《Modded Magic》Chapter 18 Kier
Juxo: You still have to keep your center steady or you'll always get knocked around by everything. Here like this! Give more thought about your balance or you won't even stand up right in a real fight.
He threw a heavy front thrust kick that targeted my center. It felt even heavier knowing that I had to block it right. That hit stung even much more than usual! I couldn't hold onto my feet and stumble down hard on the ground for the nth time again. My butt was starting to hurt from falling over and over during this training session. Juxo didn't look pleased by it, I was starting to lose morale in myself. He scratched his head then offered me his hand again. I didn't want to accept it because I didn't feel like I deserved it. It was already late into the hours of the platform yet we still stayed up for some combat training. No one else was in this small padded room but us now. As I looked at the large window beside me, I could finally feel all the pain that I had subsided. Juxo stood by the door opposite of me looking a bit anxious. Guess he could tell that my mind wasn't in the right place at the moment. Everything was starting to frustrate me now.
Juxo: So how was your last rotation? You returned in one piece so it had to be good right? Or maybe it wasn't because you're not even feeling it today.
Arc: I don't want to talk about it.
Juxo: Extra touchy today aren't you.
Arc: I'm in so much pain! Ofcourse I feel a bit touchy right now.
Juxo: Well you never said to stop. I assumed that you wanted to keep on going.
Arc: I do want to keep on going. You just want to stop beating someone weak huh. Is that what you're trying to say?
Juxo: How about you shut the fuck up and say what's really your mind before I split your damn skull you damn brat! I don't have fucking time for your teenage bullshit. You aren't even focusing at this point. It's almost like you just want to be fucking beaten.
Arc: ARGH!
Juxo: Calm the fuck down before I make you calm!
I tightened up my first and started to bash the floor over and over! I didn't care that my hands were starting to bruise a different color than usual. I just hated everything! Everything about this place is terrible and I hate it! As I was about to smash the ground again, a giant vine wrapped around me! Before I could react to it, I was already completely ensnared by it. My hands were completely locked to my sides like some kind of mental patient. Juxo moved closer to me while I wiggled on the mat like some kind of fish out of water. His face now seemed more annoyed than his usual.
Juxo: I hope you've been remembering your lessons you brat. This is a-
Arc: Dragon stopper root! I know this one. It's strong enough to subdue a fully grown drangoose! I know already! Get me out of this already!
Juxo: Not until you calm the hell down! But I am impressed you actually read the book I gave out. Makes me a bit proud actually.
Arc: Where the hell did you even get this thing!?
Juxo: I grew it ofcourse. How else would I have it. Now tell me what the hell is with you today huh. I might as well listen to your stupid problems.
Arc: I don't want us to be uneven.
Juxo: What the fuck does that even mean?!
Arc: I don't want to talk about my stuff unless you tell me about something about yours. Information for information.
Juxo: You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Arc: She taught me that! I don't want to forget it okay! I don't want to forget...
Juxo: Oh… I see what's going on now….
I can't stop the emotions inside of me. I'm supposed to be a good soldier like everyone else! Why can't I just hold these in just like everybody else! It hurts so much that I'd rather be hit by something physically than think about this pain. I want it gone. I don't want to feel it. This is unfair! Don't cry! Don't cry! Don't cry! I can't let Juxo see me like this. My head turned away from his sight so he couldn't see me properly on the mat. I couldn't see it but I knew that he sat right next to me.
Juxo: Y'know kid, it's just something natural that happens. It happens no matter what.
Arc: That's not helping!
Juxo: I know! I know it doesn't! That's why I hate it here too. You think it's fun for me to go to these classes knowing anyone I know could be gone! I have to live with that kind of knowledge for the rest of my life too y'know.
Arc: …
Juxo: These things happen. We can't avoid them. It's only best that we keep it to ourselves or they'll know. I know that you can remember. I can tell.
Arc: Don't tell them please…
Juxo: I won't because I'm like you too. I can remember everything.
Arc: How did you figure it out?
Juxo: Those eyes. Your eyes. They're just like mine. Eyes that have seen it. Seen death.
Arc: How do you live with it… How is it that you're completely fine?!
