《The Problem Store》Chapter 3.7 | The Leashes (R18)


“Must be some popcorn you got,” Sin lifted her feet, letting me pass to my seat.

I plopped myself down on the seat, a small box of popcorn in one hand while a cup of lemon tea to the woman with another, “Here.”

Sin reached towards the cup but recoiled as soon as she made contact, "Ow."

I turned to her, "What?"

"It's hot," she blew on her fingers.

"No shit," I raised the cup to her eyes beneath the soft glow of the cinema's screen, "See the jacket?"

With cautious hands this time, Sin grabbed onto the cup, "Who drinks hot tea in a cinema?"

"Never told me you wanted ice," I offered my hand, "Don't want it?"

Sin peered at my open palm for a second before pulling the cup away from me, "It's cold in here anyway."

She cracked open the lid of the cup as a stream of silver steam billowed from the surface of the golden sea beneath. She blew over the tea, parting the hot mist before planting her lips on the side and taking a soft sip.

"Not bad," she kept the cup in her hands, "Where were you?"

"Like you said," I rattled the box of caramelised delicacies, "Some popcorn, this was."

Sin kept a sharp squint at me for a moment before shrugging, "Alright, Mystery Boy, keep your secrets."

I directed towards the screen, "How far are we?"

"Almost over. Just one last fight, I think," she took another sip from her tea, "They killed most of the skinwalkers but they haven't torched the Queen's nest."

"No," I pushed myself off the seat and stood, "I think it's over."

"No way," Sin snorted, "They're this close to the climax already. They're not gonna-"

Before the woman could finish her sentence the lights came flaring back into the hall. The screen cut from a heroic scene of the main characters arming themselves to the teeth to sudden darkness before being followed by the credits rolling to the tune of the movie's main theme.

"No way," Sin repeated, this time staring at the screen in disbelief.

I shrugged, "Told you."

She turned to me, shocked still, "How'd you know?"

"They're doing a sequel."

"They announced it?"

"It's already playing."

Sin shot up from her seat, spilling a bit of her tea onto the seat "What?"

"Yeah, it’s a ‘double feature’, they call it," I gestured towards the hall's exit, "Why else you think I bought four tickets?"

"Wow," Sin sank deep in scepticism as we made our way out of our row of seats.

I pushed the double doors open, letting the stupefied woman pass first. She stopped midway, sticking a hand into her skirt's pocket and fishing out the tickets I handed to her when we first parted ways.

She waved the tickets between her fingers for a second before moving forth, "They sell these as a set?"

"Nope," I left the double doors closed behind me, "I'm paying for two movies here."

"Wow," she repeated with more incredulity, staring at the tickets for a moment before handing them back to me, "What a scam.”

I folded the tickets into my pocket, "But it works, doesn't it?"

"You should've told me," she sighed, gesturing towards the still vandalised poster beside the double doors, "I wouldn't've watched this in the first place."

"You're right," I took the tickets back out, dangling them between my fingers, "Let's ditch this joint and get a refund for these con jobs, how ‘bout that?”


Sin seemed to jolt in surprise from my announcement.

With slow and reluctant hands, she plucked the tickets from my fingers and kept it for herself, "W-We're here already, might as well see it."

"See,” I began leading the way towards Screen J, “It worked."

Sin remained silent as she tagged along from behind, her expression ripe with shame and defeat.

As we made our way down the cinema’s corridors, we passed by the open broom closet once more. There in it sat the yellow cart as it should’ve been, though someone had it moved from its initial place. The blue jumpsuit from before was gone.

I glanced away, continuing on my way.

“What a rip-off,” Sin grumbled as she lay on bed.

“I know,” I took a glance at the red cup noodle’s label, “They charged three for this. Should've taken the five-for-two deal; one's barely a filling."

“It’s just one movie cut into two, and the second movie's literally one overextended climax," Sin fought against her frustrations to keep her voice down, resulting in a restrained tone that toed the line between composure and implosion, “They could’ve cut so many scenes out and it won’t make a difference. Even then, most of the shots were wasted time. Half of the dialogues were exposition for the first movie, the characters become idiots for no reason, the skinwalkers get power boosts out of nowhere; everything's just to pad the runtime."

