《I Am A Demon Lord, Get Me Out Of Here》Chapter 7: The North


With the basic grimoire, we bought with the money we got from the village chieftain, we plan on discovering Auru's magic affinity. We plan on doing so on our way to Winthaven, a Mage City in the north of Thelfheim.

Grinla also brought some useful things with her, such as a map, we really should have bought one earlier. A case of potions and a bag of food.

Venturing through vast canola fields and over rivers flowing with crystal clear water, which reflects the sun so hard, my eyes hurt, I felt kind of euphoric, a feeling I haven't felt for most of my existence.

["So then, let's see what your magic affinity is!"]

I handed the grimoire over to Auru.

[Grinla: "Just imagine energy flowing through your hands into the grimoire."]

[Auru: "I- I think I can kind of feel it!"]

["Then you're doing it right."]

The grimoire appeared to have absorbed Aurus's magic.

["Alright, that should be it. Now you only have to speak the word of power for "release"!"]

[Auru: "RELEASE!"]

A strong gust of wind shot out of the grimoire and pushes me over.

["Hey, be a little more careful, where you point that thing!"]

[Auru: "Oh, sorry."]

["Anyways, at least we know what your affinity is. It's wind magic."]

Her wind magic was powerful enough to push me over in this form. Such power even without casting a proper spell...

["Not bad, for an amateur! Of course, I could cast wind magic on a whole different scale!"]

[Auru: "Ehem, sure... if you say so."]

["Alright then, let's keep going!"]

On the way to Winthaven, we come across mountains covered with large pines. The snow-covered mountaintops along the road reflect the dim light of the north. After some days of travel, I spotted large oxen pulling carts filled with goods from the south. Probably spices the nobles bought to make their meals more eatable. Shortly after, we come across a town surrounded by a wooden fence that offers protection from monsters and raiders.

The further we go north, the more snow there is.

After a week of travel, the snow isn't stopping.


[Auru: "Wow, I've never seen so much snow!"]

[Grinla: "Well, it is said that a snow dragon lives in a cave in the upmost north, and his presence is cooling the northern part of the continent."]

[Auru: "T-That sound's scary... This dragon must be insanely powerful."]

["Yes, of course, it is. It's one of the *Iuga Septem* (Seven Highnesses)"]

[Auru: "What are the *Iuga Septem*?"]

[Grinla: "The *Iuga Septem* are a group of beings deemed to be so powerful, they could be considered deities. Obviously, the Church of the Twelve wouldn't accept that, and as such, they are not granted the status of deities."]

[Auru: "I see..."]

Back in my prime, I was so close to being one of the *Iuga Septem*, but before I achieved it well, you know the rest of the story...

We wandered through snow and Ice for another week and, finally.

We reached Winthaven. It was a cold summer night, and the snow was falling as always... (well, what do you expect, we are in the upmost north).

A massive city with stone walls surrounding it. Those walls were reinforced with earth and light magic to keep even the strongest of monsters out. Even I would have had problems breaching them.

Winthaven was a city of magic, and as a result, the streetlights were powered by fire magic, the walkways were also warmed by it. No snow could pile upon it, which made it easy to walk through the city.

The snow reflected the dim starlight and the warmth of the magical lights. What an atmosphere...

WAIT. Aren't I supposed to be the great demon lord? Should I really be enjoying the reflection of light in the snow? NO.

["Alright then, we should visit your sister when it's morning."

[Auru: "Yeah, let's find a tavern for now."]

[Grinla: "Umu!"]

The city of Withaven mostly consists of large brick structures which tower in the night like mountains. Lots of them like really similar, which makes finding a tavern pretty hard.

After quite some time, we manage to find one nonetheless.

[Auru: "Look, Mr. Igni, this sign says *Tavern to the North-Star*!"]


["Alright then, let's head inside. Of course, I also saw this!"]

[Auru: "Ehehehe, if you say so..."]

We entered the tavern, and about four big, muscular men stare at us.

["Ehehe, Hello, is the tavern keep around?"]

[Guy 1: "Yeah, 'old man's currently in da back gettin' us some of da expensive stuff."]

["Ok, we'll wait inside then."]

[Guy 1: "Say, haven't seen you 'round here. Yer new here?"]

["Just visiting an acquaintance of ours. Why do you ask?"]

[Guy 1: "Ya see, I know my adventurers out in Wintahven, there ain't many of us, and ya look like one of us."]

["Well, I do have some experience, but I'm not from here."]

[Guy 1: "Alright then, I'm George of the *Greyhound-Clan*, currently head of the Adventures-Guild *Wildfang*, I control the quests distribution out here. Who might you be?"]

["Igni, nice to meet you."]

[George: "Say, Igni, yer a beginner, aren't ya? Shall I tell yer more 'bout the adventurer's lifestyle?"]

I looked at him with distaste.

["No, in fact, I'm no beginner."]

[George: "Oh, it's just, yer are so small n' all."]

["If you only judge by one's size, then why are you in a mage-city?"]

[George: "Well, even the mages aren't as small as you little fella'!"]

["Well, fuck you then."]

[George: "Oi! No need to be so angry, kid!"]

[Grinla: "Will you be quiet, Mr. secondhand adventurer?"]

[George: "Watch yer tongue, darkelven whore!]

Suddenly a fat old man enters the room through the back door. He had a beard, which only covered his cheeks and short grey hair. His big nose was red and swollen from the cold, and his eyes looked tiny behind his large glasses.


Auru and George had different answers to the old man's words.

[Auru: "We're deeply sorry if we caused any disturbance!"]


Oh no, This is bad.

[Old man: "Get out or I'll throw you out."]

George did not leave the tavern.

The old man looked at him angrily.

[Old man: "Alright then. Have it your way.

*O terra matris tuae viribus praebueris*"]

Suddenly a large boulder shot out of the ground underneath George's feet and plunged itself right into his scrotum.

The now probably impotent George let out a scream of agony and got down on his knees.


[Old man: "You wanted this, now leave."]

George got up and fled the scene.

The old man's view shifted to George's companions.

[Old man: "What, do you want me to pop your balls too?"]

[Guy 2: "N- No. Please don't"]

Georges companions also left the tavern, and the old man now looked at us with an accomplished look on his face.

[Old man: "GYAHAHA, sorry you had to witness that. The name's

Reiner, Reiner Xentilon. Nice to meet you."]

["Wait... Xentilon? Isn't that the Augur of Winthaven?]

[Reiner: "So you've heard of me?"]

[Auru: "Uhm, my sister, Irene, is one of your students."]

[Reiner: "Oh, you must be Auru then! I should have seen it from the very start. Those golden locks and amber eyes (and voluptuous breasts) are exactly like your sisters!"]

Old pervert.

["Anyways, what does an Arch Wizzard do in such a Tavern?"]

[Reiner: "It's just a hobby. You see, you meet a lot of interesting people here, and I like hearing stories.

But it seems like you have some business here... May I be of some help to you?"]

[Grinla: "Ah yes, we want to find fragments of a powerful magic item, and for such a task, we need an Augur."]

[Reiner: "Ahh, I see, then shall we get to business tomorrow morning? You all look tired. Would you like to have a room for the night?"]

[Auru: "Yes please, that would be perfect."]

And on that note, we rented two rooms. One for myself, of course, but if I think about it, I might've preferred it if we'd only gotten one room...

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