Juxo: I never said I was. It's just something that I have to do. We don't have a choice. We're humans! We don't have a home! We don't have any more people! It's either some of us goes or no one at all.
Arc: This sucks!
Juxo: I know kid, I know. We have to live with this for the rest of our lives. But it's comforting to me that I finally found another who can see the same thing. Or remember them all.
Arc: …
Juxo: Y'know what, if it makes you feel better. Do you want to know what my real magic is?
Arc: …
Juxo: Hey! Answer me before I break your jaw.
Arc: What?
Juxo: That's better! It's "accelerating".
Present day...
The alleyway was getting dirtier and dirtier as we continued through the deeper part of the district following this strange man. He hadn't stopped since we followed him. This place had to be quite deep within the district from the amount of walking we did. Olley didn't seem to want to be shaken but I knew that she didn't feel comfortable at all. Eventually we would be in front of what seemed to look like some strange park filled with trees. Everything about this place was strange including the smell. Olley was starting to hold her head like some kind of migraine was happening. In the middle of it was a cottage. From the looks of it, it's exterior resembles what a gingerbread house would look like. Bright colors, woodwork, and even a brick chimney. The man we've been following stopped right before we entered the park.
Man: Now this is the house of my boss. She's not the one in charge of the entire gang but the district only. If I were you, I'd get ready to start being respectful. This person isn't someone you want to mess with. You hear me?
Olley: Actually something is bothering me. What's your name? You never really told us.
Man: Leon. I'm just a grunt. So don't bother even remembering people like me. Now get going already. I have work to do. This isn't even worth the time.
Leon continued to shuffle towards the cartoonish looking house. He knocked on the door with a strong fist then stepped back. Slowly he started to fix his clothes like a soldier cleaning up before a roll call. Shortly after, the door opens up with someone that I completely didn't expect. It was an old lady wearing an apron! She wasn't as tall as me because her back was a bit hunched but it was clearly an old lady. What made her part of their species was that her ears looked perfectly fine despite everything else about her looking ancient. Her eyes were pretty weak as she looked from Leon then to both of us.
Leon: Good evening Don Maria. These two wish to speak to you about purchasing some information or trading that is.
Maria: Hmmm…
Leon: They also helped in assisting some of our "problems" earlier. Those things haven't stopped at all. Already the fourth one we killed this week. They even offered their services just for the information they seek. So they could help us out y'know...
Maria: …
Leon: Don Maria?
Maria: I'm sorry what? I forget what's happening. What problem?
Leon: "The" problem Don Maria.
Maria: I've got lots of problems Leon, you need to be specific.
Leon: The recent one that you sent us on.
Maria: Oh! I see… So where's my flour?
Leon: Don Maria focus please!
Maria: Don't you raise your voice at me! Be respectful of your elders!
Olley: Ew… This feels problematic.
Arc: I agree.
Maria: I can hear you two y'know! Now come! Come inside you three. There's much I want to discuss.
Leon: You two better show some respect.
She shuffled her way back inside the house. I looked at Olley and she seemed as confused as I was. We weren't sure why this place seemed like the headquarters of someone who's head of the district. However, it was made clear when we entered the house. Leon stiffened up as he walked through. The house was filled with various corpses of what seemed to be dead citizens. They were fitted in body bags while some were just lying on the wooden floor. Some of them had strange deformities that didn't seem to make any sense. The walls looked like they were someone's household. Portraits of what looked like family members and paintings of landscapes were splattered with blood streaks. Some guts were even scattered nearby the walls. We continued to follow her through this slaughter house of bodies until we made it to what seemed to be the dining room. Contrast to before, this room was clean except for the blood footprints we created on our way here. The only thing in this room now was just a simple round table with some food items on the center of the table. After seeing all those corpses, how could anyone even think of food? Don Maria sat on one of the seats while Leon made us line up right in front of her sight.
Maria: I'm sorry for the mess but I've been experimenting with a new recipe. It requires some unique ingredients.
Olley: Arc… What should we do?
Arc: Calm yourself.
Leon: Show some bloody respect already.
Maria: What are you all three here for really?
Arc: I don't want to stop all the fun and intimidation stuff so abruptly but can you drop it already. We don't want to waste as much time as you do.