“Yeah,” I grabbed another cup noodle, this time green in colour, and shook it next to my ear, “This thing’s worse. It’s barely half-filled.”

Sin shot back up from the mattress, “Next movie we’re watching, I’m making the call. You got that?”

“Sure,” I grabbed the red cup noodle from before and showed it to Sin with the green cup noodle next to it, “Which one d’you want? Red one’s dry; green one’s soup. You get fewer noodles in the green one but, well, you get soup.”

Sin shot a displeased squint at me before dropping back onto the bed, “Eat a dick.”

“Mine? That might fill a meal,” I went back to comparing the two cup noodles.

Sin rolled over face-down against the mattress, “How did the distributor get away with this? Shouldn’t there be some sanctioning body? An ethics committee?”

“You think we can split the soup into both cups? They’re from the same brand anyway,” I switched between the two cup noodles’ labels, “I mean, it’s instant noodles. Wouldn’t be much different, right?”

“Oh my- SHUT UP WITH THE NOODLES ALREADY,” Sin chucked a pillow in my way. With both hands occupied, I was forced to block with my legs. By the time I raised my knees above my waist I had already received a face full of cheap silk and cotton along with a loud smack. The pillow fell to the floor, leaving me with a sore face and ringing ears.

I shrugged and walked it off, taking the cup noodles with me, “More for me, I guess.”

Sin crashed back down onto the mattress, “That movie was so BAD… The cinematography was BAD… The sound mixing was BAD… The set-pieces were BAD…”

With my eyes stuck onto Sin, I made my way to the room's courtesy tray, sitting on a small cabinet on the other end of the room. I placed the two cup noodles on the table and opened up the cupboard on the bottom. The electric kettle was done boiling. I grabbed it, revealing the phone perching against the corner in the compartment. Before that, the thing was sitting right smack in the middle of the mattress. I managed to hide it before Sin caught sight of it. I shut the cupboard doors and went back to the cup noodles. I skimmed through the instructions printed on each cup's label, poured the condiments, stock, and boiled water, and took a peek out of the window between the curtains while the noodles worked their magic.


We were back in the hotel room, hiding from the evening sky as it dimmed to a nightscape. Cool was the air in the absence of the blazing sun, though Sin sought to become its next greater replacement. She wasn’t happy with the double-feature. The second instalment soured her so much that her mood turned too foul for bare human necessities. She got so mad over its supposed-appalling quality that she refused to eat or drink or stop talking about how bad it was. I could’ve testified, but I’d spent the greater half of the movie’s runtime passed out cold from exhaustion. According to her impressions, it sounded like an irredeemable trainwreck. In fact, it was such a trainwreck, it superseded its terrible status and became something worth watching just to catch a glimpse of its supposed horrid quality.

So terrible was the movie that by the time the noodles were done, Sin still wasn’t finished, sitting back up to continue, “…doesn’t make sense at all. The skinwalkers in the nest are newborns. They haven’t seen the outside world yet. How are they afraid of fire? It happened in the first movie but they’re the skinwalkers that have seen the outside world. There’s no implied telepathy or transmittal, neural breeding. It’s only there because the first movie had it, and the writers couldn’t come up with-”

I watched as the woman rattled on with her grievances as I waited for the noodles to cook. Fresh out of the shower, she had rid herself of all her wrappings, including her underwear. They were all surrendered to the hotel's in-house laundry service. As a replacement, she wore one of my spare school shirts instead. I did offer the rest of the outfit, but she sufficed with just the shirt. Predictably so, it was a few sizes too large for her. The bottom draped all the way to the bulk of her thighs. Even as she buttoned it to the collar, her skin still showed. It was a constant compromise between showing one of her dark, freckled shoulders, her slim, toned back, or her petite cleavage.

The noodles were done. I picked up the red cup noodle first, letting the green one simmer in its stock for a while. I took it to the bathroom, cast the water away, applied the dry sauce, and sat on the bed next to the woman who was still hung up about the movie.

“…just take the knife and drive it through the skinwalker’s neck,” she went on as I blew on the noodles in the cup, “How hard is it? Why do they still aim for the head? They already know skinwalkers have disposable heads.”

