《What if world is in TACTIC RPG mode (Tactical RPG World)》Side story on random people part4(Edited)


After a round of hot and steamy sex, maybe the sound that we produce during the intercourse is so loud that everyone can hear it, it is embarrassing but everyone seems to look away from us as we come out of the room. After that first is to have breakfast but we never thought that today is the day that we got separated.

Breakfast for this morning was the same as our previous dinner which is RTE packs to mix with other home make food that we can find in the refrigerator even though the packs have different flavours but to me it all looks the same and while we ate, I noticed other survivors that we save keep exchanging glances throughout the meal. Everyone are getting edged after the last night where a few zombies respawn cause them to fight. Of course, there are a few injuries but a red pill or bandage will solve it but their paranoid is infecting the group making everyone to have fear of the next coming respawn of zombie so everyone keeps their weapons within easy reach. I hold Kerrie hand to confront her and she is doing the same to me, so I guess we’re on the same page.

There is a man who is about late 40 s who is the lowest level in the group and pretty well-dressed recording to my standard then approach us to talk ...

“We’d like to ask you that could we join your party as zombies are too hard to against when you are alone or you have the lack of numbers. You two seem to be strong and have helped us before wherever that should be I’d bet that it will be a whole lot better than here if you guys continue to help us.” the old man said after we finished our meal

Basically, he just want to be experience and loot leech that he will not help on anything except for bullshitting people to do his work. I calculated if every 4 hours respawn once with 2 zombies, for 16 hours there will be 8 zombies to kill which is enough for 5 people to get level 2 to 3 if everyone does the killing.

Truth enough that I invite everyone in the party while others are level 3 to 4 his level are just level 2 and his skill is not that useful compared to other which is talk more work less that provides 5% more experience during the battle(experience leech none a less) which the team bonus trigger, everyone suddenly feel a bit more secure and stronger, in order to reduce experience leech by some random useless people so I set the distribution rate to contribute mode which greatly upset him as in a standard shared mode he basically leech his way to level 2, I chuckled at him, “If you are thinking of a secret base where some random guy stores valuable assets or some Azaming weaponry then prepare to be disappointed as you know SLS have ban on drugs and weapons like katana, guns and etc. All we wanted to do is to survive first then later if we have enough power then check on our families if you suggest looting at nearby police station not bother about it because it is 3 kilometers away and the street are covered of zombies”. If they want to go and try to loot, they will find that there will be the lack of ammunition as police will use those rounds for self-defense against whatever monsters out there. He whispered to one or two men, I don't know what is planning but he better don't touch my Kerrie or I kill them all. Well in party I introduce tutorial quest for every member of my party and kill rest of respawn zombies on other apartments of the floor in order to complete 5th and 13th tutorial quest (chapter 5 for more information) current my level is level 4 and 76% to next level up and get a job called survivors mentor which have +10% of all party damage when I am leading the party, finally 15th quest I am not complaining about the long quest, the quest rewards are great as it allows greater understanding of the world we are in, I use all my zombies fangs, 2 zombie skins to meet the minimum requirements, all the choppers, knives I can find that is without people loot it of course, 5 orb of mini darkness which is rare drop from the zombies to fuse my rod with 0 durability into a weapon that I don't see or heard before


This weapon is a short rod about 3 inches long and a 2 inches blade attach on top of the rod looks like a mini spear to me

Name belated happy spearpor

Description A exotic weapon made for no purpose at all, with a twistable knob that allow 2 more inches of extendable blade making it into some sort of mini spear that will surprise anyone who let their guard down looking at the weapon or a sword that will slice your enemies into their way of happiness which give its name of happy

Damage 5 to 9

Durability 9/9


Extendable blade up to 2 inches well said

Sword/dagger/spear mastery (that weapon allows you use those 3 weapon skills as ease)

Happy (5% chance of reducing 5% of the total rage of that target)

I really have no words after looking at that weapon that I got after fusion maybe I should be happy as I have a way to recycle that rod, I use it as a short sword for now, maybe this weapon can be a dagger-like assassin fault game that the dagger are hidden as a flute then hidden by the assassin in China.

By the way, I get a blue shirt as black equipment which add 2 defense, then I fuse it with pans and rest of unusable stuff I could find and last dicker pill. The fusion system said that it really 1 more hour for fusion.meantime manage to complete two quests called level up and zombies clearing. After that, I am preparing for next step by check and add stats also waiting for wounds to heal up while waiting for fusion and other party members to slow clear the zombies.

Here is status after adding all the status and skill points

Name Tom haifna

Age 31

Level 4

Job survivors mentor (+10% of all party damage when leading the party)

Title minor couple (1% chance of reducing 2 damage when you are 5 square away from Kerrie)


Parry on level 2 1/3 slot (passive)(enables to have 20.5% more to parry when defending and 10.1% more chance to direct 20.1% of parry damage to counter attack if successful parry the incoming attack excluding range attacks)

Force neck twister level 1(required your target to be in your arm length distance, once activated your target will have 10% chance of feeling minor fear for 3 turn after that do 4 times damage to the target and 2.5 times damage to yourself, 1% of instant kill the target if it hp is 10% or below, this effect do not affect those levels that level 3 or above, 30 mana per use 3 turns cool down)


Rage of fist level 1 (use your rage as fuel to dish out fist of furry like some martial art skill, do str x 2 plus 1% of your rage bar for a single strike, refund 2% of a rage bar if you miss, 10 mana and 10% of rage bar, 2 turns cooldown)


Str 21

Dex 12

Int 8

Luck 9

As a group of 4 come from downstairs asking whether we want to join her party which a petite teenage, a normal looking girl, another 40 s old man and an around 35-year-old man party since that petite want to lead so much, I let her lead the party to next floor and see how first, by the way, my party are too under level plus I don't have good pieces of equipment to deal with them so I have to wait for shirt to fuse before I make any plans.

Next 26 mins to fusion completed

On 14th floor, as we slowly walk up the stairs case and found a horde of zombies cover 4 large zombies which have large muscles which is later called the hunk, the old man in my previous team advice the new leader that we should move all the gas tanks from 12th to 13th the horde and ignite the gas tanks to cause a large explosives like explosion that will kill the hunks, the plan sound easy but for it to work, it just take every one effort to move all the gas tanks to 13th and half floor one more flight of stairs to 14th floor, now the problem is now how to place the gas tanks near the zombies, one of man ask who want to be bait for the distraction, I am chosen because the old grease wanted me to die from this operation, Kerrie also join in with me. I don't know Kerrie can be friends with other women in the party so fast as they talk like they have been friends for so long.

The plan is my team of 4 people take the lift to 14th and distract it so that it can attack the team using the lift while other place the gas tanks.

Well the way, fusion ended with a glow on shirt

Name Skin enhance armored shirt

Description An armor, it is a shirt with a hardness of a steel armor plus skin enhancement which slightly increase hardness as your skin. Can stack with dicker pants to further increase in dick strengthing

Durability 11/15

Effect +6 defense - 2 Dex

Stack dicker pants to form a set that increases 5% of dick length and + 1 more natural defense

Steel like cloth (25% of reducing 5 damage incoming damage)

Skin enhancement(if long as you wear the shirt, your natural defense increase by 2

After wearing that shirt, I instantly get more confident as my dicker and skin gets harder (+10 defense), it is time to the bait...

To be continued.....

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