《Modded Magic》Chapter 27 Rest
Arc: I can't imagine having an army of golems like that. It just doesn't sound like something we should have.
Nex: Well that's what we got! I'm surprised how fast Eliza can work with what little we give her. Sometimes it feels like I'm asking too much, especially what she did for us. She's not stopping in helping us anytime soon.
Volv: Still, it is surprising to hear that there are a bunch of humans out there. It doesn't sound believable if I say it out loud. It'll shake everything that the Platform knows. All this time, we thought we were alone in the universe.
Arc: I had the same sentiments. But these ones are much better than us that's for sure.
Siv: What there just a bloody minute. They can't possibly be better than us. We have these. They didn't even know that power like this could exist. Adamians are cooler. Magic is just way better.
Arc: Well these guys are much better than us that's for sure. They're strong, determined, and weak.
Nex: That last one didn't sound like a compliment…
Arc: No, it is. Despite their weakness they're able to rise up to the challenge. The same challenges that we've faced. Despite our difference they have made it to the same destination somehow. They made it this far without having what we have. Because of their sheer determination to reach the cosmos we've found each other.
Nex: Are you okay Arc?
Arc: Hm?
Nex: Arc, you seem… different than usual. Maybe you should take a few more cycles down.
Arc: What are you talking about? I feel better now.
Olley: He's a bit different huh… I just can't put my finger on it.
Arc: Huh!? What are y'all talking about?
Nex: It's probably just the scrambling. Let's not that get in the way though. Let's get back at it.
Volv: So what is our plan? We shouldn't just stand here for long. We need to take another skirmish or we'll just get attacked first. Taking the offense while they're taking provisions should be our next objective.
Nex: That sounds like a good idea. However, with the limited amount of forces we have. If you're going to skirmish against their reload session then it has to be with the amount of members you have.
Siv: Easy! Let's get to it already! I can feel my foot itching for a run.
Volv: Idiot! That just makes me and Siren. Everyone else is still recovering.
Siv: Just give me another cycle or two! I want to help out! All of this sitting around is not doing me any favors! Let me go with at least for information.
Volv: You need to sit here and calm down. Take the load off with the rest of the team. I'm sure Nitra and Onagi could use some company down at the infirmary.
Siv: Pass. Those two are as dry for conversation than a Moxine in hunger season. All Nitra does is sulk and Onagi vocabulary is pretty much five pages long.
Siren: Mean.
Siv: How was that mean!? They just don't talk a lot. I like to socialize.
Nex: Let's give it another couple of cycles. Maybe we'll have something. For now, we're just trying to bring back mainline operations to this district.
Arc: I'll help out in any way I can. I can't do much in my state, so I'll help out the people down here. I'm sure of the people down here would want to help somehow too.
Nex: We'll get through this Arc. I'm sure we could manage without you for now. Just take a breather. We'll be back.
Volv pated me on the back as he left. Nobody wanted me to help because it was just too dangerous without any powers. Couldn't help but think of the other humans that Eliza was talking about. They're strong despite having nothing. I gritted my teeth. What was this feeling? Jealousy or powerlessness. Nex and the rest of the team passed me too then ot out of the room leaving just the three of us here. Nex just gave me a get well soon smile as he left with the rest. Siv was just putting his feet up on the desk while taking a pellet in. Olley held my arm as if she was scared of Siv. I was just calm, though I wasn't quite sure. This didn't feel like our first time meeting. Though I don't think he shares the sentiments. I sat by the opposite end of the table. Siv face just suddenly turned sour probably because they didn't want him to help out either.
Siv: Why aren't you wearing your combat suit yet? You scared to go back out there? Standard issue that you can't go anywhere without it.
Arc: No, I just didn't feel it just yet. I don't feel like I deserve to wear it because of my current condition. It doesn't seem right just yet. The last time I've worn other clothes like these was before I went into the academy.
Siv: Don't you want to get back on the field as early as possible?! Y'know just fight, feel the air, and the hunt? I just can't get enough of it.