“Wow,” I picked up a decent chunk from the cup with the folding fork, “That’s crazy.”

Sin didn’t appreciate my sentiment, but the fact did reflect upon her thinking. She blew out a deep sigh and sat back up on the mattress again, “I need a distraction.”

I offered her the red cup noodle, “I haven’t put the dried chilli in, but if you want to…”

Sin stared at the cup for a second before pushing my hand away, spending some great time laying a tired gaze into the distance instead. I accompanied her boredom with a soundtrack composed mostly of moist slurps and chewing noises. I could’ve kept a quiet tongue while eating, but the noodles were too good for me to bother. It was better than I expected. Before I knew it I’d already gone through half of the cup. By then, the woman beside me took another sigh and looked towards the bedside table. She kept a long stare before reaching towards it, pulling something out of the drawer.

“Hey,” Sin raised her hand, showing that something next to my face, “Wanna test these out?”

I glanced at Sin’s hand.

Before we checked back into the hotel room I made an executive decision to make a quick stop. The woman I was with was so pissed she couldn’t endure sitting down in a restaurant or a diner for a meal. That, I was okay with. I didn’t mind sitting through with Sin’s continuing tirade, but I wasn’t going to do it on an empty stomach. Thus, we took a timeout at the nearest convenience store, where I bought my cup noodles from. Those would’ve been the only things I’d walk away with if it weren’t for a small, cardboard display stand sitting on the side of the cashier’s counter catching my attention at the last minute.

“I thought I bought the Extra Thins,” I took a closer look at the box in Sin’s hand.

She was holding a pack of Dotted-and-Ribbed 2-in1’s instead, “I switched it when you’re not looking.”

I looked away from the box and towards the cup noodle sitting on my lap, “Can it wait?”

“Since you asked, no,” she left the pack on the mattress and moved down to the floor, “Put your hands up.”

I had my hesitations, but I raised the cup noodle above my head anyway, “If it spills it’s on you.”

Sin ignored my warnings, split my legs apart, and dove head-first into my crotch, unbuckling the belt on my pants. She needn’t worry about my shirt. I was topless to go, anyway. There was a slight delay when a sudden rush of cold air grabbed onto my exposed crotch, but after that, there was nothing else interesting of note aside from the woman going to work on my genitals. As for me, I went back to my meal.

Interesting, these instant noodles were. How they come pre-packaged thin and small, stuffed in cramped cups and bags, and yet just by soaking its insipid, shrunken state of a block of dried flour in some hot water, it could become a warm, versatile meal that would satisfy the common appetite.

Plus, though duration may vary, the process took no more than a few minutes; a few flexible minutes that wouldn't require full, undivided attention. One could whip a quick snack out of it with a timer and a reminder. With experience and confidence, neither wouldn't be necessities; just a cognizant mind and some light, elbow grease.

Some connoisseurs, if the market exists, might even find the process less arduous than its consumption, though the burden of such distinction would lay on the latter's shoulders.

My cock had already become a steel beam before I could even get a third through my cup noodle. It stood in Sin’s mouth, warm gusts tickling the length of my saliva-covered girth each time she breathed. Sin had grown beyond just close acquaintance with my body. If compelled, she might even have me do her bidding by holding all my weak spots hostage. In my defence, it was quite hard to concentrate on my upper half when my lower half was having a one-sided wrestling match. The woman was more violent than usual, throwing me off guard.

Her face still buried between my thighs, Sin reached towards the mattress, grabbing the box of 2-in-1's.

An idea went off in my mind that wouldn't be too much to ask, I thought, "Think you can do that mouth trick?"

Sin pulled her mouth away from my penis with a moist pop as she looked up from my crotch, drool slipping off the side of her lips, "I'm not choking on rubber again."

I shrugged, "Fair."

The sensation was difficult to get used to. After all, I've always worn things that just covered the shaft, not snagging against every inch of it. One trick I’ve learned is to treat it as my second skin, no matter how tight or loose it might be. Sin didn’t seem to keep a keen eye on the box when she made her switch. She managed to grab one that felt a size too small for me. I wasn’t bothered. Rather, I was glad the opposite didn’t happen, so I didn’t have to hold the base to keep the rubber in place. The discomfort was but a negligible drawback compared to an unexpected conception.

