《Young Military Rarities》C20. The terrible humanity


"I agree with professor Wang and this is also for the safety of most of us."

"I also agree that if we check with each other, and everyone will feel more at ease."

"In case anyone here really becomes a monster and we all have to die, I agree."

"I agree ..."

People were strangled with this question and the stadium became restless. When one person stood up and responded, more people also stood up. The man called professor Wang raised his hand again to stop the noise: "Since most people agree, then hurry up: two people make a group and check each other; men and women should be separated. I hope everyone knows that now a little negligence may cause us all to die."

Professor Wang glanced at the Yun Cheng when speaking like a leader. As Leng Yehan guessed, he was going for them.

The uninjured naturally had no objection, and soon they were divided into groups in twos and threes. But the injured refused to cooperate. They stared at Professor Wang resentfully. Some people turned and started to run. No one would like to give up his life unless he became a zombie.

"Catch them!" Professor Wang commanded, and others were in shock and soon began to catch up .

"No, I don't want to die, I won't become a monster ... don't ..."

"We are still human, you are not qualified to decide our lives ..."

"Ah ah ... I don't want to die ..."

A dozen injured people cried as they ran, but the gate of the stadium had been blocked. They could not escape at all and had to flee in all directions. They all knew that once they were caught up, those crazy people would kill them.

"Hurry up and catch them! When they become monsters, we will die. "


Someone yelled and the people who were chasing behind burst into incredible energy. They sped up but they never thought those injured people were still human beings and hade not become zombies. It would not be too late to kill them after they became zombies.

Monsters were terrible, but humanity was more terrible!

The affiliated supermarket in Huai University.

"Cheng ..."

Watching the zombies in the supermarket, Yun Yao was shocked and cried, so did Yun Che. This was the address which Yun Cheng finally sent to them. But now the supermarket was full of zombies.

"Don't give up hope. Maybe Yun Cheng would have moved to another place to hide." No one knew the pain of losing beloved ones better than him. Seeing the two people in a low mood, Zhou Zeyu shouted at them.

"Ho ho ..."

"Don’t you dare to keep your voice down?"

Because of his shout, the zombies wandering outside the supermarket noticed their existence and rushed towards them in swarms. Yun Che suddenly pulled up his sister and ran.

Zhou Zeyu followed them with shame: "I did not mention it. Please think about where Yun Cheng might hide."

The three people fled, while killing the oncoming zombies. The number of zombies in Huai University was too big, so they dared not really fight with those zombies directly.

"Cheng was a regular person. If it were not for the critical situation, he would not have left. In other words, we could not find his hiding place according to normal thought."

What's more, he may have ... Yun Che didn't dare to say this sentence out. He admitted that he was afraid. Fear instead of standing for shame proved that he was still alive; but he was more afraid his sister would have a breakdown. As early as when they didn't go to find him according to the agreement, everything had been out of his scheduled track.


"Then we can only run around like headless flies?"

Chopping off the zombie’s head coming sideways, Zhou Zeyu frowned. Huai University covered at least ten thousand square meters. How could they find them? They would be looking for death.

"No! I can hear the scream not far ahead. Let’s go to the place where people gather."

Thanks to the spring water, Yun Che's five senses were more acute than those of ordinary people. In the faint light, he seemed to hear the roar of humans and his dark eyes stared at the front without blink.

"Fuck ... I, fuck you ..." Zhou Zeyu’s right arm was attacked by the zombie before he could realize it. He changed the hand grasping the knife instantly and killed the zombie.

"Drink it." Yun Che pulled out a bottle of diluted spring water and handed it to him. Yun Yao also temporarily forgot her pain and stepped forward to protect them. Zhou Zeyu who had any objection, opened the bottle and gulped; he believed that Yun Che would never hurt him.

"There seems to be quite a few people 300 meters ahead in the left direction. Zhou Zeyu, hold on; don't let me look down on you."

"When the fuck did you respect me? Don't you run? !”

The wound on the arm was not deep and did not affect Zhou Zeyu's fighting capacity. Accompanied by the two’s quarrel, the three men kept pace and moved quickly towards their destination. The mutation of Yun Cheng

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