Arc: It's a bit nice to just calm down for just a bit. I haven't had a day off in forever. It's always a class then a class.
Siv: False, Adamians don't have time for day offs. What's the point of being in the field if you aren't going to work?
Arc: Is this supposed to be the good soldier spiel? Because I'm still a soldier. I'm not going to stop reporting the Platform.
Siv: No, I just like the senses of the hunt. The part when I feel most alive is when I'm between death and living. It's not about being a soldier to me. I just love hunting.
Arc: That's a bit gross.
Siv: Guess it's different for different people. See these scars on my arm. They're from every kill I've made. So far the count is at eight. It's not much because these missions sometimes don't lead to killing the target but neutralizing. Every rogue Adamian is the same worth dead and alive.
Olley: What happens when they're dead?
Siv: Oh! Interested are we? Well I can't help it, you did save us a bit after all. Just this once alright? Well, their bodies are turned into ashes but their brain is preserved. That brain is to help the next generation or series of the person holding their names. Your friend there is running on borrowed time now actually.
Olley: What is he saying Arc?
Arc: Well, it only makes sense that I don't have a good chance of not being turned into a vile. My brain will be harvested for the 25th. All of my memories will be washed while anything worthwhile will be preserved. It only makes sense that with each iteration we become stronger.
Olley: How does that even work!?
Arc: When our successor comes, which is probably a relative of mine. They are sunken in with my combat memory when they pass the academy. Thus creating the 25th Arc.
Siv: My iteration has already reached the hundredths because my relatives love the danger of reconnaissance. Their experiences and everything are all up here now.
Arc: Why do you think all Adamians are so hard to kill? We have the past Adamians experiences. But of course, we have basic training and stuff.
Olley: You're people are so cold.
Siv: We do what we can to survive this cruel galaxy. The only thing that makes this whole charade work for us is that we're making a difference to different planets. We help, we hunt, and we kill just to be part of this universe. Isn't that right Nora?
Olley: There has to be something that y'all could do to make sure Arc doesn't die. I mean he's pretty cool. I'm sure he can still be an asset to you guys somehow.
Arc: It's going to be alright Olley. I'm just going to be part of the next Arc. Our names don't even belong to us anyway. We're just going to be part of the next cycle of life. Just as Adam wanted us to continue on living.
Siv: Adam be with us.
Siv was right in terms of the truth but it does feel weird knowing that I was going to die soon. I walked out of the room because I wasn't sure if this conversation was going to continue. Though before I could move first, Olley had already left before I could turn around. Siv was just playing with his cast. He looked at me then gestured me to get after her. She sped her way towards the balcony of the compound. I didn't quite understand what she was feeling to make her so upset. As I got closer, I grabbed her shoulder. She was tearing up. Those eyes were glowing an oceanic blue. I backed off a bit because I'm not quite sure why she was tearing up in the first place. This was a mine field now.
Arc: Hey, what's wrong? You seem upset. You can talk to me if something is upsetting you.
Olley: I don't get it. I still don't. The way you're acting is making it even worse. We just got you back and now you're talking like it's fine to die. So I don't get it.
Arc: Don't get what specifically?
Olley: That you seem so okay with dying. For us, people don't usually want to die or just go willingly like that. Even if we want to die we don't do it like that. It just doesn't feel right to me.
Arc: It's been this way for the longest time. I've inherited the Arc before me and the next one will inherit mine.
Olley: But it doesn't have to be that way! It doesn't have to. It doesn't just fit right to me.
Arc: Hey, Olley!
Olley: I don't like it! I don't like it at all! You're so nonchalant about it. I don't like that you're acting that way. I don't like that you're going to die. It feels stupid!
Arc: It's just the way it is.
Olley: But what if I said I didn't want you to.
Arc: Hm?
Olley: I don't want you to go away. I don't want you to die and be someone else. And what are the chances that I'll even meet that person. Probably never. I'd rather have you die in some natural way than you go to a lab and melt away for someone else.
