《Evolution to GOD》I will Level up


Alan was having the worst nightmare of his life, somehow he managed to escape from the clutches of Gorillas.

"System! Pls assign one stat point to agility,"

"Affirmative host, stat point has been assigned,"

He felt a warm feeling around his body, he has a sudden feeling that he can run faster now.

"System! how can I level up or is there any advantage of leveling up?"

"Host, you earn experience according to the difficulty of the task. Task has been divided into five categories, It is D, C, B, A, S. Where D is classified as a Novice task and S comes under an almost impossible task.

" System can you pls classify the task for me according to the difficulty of the task"

" Yes Host, D = Novice- 20 Exp points

C = Normal-50 Exp points

B = Hard- 100 Exp points

A = Hell - 500 Exp Points

S = Almost Impossible- 2000 Exp Points"

"Why didn't you tell me all this information"

"You didn't ask for it, Host"

Alan was dumbfounded, "what is the work of this system, is it not to help him, Leave it I can't depend too much on the system and this game, I have to change for the normal, I can't play this game anymore." Alan looks like he suddenly got matured because of all the trauma he has faced.

"System, what the advantage of leveling up" Alan was still confused, he didn't have any knowledge of how and why he incarnated and what's the use of the system.

"Host will get one extra stat point with every level-up, and Evolution shop will be available after host reaches Level 5"

"I already have one extra stat point with me?"

"Yes Host"

He recalled the menu option in his mind to see the status


Name: Alan

Age: 28

Level: 1

Species: Monkey

Strength: 4


Intelligence: 4

Luck: 2

Power: None

Prediction: Bottom feeder, Chance of evolution: 10.1%

Available Stat Point: 1

He was ecstatic to see the change in chance of evolution is increased with the increase of his stats.

"System? What is that Power option I can see in Menu"

"Host can avail different types of power from Evolution stores"

"You mean to say I can like a Batman or a Superman?"

" Host can choose from different power available in the stores"

Alan was getting excited, he can see himself, wearing a cape, standing in front of a crowd who are cheering for him and he waving hands to them and beauties are fawning over him.

"Fuck yeah!! That will be awesome"

He can't wait to reach level 5 and get his first power-up.

"System, just tell me how can I level up other than completing the task?"

"Host can gain experience by killing other animals in the forest"

"Really??? Hahahaha, System wait for me, I will show you the real awesomeness"

He can't help but imagine himself surrounded by beauties, acting cool in front of them.

He started humming

"Come, my lady,

Come-come my lady

You're my butterfly, sugar baby"[1]

[1]: Song: Butterfly by Crazy town

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