting her from cold and the remaining Ice Storm, she performs double [Shadow Leap] distancing herself from Kaguya first before reappearing behind her but immediately saying ''Crap'' because she was checkmated, Kaguya didn't even glance back before saying loudly [Ice Pillar] it is already too late for Luna to evade she was frozen in the ice pillar.

Silence, deadly silence even miss Asmodeus was silent, nobody expected the fight to end like that, no it rather Kaguya abrupt change in expression that shocked them the most, nobody expected the always smiling 'Succubus' (Kaguya nickname, because one smile from her send your soul to heaven, Your little brother will stand up wanting to worship her 😃) to become 'Ice Queen' in matters of second ending the fight in two moves. It literally overpowered {AN: Muhaha praise me more you maggots she is my baby}.

Everybody has already forgotten about the poor frozen Luna, Kaguya clicked her fingers, immediately the Ice pillar evaporated leaving the poor Luna shivering from cold on the ground. Kaguya is already on the ground her expression changed back from the Ice cold Mode to her smiling face Mode. Miss Asmodeus regained her cool and announced :

'' Match number 5 ends with Kaguya Mio Sakura victory. The next fight is between number 2 and number 5. ''

It now after hearing Miss Asmodeus that the crowd regained focus by loudly cheering and clapping their hands, firstly to congrats Kaguya and secondly because they are interested in the next battle, it is fighting between Emia Luxon and Lumis Asmodeus.

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