Arc: I don't really get it. Why would you want to see me again?
Olley: Idiot!
Olley slapped me across the face then ran off somewhere. My heart was racing a bit but I wasn't sure why. Eventually, I was just sitting there without anyone around. This was a new feeling if I were to say so myself. I clenched my heart to feel if I had some kind of heart problem but there was nothing I could deduce. Stupid Olley saying strange things. When I'm gone from this planet, she won't even remember me anyway. I turned back to the office but I was grabbed by someone on the shoulder. The hand pulled me back to see it was Nitra! However, she had plenty of bandages all over including her head. She smiled at me.
We sat on the roof of the factory but she also made sure that no one could hear us. Nitra modified the air so that the current blocked any sound coming out of the bubble. She looked a bit irritated probably from the amount of loss.
Nitra: Hmph!
Arc: Nitra?
Nitra: Hmph!
Arc: Uh? What seems to be the problem this time? I've already got enough on my plate Nitra. I just got slapped across the face and now you're doing this. I'm sorry can you just say something.
Nitra: I rescued you, didn't get a proper thanks, then didn't even get checked on. Do I have to spell everything out for you? You can be pretty dense, you know that.
Arc: Ah! Right. Sorry about that.
Nitra: Huh? Eh? It's nothing. It's just that I wasn't expecting an apology… So it feels a bit strange. A part of me expected to be berated by something else.
Arc: I'm scared of what opinion you have of me. But it still stands that you saved me despite it not being your first priority. So thank you.
Nitra: Well you are my classmate. It would only make sense that I would try and save you. What they did to you though, I don't think I could ever understand it.
Nitra touched my eye patch. I touched her hand to put it down, it still kind of felt a bit painful when someone touched it. There was something else that was suddenly appearing in my stomach. This hasn't happened before. Was I scared that it wasn't going to be healed?! Nitra started removing bits of her bandages to reveal her entire face. Most of it had already healed but some parts were still bruised. Despite all of it she still smiled like as if it were nothing. Maybe I was just being a bit of a sore loser just sitting down here sulking about something. She took most of the blows in the fight yet she's back up ready to go on the field.
Nitra: So how is it? My face that is?
Arc: It should take a few cycles to fix up.
Nitra: Not what I meant. Come on, that was as forward as I could possible give.
Arc: I don't know what you want from me Nitra.
Nitra: All this time when you were with Olley, I thought something happened between you two. Guess I shouldn't have worried.
Arc: Worried about what?
Nitra: I guess it's nothing. So how about you? Are you actually feeling any better? I know these are going to heal but…
Arc: I'll be fine. I mean worse case I'll just be another vile. No big deal.
Nitra: Y'know I'm starting to see the reason why Olley can be so easily upset with you.
Arc: I have no idea how any of "this" works. I'm just a bit lost. Talking to females was never taught in the academy or anything that I've read in the library of Eliza. Well they never really helped.
Nitra: Are you serious?
Arc: Why wouldn't I be?
Nitra: Pfft! HAHAHAHA
Arc: What's so funny?
Nitra: Nothing, It's just that… I never thought I'd be talking to "the" 24th Arc and it would be like this. I guess that's just something one of the funnier things in life.
Arc: So you've heard of me before then?
Nitra: You guys are pretty popular in the Platform y'know that? I guess somewhat like celebrities. Though I was sure that y'all didn't know that.
Arc: No, I don't spend a lot of time up there. You should know that.
Nitra: Yeah, I get it. Always in another class to stop kids or new ones from going to these hopeless missions. You can't really blame people for thinking that was cool or heroic.
Arc: We never meant it to be heroic or cool. I just wanted to do something that would benefit the Platform and bring glory to us humans.
Nitra: That's just some washing that the Platform feeds us. Though I guess we can't really say anything bad about the Platform.
Arc: Just out of curiosity… What do they say about me?
Nitra: You're too cute.
