《Revival Factory & Other Novellas》Revival Factory (Ch.11)


The postman came the next morning in order to empty the mail-box. He unlocked the box and stuffed the letters inside his bag.

At this point, Boone had determined he would follow the letter and reach to Revival Factory. Boone walked along with the postman.

For a while he seemed to have a company and it seemed as if the postman was also sensing someone's presence around him. He just was unable to not tell where someone was.

The anxious man was having goosebumps and felt blood flowing inside his cheek veins. Feeling uneasy was not an excuse for his job though. He gathered the mails from his designated area and began to walk towards his van where the driver was waiting for him.

He could read the address of post office written on the van.

Boone heard the driver ask why he was red all of a sudden. Postman had no answer for it. And nobody could ask question to Boone. Boone did not think of making driver feel uncomfortable. He did not want the driver to crash the van and cause their deaths.

How would they react if their souls saw another soul sharing same seat with them during the crash?

Ultimately, Boone decided to get inside the back seat of the van. There was someone else already.

At least he is not driving. He thought.

The person sitting on the seat smiled at him.


He gave Boone a shove which dropped him through the window right on the street. Then the figure also passed through the window to reach towards Boone.

"Who are you?" Boone questioned.

"Grief." The ghost said, "It is my job to kill at 27."

"Did you think I would not know who was making her write the letter to factory?" Woman in Blue appeared there, "And I have caught you with your hands in cookie jar."


"Erase him." Grief said.

Boone didn’t get intimidated by him much because he couldn’t see the reaper axe anywhere.

Surrounding began to glow. Every object which he could see started to illuminate till his eyes could not bear light anymore. The two figures in front of him had the most intense luminosity among all.

Boone forced his eyes shut to save his sight. Then the light started to show mercy on him. As his contracted retina began to take its original shape again, he saw those two people lose their brightness.

When the light vanished then he was looking at two vases which were on the table. He was also sitting on something.

Couch. It was his couch. And he was in his home. Boone felt something which he hadn’t felt since a long time, his heartbeat.

Woman in Blue had revived him.


"Is he gone?" Grief threw a question at the woman.

"Gone but not gone for good." She said.

"Didn’t you erase him?"

"Oh innocent Grief. Now I feel guilty for not sharing a long kept secret with you."

"What did you keep away from me?"

"A soul can't be erased just by beheading it with your axe. In order to erase a soul, the soul has to be sent back to a body and then get beheaded by the axe." She explained.

"Why did you not tell me about this, Empress?"

"Because just I was involved in erasing a soul. Now it is you and me." She came up with a grin again.

"Hmm…okay. I will kill him as soon as 27 hits."

"You can't. Neither can I. We two won't be able to touch or see him. He would not also see or touch us. I'll find someone else to kill him."

"Someone else?"

"And your axe."

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