Olley: Arc…
Both Leon and Olley had fallen fast asleep on the floor. It seemed like they were going to be on the floor for quite some time. It was just me and Maria staring at each other. Her normal face turning into a serious frown. This pressure in the atmosphere was starting to build up between us. She was clearly serious now.
Maria: What are you here for Adamian? Is it for the Touma gang?
Arc: No, I'm here for something completely unrelated. You should know by now that Adamians aren't affected by cognitive hazards. Drop it already.
Maria: You're no fun.
With a snap of a finger, the room melted away into a normal looking house. There were no blood splatters on the previous room nor corpses. Everything about the house turned to any normal house except without the paintings. Various barrels and supplies had finally appeared around the room. Weaponry were stacked where the portraits had been hung up. Maria's appearance was starting to change too. It was like make up slowly being smeared away into finally changing into Kier. His face looked a bit pissed.
Kier: I tried at least.
Arc: It was worth a shot to try and scare me but you should've known better that Adamians have cognitive senses and resistance too. I never thought I'd find a Salveres in Plaux. Long way from your home planet aren't you?
Kier: At least tell me what gave it away.
Arc: The biome. The trees outside weren't just normal trees. They were from your home world. Special trees that secrete cognitive hazardous agents that only a few can withstand. Salveres Oxine trees.
Kier: Quite the herbologist. You got me, so what the hell do you want Adamian?
Arc: Can I just ask why though? Why this whole illusion? Why bring us all the way here?
Kier: Having telepathy means you hear a lot of shit from people on what scares them. Strangely enough people in these districts are more scared of a deranged granny than anything else.
Arc: Why bring us specifically here instead of the barrier?
Kier: To put it simply, this district needs your help Adamian. I'm sure you've realized the nature of why I sent you on that path before meeting here.
Arc: Why would I want to help some thugs? Olley says that this district's streets are pretty much controlled by the Touma gang. I'm sure your gang has it all huh.
Kier: You got that right. I'm not going to deny that. We've done a bunch of messed up things like selling drugs, extorting, and even murders. Just normal gang things. We ain't no saints so what's new?
Arc: Then why should I help some gang?
Kier: Because we have some information that you want. You want to find a passage towards the capital without attracting attention? You want some information about the royal scientist? I have it.
Arc: Keep talking.
Kier: It's simple right. We want the streets cleaned. I'm sure you've seen those ugly things out there. We call them vermin. Horrifying to see them that's for sure. Those abominations kill without remorse just to satisfy some primitive function. No brain functions, I checked. Seems like the police don't even acknowledge them. We've even had some people missing. Presumably we believe it might because of what's under there.
Arc: You want me to help clean up these vermins?
Kier: No, I want you to find the source. It's bad business if no one is in the streets. Worse, these vermins can kill our customers or people.
Arc: Just so you can sell more huh.
Kier: Pretty much. I know someone of your skills can definitely figure out something.
Arc: Do you have any leads?
Kier: The sewers under those streets for starters. The one you saw was just one type of vermin. There are different kinds down in those sewers. Our men tried doing an exploration but they could never get too far. Torches are a no go because of the heavy dose of methane so it has to be magic light which is expensive too lose. Our primitive weapons are too weak against them if there are multiple of them and longer weapons down those cramped spaces are no good either.
Arc: You've really thought about this huh.
Kier: Like I said, bad for business. It would be foolish if I left this alone.
Arc: Can't you just send more men to fight?
Kier: Didn't you hear me? It's expensive. It's better to find someone with a particular good amount of skills and abilities. Simple enough right?
Arc: What choice do I have? This is the only real lead I have to the royal scientist.
Kier: Bring Leon with you, he's been a loyal thug for the longest time. I need an account of the works. If he survives that is. If he does then I'll be sure to promote him.
Arc: Wait, one thing. Did your gang have anything to do with what happened yesterday?
Kier: No. That was the first I've heard of it. I wouldn't have been out in public if I knew there was going to be something like a terrorist attack. There's no such thing as this magical drug in our possession so don't go pinning this on us.
Arc: What about those merchants?
Kier: Follow me Adamian.
He motioned me towards the other side of the room with a large blackboard. There was a map spread across the board with different labels and connections on it. Kier's face was puzzled as he investigated further. This seems like it was going to go beyond just an attack.
