《Evolution to GOD》Mutation?


I recalled the menu option to see the current status, after seeing it, I was proud of myself. I can see..

Name: Alan

Age: 28

Species: Mutated Monkey

Strength: 11

Agility: 16

Intelligence: 10

Luck: 8

Power: Blink: Host can teleport within the radius of 5 meters [ Gained Ability from Mutated Snake]

Prediction: Mid-level Jungle Survivor, Chances of achieving 1st evolution: 56%

"Yeah I know, I am Awesome" I clenched my fist in excitement.

But I have to thank the system, I would have been a dead monkey if not for it.


"Yes Host"

"Thank you...., Thank you for saving me, if not for you I would have been dead"

"Welcome Host" 'This time System didn't retort to me, I think she is falling for awesome me.

"System, you have any name?"

"Negative Host"

"Is it okay if I call you Eve?"

"Affirmative Host"

"Yes!!! then it's decided, I will call you Eve from now on"

"Affirmative Host, Database has been changed according to Host's will" I can feel slight happiness in her voice.

Well, I am not too surprised, I can feel, she has her own intelligence, even though she has been following the command of so-called GOD.

I can't help but remember, Eve was the first girl in my life, her beauty was out of bounds...., 'Haihhh, this fucking thing has ruined everything'

I have to admit, My dependence on her is increasing day by day, she is the only one I can speak to in my loneliness, and She is the first female in this life for me, even though she is an AI.


"Yes Host"

"You Liked the Name?"

"I can be called anything as host want"

I was amused, is this really the case?

"Do you mean I can call you My Girl?"


"Negative host, Host does not fit the criteria"


Haih..., I can't win against her, leave it, I need to check on my looks now, fucking I am feeling awesome like never before.

I ran across from that place, I can't wait for the day, when I leave this fucking jungle, I can't see my beauties anywhere. Finally, I saw a river stream, When I saw myself I was thunderstruck.

I have changed, I am fucking changed...

Fuck!!! I have become more handsome, I have less hair on my body and My face is fucking awesome, I am sure, I am the most handsome monkey in this fucking world.

"My cuteness is overloaded, and I become fucking taller than before".I feel like 5 feet tall now, compared to before where it was 3 feet.


"Yes Host"

"Why is there so much change in me, Why have I became much more Handsome?"

"Host genes have mutated after consuming the snake meat, Host has acquired the genetic ability of the snake"

"But, I don't feel like Snake"

"Host has not changed to Snake, Host genes have been mutated after coming in contact with the power of Snake, as Snake was much more powerful than the user, the user has gained one of its power and your genes have gained one of the traits of that mutated snake"

Holy Shit!!!!, This shit is going on another level " Eve you mean to say, I gain the ability as long as I eat the meat?"

"Negative host, the host must consume the meat of user, which is stronger than you, in order to gain the mutation, but not every time host will gain the power, this depends on the compatibility with the genes of the host"


Well, everything went above my head, but one thing for sure, I have to kill stronger opponents and eat it.


But thinking about it makes me feels disgusting.

"Hmmm..., Eve?"

"Yes Host"

"I can cook the meat and eat right?"

"Host can eat the food anything like host want"

Fuck!!! I know that too,

"I mean to say, I cook and eat the meat, should I get the power? You know right, eating meat is fucking disgusting?"

"Probability of obtaining after processing the meat in fire reduces by 50%"

I was dumbfounded, I know that God is playing with me, Fuck!!, come here and eat that Raw meat. I still feel like puking.

But Alan didn't know that GOD has stopped playing with him for quite some time and his System has gained the sentience which other Systems don't have, because someone has interfered with his destiny.

Somewhere Far Far away from this Earth, a Lady is sitting inside a room, staring somewhere while mumbling with the longing in her face.

"Sorry, I can't meet you now, This is the only way I can help you."

"Please Survive."

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