《Lord of the Supernatural》Chapter 4: Thinking Of killing The Divine Beast Totem


After listening to his mother and hearing all that happen in the two days of the body’s death, Hao decide that he would hide the fact that he wasn’t her son temporarily as that wouldn’t do no good now but the opposite.

He had long gotten out of the coffin and had help his mother to cover the hole as that would be suspicious if a coffin had been in plain sight with no body inside of it. His mother was very cooperative as she knew that if the tribe knew that her son was alive, they would probably hunt him down to extract the reason for his resurrection.

And after thinking for a while, his mother had decided that it would be best to leave as far away form the tribe as possible, but Hao choose to stay 10 miles away from the tribe as he had secretly promise himself to kill the Divine Beast Totem before leaving completely.

Although he had decided to kill the Divine Beast Totem, he knew that with his current power it would be nigh impossible, after all one could tell how powerful the Divine Beast Totem is just by having the ‘divine’ in its name. Plus, he doesn’t even know much about the totems, but the general knowledge spread in the tribe.

From what this body knows of totems, he could conclude that these totems are supernatural beings that have unique powers and they could share that power with mortal if the said mortal make sacrifice to it with its acknowledgment. In a sense, it’s like a devil contract from the legends where you give something of equal valve to the devil to receive its power.

The totem of Bull Tribe, the golden bull as the power of strength enchantment. With this enchantment, a young man at the age of 16 could lift a ton in weight with some difficulty and that’s only the elementary stage. Above those stages are immediate, and advance stage.


According to what the body knows, the chief is the only one in the entire tribe that is in the immediate stage. In this stage, one could have iron like bones and jade like flesh that is impregnable against sword and arrows.

Of course, the so call impregnable to weapons is only possible if the said opponent is not at the same stage as you.

As for the golden bull? its at the peak of its ability which is to have a golden body that is literally insane as one could heal from almost all deadly injuries if one could fine a safe place for a while. At this stage, one is literally at the peak of one’s body potential and can’t become stronger.

After going over what he knows, a solemn expression was cast on his black face as he knew that to kill the golden bull is impossible unless he had someone to help him, but the only one that’s closet to the golden bull powers is the chief and to get him to help is really going to be difficult if he knows I’m the one that’s seeking him.

Also, although killing the golden bull is his top priority, he also very interested how the totems work exactly. If he could create totems himself, he would have more cards to play in he if he’s in danger of having the temple destroyed. They could be the temples guardians.

But before he could learn about the secret of the totem, he as to instigate hatred between the chief and Divine Totem Beast. Well to him it’s not hard, as he was once a human, so he knows that humans don’t like to have someone above them that is almost as close in status to them.

Before putting his taught into action, Hao must know if his abilities are still usable before proceeding with his plan.


Of course, he’s not stupid enough to use the reincarnation ability as that would most likely send him back to the temple, so he decides to use camouflage as a test first.

As to not let his be mother suspicions, he made an excuse saying that he had something to do, but before he could go, he received a 2-hour long nagging from his mother, which he finds annoying. That’s a lie, his heart was brimming with warmth of having someone worried about him, he was so happy that he didn’t care if this feeling was genuinely his or not.

Bidding farewell to his mother, he found a valley that was barren and soundless after walking for a while. Usually anywhere one goes there would sounds of insect, birds, or even the wind, but here? One could not heared a single thing and it makes one heart shudder with unease as if a beast was lying in wait.

If he’s not mistaken, this valley must be the valley of stillness, a place that said to have been curst to be forever still as stated by the demonic spirt of evil.

The valley is also a forbidden place to all tribes in the surrounding areas as it said that who ever intrude in the valley will turn into a duppy [1] that haunts the intruder of the valley.

He looked at the valley in wonder as he would love to go adventure inside of it, but at the last minute he reined in his curiosity as he knew that the so call duppy would not be able to really harm him as he literally a spirt as well, plus he would have a lot of time to come here after he kill the divine beast totem.

Throwing away his curiosity, he stayed at the outskirt of the valley to see if he could use camouflage.

Doing like what he did with the reincarnation ability, he mentally taught the word comanage in his head and watch his surroundings at the same time, but nothing happened. He was still at the same place, visible to the world.

Not convinced that he couldn’t use his ability, he tried repeat but to no avail. He had not choice but to acknowledge that he can’t use his ability at all. Disappointed, he decides to return and readjust the plan as not able to use his ability, would make his job ten of not a hundred times harder than what he expected.

As for why he didn’t try his other abilities? He did but the results were the same. Earlier when he asks his mother if she believe in god, he had tried to used telepathy to speak to her, but it didn’t work at all! He assumes that he mostly like could only use most of his ability in the modern world.

[1] [In lots of African culture, the word duppy means ghost or spirt. The said duppy is an evil entity that people in Africa tell their children about as to have them behave. It’s used in utopia as well as countries in the Caribbean Sea, such as Cuba, Jamaica etc.]

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