《A Fool's Wish》Chapter 7 Page 7 - Banquet


The time had arrived, Akilah and Adara we're now about to enter the kings banquet. To say that neither of them feel nervous would be a lie, as they both felt the importance of this moment. Akilah was however much better at masking her emotions than Adara was. The instructions for the night were clear, they are supposed to enter the banquet and enjoy themselves until the King calls Akilah for the ceremonial fight, as entertainment for the guests. After the fight one of the king men will point out who and where Dogn was, whatever happens after that is up to Akilah.

They entered the banquet and it was a beautiful sight to be seen, it was filled with people in beautiful gowns, draped in the finest of luxury silk, beautiful music playing, this sense of gourmet food. This is something out of fairy tale, something neither of them had experienced in this lifetime. However there was a mutual dark cloud flying over both of their heads, being at the scene at this moment seeing all of this beauty didn't make them happy, in fact it was juxtaposition of their own lives and the lives of many of the commoners. The same feeling that they had had in the king castle.

They tracked much attention, partially because of the rumors surrounding Akilah. Akilah being a new mysterious solider that had managed to beat a nobleman who had been training all his life, was the talk of the town. It was also partially because of Adara’s beauty. Akilah had been strongly against the Adara entering the banquet without a disguise. However Adara argued that she simply wanted to see the mystery man one last time and set him straight and she wouldn't be able to do that if she was wearing a disguise. After much pestering, Akilah reluctantly agreed to this idea, figuring that she deserved to have one final goodbye to the mystery man that had been rude towards her.


Akilah and Adara could here people talking about them and what the relationship between them was. This was to be expected since deletion haven't been publicly explained to people it was still a mystery, therefore it was assumed by the majority that there were a couple. however despite this Adara’s beauty still attracted some men to come up to her and ask her for a dance. However it Adara declined them all, but there was only one person she was interested in meeting, the mystery man.

The time came for the fight and everybody was told to enter the garden, Akilah was escorted by some works and Adara joined the rest of the people walking to the garden. Adara wanted to have an unobstructed view of the fight but still stand far away from the rest of the crowd. The found a spot on top of a small hill overlocking the garden and fight area. From there she saw across from the crowd to a row of specially selected seats, which reminded her of the kings castle. She assumed that that's where the king and emperor were sit. Her assumption was right because shortly after the emperor and his mistress took their seats, however the king was still nowhere to be seen. While the waiting for the fight to start somebody tapped her shoulder, Adara turned around at her shock it was man wearing a mask

“What’s the matter don’t recognize me?” The man asked before letting out a small chuckle and removing his mask”

However Akilah didn't need that remove his mask in order to know who you are, it was Kasimir, the mystery man. He stood in front of her with a mask in his hand giving her a bright smile, however Adara didn’t return his affection. instead she stood there with the feeling of a fire blowing inside of her.


“What’s the ma-”

“You bastard” Adara interjected before he could finish is sentence. The man’s eyes widened in shook

“I-I” He stammered.

This was the first time Adara has seen this man lose his solid composure, and from some reason that made her happy.

“What did I do wrong?” He finally managed to say

Adora huffed “oh you really don't know?” she asked but did not intend to hear him reply “are you really going to stand here and pretend to be innocent? What was it though I'm curious? did you give me the card for breaking into your room, was that it, was your that ego hurt, huh?” Adara spewed on.

The man looked baffled by her words, as if he didn’t understand the words that were going out of her mouth, he raised his hands up to motion ‘stop’

“I’m not sure what you mean, what happened when you used the card?” he asked

Adara sighed “What do you think?” This time intended to hear his response.

“I don’t know, did something bad happen there?” He asked but Adara simply replied with a stone clod face

The man became quiet for a minute, Adara’s silence had made understood the severity of the situation.

“What happened in the casino, did someone hurt you? Whatever it is tell me-”

Adara once again interjected “IN the casino, sir you have a funny was of putting things. I wasn't even allowed to go INTO the casino, us lower class people are not welcomed there” Adara says and gestures to herself.

“You weren’t allowed inside but you had my card, did you show him-”

“Ah yes you special little card” She says, “The card that turned me into a thief, because as the worker simply put it ‘the owner of this card isn't somebody how would associate with lower class therefore I must have stolen it.’” Adara says feeling the emotions of that day come back to here

He was baffled by Adara’s word “I don’t know what to say, I apologize on behalf of-”

Adara interjected yet again “Save it, I don’t want your bogus apology or your card or anything else that has to do with you for that matter. Sir Kasimir, I’m done with you and I hope we don’t ever meet again” She said and walked away from him and into the crowd.

Kasimir wanted to follow her but another man stopped him.

“Sir you have important business to address, please leave the matters here for now” the man said

Kasimir sighed deeply “Fine Oena but make sure you investigate what the lady said. I want to know what happened at the casino”

“Very well sir. Now please come this way sir we need to go”

Before leaving, Kasimir glanced back at the crowed that had consumed Adara into it, he could no longer see her.

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