She looked back up again, “You done?”

I still had half of my cup to finish, “A minute.”

“Too long,” Sin leaned back away from my crotch, tossing the box of 2-in1s onto the side of the bed as she began removing the belt off my pants.

I watched as the woman tugged the leather from its buckled end, “What’re you doing?”

“Grit your teeth,” Sin stood up and began climbing over the bed, leaving my clothed, erect penis unattended.


I could hear her fiddling with the buckles on my belt as she crawled behind me, “And try not to bite your tongue.”

I scoffed as I tilted the cup towards my mouth, “I know how eating works. You don’t need to tell-”

Then something choked me from behind. A thin shadow of a line flashed across my eyes from above and snagged me by the neck, yanking me back. It squeezed a revolting cough out of me. At that point, my reflexes kicked in. I stomped my feet against the floor and launched myself in direction of the force, alleviating the pressure off my neck. My cup noodle flew out of my hand, crashing against the hotel room’s curtains with its contents splattering onto the floor.

I landed with my back against the mattress. I faced upwards and, lo and behold, Sin was standing between my eyes and the ceiling. I was, quite literally, staring up to her trench as the woman planted both feet beside my head. There, clutched tightly in her hands, was the end tip of my belt. I followed its dark brown leather body only to find it tied and locked at its deepest punch hole in a noose around my neck.

The woman may have control of her exposure on her front. Below, however, was well beyond the domain of her control.

Peeking from under the shirt, I saw her toned thighs stretching what little soft skin she had in a tight form. Yet, despite her shape, there remained a longing sense of malleable skin from sight alone as if her legs were playing a symphony of structure and texture. Deeper, however, laid her jewel. Held against one another between the base of her thighs were the mushed lips of her bare pussy, teasing my lust with a discreet peep through her forbidden window. It was then that I felt droplets hitting my chest in slow, warm drips. Whether it be sweat or human nectar, I couldn’t care less. I had my attention solely devoted to something else. It wasn’t her legs, nor was the pearl of her oyster.

Her ass was nigh perfect. Bountiful, but not spilling. Tight yet supple. Smooth yet defined. Perfect, but not ubiquitous in its personality; rather, it was as if its features were bred to fit my tastes. Instances where my composure wavers are rare and far between, but Sin's hind end could tilt that scale to its limits. As of then, there brewed no emotion more intense than my drive to stuff my dick between her rear cheeks so deep that when I pull out I'd be crowned king.

The only thing holding me back was the unnatural feel of leather coiling around my neck.

"I'm losing blood at the bottom, you know," that was a bald-faced lie on my part.

Sin shrugged as she tugged my belt from above, "I'll just have to make it quick, don't I?"

It took every ounce of my strength to keep my face from showing my thunderous excitement as Sin lowered her bottom onto my shaft.

I could hear her mummers as she rappelled down to her knees with my belt and my neck as the pivot, "Shitty director can't make a decent movie out of his asshole…"

The leather of my belt was stretched so tense that its fraying sides were trembling from the pressure, almost as much as I was. As Sin's warmth enveloped my lower half I could feel my cock begging my hips to buck upwards and complete the deed. The minute glimpse of her ass cheeks drooping from between her spread legs didn't help whatsoever.

The woman continued, oblivious to the torturous anticipation she was subjecting me to, "Premise was lame and stupid and dumb and stupid…"

She dropped down a half-inch lower, her entrance teasing my head with moist pecks. My nerves were on the verge of snapping. I could feel my penis screaming for salvation. Time couldn't have run any slower for me then.

"Skinwalkers are low-tier monsters anyway…" Sin, on the other hand, was in no hurry.

Holy shit, in my mind, I was tearing my hair apart, Get a fucking move on already-

For a split second, I felt the control of my body slipping from my grasp. My limbs jolted as I barely managed to hold it back down just before pouncing onto the woman before them. The blowback, however, was the reflexive glance my head tried to make by shooting itself upwards, forgetting the belt locked around my neck.

