《The Problem Store》Chapter 3.8 | The Shakedown (Pt. 3) (R18)


Lüd slung drunken words from behind, “Do it deeper again, Guy…”

I could see the bitch laying on the restroom floor in the open stall from the mirror as I washed my hands. Her cunt was exposed and dripping between her thighs. Her clit saluted from its spot, sporting uncontrollable jolts and throbs. Her nipples seemed to rival her clit as they rose and fell with her ample breasts, standing erect upon their lacy windows on the bitch’s lingerie, hard enough to cut diamonds.

She was given all the opportunities to cover herself. Her limbs worked just fine. As far as each of us was concerned, the shoulderless sweater dress rolled up above her tits were still in one piece. Yet, like the true nympho she is, she never once took the chance, nor did I think she would ever consider the option.

I kept with my wash, rolling her words through my right ear and out with my left.

“Break me already,” the bitch moaned in delight, “Just kill me, pleeaaaase…”

I found traces of dried blood on my knuckles. I tried rinsing it off my skin, to no avail. It was partially my fault. Drying fluids wasn't a priority in my head moments ago.

“You hear me, Guy? I know you do… I see you looking through the mirrorrrr…” the bitch tried to help herself up the floor, but all she could manage was a propped elbow and a raised, albeit lopsided head, “I see you popping stiff over there. Come here… I’ll take care of you. You can finish anywhere you want. Inside? Might come with a price, though…”

I tried scraping the blood off with my thumb. It hurt more than it helped. With every spot of red I was erasing it went with flakes of peeled skin. I let out a barrage of curses in my head that ended in my oral cavities. The sight of the unhinged bitch of a beastkin in the mirror helped me keep my composure. In a way, I didn’t want to show my worst in front of her. To let her think she kicked me off my cool would be a blow to my self-respect, be it the truth or not.

“You want to pump in this bad girl? Sureee…” the bitch threw her other hand over her thigh, spreading her pussy wide from the floor, “Just gotta do more jobs to cover the feeeee… Nothing comes for freeeee…”

Soap wasn’t helping either; if anything, the foam was obscuring my progress from view. I had to move fast. There was no telling who would walk in at any moment. Leaving it be wasn’t an option either. I can’t have Sin asking unneeded, complicated questions.

“You say you won’t do it- but you still do it- but you say you won’t do it- but you still do it-” the bitch dropped her head back down on the restroom floor again, turning her head side to side as she began fingering her cunt, “You piss on me about how you don’t want to do the job but you still do it… what do you- hng- wahhh… want… -ng…”

I tried scrunching my skin together to see if the dried blood would crack off. Small slivers began peeling off. It was looking hopeful. I tried it a few more times.

“You could’ve walked, you knowww… Ignore the me- oh- messages… Leave… Sk-ah… Skip town a- a- anh… d-disappear,” the bitch turned to her side, curling into a foetal position as she moved her other hand to toy with her nipples, “Like when you first ca- oh- oh… came to townnn… No ID No story… But you still stayed… des- despite what you said… ah… hng-”


The trick didn’t work anymore. I went back to the usual move I was doing. I racked my head to come up with a better solution as I kept scrubbing before I tear my skin and turn an already bad situation worse.

“I bet your name… hng- oh… isn’t even reaaaalll…” the bitch had her hand wedged between her thighs as she laid sideways, fanning her fingers across her labia, “YOU HEAR ME, GUY? I SAI- ah- wait… I-I SAID, I BET GUY ISN’T EVEN YOUR NAAAAAME-”

I turned the water up a notch for a more powerful wash, and to mask Lüd’s voice. Neither worked. It only seemed to amplify the noises from both my nerves and the bitch.

“What kinda name is Guyyyy anywaaay… oh- I’m come- coming… hng- I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m COMING,” she flung her thighs wide and stood on her calves, giving full view of her crotch as she squirted out onto the floor, “Oh- oh… ah… damn… that’s… damn… you like that, Guy? Wait… Guy’s not your reaaaal name…”

I wrenched the tap shut. Nothing worked. There were still streaks of red on my knuckles. I gave up, and left my chances to fate, hoping Sin wouldn’t look down to my hands for a random fancy. I fetched a paper towel from the dispenser. As I dried my hands, I looked into the bathroom mirror, meeting the bitch in her eyes.

“What’s your real name, huh? What’s your name, boyyyy…” Lüd’s body dropped back down onto the floor like a puppet with its strings cut, “You know whaaat? I think you’re fake! You lie! You say you’re out but you still do iiiiit… You doooon’t want to stoooop… You keep doing it- why do you keep doing it? Is it for the money, you, you scummy human bastard, you- NO WAY! I’ve seeeeen you live like a bum, you human hobo fuck-”

I fetched some more paper towels. Some water had seeped through the jumpsuit and wet my wrists.

“Hey, Guy, hey- if that’s your reaaaal name… Why’re you doing thiiiis…” the bitch kept a pinch on her nipple as she pointed at me from between her open legs, “I know it aaaain’t for youuuu… so who’s it forrr then, huh? Who’s it for, Guyyyy? Was it for… that runner girl-”

I scrunched the paper towel in my hands and stomped towards Lüd in the open stall. Before the bitch could respond I clamped her snout shut and pulled her upwards. With the wet wad of paper towels in my hand, I forced her mouth open and stuffed them down the entrance of her throat before holding it shut again. Though the bitch made noises, her body put up no fight. I dropped the bitch back down onto the ground, yelping and squealing in her muffled voice. It wasn’t a definite solution, but it was an absolute improvement.

