《Void Emperor》Info on the other worlds


“Huh?So you know about my spirit....”

They looked at each other in silence for a while before asking

“Senior,who are you and why are you here?”

“You are not qualified to know kid,now chose your profession and get lost”

Seeing that there is no chance for him to get further information ,he decided to check out the 3 S rank professions and pick the one he liked the most.

“S class Demon Warlock”

A warlock is a mage who performs magic by summoning demons from the nether realm and possessing them.

+100 Health +100 Mana +50 strength +50 stamina

+30% health and mana regeneration

Skills:Dark Vines ,Demon Summoning,dissolving pupil,Nether ball,Dark Warlock Domain,contract bound by blood

-This profession is deeply connected with the world of Elwengard,a world of magic where demons are all over the place spreading chaos and attempting to enslave the other races.

Note:In this world warlocks are viewed as evil mages who contract the evil to do their own bidding,possible transmigration to this world will lead to you becoming an enemy of all humanity and other races created by the goddess of light.

“S class Dark Shaman”

A shaman is a mage spiritualist,he has the power to see spirits and form a binding contract with them through mutual consent,he can also force spirits into submission through strength and power.

Example:If he comes face to face with a spirit stronger than him,he has to convince the spirit into forming a contract,if the spirit is weaker he has no chance of resisting the shaman.

Shamans fight through spirit possessions ,if he possesses the spirit of an ancient swordsman,he will basically have the same strength and fighting style as the ancient swordsman.

The dark shaman profession is deeply connected with the world of Nomala .


Humanity and all the other races live on tribe and have to survive the primitive living conditions.

Transmigrating as a shaman will automatically make you the tribe’s leader since shamans are strong and highly respected on that era.

Skills:Spirit contracting,basic air bending,corrosive energy attack,ball of dark miasma, air shield,spirit possession,medium alchemy mastery.

+100 health +100 mana +100 stamina +30 strength

“S class Supreme Dark Magus “

In the Magus world,only magic experts above Grandmaster of Magic are referred to as Magus.

The Magus is very strong and has a high speed of mana regeneration.

The dark Magus profession gives you mastery of necromancy and the laws of life and death.

Being transmigrated as a supreme dark magus will give you fame and reputation,if you go on lower realms kings and emperors will even be able to get up from their seats and offer you the throne.

A magus has no regard for human lives that they refer to as “mortals”,you will be free to do whatever you want.

“Senior,pardon me for asking but..”

“What?are you not happy with the options I gave you”

He gave him a flattery smile and added

“On the contrary,these professions could be considered overpowered and i even felt undeserving of your grace,but i found the worlds that they led to were not quite up to my taste”

The world options presented to him were considered the best out there.

He could either be a dark warlock and side with the demons that had already won the war over humanity,transmigrate as a shaman and automatically become leader of the tribe and rule over thousands with unwavering support or be a supreme magus who could be an emperor and overlord of entire regions.


“Just what the hell are you talking about kid,they may be part of a lower plane but i am already giving you a chance to be a ruler and live carefree for the rest of your life”

Could it be that this kid doesn’t want to live carefree and unbothered?Is he one of those?

“I just dont find the lack of challenge very appealing,this junior brother’s talent is to create conflict and drag people into it,to be treacherous and use underhanded schemes,to plot , betray and usurp.

If i transmigrate to a world where i am already a winner,there will be no fun at all when playing”

Does this brat think this is a game?Having so many lucky encounters had already given him this much self confidence that he thinks challenging in the upper realms is easy? ....The demi-parrot was pissed.

“Good good,you have offended my intelligence by refusing my good will today.Do you think the upper realms are a joke kid?You will be less than e mere bug there “

He threw him another profession change tablet .

“To be honest,this profession tablet became available a few days ago.

It appears that 1 week after transmigrating into this world the user died a dog’s death,so the chance is that this profession isn’t all that much....the world might be more to your liking though....Do you dare,kid?”

Unknown Class : ??//Spiritualist?

Skills:Unknown....certain conditions need to be fulfilled

This profession is deeply connected with the upper realm world of Desola.

Desola is split into 4 major continents with the other 5 yet remaining unexplored and Unknown.

The hierarchy system is that of imperials and nobles,with the imperials ruling countries and nobles ruling major territories.

Behind nobles come merchant families who bought territories by using their family resources and through ordering their family forces to do their bidding.

This world’s experts fall into 3 categories.

Elemental Spiritualist , Beast Spiritualist and Individual Spiritualist.

An elemental spiritualist is able to merge his inner spirit with a nature’s element like fire or ice,a beast spiritualist is able to merge his spirit with a beast’s core and

Individual spiritualists are able to refine an experts corpse and merge their spirit with his......

More information available through completion of the 100 fate entrance conditions.

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