Kier: These so-called merchants selling this drug aren't related to the Touma gang or at least not within this branch of this Toumas. However, I've been informed by multiple sources that different districts with our gang haven't even heard of this "drug". if it's even a drug in the first place.
Arc: Strange.
Kier: Indeed.
Arc: How about the other black market gangs within the city?
Kier: Our opposing gangs have had this trouble too. Apparently they've been pinned with the same trouble too. These merchants aren't from this planet or at least not part of the city's local gangs.
Arc: This could cause a problem in sales now huh.
Kier: It's not about just the sales for this particular matter Adamian. I'm not sure how you guys operate or anything but I want to protect my people and the people of this district too. Business also considers families.
Arc: But don't you guys sell drugs and murder.
Kier: It's more complicated than just that. It's none of your business Adamian. Just do what I'm telling you to do. Nothing more, nothing less.
Arc: I just want to know who I'm working for.
Kier: Then tell me this Adamian. What do you think of this forced cultural decree? That we have to live in these kinds of districts stuck inside strange points in time?
Arc: It's pretty strange I guess.
Kier: It is but that isn't just the issue. What about medicines? Supplies for better living? Systems that the high districts enjoy like better plumbing or cleaner water? Things that the people of my district desperately need but can't have.
Arc: Isn't that the city's problem?
Kier: It should be but because of this cultural preservation bullshit it's not legal to have these basic things. It's up to us that we have to look after our own people! So we're branded by our government as a gang that deals with black market drugs or items. But who the hell cares if it saves, employs, or helps people.
Arc: You seem to care too much for a gang.
Kier: How would you know? You'd never know unless you've lived in these district walls. Living some kind shitty life because someone said that culture is more important than anything else. The past is important and all that bullshit. People out there murdering people for less than a single grain of wheat. No order, no security, and no refuge.
Arc: You'd kill for these things huh.
Kier: I already have. And I'll do it again if I have to. Not just me. Everyone in this gang will. Protect our people and serve is what will be on my grave when I do. At least then everyone will know the monster I am.
Arc: There has to be better ways than that.
Kier: Don't talk to me about morality. You're an Adamian. Everywhere you go there's death. We'll do our job and you'll do yours. We look after our own with any means necessary. I'll make use of every murderer, kidnapper, and smuggler that comes to me for work. At least then there's purpose. Gives people money to continue on.
Arc: I see. I'll do it then. All we have to do is just find the source of these things right?
Kier: Crystal.
Arc: If you can find more about those merchants I'll gladly hear about it too. Those drugs have traces adamian magic. It's not natural.
Kier: Those creatures were some of my people. Good people. I want to find out myself who's been setting these things up.
Kier looked back to his records on the table as I had to scramble these two out of the room. He definitely wasn't someone I expected to be. Though I can tell that he's been through things. What worries me is that he's got quite the unique set of skills. If he could, he could take down a country but yet he's here. Kier has everything figured out for himself. Wish I was the same... At least now I have a proper direction in getting to find presumably Peter and the portal back to Talos.
It wasn't long now before we reached back to the street where one of those vermins first appeared from. Leon now fully awake was already prepared with some exploration gear and lights on hand. Olley looked a bit too excited for this trip which genuinely had me a bit worried. There was some kind of odd smell emanating from the hole itself. I made sure that we all had some air filtration modifications before even getting close to it. The hole itself was man made and once we enter below we'll have to find everything wrong.
Olley: I'm ready for another adventure partner!
Arc: Don't call me your partner and this is some serious stuff. This isn't some kind of joyride.
Leon: He's right girly, there's some serious shit down there.
Arc: You've been down there?
Leon: Just once. One of the first few expeditions. Now I just guard the area if one those things pop out again.
Arc: How often does that happen?
Leon: Dunno. I also kind of lost count how of those things popped out. Those things don't even think anyway. All they know is how to kill and eat. Nothing but dumb frickin animals.
Arc: I can see why they let you with us.
Leon: I just want to make sure those things are gone.
Olley: Let's get to it then!
Leon continued on to climb down the whole then followed by me and Olley. As my eyes began to adjust towards the surroundings of the sewers, the place was more horrific than I thought and we weren't even at the bottom yet.
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