《Evolution to GOD》Road a Head


"Bloody fuck!!!! I have been scammed"

Didn't they tell in those novels, once you buy anything from the system you will learn things automatically, but why the fuck do I have to do all these things?


"Yes Host"

"Don't you think you guys have scammed me? I worked hard to get those coins and now when I bought this manual, I have to work my ass off and it's a compulsion?"

"Host has been provided the easiest option for evolution to strongest being"

"And how it is easy, can't you guys directly change my body conditions?" I started feeling frustrated with all this drama, I was quite happy with my life there, at least I was able to see beauties daily. Here apart from rats and ants, Fuck!!! I can't even see the B of Beauties

"Negative Host, please remember it's a 'Game of Evolution'. The host has to evolve with his own efforts, The manual which host has purchased will help the host to achieve the best possible results, but without the efforts of the host there is no meaning of evolution"

I know that there is no point in arguing, I am stuck here and only I can move away from here, I have to fully understand this Game of Evolution and what this earth is because after seeing and experiencing those powers I know this is not the normal place and surviving here is quite challenging. I have wasted a lot of time by those childish acts, but after gaining my intelligence stats, I can easily adapt to conditions now.

"Eve? What is this Game of Evolution? Please explain it to me clearly"

"Affirmed Host, Host has been provided the opportunity to evolve into the Supreme Being, Host has to go through trials and evolve accordingly."


"Ok? Why am I selected for this Game?"

"Host has fulfilled the criteria for being the participant"

I was dumbfounded, did they ask my permission to participate in this Game?

"But Eve, nobody asked my permission to participate right?" I never agreed to this type of joke.

"Host has clicked Yes, only after that host has been transferred to this world"

"Where did this Game of Evolution was mentioned there?"

"Host has accepted the terms and conditions for the offer"

After recollecting my thoughts, I know, Life has played a joke on me. My only way is to move forward.

"Eve? What is the Purpose of Game of Evolution, why it has been started?"

"Currently Host does not qualify to know the reason"

FUCK!!!! You Guys are playing with me and I don't even know the reason?


"Host is not strong enough"

Leave it, I am getting used to these incomplete answers.

"Eve, why was I being transferred to this earth, you can easily play the game of evolution on my earth, right?

"Host's Earth is Devoid of Powers, Host has been transferred to the optimal place for evolution"

Now, it dawned on me that this evolution carries a different meaning. But why earth don't have these powers?

"Eve, Why my Earth doesn't have this Power?"

"Host Level is not sufficient to know the answer"

Everything seems Mystery to me, anyway, She said it's earth and I am in Madagascar, all this looks the same but I feel it's somewhat different.

"Eve, could you please explain, what this earth is and how it is different from my earth?

"Host, this earth is in Alternate Dimension, it hosts all the being that can exist and it has the same Geography of your earth."

"How advance is this earth? Do we have the concept of countries and cities here?"


"Host, this earth is more advance in terms of technology. and it has significant History for the matters related to Universe. Apart from that countries do exist in this world but it is different from Host's Earth"

Well, this is all a shock to me, when I heard her saying that this is alternate earth, I thought it will the same as my earth. but here its a whole new world.

After taking a deep breath, I asked her "I can go to cities right, Even I can evolve there?"

"Host is currently too weak to survive in the cities. This earth does not allow animals to roam freely, all animals have been designated to an area, only the strongest being from the jungle who has gone through 1st Evolution can go to cities."

I am stuck, I have to evolve fast to leave this place.

But I have the advantage here, other animals don't have a system and store with them, and gaining powers is easy for me.

But the most important thing is, I am meant to be surrounded by beauties.

Anyhow, I have to complete those exercises daily, but seriously!!! Have you ever seen a monkey doing exercise?

Leave it!!! I have to do it otherwise I will die here, How can the awesome me Die like this without even meeting those beauties.

Starting today My aim in this world is

1) Get the beauties

2) Get More Powerful, Leave this Jungle and Get the beauties.

Hmph. let's see who can stop me.

But Alan didn't know that Machinations to Stop him have found the root somewhere, and he would be there in a mid a storm in a near future.

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