《Evolution to GOD》Dream?


I found myself in a middle of a hall, in front of me I saw a 20 feet tall mirror, I haven't seen a mirror this big till now.

"Where am I?" I clearly know, I was taking nap after finishing the body-building task. I was sitting on top of a tree but felt a warm feeling inside me. And I think I fell asleep, then why am I here? Is this a dream?

I have a peculiar feeling about this place. I have seen this place before.

I can see a lot of pillars in this hall, there is something written on each pillar, everything is blurred.


I heard a loud shout behind me. Fear gripped my heart. I know someone horrible is behind me, The mirror in front of me started shining brightly, I felt like someone is strangling my throat.

Suddenly a white shadow came towards me and passed through my heart


It was a dream, I am still sitting on top of a tree.

"FUCK!!!!" I was scared shitless, what a horrible dream, but it felt like I have been to that place, and that voice, I heard it somewhere before.


Somewhere far away from this space and time, a voice vibrated

"So you have finally appeared again!! HAHAHA, now things will get interesting"

"I would love to see his face.."



That dream was quite realistic, fuck!!, even a Hollywood movie will fail in front of it.

I can even make a movie full of heroines. Naming should be legendary.

"Hall of Pillars" This would be perfect.

"Fuck!!! I am awesome."


"Yes Host"

"Do you even sleep"

"It depends on the host"

"????" The question mark was written all over my face, Can't she answer the simple question with simplicity.


"What are you trying to say"

"I am inactive when host's brain goes to sleep mode"

"You mean to say, you sleep with me"


"HAHAHAHA" this is the First time Eve has been struck speechless. See my awesomeness even a system can't answer my question.


"What the fuck is this shit"


Anyways, I have a serious question to ask.

"Eve, Answer me a serious question?"

"Yes, Host"

"You can see my dream?"

"After Host grants me access, I can see your Dreams"

Awesome, it's a cool feature

"You can record the dream?"

"Yes Host"

Hell!!! I can make a movie now.

"Eve, record my dreams in the future"

"Affirmative, Host"

After all this ruckus, now I realized, it is the middle of the night. I can't even feel sleepy now.

But why I fell asleep? Oh yeah! it was just after that body-building task.

I can feel the difference in my body. Now I realize the effect of that manual, it will maximize the efficiency of the workout.

But the first thing I have to do now is to look for clothes. Fuck!!! I have been jumping naked here and there. Even though I am a monkey now, I feel ashamed of it.

I can look for some animal skin. Aligator would be the best. I can show off my alligator skin underwear to my ladies.

I fell asleep thinking of this blissful feeling. I even dreamt of my previous earth, where I was the hot commodity in the market. Haih I really miss those days.

In the morning, I started my regular routine exercise, it is the best time to do it.

After finishing my task, again I felt my body is developing, you can even see my 8 Packs taking shape."Hell!!!!, my future is limitless."


After resting for a while, I again checked the store, to find something useful.

"Basic Fighting Manual [I]" This shit is looking good

After buying that Manual, I got filled with the information regarding it.

"100 Left-hand Punch"

"100 right-hand punch"

"100 times Ducking"

"100 Left leg Kick

"100 Right Leg Kick"

This shit is something special, not some regular punch and kick.

Spending the coins on this thing was worth it. I have spent my 100 EC on the cooking manual. And the remaining on seasonings.

I was even Provided the storage facility with the rent of 5 coins per month. At least I don't have to carry all this stuff.

After finishing all the tasks, I started hunting, today would be the first day I will have cooked food. I saw a chicken in the jungle when I was hunting last time.

After searching for some time, I successfully hunted down the chicken, my first dish would be roasted chicken. It took me around 1 hour to prepare this thing.

Just as I was getting ready to eat my roasted chicken, I heard a huge roar of some animal, most probably a lion followed by a gunshot.


Hunters are here

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