《The Prime》Chapter 10: The Day before the Mock Battle


Break has been given to the first year S class to prepare themselves mentally and physically for tomorrow's mock battle, it's why today is a day off.

On the entrance of girl, dormitory stands Ten beautiful girls, three among them are too beautiful to be a mortal, naturally, those are 'Emea and Emia Luxon', 'Nui Yydrassil' and their friend: 'Delia Solon' the dark elf Nui childhood friend, crow princess 'Kaguya Mio Sakura' and her friend 'Andrea Rillet', the princess 'Qin Feixue' from Huxia Empire, and lastly the new addition to the crew is the wind elf 'Eleanor Windsor' princess of Windsor kingdom also Nui childhood friend and Saeko and Lina, Kaguya maid and the twin maid.

They're all dressed in a one-piece white robe,(Except the two maids) like they already have some kind of agreement, they were like celestial beings who have come down to bless mortal especially the three (Emea and Emia Luxon, Nui Yydrassil) their first destination is the shopping mall.

Located in the center of the academy is the shopping mall, it is three stories building painted in white. The girls gathered a lot of attention and comments on their way here, they even got a nickname 'The eight Celestials' because dressed all in white while looking so beautiful they are like celestial, thus the nickname, starting from now on, everywhere the eight gathered, they will be called like that, it became a rather famous name even in the battlefield, but that would be the story for another time. The two maids were called the 'Heavenly Maid's'.

The girls shopped first on the second floor, choosing a lot of dresses after finishing they send them to their dormitory before going to the third floor, where lingerie is exposed, after choosing and buying lingerie they send them to their dormitory as they did on the previous floor before departing from the shopping mall.


It was slightly past morning, the sun was high in the sky, they choose a restaurant not too far from the shopping district where they were.

It was five stories building, the restaurant is managed by the academy, the first-floor interior is spacious with lot customers already dinning, upon noticing the girls someone suddenly said '' Oh! It's the eight celestial and the two heavenly maids. ''

'' The eight celestial? The two heavenly maids? Why are they are being called like that ?'' asked another person

" You don't know?, Well it was given to them today. Don't they look like celestial dressed like that with their beauty? And these two maids don't they also look heavenly? The beautiful and mature maid, the Petite and delicate angelic maid'' replied the first.

'' Yeah I guess you're not wrong, it rather well-deserved name '' said the second.

They're directed to the five floors, the highest, they got a VIP room firstly because they are beautiful and secondly the most important reason is they are from the S class.

The room was more spacious than the first floor, beautiful with views on shopping district, you can see a lot of people shopping, the eight sat forming a circle, having finished ordering they started to chat, it was Crown Princess Kaguya who asked Emea a question.

'' Sister Mea are you really going to apply for the seat of the president of the student's council? ''.

'' Yeah I'm rather serious about it and I hope you will all support me '' replied Emea.

'' For what purpose are you doing that? '' asked princess Qin Feixue.

I have my reason, it is not a good thing to talk about it here, We will once at the dormitory '' replied Emea

'' oh! I know you are doing it for the Leon Nexus beautiful golden eyes '' said Eleanor jokingly.


'' Really? '' asked Andrea and Delia seriously in unison. The other burst in laughter but stopped because they noticed that the twins look like they're in trance.

Back when Eleanor talked about eye color, the twin's remembered a pair of beautiful crimson eyes which give them a feeling of longing, it why they look like they are in trance. They answered the question at the same time.

'' Ah! Him? For his eyes? They are not even comparable to his ''. They were silent before Kaguya asked teasingly.

'' Oho Who that last 'his' maybe be? The lucky winner. Who is it? ''.

All other girls were eager to know, sadly at that time, the waitress brought their food, the twin's said '' Let's eat '' evading the answer.

After the dinner at the restaurant the ten, explores the other districts till it was past noon before they go back to the dormitory.

Back to the dormitory, the eight chatted in the twin room, Saeko and Lina went to the kitchen to cook something for the rest to eat. The twin explained the reason why Emea is after the seat of the student council president, they did not go into the details, they just said that it is to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances in the future, the others girls promised to support them, as it will also benefit them

Each of them returned to her own room after the dinner, they didn't forget about tomorrow's mock battle, they must sleep early to be in perfect shape for tomorrow's mock battle.


On the boy's side, they were all sleeping having finished practicing and mediating even the twin's demons proud as they were, have also done the same thing. They must be at the top of their form tomorrow because it not only their image who is at stake, it is also the first step to show their dominance over their rival in love in front of the girls in question, and the whole world.

The day ended like that, slowly letting place for the next day when it would be the first confrontation between rival in love.

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