《Alteria: The Fall of Gods》CHAPTER 53: Nightmare's Reality (1)


“What happened?” Alrich asked groggily while looking around. His eyes surveyed the area to find Isaac sitting in the log with a bored look on his face. The katana he’s holding has been sharpening to extreme lengths since Kyle gave him a sharpening stone. At first, he has no idea what to do, but Kyle explains how weapon maintenance is important despite being classified as the strongest type of forged weapon.

Hearing Alrich’s voice, Isaac simply turned around and spoke.

“A battle started, you fought together with Cellica and Melissa and won. Because of your injury, you lose consciousness” he said in a blankest tone ever. Even Alrich didn’t understand what happened. Still, the weird thing for Alrich is that he doesn’t remember anything. The last of his memories are waking up to the sound of battle, after that he didn’t remember anything. He wanted to ask Isaac for more information but he already left.

“What happened?” Alrich scratched his head in confusion as a yawn alerted him of someone. It was Kyle who was sleeping just near him as he rubs his eyes and stretches for a bit.

“Do you really want to know?” Kyle said with a cheeky smile as Alrich nodded. He explains everything that happened last night as Alrich’s face progressively turns worried to furious.

“So you’re telling me that I won’t use the mark even if my friend’s life depended on it?!” he yelled gritting his teeth. Kyle was surprised to see the kind Alrich turn furious at the fact that he can’t sacrifice himself but Kyle shrugged.

“Yes, everyone is responsible for their own lives. Besides, we can help each other and fight together. It’s not like your dragon skills are weak if you trained yourself and gained [Heroic Fortitude] and [Heart of Oak] skills. You can protect everyone” Kyle smiled. He remembered these two skills since almost all high-level merchants in the past wanted this.

“What is that?”

“Simple, both of them are survival skills that can almost turn someone into an immortal. Of course, killing them is possible but it would be tricky, to say the least.” Kyle showed a friendly smile

“Can you explain it?”

“Of course, the [Heroic Fortitude] is a skill that allows a person to boost himself and his allies attacks, defense, health, regeneration, and morale. The more dangerous and deadly the encounter is, the larger that boosts itself plus for every ally near that person. That person will gain 5% of their total stat as a boost.”

“Isn’t that extremely strong? How can I get it?

“You need a heroic weapon or item to get the quest [The stairs of a hero]. After that, just win against enemies that have a 20 level difference between the two of you.” Kyle shrugged as Alrich gaped his mouth open from extreme shock.

“How is that even possible? There’s no way that is possible.”

“Of course I have a plan just for you. Out of all of us, you have the highest defensive stat ever since you awakened your dragon soul. Since the dragon is resistant to all elements and only vulnerable to dark magic and control magic, you share the same resistance and weaknesses to them.” Kyle replied as a flicker of hope wakes Alrich up. As long as he can gain this skill, it would be possible to protect everyone.

“What do I have to do?” Alrich said with a determined look on his face. No hint of fear or cowardice but only pure determination.

“Gain the skill [Heart of Oak]. It will allow you to regenerate based on your vitality stat and as long as your heart isn’t destroyed. You will not die. Plus, your heart will be encased in a wood that will not be destroyed as long as there’s a tree near you. It’s actually a druid’s spell but it can be used by everyone.”


“But how? I don’t think we can find a druid anywhere.” Alrich’s shoulders dropped as his flicker of hope vanished. Kyle chuckled seeing Alrich’s expression changing every time he speaks.

“Don’t worry, we might find something in the ruins” Kyle said mysteriously as he walked away. Leaving Alrich alone as Kyle wakes up the girls with their glare aimed at Kyle. Kyle can only laugh as the ladies didn’t appreciate waking up this early. The sun is just beginning to rise as the forest is still dark. The battlefield where Isaac and Kyle fought against that primordial vampire was starting to grow some trees back. Although it’s only saplings that grew, he is still amazed. It means that a powerful dryad is living in this forest. With the lack of sunlight throughout the forest and the absurd number of monsters. He concluded that the dryad isn’t welcoming them but doesn’t want to kill them either. It was for the best as even if the six of them fought together against a dryad, it wouldn’t last 10 seconds to finish them.

