《No Easy Mode》Chapter 1.2


After checking his status Erasi entered his family's home, it wasn't a large villa even by the most lax standard but it served for his parents and himself. He made his way through the living area to the kitchen. Seeing his spear down in the corner he grabbed out a loaf semi-blackened bread and a half used wheel of cheddar. Slicing off enough bread and cheese he then opened the cellar door leading to a small cold meats pantry. It was like a refrigerator from his original world only powered by a small magic beast core which has to be replaced once a month. Thankfully for his family the cost was only about 2 silvers to replace the core otherwise they'd probably do without.

He sliced off some meat from a roasted ham made from the local pig like animal called a Druko, the meat was extremely similar to pork but always took on a smokey bacon flavor when unseasoned. Truly Erasi felt that must certainly be one of the perks of this world. Sure it's hard as hell to train skills but you just have appreciate unseasoned Druko meat tasting like bacon. Exiting and closing the pantry Erasi proceeded to fix himself three ham and cheese sandwiches. Which he ate unceremoniously quick barely even tasting them as he began thinking about the next day and joining the Hunters Guild.

As night fell Erasi made his way to bed, his room was rather nice size though his bed was just a little wider and longer than himself. Sitting on the edge of the bed he focused on feeling mana, it was the same every night. In order to gain access to mana one must focus outside themselves and detect its existence and once that is achieved they can then try to influence it to enter their bodies. It'd been 5 years of attempts and failures. It wasn't that he had no latent talent, it was just 20 plus years of Earth memories made it hard to focus on such a manner.



" Another wasted attempt, seriously with my intelligence and spirit attributes I should have already detected mana from what my mother explained." Erasi said to himself with a hint of dejection in his voice. His mother is a mage of some skill, specializing in water and ice magic. Which is actually why they were able to afford a cold pantry. If not for being obligated to the family his mother would be living a much better and more financially prosperous life but sadly as part of the marriage to his father she was relegated to a menial salary and crap loads of traveling alongside his father. Basically his father is barely capable in combat or business so he was shit on by the family, and in order to punish Erasi's mother who is talented and a main branch member of the Breedlove family for choosing to marry such a useless man from a side branch, they put horrible stipulations if they were allowed to marry which pretty much turned his mother and father into paupers compared to the rest of the family. Though the family itself wasn't exactly rich it was certainly comparable to a merchant family of decent abilities.

Thinking to himself 'Oh well, maybe tomorrow I'll succeed' Erasi laid down and shortly fell asleep.

Getting up at the crack of dawn Erasi did his exercises and once fished grabbed a quick bite to eat before he quickly grab his spear and put on some dingy leather armor. Calling it armor may be a little stretch as it was too old and poorly made but it only cost 23 coppers so one couldn't really complain.

As Erasi made his way through the busy streets he couldn't help but be jealous of the leather armor the patrolling guards were wearing. Clearing his mind he focused back on the task at hand, joining the Hunters Guild. Roughly 10 minutes later he stood before a three storey building with a slightly nervous smile completely contradicting the confidence his body oozed naturally. Even his eyes showed nothing but anticipation. Slowly shaking himself back to action he strode in through the doorway. Once inside he looked around noticing the registration receptionist a few feet in front and off to the left a bar like area where a few hunters were currently having a bite to eat. To the right was both a guarded door leading deeper into the first floor and a guarded stairwell leading to the second. Without a hunters badge the stairwell was off limits and only with a temp badge for the Hunters good registration test would he be allowed to enter the door.


Stepping forward he approached the receptions desk. The lady behind the desk smiled only to reveal an orangish tint to her teeth. She was obviously an abuser of stimulants, though bad for the teeth stimulants forged through magic and herbs could increase a hunters abilities for a short time.

" How may I help you sir?" The lady's voice was a little raspy.

" I'm here to register for the test to join the Guild." Erasi replied trying to sound as confident as possible only to be betrayed by puberty near the end as his voice changed to a slightly higher pitch.

" Alright sir, here's the temp badge, once you enter through the door on the right you'll be directed to a tester. If you pass the tester will exchange it for your personal hunters badge, if you fail then you'll return the temp badge to me. Any questions?" The receptionist said as she handed the badge over.

" No, no questions. Thank you." Erasi nodded to the woman as he turned and made his way to the door. Standing in front of the door for a while drew queer looks from the two guards. Erasi didn't care as his excitement was boiling inside him. Today would definitely be an amazing memory marking the start of his legend.

Flashing the badge he entered the door. With smile he looked at the man standing in front of him. The man looked like he'd eaten something bad akin to manure. Surely no one could make a face like that without doing so. As he was observing the man the man finally spoke. His voice weak.

" So you're the unluckiest recruit today, since you got here first you'll go to the testing room 1... Your tester will be Hunter Wervul, be careful..."

'Wervul? Why does that name sound familiar?'

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