There Lüd laid, battered with cuts and bruises showing from beneath her fur. Not a single intention did I feel in me to help her up; it would mean risking more blood on my hands, and breathing in the same air as her was enough for me. Plus, the bitch seemed very much satisfied with her position on the ground.

My business with the bitch was done. I took a step back away from her. Something crunched under my heel. I looked down to my feet.


It was the brown envelope from before. By some miracle, it managed to dodge Lüd’s waterworks and stay dry. Further away was the bitch’s purse wrapped within its chain-link straps on the floor.

I looked back towards the envelope. From the angle where I stood, I could see a small peek from the torn flap. Curiosity got the better of me. I crouched down and plucked it out from under my soles.

I knew Lüd always carried a considerable amount with her. I just never knew it was this much. It was to the point where I could feel the cumulative weight from the notes. I thumbed my finger through the papers sitting in snug, neat rows within their brown covers. The more I counted, the less I was able to comprehend the sheer sum I was looking at. That was just in physical money. I hadn’t accounted for that each note held no less than three figures in value. It felt surreal. It shouldn’t even be possible for me to hold this kind of cash in my hand.

It wasn’t a stretch to say Lüd was walking around with the price of someone’s livelihood in her purse without a care in the world.

Then something else emerged from within the packet that caught my eye. A small shine. A glint. I squinted for a closer look. My instinct spoke to me that it was a coin, but one look at the envelope’s smooth, stretched, packed surface was enough to tell me otherwise. My guess diverted towards a tracking device. I wasn’t exactly up-to-date with the latest technological advancements, but it wouldn’t surprise me if some overseas company managed to develop some paper-thin machines for purposes like this.

Then more flickers of light came into sight, both from within and outside the envelope. They emerged out of nowhere in sparkles, suspending over the air untouched by gravity. Their arrival came in clusters, never straying far from one another, almost forming a shape of some sort.

Then I caught up with the delay in my brain, put two and two together, threw away the envelope and ducked downwards.

A baseball bat exploded into existence in a shower of light before my eyes. I stared at the bat’s sturdy, rounded-tip suspending in the middle of the air, inches away from taking out a good chunk of my face. I crouched just beneath it, staring at its brown, wooden surface, au naturale rings spotting across its exterior.

I traced the bat towards its handle, where who else but Lüd was holding it by, clutching onto the tape-wrapped grip wound between the knob and the taper. The bitch had it held with a raised arm and a remorseless smile on her face, though her expression this time was carrying more than a lecherous tone.

She regorged the saliva-drenched paper towel out of her mouth, licking her lips as the wad dropped onto the restroom floor with a quiet, wet smack, “Don’t get over your head, boy.”

Ticked off, I grabbed the baseball bat by the tip and wrested the knob onto the bitch’s face, hitting her right on the nose.

She shut right up, to my fortune, letting out no more than a muffled, “Mm-”

The bitch relinquished her grip on the bat. Just in case, I kept the tool in my hand. I wasn’t taking chances. I’d know whenever the weapon would disappear, whether it be from distance or Lüd’s volition.

The baseball bat, I trust my abilities to monitor it. The bitch’s mouth, on the other hand, was a wildcard. I decided to deal with it once and for all; or at least with a quick fix enough to suffice my demands.

It would also feel great if I did so.

“You want money, boyyy? Just listen to meeeeee,” I stand corrected, “I got enough jobs to line you up to Sundayyy, babyyy…”

I propped the baseball bat against the wall away from Lüd but within my line of sight. If it goes missing, I’d know to deal with the bitch. Grabbing her purse, I snapped off the chain-link straps from both ends. I stretched the strap, trying its integrity. It wasn’t something heavy-duty, but it was enough to manage my needs.

Lüd dragged on, “Just a drive ‘cross state lines, nothing too hard to mana-”

I snapped the bitch’s mouth close with the chain-link strap from her purse, wrapping it around her snout, tying it shut. For the briefest of moments, I saw a glint of panic in her eyes. It fueled my excitement. I wrung the chains even tighter.

“I don’t need your money,” as I got to the end where there were just enough chains left for one more round, I wound it against the other end and hooked it against the tightest ring I could pull, “I just need my effort's worth, and you the fuck away from me.”

Lüd responded with unintelligible, muffled words that I could determine with complete confidence wouldn’t be worth my time to listen to. At last, peace came to my ears. Now came time to free myself of the bitch’s filth-ridden presence.

I picked up the filled plastic bag from the ground and lugged it over my shoulder, though not before putting my gloves back on again. It was then that I noticed that the baseball bat leaning against the wall had disappeared. I took the sight as a great indication for me to leave, and that I did. I left Lüd to the next poor soul unlucky enough to chance upon the scene and made myself scarce.

I made my way back to the yellow cart sitting outside of the corridor leading back to the civilised world, waiting for my arrival with unmoving patience. I took some time and hid the filled plastic bag beneath the cart, stuffing it deep under the tools and bottles of cleaning agents. Unless they have their eyes peeled for the plastic bag, no one should be able to find it by accident.

With everything ready, I lowered the brim of my cap and pushed the cart out into the hallway.

Two plain-clothed police officers came walking past the restroom entrance, colliding with the front of the cart just as I was exiting.

My heart skipped a few beats.

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