“Wake up, we need to leave the forest now. If they send more enemies towards our way, they would be certainly stronger” Kyle reminded them as Cellica bit her lips while Melissa crumpled the sleeping bag with her hands. While Aleena just gazed at the floor with a downcast expression. Kyle sighed as the irritation, anger, and sadness permeated just standing near them.

“We still have time since they wouldn’t know that the ones they sent are dead but it will be only a matter of time. " Kyle rushed them as Isaac walked towards them with an aloof expression.

“Who do you think sent them our way and how?” he asked

“I don’t know. It can’t be the shadows since they are only comprised of humans besides a few exceptions. It might be the axis of darkness and if that’s the case. We need to move much faster. Once we opened the ruins, we will be safe” Kyle spoke as Cellica wanted to ask how he knew but knowing what Kyle’s secret is. He must have entered the ruins in his last life. She can only nod as she gave back her sleeping bag to Kyle.

The group walked silently to the western part of the forest as monsters attacked them constantly. Most of it is just different types of normal wolves and a few goblins which they easily killed. As they were about to leave the forest, roots started dancing and moving erratically around them. With a swift movement, they slashed and destroyed every root attempting to grab them as a creature slowly walks over them. Trees trembled and the ground shakes as a large humanoid-like entity emerged with its body only composed of branches and leaves. Without any warning, the entity scream at the group as roots flew to the sky covering it as they were quickly surrounded and caged. They tried destroying and slashing it apart but it would regenerate faster than they can damage it.

“Dammit, do we always have to fight just to travel?” Kyle scoffed with irritation as he crossed his arms and started pondering on what to do.

“If you weren’t impulsive, we could’ve avoided this” Cellica rebuked angrily

“So let the church take my-our treasures? We would be investigated” Kyle said with anger before calming himself. Blaming each other won’t take them anywhere.

“It’s better than die a dog’s death in the middle of nowhere!” Cellica yelled as Kyle hushed her. She was about to retort only to hear quiet footsteps out of the wooden cage.


“What is your purpose in this forest?” a woman’s voice ranged. There was a hint of anger and annoyance in her tone.

“We were just passing by when we were ambushed twice. I assure you that we don’t have any ulterior plans” Kyle said respectfully as he hears a barely audible scoff from the woman outside. He knew this is a dryad but it’s not his first time encountering one.

“You expect me to believe that? A massive part of my forest was destroyed by your reckless fighting and the sound of battle keeps me awake at night.” the woman said with irritation.

“Forgive us but we are merely defending ourselves. We don’t have time to get out of the forest” Kyle said apologetically but the woman was not having it. Although she only caged them, time was still ticking.

“It wasn’t us who destroyed the forest, but those people. You merely sat and watched us fought despite destroying the forest but now that we are about the leave and all is done. Now, you get the right to blame us?” Finally, Isaac snorted before laughing as Kyle quickly blocks his mouth.

“Please, he didn’t mean it. He was just not in his right mind since he didn’t get any sleep last night” Kyle pleaded but was met with silence.

“Give me the one who spoke those blaming words to me and I will let the rest of you go” the woman spoke with no emotions but an intimidating aura seems to be surrounding her. Everyone hesitated as the woman snapped her fingers as sharp thorns emerged all around the walls of the cage.

“Last warning”

“Dammit! Bring it on!” Kyle shouted as thorns started stabbing them. With no way out and no space to move around, they can only parry each strike from each other. Aleena moved her hands splendidly as every thorn rushing towards her was cut and parried away with fast movement. While Kyle relied on his eye of foresight to deflect each of the thorns attempting to puncture his body. With his spear, he was at a major disadvantage as he can’t swing it properly without hitting anyone as he can only use the metal shaft of his weapon to stop the thorns. Cellica is having a hard time adjusting to the speed as a couple of thorns were able to wound her but she can only grit her teeth. Both Melissa and Alrich were not disturbed since the thorns simply crumbled with Melissa’s ballistic punches and Alrich’s tough dragonic claws that manifested. Out of all of them, Isaac was riddled with wounds since he isn’t that skillful with his katana as he can barely hit the thorns.

Aleena wanted to help but the thorns suddenly accelerated as she can’t even take her eyes off the oncoming thorns.

