《A Fool's Wish》Chapter 4 Page 2 - Better safe than sorry


“What do we do Aki, we can’t just leave her”

Adara pleaded after the realization of the situation settle. Akilah, looked away at the source of the noise.

“I know” She said slowly “But what if it’s a trap”

“I-I didn’t think about that” Adara said surprised.

“But on the other hand, it could be real” Akilah said furrowing her eyebrow.

“Well, what do we do Aki?”

Akilah didn’t say answer, instead kept looking of into the direction of the sound.

“I’ll go” Akilah said and looked back at Adara “But you have to promise me to stay here.”

“But I” Adara pleaded.

“No buts! Its dangerous out there, you stay here and I’ll cast a protection spell on you.

“Yes, but I-”

“NO BUTS ADARA! If this is a trap then you’ll be in danger, and if its real then you’ll…” Akilah scratched the back of her neck with irritation.

“I’ll only get in the way?…” Adara said sounding deflated.

“I didn’t mean it like that” Akilah said with a sigh. “I just want you to be safe sis…”

“I get it…I’ll stay behind. Now go and help them” Adara said with a faint smile.

Akilah nodded “I promise to be quick. But just in case I’ll put a protection spell on you, no matter what you hear, stay put, okay?”

Adara sighed “You know I’m the big sister right”

“Yes but-”

“I get it Aki” Adara interrupted “Go” She said and waved her hand to ward her off.

Akilah nodded and quickly chanted a protection spell before she hurriedly went of to the direction of the noise. She closed in on the location of the noise and decided to act more cautious instead of storming in blind. She crept up close to hide behind a tree, then sneaked a peak at the situation.


Akilah saw two girls, around the age of thirteen and sixteen ‘I guess they were the ones calling for help’. They were surrounded by a group of men, and from the looks of it they were soldiers. Akilah noticed that the girls were visibly uncomfortable, she didn’t want to waste any time, if these girls are in trouble, then she needed to act fast. ‘Better safe than sorry’ and with that though Akilah leapt out behind the tree.

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