Arc: Hey! Don't mess with me like that. It's hard enough keeping eye contact with Olley.
Nitra: Do you think it's easier with me?
Arc: I don't know… Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard.
Nitra: I'll tell you if you answer my questions. Do you think I'm cuter than Olley?
Arc: How could I possibly measure that between two people? Cuteness is a subjective.
Nitra: Just answer it already! I've waited this long to finally see you again. Just answer it to me honestly Arc.
Arc: I guess I… I prefer girls that look like Nex? I'm just kidding hahahaha.
Nitra: WHAT!? What kind of answer was that!?
Arc: I'm a bit embarrassed to answer honestly… I can't just choose between you two. It feels weird.
Nitra: My fault. I didn't think you actually had feelings of embarrassment in there.
Arc: That's a bit mean of you. I just don't like showing it. It's a soldier's duty to hold things like this in. We have to show that we're strong even within our corp.
Nitra: Well I guess Nex is pretty cute too. I just hope that Nex never finds that out. It might ruin his image of you.
Arc: He has an image of me?
Nitra: He thinks of you like some kind of big brother. Once he finds out that his older brother thinks he's a bit cute. I think that would definitely be devastating for him. Maybe even stopping him from talking to you.
Arc: Please don't tell him I said that…
Nitra: But all jokes aside, he does trust you a great deal. I think he definitely has a part of you inside of him right now. He's a lot different from what I recall. Everyone used to call him like some sort of princess on the Platform. Someone reserved and to be beckoned. I thought for sure that it would be true. And it was. However, after what happened. It's almost like he's a completely different person. I can't help but pin that on you. He's been trying to be more like you. And I wouldn't blame him for wanting to be something like you. He's got good taste.
Arc: Well, who would want to be me now? I can barely feel my attraction to magical particles. Whatever they did in there, not only did they try to break my head to find something, they also mixed me up so I could barely feel my connection to magic. I bet Nex wouldn't want to see his idol so powerless.
Nitra: I don't think he admires you for your power. I think it's far from that. Well that's just me. I wouldn't know a damn thing he thinks about you.
Arc: I see…
Nitra: For that other thing, people from the Platform do see you as some kind of celebrity. They've characterized you as this cool guy that stays calm in every situation. Quite the tactician too. Lots of people think you'd never become a vile and become your own series.
Arc: Sorry to disappoint them.
Nitra: Most importantly, people said that you cared for your classmates. And that's what I wanted to know. It's also one of the reasons why…
Arc: Reason why?
Nitra: Nothing. I think that should be enough. We should really think about other things now.
Arc: Oh wait before anything else, I want to talk to Siv. It's a bit important to me, so could you take me to where he is now?
It was finally the crack of dawn. The shine of the sun had finally touched the plains of Hyer. It felt so long since we've finally had a proper morning. Nitra took me outside to where a small training ground was made. It was mostly just a giant dirt circle filled with some dummies made out of some wood and padding. There were already a bunch of people training to defend themselves from danger. However, there was one person that I was interested in. Siv was sitting by one of the shaded areas with his cast on top of a wood beam. As I walked over, his nonchalant face turned sour. It looked like he didn't want to be interrupted from whatever he was doing.
Siv: So? What is it? I can tell from a glance that you want to see me. Unless you wanted to beat up those farmers. They look like they need to get a beating to understand what fighting is.
Nitra: You sure like to talk about fighting but got beaten up first.
Siv: How was I supposed to know that she would break my legs first.
Nitra: I told you before that she was an S class and above. You can't just jump on her or you would regret it.
Siv: Yeah, yeah. But to me she ain't no S class. S classes felt completely different when it came to her. Or maybe I'm just saying that because I didn't feel it from her.
Nitra: Feel what?
Siv: She was distracted. A lot. She didn't even care. She wasn't serious in the slightest and that bothers me!