“Chaos Magic: Annihilation” Kyle shouted hurriedly as a black orb of destruction appeared in his palm before slamming it to the side of the wooden cage. The cage tried regenerating but the orb continued on obliterating anything.

“Summoning Magic: Lesser Slyph” A green spirit appeared beside Cellica’s shoulder as every blow from her creates a slash of wind that destroys the thorns attacking her. As she stabbed using her rapier quickly until a small hole appeared.

“Death’s Sword Art: Billowing Strike” A black smoke emanated in Aleena’s sword as she swings it slowly, every thorn and root that created the cage rots and dies once reaching the smoke. Aleena was having a hard time controlling the deadly smoke to avoid her companions from getting hit as this is the reason why she is swinging slowly and only in a forward motion

“Breaking Fist Art: Destroy” is a simple art that is widely used but with the skill [Eternal Berserker] that Melissa has, it was an unprecedented level of force that a large hole quickly opens in front of her. Parts of the wood flew to the air just from the impact alone.

“Black Dragons Arm Manifestation” Both Alrich’s arms were covered with black scales as the thorns simply break from hitting it. With a simple combination of punches, a hole appeared in front of him.

“Body Technique: Searing blood” Isaac gritted his teeth as he picked strength stat to boost, feeling stronger already. He swings his sword towards the thorns in a simple diagonal motion as the thorn snaps as it also activated [Fiery sense] which was a skill that allows him to perceive time slower by 10x. Seeing that a hole appeared beside him, he quickly dodges incoming thorns with ease while slashing them away. With everyone outside and no one receiving any serious injuries except for Isaac who is dripping blood from his wounds. The dryad was surprised as she didn’t expect them to survive without her help.

“As expected from the wind hero but I didn’t expect any of you to be strong enough to escape.” the dryad chuckled as Isaac was glaring at her. Noticing this, a simple flicker of her arms healed Isaac completely as green wisps surrounded him. Her previous aura and anger seemingly vanished instantly and was replaced with a gentle smile.

“No need to get agitated. I was just testing the future hero and her companions. Still, I didn’t expect a hero to associate themselves with not one but two cursed sacred weapon wielders. " the dryad chuckled like nothing happen as everyone is still on edge. Baring their fangs at the dryad who seems to be nonchalant by the whole situation.

“So can we leave now?” Cellica grumbled as the dryad smiled gently.

“Of course but answer my simple question,” the dryad said with an inquisitive look on her face.

“What is it?” Cellica said with annoyance in her tone.

“Are you aware of the dangers when the people found out that a hero is travelling with two egos?” the dryad smirked as Cellica pondered deeply on how to answer. It is true that the risk is too much for the amount of help she gets from both of them. Still, having someone who knows what the future entails and the fact that both of them are stronger than her. Is helpful in the future battles that they might attend. Besides, they are chained to an unbreakable oath that they can’t hurt each other. She gazed at the both of them as Kyle revealed his cheeky smile while Isaac remained aloof and bored.

“I’m aware” she smiled as the dryad clapped her hands.

“Impressive, as the fate has started untangling. I hope you will survive the incoming storms. " the dryad said mysteriously as Kyle can only sigh.

“Storms?” Cellica asked but the Dryad didn’t listen.

“Now, since you passed my test. What rewards would you like?”

“What rewards can you give us?” Kyle asked with eyes full of excitement.

“Depends. I can give you skills from the myriad of skills i have if you join my other test” the dryad replied


“Take the Nightmare’s Reality” the dryad smiled before revealing 6 beads of some kind of orb small enough for ingestion. It leaks of demonic energy as everyone gazed at the dryad with suspicion.

“Don’t worry, it will not kill you. It will only reveal your deepest nightmares and manifest into reality. If you kill it, then you gain my reward.” the dryad said

“Fine” Kyle grabbed one of the beads and ate it. Everyone was shocked at what happened next as black smoke covered Kyle before converging in front of him. A blonde-haired man wearing nothing but rags of leather appeared with a twisted smile. His face is similar to Kyle’s except his eyes aren’t squinted or closed. A small knife shined in his hands as he opened his mouth.

“Brother…i’m so happy to see you” he snickered before launching himself towards Kyle with his blade aiming at Kyle’s neck.

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