Sin lost her grip on my belt, followed by her centre of gravity. In one fell swoop, my cock's cries for mercy were pacified as the woman's cunt swallowed my penis whole. Its snug folds clenched against the full length of my girth, squeezing out her fluids in tight, loud squelches. My crotch was shot to cloud nine in an instant.

The insertion hit Sin with such sudden shock that she compensated by grabbing the belt with harder force than before. To her (mis)fortune, her body had dropped to such an angle that her efforts only drove my cock further up her canals. My penis took ascended, rising from the sky and piercing through the heavens. In that instant, a smidge of myself regretted purchasing that box of condoms. My past experiences with bareback sex were like a cursed gift to me. Pregnancy be damned; I want it raw, wet, dirty, dangerous, and wet, come hell or high water.

Alas, I could only imagine.

The woman leaked out a high-pitched moan from the depths of her lungs. She cupped a hand over her mouth in a fruitless attempt to mask the noise.

All I could do was raise my hands with a sheepish, “Sorry.”

Sin was displeased, to say the least. She wrapped her palm around the belt to ensure she doesn’t fall for another trick.

I learned to regret my stunt soon later.

Using my belt as her support again, Sin slipped her cunt up against my cock and slid back down, all whilst taking her sweet time to work her way as she muttered under her breath, “Fashion styling was downright ugly. Everything they wore’s a joke…”

Her firm cunt pushed against the length of my cock, kissing it from all fronts with pleasurable pressure unbound. She’d raise herself by the strength of her toned legs alone before shoving my fun stick back in her pussy, never increasing her pace.

I was on no ground to protest, but I’ll be lying if I said the delay wasn’t unbearable. Even worse, Sin knew this, and had no hesitation in using it to her advantage.

I could only watch in agony as I watched every individual inch of my cock emerge from beneath Sin’s firm, dark pussy by the excruciating second. She lowered her cunt again, her smooth, thick ass kissing my thighs with its soft, malleable cheeks as my dick was sucked back in the woman’s vulva, hidden behind my shirt dropping over the view.

Sin went as slow as she could, pulling against my belt harder than before, printing the leather into the back of my neck, “There’s no storyboarding in the damn shots. Just took the camera and rolled it freestyle…”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to close my eyes to focus. My penis was thrashing and throbbing from atop its base, begging for some true action to begin. Yet, here I was, holding my arms back from yanking Sin atop my body, snatching a fat grip on her behind and jacking my cock into her until my hips gave way in a whirlpool of pleasure. It was to the point I had to clutch against the sheets to retain my sanity.

Sin kept going, never relenting; not even for a half-second, “Why did they use jump cuts for actions? Probably to hide the shitty CG-”

I was at my last wit. I cared not for pride or respect. Beg on my knees, I would if I had to. All to turn the tables and have my way with the babe on my cock.

I cracked my eyelids half-open for a furtive glance.

The woman was looking down at me from above, flashing a smug grin splitting from one freckled cheek to another.

All of the sudden, I didn’t bother with her permission anymore.

I pounced up from the mattress and grabbed Sin by both her shoulders, “You want action?”

The woman was too wide-eyed and surprised to give an answer.

I pulled her ears close to my mouth by the sleeves of my shirt and growled, “I’ll give you some damn action.”

I followed up my promise, word to word. I hugged Sin, grabbed the back of the head, dove back onto the mattress, and began thrusting my cock as deep into her ass as my hips could propel me. The springs beneath the mattress screamed in creaks, though the loud, meaty pounds would drown them out like rocks sinking into a lake. My dick rubbed across every square inch of the woman’s pussy its head could find, scraping wherever it could reach.

Spasms of electrical joy would through my pelvis, edging my hips to move quicker. I held Sin in a tighter embrace, stretching my toes to its tip as I smashed deeper past her entrance. The woman became delirious. Her soft, dark, freckled complexion shone violent glistens of moisture as our fluids mixed, be it perspiration or saliva. Her nipples became tips of diamonds, grazing and rubbing onto me as her petite breasts pressed up against my chest. She’d moan and cry with no coherence but with all the eroticism. Her voice would switch tones with each mighty thrust I made like a faulty, slutty radio. Every function on her body had ceased its purpose, save to solely serve my ravenous lust. If there were any signs of cognition left in her, it’d be her strong clutch on the belt around my neck and the pinches her nails would make against my skin every time I hit a sweet spot.

