《Evolution to GOD》Evolution Store


I took a deep breath to stay calm. I was getting over-excited about getting all the powers and stuff. Never in my life, I would have thought that one day I will possess all of this.

I can't help but imagine myself holding beauties, all around me. I would be the most amazing person in this world.


"Hmph, So what if I have to go through these small difficulties, I will do it, whoever comes in my way of holding beauties, I will kill it, even it is a GOD?"

I chided myself 'Haih... let get over it, I have to check what the evolution store is.'


"Yes Host"

"I can check out the store now, right?"

"Affirmed host, you have to think of store option in your mind"

I recalled the store option, suddenly a screen appeared in front of me with different options

1) Power

2) Equipment

3) Manuals

4) Daily Necessities

Evolution Coins Available: 620

I called out the power option, I can see the different types of power available with the Price along with it, but when I saw the Price I was dumbfounded

Fire: 5000 EC

Water: 5000 EC

Earth: 5000 EC

Air: 5000 EC

Lightning:10000 EC

Mind: 5000 EC

Light: 5000 EC

Darkness: 5000 EC

Lightning:10000 EC

Space : 50000EC

Time: 500000 EC

"More options coming soon with the attractive prices"

Fuck!!! So costly. I don't even have the EC to buy these powers.

I started to tremble, my dream of holding beauties started to fade away. You can see tears in my eyes.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to shoo away these negative thoughts.

"No, this won't do, I will fucking earn these coins, even I have to kill the entire Jungle"

Filled with determination, I started looking at other options in the Store, While looking at the equipment options, I can see all types of equipment like sword, saber, gun, rifle, etc, but everything was greyed out with the information blinking in front of it.


"Available after 1st evolution" I got stunned. I have to ask Eve about this.


Yes Host"

"Why can't I buy the equipment now?"

"It doesn't allow the natural evolution, host"

"How?" I couldn't even understand what she is trying to say.

"For example, as the host is currently is a monkey, you are in an evolution path, starting from the most primitive form, imagine a monkey performing sword dance?"

I can't help but shudder at the thought of myself being seen as a circus monkey, but Eve's voice jolted me out of reverie.

"Since the host is in Primitive form, the host has to live the life of the primitive being and survive till host is ready for 1st evolution until that time host will not be able to use the equipment which assists the Host and bypass the meaning of Evolution"

I was rooted on the spot, " FUCK!!! What is she saying?, it was like she was speaking in another language" I only understood one thing, I cant use this thing until that so-called First evolution.

"Eve, Can't you help me with this, I mean to say, I am special for you, right?

"Negative Host, I can't bypass the protocol"

I can hear the sound of my heart shattering, how can she not understand the awesome me?

Haih... Well, I can't do anything about it, but suddenly I heard the system's voice.

"For the comfortability of the Host, Host has been given an option for buying the Daily Necessities"

I was dumbfounded but quickly checked that option. I can't help but jump with joy,

Tears started flowing from my eyes. " FINALLY, I can cook food" I can see the option of Salt, Seasonings, and most importantly MatchBox available in the store... I can finally eat cooked meat.


I seriously wanted to kiss Eve, she understood my difficulties, I couldn't help but shout


"Host, please mind your Language"

I got rooted on the spot

Rejection!! This is the utmost rejection I had in my life, this is Insult to me I swear, you will my awesomeness Hmph.."

I recalled about the manuals option in the store, I just checked whether I can find something interesting or not?

When I checked it, I Know my time to shine has come. I can see a mouth-watering manual

Cooking Manual:100 EC ( Learn the Divine Level Cooking, all options available)

Finally, I can cook properly.

[3rd Person POV

{Our Alan was so tormented by the cooking that he forgot about checking other interesting options such as Body Building Manual, Sword Holding Manual, Learn the GUN manual, you can feel the torment he has faced while living in the jungle, unable to eat the cooked food} ]

After calming down and checking other manuals, I know, I can finally show my awesomeness.

Body Building Manual [ I ]: Helps to lay a path of creating a divine-level body.

"At the special price for the host for 299 EC only"

Joy blossomed in my heart, there is something special for me

I instantly bought Manual and Suddenly got all information in my mind, but when I read it, I got the 5th Shock of my life.

It was written

"Host has to perform below-mentioned task daily without fail, Failure of completion of the task will result in a reduction in 5 stat points of all the stats.

100 Sit-ups

100 Push-ups

10 KM Run"


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