Siv threw a knife directly at the dummy which cut the air like nothing. It landed right in between the eye level of the dummy along with the other knives that he chucked at it. Those were definitely impressive throws especially from someone that's just casually sitting. His face was completely sour. Though I wasn't sure if it was from his fight with Terra or because we showed up. It was a bit difficult to guess judging from these types of people.
Siv: So? Y'all still didn't say a thing.
Nitra: Arc wanted to ask you something.
Siv: Ah, the vile. What is it? Don't tell me you're going rogue? If so then I might as well toss a knife right at your skull.
Nitra: Relax will you. Arc would never go rogue. He's with the Platform till death. He swore to Adam.
Siv: Tch, swearing to Adam. Were you born yesterday or something?
Arc: No, I wouldn't even dream of going rogue.
Siv: Then spill already. I got more important things to do like removing those knives from that dummy and doing it all over again.
Arc: I need your help in finding my attraction.
Siv: Hey I don't swing that way but if that's what you want.
Arc: No! I mean my magic attraction. It seems that I've lost it. Everyone else has something that triggers their powers. Each trigger is different. Though I feel like your trigger might be similar to mine. I can't find the same connection to magical particles anymore or rather I can barely feel it.
Siv: What makes you think that I can teach you how to find your magic attraction?
Arc: Because your power isn't just speed is it? It never was.
Siv: Huh?
Arc: It's energy compression. You can compress it to overload something. You overload your legs with energy so you could faster than anyone else.
Siv: Cool theory.
Arc: You don't use your hands because your magic still obeys that your body isn't something invulnerable. So overloading your muscles could make it tear or even break your bones. From the looks of it, you can also imbue items with it too. Those knives were just barely tossed yet it cut through the air. Similar to how bullets go.
Siv: You sure talk a lot don't you? But there's just a simpler explanation than that. I can store energy into something. So next question. What do I need to get you to shut up?
Arc: Teach me how to find my connection! I don't want to be a vile.
Siv: Huh?
Arc: I got people counting on me to stay alive. I don't think they'd want me to sit in front of them knowing I'm alright in being as good as dead.
- In Serial63 Chapters
Yora Chronicles
[Arc 0 - The Prologue] Airen and Yuelei Casteya - Two twins separated in act of revenge not of their own doing. One is sent to the frozen north, where she is adopted by a frost phoenix and taught to survive in the harshest of conditions, eventually meeting with the forces that govern nature itself. The other is sent to the southern deserts and is saved by a band of slaves-turned-raiders who take him in as one of their own, where he eventually came into contact with a being that calls herself the History Eater. The two sought power and the forces of the world would soon listen, but not without their own aspirations. And perhaps if the two were to meet again, they would be so warped by their own hands and would not even recognize the other. [Arc 1 - Disciple of the History Eater & Knighthood] Under the guidance of Fieluri, the whimsical being from the Archive, Airen moves south to the Red Slate Republic to attend Stonewall Military Academy. There, he finds himself wrapped up in the History Eater's ploys, and at the same time, learns of the somber side of society in the slave-driven republic. Eventually, under Fieluri's instruction, he descends into the depths of dungeons where he eventually reunites with an old acquaintance. Yuelei, who has grown used to living in the snowy mountains, moves north to the Holy Land of Ecclisa to attend the Royal Knight Academy. After Lin leaves, she slowly adapts to living with humans again, but not without ceaseless caution. The thinly-veiled peace is eventually broken, for the monsters that haunted the nights in the Whitefrost Mountains are returning once more. In response, the Holy Land of Ecclisa slowly prepare for war, but Yuelei is not just a mere bystander. All paths eventually leads to conflict. When it arrives, one can choose to deter it away, or to revel in it. [Arc 2 - WIP] NOTE- Based on an internal discussion, please be advised the earlier chapters of this novel [Arc 0 and Arc I] is going through a major revision and rewrite to gap the 6 years experience since the first draft of this novel. For questions,concerns,comments or contributions, feel free to join us on our discord: https://discord.gg/Vdp2k6v © 2018 by Phyantasm. All Rights Reserved.
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