Everything below my waist was melting away, both from pleasure and torture. The tendons beneath my thighs burned, with its only fuel being the creeping promise of a banging load delivered straight into Sin’s cunt, no matter if into her cervix or a condom receptacle. My mind blanked out, handing the reins of control to my body where every ounce of my strength was devoted to grinding my cock into the woman’s pussy. It was one but no easy task. Every plunge I drove in she’d respond with a squeeze tight enough to break fingers. Part of me wanted to tap out, but the other half would smack it back in place with prideful shame. I was slamming my dick into a hot chick with a vagina dangerous enough to threaten fatherhood; to back out would be akin to self-emasculation.

Sin’s legs were stretched out to the edge of the mattress. I had been standing on my toes with my back clear of contact from the sheets for the past few minutes. My hips weren't living past tomorrow. I couldn’t care less. The base of my penis was on fire, and the heat was creeping up the shaft inch by inch. By the way I was smacking my crotch against Sin’s belly, I probably looked hellbent on knocking her up with enough semen to supply a triplet. I was just this close to letting out the floodgates. I was fucking the woman as hard as I could. I lost all sensation on my thighs. My calves were starting to waste away. My cock was screaming for release. All I needed was that one last push. Anything else would ruin the pace I set and by extension, the night.

Sin’s cunt then tensed up again, just as I was ramming my dick in. Her entrance snagged onto my skin, tugging my cock further into her, yanking me balls deep. The distance managed to hit a switch in Sin. Without warning, my ear was treated to the softest, girliest wail I ever caught from between her lips.

I came in boiling spurts. Twice I was wrung dry that morning, but not once from either of those times was I enticed this much. I slammed Sin’s pussy down onto my cock, unloading gushes after gushes into her canals as I enveloped myself in her warmth. In those brief seconds as I emptied my balls, nothing came close to that blissful sensation, though the sore, throbbing pains from my hips and thighs were worthy contenders.

I finally let go of Sin, setting her free from my clutches. She didn’t budge. Her hands remained clenched onto my belt, as her pussy held tight still onto my penis. Her cries were gone, taken over by her soft, heaving breaths of ecstasy. I too, laid motionless upon the mattress, looking towards the ceiling with a relieved pair of-

You say you won’t do it, but you still do it.


You could’ve walked, you know. Ignore the messages.

She was still in my head. Her image. Her tattered, beige fur. Her brown pupils. Her erotic, black lingerie. Her stacked bosoms. The damp stench of her body odour. Her dripping tongue, hanging off her snout. That smile. That grin. That damned grin.

Leave. Skip town.

I still had some residuals left in me from the bathroom. I figured I’d be alright after a night’s rest’s worth of a refresh. The woman’s constant complaints were a great distraction to lull the time in between. She now just laid atop me, immobile and disordered. It’ll be nothing short of a miracle if she could still make out intelligible words, much less whole sentences.


That left me to find the next best option for a diversion. To my fortune, Sin was just laying atop of me.

Like when you first came to town. No ID, no story.

I flipped my body over Sin’s and pushed myself up, pulling out of the woman’s wet cunt. From the thick squelch her pussy made, I could tell I did my part of the work too. I tugged the condom out from my cock and checked my load. As expected, the solution was clearer than my usual output.

You stayed, despite what you said.

I wasted no time. I grabbed the box of 2-in1’s from the side of the bed and slipped on another rubber. I lifted Sin by her legs and dragged her close by her lean, svelte hips. Still feverish, the woman put up no fight. She still held onto the tip of my belt. I didn't bother unbuckling the leather.

I bet Guy isn’t even your name.

Kneeling with her legs over my shoulders, I pushed my head against the woman’s soaked entrance, “Sorry, Sin. I’ll make it up to you in the morning.”

I know you’re not doing this for the money.

Anything to keep the bitch from coming back to my head.

Who’s it for then?

I grabbed onto Sin’s toned legs, spread them, and rammed my cock in for another go.

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