
I am feeling quite nervous here, this is the first time I will face the danger one of one.

I saw towards the dying rat, which I just now hunted, I have only disabled it, this is just the gamble which I have to bet on.

As if luck is on my side I found an old ax, nearby the burrow of the hunted rat. Maybe someone would have died a long time back, but you have to say sharpness is still intact, many of the rats died by this ax you know.

Bloody hell, I am looking more awesome while holding the ax, as if a hero in the jungle, only one beauty is missing, if she's in danger I will gladly save her, she will surely fall for my awesomeness

Well, leave it. First I have to kill the snake otherwise who will see my awesomeness.

I slowly moved towards the hole, after approximately reaching 50 meters away from that snake hole, I pushed the dying rat towards it. I ran a roundabout way and moved towards the tree very slowly where the hole was situated and stood upon the branch.

Now, I only have to wait for the snake to come out.

I didn't have to wait long for the snake to come out, as it came out while smelling the blood of the rat.

'SHIT!!!!, its too high level, I can feel the pressure from it' Bloody, I am getting nervous, if I move from here it will surely sense me.

'FUCK!!!!, I should not have come today, well I can only kill it or I will die.'

It was a fucking ten feet long snake and as thick as me, this asshole will gulp me in one go.

As just moved towards the rat, I got ready to jump and kill it.


After it reached towards the rat, it opened its mouth to eat it, this is the right moment to jump and kill it.

I jumped towards it while swinging the ax in a whole arc to kill it, as if it has sensed me, snake disappeared from the spot and my ax hit the ground.

"FUCK!!!!!" I know I am done for. this snake will kill me today.

The snake appeared just six feet beside me, it stared at me as if it is looking at a fool.

That fucking rat is nowhere to be seen, this asshole has eaten the rat and it wants to eat me.

It is looking at me like it wants to play me to death, it's not from its spot, I saw his eyes and got frozen, silence has enveloped me.

'FUCK!!!!! I can't even move,' it started moving towards me, just as it came in front of me and opened its. mouth, I heard the system voice

"Host!" as if electricity ran through me, I closed my eyes and swung my ax with all my might.

"HISSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!" I can hear the hiss of the snake as if it became very angry.

I don't even know what happened but suddenly I felt the warm feeling all over my body. I opened my eyes to see the snake without the head lying on the ground, all of its blood has been sprayed over me.



I have never been this happy in all of my life, today I have accomplished something, I know I almost died but finally, I killed it.

But why didn't I get the notification of completion of the task?


"Yes Host"

"Did you see my awesomeness"


"Negative, the host was almost been killed due to pathetic willpower"

Fuck, bloody I am not going to ask anything to her, She can't even see my awesomeness.

"Huff... System, why I didn't get the notification of completion of the task"

"Host has not completed the task"

"Huh? Didn't I Killed the snake?"

"Host has to kill and eat the snake"

"FUCK!!!!! Bloody hell, FUCK!!!"

I can't even light up the fire, I have to fucking eat it raw.

Finally gathering the courage, I cleared the guts of the snake and started eating it. 'Fuck!!! this is so disgusting, I haven't even eaten the raw vegetable in my life.'

But suddenly I got covered in golden light and got the system notification

"Congrats Host for reaching Level 5, Evolution Shop is now available"

He got another notification in his mind

"5 stat points have been added in all of the stats of Host, Host has gained the Power:'BLINK'."

I got stuck, I can feel the warm feeling flowing inside me, be it mind or body, I can feel now I am a lot stronger. After a long time, I came back to my senses.


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